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Last active August 29, 2015 14:02
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Two-Octave Shepherd Organ
// octave count?
2 => int octaves;
// device to open
0 => int device;
// get from command line
if( me.args() ) me.arg(0) => Std.atoi => device;
MidiIn min;
MidiMsg msg;
// try to open MIDI port (see chuck --probe for available devices)
if( ! device ) ) me.exit();
// print out device that was opened
<<< "MIDI device:", min.num(), " -> ", >>>;
class StopEvent extends Event
int note;
Gain g => dac;
1.0 => g.gain;
StopEvent s;
fun void key(int k, int note)
note => Std.mtof => float pitch;
pitch / 261.625565 => Math.log2 => Std.fabs => float vol;
Moog hi => g;
1.0 => hi.filterSweepRate;
0.2 => hi.filterQ;
1.0 - Math.min(vol / 3, 1.0) => hi.gain;
pitch => hi.freq;
1.0 => hi.noteOn;
while (true)
s => now;
if (s.note == k)
1.0 => hi.noteOff;
// infinite time loop
while( true )
// wait on midi event
min => now;
// get the midimsg
while( min.recv( msg ) )
// <<< msg.data1, msg.data2, msg.data3 >>>;
if (msg.data1 == 144)
spork ~ key(msg.data2, msg.data2);
msg.data2 - octaves * 12=> int m;
while (m > 12)
spork ~ key(msg.data2, m);
m - octaves * 12 => m;
msg.data2 + octaves * 12 => m;
while (m < 108)
spork ~ key(msg.data2, m);
m + octaves * 12 => m;
else if (msg.data1 == 128)
msg.data2 => s.note;
else if (msg.data1 == 176 && msg.data2 == 7)
msg.data3 / 128.0 => g.gain;
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