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Last active January 28, 2022 18:24
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source <(kubectl completion zsh)
alias k='kubectl'
alias kgp='k get pods'
alias kgpw='k get pods --watch'
alias ka="k config current-context"
alias kgs="k get services"
# List pod images
alias kgpi='kubectl get pods -o=jsonpath='\''{range .items[*]}{"\n"}{}{":\t"}{range .spec.containers[*]}{.image}{", "}{end}{end}'\'' | sort'
# Get current context
alias krc='kubectl config current-context'
# List all contexts
alias klc='kubectl config get-contexts -o name | sed "s/^/ /;\|^ $(krc)$|s/ /*/"'
# Change current context
alias kcc='kubectl config use-context "$(klc | fzf -e | sed "s/^..//")"'
alias kbash='kubectl exec -it "$(k get pods -o name | fzf -e | sed "s/^pod\///")" -- bash'
alias ksh='kubectl exec -it "$(k get pods -o name | fzf -e | sed "s/^pod\///")" -- /bin/sh'
alias kl='k logs $(k get pods -o name | fzf -e | sed "s/^pod\///")'
alias klp='k logs $(k get pods -o name | fzf -e | sed "s/^pod\///") --previous'
alias kstop='k scale deployment $(kdepl) --replicas=0'
function kscale() {
echo "enter number of replicas"
read replicaCount
kubectl scale deployment $depl --replicas=$replicaCount
kdepl() {
kubectl get pods -o name | fzf -e | perl -0777 -pe "s/pod\/(.*)-[\d].*/\1/s"
ksrv() {
kubectl get services -o name | fzf -e | sed "s/service\///"
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