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Created November 4, 2010 20:23
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Wedge Co-op's upcscanned.php 2010-11-04
Copyright 2001, 2004 Wedge Community Co-op
This file is part of IS4C.
IS4C is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
(at your option) any later version.
IS4C is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
in the file license.txt along with IS4C; if not, write to the Free Software
Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA
require_once("./additem.php"); // addItem(),adddiscount()
require_once("./loadProduct.php"); // loadProduct(),getItemQuantity(),makeItemList(),parseUPC()
require_once("./maindisplay.php"); // topdisplay()
//require_once("./mcoupon.php"); // couponcode()
require_once("./refundContactCheck.php"); // refundContactCheck()
require_once("./session.php"); // lineFlagReset()
require_once("./tender.php"); // ttl()
require_once("./couponSpecial.php"); // couponspecial($upc) for NCGA holiday pie coupons apbw 10/16/09
function upcscanned($entered) {
// load the product row, applying any toggles, returning any errors
$product = loadProduct($entered, true, false);
if (!$product)
return trim($entered)."<br><b>is not a valid item</b>";
if (!is_array($product))
return $product;
// hard coded for Wedge -- NCGA holiday pie coupons apbw 10/16/2009 (turn off after 1/03/2010)
if( true ) { // TODO: do we still need this?
if (in_array($product["upc"], array("0051234599276","0051234699276","0051234799276"))) {
return couponspecial($product["upc"]);
// get the quantity from session vars
$quantity = getItemQuantity($product["scale"]);
// check for coupon
if ($product["trans_subtype"] == "CP") {
/* for testing:
0009396651245 -- item (dept 4, ref groc)
0059396600075 -- -$.75 coupon
0059396600001 -- free item coupon
0059396600013 -- -$1.00 on 4 items coupon
0000787923028 -- item (dept 4, ref groc)
0050787900075 -- -$.75 coupon
0050787900013 -- -$1.00 on 4 items coupon
// parse coupon barcode components
$mfr = substr($product["upc"],3,5);
$fam = substr($product["upc"],8,3);
$val = substr($product["upc"],11);
// check for 992-bypass coupons
if ($fam == "992") {
if (!$_SESSION["couponDept"]) {
return true;
$product["department"] = $_SESSION["couponDept"];
} else {
// count coupons, voided coupons and items (excluding or limiting to refunds, depending)
$tdb = tDataConnect();
if (!$tdb)
return "Database error";
$query = "
WHEN trans_subtype = 'CP' THEN NULL
ELSE unitPrice
END)) AS unitPrice,
MAX(department) AS department,
WHEN trans_subtype = 'CP' THEN 0
ELSE ItemQtty
END) AS ItemQtty,
WHEN trans_subtype = 'CP' THEN -quantity
ELSE quantity
END) AS quantity
FROM localtemptrans
SUBSTRING(upc,4,5) = '".$mfr."'
AND ".($_SESSION["refund"] ? "" : "NOT")." (
trans_status = 'R'
OR (trans_status = 'C' AND quantity < 0)
OR (trans_status = 'V' AND quantity > 0)
AND trans_status NOT IN ('M','S','J','D')
$result = sql_query($query, $tdb);
if (!$result)
return "Could not query couponable items";
$row = sql_fetch_array($result);
if (!$row)
return "No applicable product found in transaction";
// validate quantity
if ($_SESSION["refund"])
$row["quantity"] = -$row["quantity"];
if ($row["quantity"] < 1)
return "Coupon already applied for this item";
if ($product["quantity"] > $row["ItemQtty"])
return "Coupon requires ".$product["quantity"]." items, but only ".$row["ItemQtty"]." item(s) found";
// set coupon department and value
$product["department"] = $row["department"];
if ($product["groupprice"] == 0)
$product["groupprice"] = number_format(-$row["unitPrice"], 2, '.', '');
} else {
// validate department
if (isset($_SESSION["limitToDept"]) && $_SESSION["limitToDept"] != 0) {
if (!in_array($product["department"], explode(',',$_SESSION["limitToDept"]))) {
return "Items from that department may not be rung at this register";
// validate weight or quantity
if ($product["scale"] == 1) {
// don't check $quantity, it might be negative with a tare and negative is a different error, we want to know if
// there was any weight/qty *before* the tare
if ($_SESSION["quantity"] == 0) {
if ($_SESSION["weight"] == 0) {
// this weighed item has no weight or quantity specified
if ($_SESSION["wgtRequested"] == 0) {
// first try polling the scale for the current weight
// and set a timer to re-ring this item in .7 seconds
$_SESSION["wgtRequested"] = 1;
echo "<SCRIPT type='text/javascript'>\n"
."lockScreen = setTimeout('document.forms[0].elements[0].value = \"".$_SESSION["strEntered"]
."\"; document.forms[0].submit();', 700)\n"
return true;
// if we already tried polling, then prompt the cashier
$_SESSION["SNR"] = 1;
$_SESSION["wgtRequested"] = 0;
return "Please put item on scale";
} else if ($_SESSION["scale"] == 0) {
$_SESSION["SNR"] = 1;
$_SESSION["waitforScale"] = 1;
return true;
} else {
if ((int)$quantity != $quantity && $product["upc"] != "0000000008006") { // hardcode wedge stock payment plu
return "Fractional quantity cannot be accepted for this item";
/* we might need this after all, for by-each priced items
} else if ($product["scaleprice"] != null && $quantity != 1) {
return "Cannot ring multiples of scale labeled items; please scan each label separately";
if ($product["qttyEnforced"] == 1 && $_SESSION["quantity"] == 0) {
if ($_SESSION["qttyvalid"] != 1) {
if ($_SESSION["msgrepeat"] == 0) {
return true;
// set msgrepeat back to 0 to allow further prompts/endorsements below,
// but also set qttyvalid to remember that we already did this one
$_SESSION["qttyvalid"] = 1;
$_SESSION["msgrepeat"] = 0;
} else {
$_SESSION["qttyvalid"] = 1;
if ($quantity <= 0) {
if ($product["scale"] == 1 && $_SESSION["tare"] > 0) {
addtare(0); // since additem wasn't called, enter the new 0 tare in localtemptrans; otherwise the receipt prints the previous tare and there's no record of it being reset to 0. apbw 2/11/2008
return "Item weight must be greater than tare weight";
return "Item quantity must be positive";
// validate special items
if ($product["upc"] == "0000000008005") { // hardcode wedge member discount coupon
$used = couponsused();
if ($_SESSION["memberID"] == "0") {
return true;
} else if ($_SESSION["isMember"] == 0) {
return "Member discount not applicable";
} else if ($quantity + $used > 3) { // hardcode coupon limit 3
return "Number of coupons exceeds maximum allowable";
} else if ($_SESSION["percentDiscount"] > 0) {
return $_SESSION["percentDiscount"]."% discount already applied";
} else if ((str_replace(',','',$_SESSION["discountableSubtotal"])) < (($quantity + $used) * 25)) {
return "Discount exceeds discountable purchase total";
} else if ($product["upc"] == "0000000008006") { // hardcode wedge stock payment
if ($_SESSION["memberID"] == "0") {
return true;
} else if (strlen($_SESSION["memberID"]) < 6) { // hardcode wedge non-staff member id length
return "Cannot accept Stock Payment from Customer No. ".$_SESSION["memberID"];
} else if ($product["upc"] == "0000000008011") { // hardcode class registration plu
if ($_SESSION["quantity"] == 0) {
// if ($_SESSION["refund"] != 0)
// return "Integrated class refunds not supported; please refund the amount manually";
return true;
// get refund details
if ($_SESSION["refundModule"] == 1 && $_SESSION["refund"] == 1
&& empty($_SESSION["refundInfo"]["reason"])
&& empty($_SESSION["refundInfo"]["action"])
) { // require the refund form to be completed before adding the item
echo "<SCRIPT type='text/javascript'>'./refundForm.php';</script>"; // refund module upgrade 12/11/08 apbw
return true;
} // coupon?
// generate item rows (including volume discount rows, if applicable)
$list = makeItemList($product, $quantity, $_SESSION["refund"], false);
if (!$list)
return "Invalid item";
if (!is_array($list))
return $list;
// tally totals for all item rows to be added
$total = 0.00;
$discount = 0.00;
$memDiscount = 0.00;
foreach ($list as $i) {
if ($i && is_array($i)) {
$total += $i["total"];
$discount += $i["discount"];
$memDiscount += $i["memDiscount"];
$total = number_format($total, 2, '.', '');
// show endorsement/confirmation prompts
if ($_SESSION["msgrepeat"] == 0) {
if ($product["trans_subtype"] == "CP") {
if ($_SESSION["refund"] == 1) {
$_SESSION["boxMsg"] = "To refund a coupon you must return the physical coupon to the customer."
."<FONT size='-1'><p>[enter] to continue<br>[clear] to cancel</FONT>";
return true;
} else if ($_SESSION["refund"] != 1) {
// non-coupon, non-refund
if ($product["scale"] == 1 && $_SESSION["weight"] != 0 && $_SESSION["weight"] == $_SESSION["lastWeight"]) {
//$_SESSION["keepTare"] = 1; // no longer needed
$_SESSION["screset"] = "rePoll";
$_SESSION["boxMsg"] = "<b>identical scale readings</b><p><font size=-1>[clear] to cancel<br>[enter] to continue</font>";
return true;
// TODO: review procedures for REFUNDING misc pay-ins that require endorsement
switch ($product["upc"]) {
case "0000000008006": // hardcode stock payment plu
if ($total > 80.00) {
return "$80.00 limit exceeded";
$_SESSION["tenderamt"] = $total;
if ($_SESSION["newMember"] == 0) { // apbw 11/04/09 print stock slips for payments on account (don't endorse new member form)
$_SESSION["endorseType"] = "stockSlip";
$_SESSION["boxMsg"] = "<B>".$total." stock payment for ".$_SESSION["memberID"]." ".$_SESSION["lastName"]."?</B><BR>press [enter] to print slip<P><FONT size='-1'>[clear] to cancel</FONT>";
} else {
$_SESSION["endorseType"] = "stock";
$_SESSION["boxMsg"] = "<B>".$total." stock payment</B><BR>press [enter] to endorse<P><FONT size='-1'>[clear] to cancel</FONT>";
return true;
case "0000000008010": // hardcode gift cert plu
$_SESSION["endorseType"] = "giftcert";
$_SESSION["tenderamt"] = $total;
$_SESSION["boxMsg"] = "<B>".$total." gift certificate</B><BR>insert document<BR>press [enter] to endorse<P><FONT size='-1'>[clear] to cancel</FONT>";
return true;
case "0000000008011": // hardcode class registration plu
$_SESSION["endorseType"] = "classreg";
$_SESSION["tenderamt"] = $total;
$_SESSION["boxMsg"] = "<B>".$total." class registration</B><BR>insert form<BR>press [enter] to endorse<P><FONT size='-1'>[clear] to cancel</FONT>";
return true;
case "0000000008012":
case "0000000008015":
case "0000000008016":
case "0000000008017":
case "0000000008018":
$_SESSION["endorseType"] = "specorderdeposit";
$_SESSION["tenderamt"] = $total;
$_SESSION["boxMsg"] = "<B>".$total." HBC Deposit </B><BR>insert form<BR>press [enter] to endorse<P><FONT size='-1'>[clear] to cancel</FONT>";
return true;
// add all necessary lines
$n = 0;
foreach ($list as $x => $i) {
if ($i && is_array($i) && $i["quantity"] != 0) {
if ($x == 3 && $i["discounttype"] == 3) { // case discount doesn't apply to voldisc lines
$i['upc'], $i['description'],
$i['trans_type'], $i['trans_subtype'], $i['trans_status'],
$i['department'], $i['cost'],
$i['quantity'], $i['unitPrice'], $i['total'], $i['regPrice'],
$i['scale'], $i['tax'], $i['foodstamp'],
$i['discount'], $i['memDiscount'], $i['discountable'], $i['discounttype'],
$i['ItemQtty'], $i['volDiscType'], $i['volume'], $i['VolSpecial'],
$i['mixMatch'], $i['matched'], $i['voided'],
$i['numflag'], '',
0, 0, 0, 0,
'', 0, 0
if (!$n)
error_log("upcscanned(".$entered.") added no items");
// reset everything
$_SESSION["msgrepeat"] = 0;
$_SESSION["tare"] = 0;
if ($product["scale"] == 1)
$_SESSION["lastWeight"] = $_SESSION["weight"];
$_SESSION["ttlflag"] = 0;
$_SESSION["ttlrequested"] = 0;
$_SESSION["fntlflag"] = 0;
// add discount notifications
if ($product["discounttype"] == 1) {
adddiscount($discount, $product["department"]);
} else if ($product["discounttype"] == 2 && $_SESSION["isMember"] != 0) {
adddiscount($memDiscount, $product["department"]);
} else if ($product["discounttype"] == 4 && $_SESSION["isStaff"] != 0) {
adddiscount($memDiscount, $product["department"]);
// jqh 04/07/06 hardcode, if member is inactive because stock pmt due, and they buy stock, then ttl() transaction to update isMember and give discounts
if (strpos($_SESSION["memMsg"],"INACTIVE - STOCK PMT DUE") && $product["upc"] == "0000000008006") {
// if refund module is turned on, check for contact info -- apbw 1/19/08
if ($_SESSION["refundModule"] == 1 && $_SESSION["refundTotal"] != 0) {
$page = refundContactCheck(true);
if ($page)
return true;
} // upcscanned()
function couponsused() {
$db = tDataConnect();
$query = "select sum(ItemQtty) as couponsused from localtemptrans where upc = '0000000008005' group by upc";
$result = sql_query($query, $db);
$num_rows = sql_num_rows($result);
if ($num_rows > 0) {
$row = sql_fetch_array($result);
$couponsused = nullwrap($row["couponsused"]);
else $couponsused = 0;
return $couponsused;
} // couponsused()
/* not used --atf 2010-02-25
function couponTotal() {
$db = tDataConnect();
$query = "select sum(total) as couponTotal from localtemptrans where upc = '0000000008005'";
$result = sql_query($query, $db);
$num_rows = sql_num_rows($result);
if ($num_rows > 0) {
$row = sql_fetch_array($result);
$couponTotal = (-1 * 10) * nullwrap($row["couponTotal"]);
else $couponTotal = 0;
return $couponTotal;
} // couponTotal()
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