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Forked from mages/KalmanFilterExample.R
Created October 7, 2020 21:47
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mycols <- topo.colors(100,0.5)
xhat <- c(0.2, -0.2)
Sigma <- matrix(c(0.4, 0.3,
0.3, 0.45), ncol=2)
x1 <- seq(-2, 4,length=151)
x2 <- seq(-4, 2,length=151)
f <- function(x1,x2, mean=xhat, varcov=Sigma)
dmnorm(cbind(x1,x2), mean,varcov)
z <- outer(x1,x2, f)
image(x1,x2,z, col=mycols, main="Prior density",
xlab=expression('x'[1]), ylab=expression('x'[2]))
contour(x1,x2,z, add=TRUE)
points(0.2, -0.2, pch=19)
text(0.1, -0.2, labels = expression(hat(x)), adj = 1)
R <- 0.5 * Sigma
z2 <- outer(x1,x2, f, mean=c(2.3, -1.9), varcov=R)
image(x1, x2, z2, col=mycols, main="Sensor density")
contour(x1, x2, z2, add=TRUE)
points(2.3, -1.9, pch=19)
text(2.2, -1.9, labels = "y", adj = 1)
contour(x1, x2,z, add=TRUE)
points(0.2, -0.2, pch=19)
text(0.1, -0.2, labels = expression(hat(x)), adj = 1)
G = diag(2)
y <- c(2.4, -1.9)
xhatf <- xhat + Sigma %*% t(G) %*% solve(G %*% Sigma %*% t(G) + R) %*% (y - G %*% xhat)
Sigmaf <- Sigma - Sigma %*% t(G) %*% solve(G %*% Sigma %*% t(G) + R) %*% G %*% Sigma
z3 <- outer(x1, x2, f, mean=c(xhatf), varcov=Sigmaf)
image(x1, x2, z3, col=mycols,
xlab=expression('x'[1]), ylab=expression('x'[2]),
main="Filtered density")
contour(x1, x2, z3, add=TRUE)
points(xhatf[1], xhatf[2], pch=19)
text(xhatf[1]-0.1, xhatf[2],
labels = expression(hat(x)[f]), adj = 1)
lb <- adjustcolor("black", alpha=0.5)
contour(x1, x2, z, add=TRUE, col=lb)
points(0.2, -0.2, pch=19, col=lb)
text(0.1, -0.2, labels = expression(hat(x)), adj = 1, col=lb)
contour(x1, x2, z2, add=TRUE, col=lb)
points(2.3, -1.9, pch=19, col=lb)
text(2.2, -1.9,labels = "y", adj = 1, col=lb)
A <- matrix(c(1.2, 0,
0, -0.2), ncol=2)
Q <- 0.3 * Sigma
K <- A %*% Sigma %*% t(G) %*% solve(G%*% Sigma %*% t(G) + R)
xhatnew <- A %*% xhat + K %*% (y - G %*% xhat)
Sigmanew <- A %*% Sigma %*% t(A) - K %*% G %*% Sigma %*% t(A) + Q
z4 <- outer(x1,x2, f, mean=c(xhatnew), varcov=Sigmanew)
image(x1, x2, z4, col=mycols,
xlab=expression('x'[1]), ylab=expression('x'[2]),
main="Predictive density")
contour(x1, x2, z4, add=TRUE)
points(xhatnew[1], xhatnew[2], pch=19)
text(xhatnew[1]-0.1, xhatnew[2],
labels = expression(hat(x)[new]), adj = 1)
contour(x1, x2, z3, add=TRUE, col=lb)
points(xhatf[1], xhatf[2], pch=19, col=lb)
text(xhatf[1]-0.1, xhatf[2], col=lb,
labels = expression(hat(x)[f]), adj = 1)
contour(x1, x2, z, add=TRUE, col=lb)
points(0.2, -0.2, pch=19, col=lb)
text(0.1, -0.2, labels = expression(hat(x)), adj = 1, col=lb)
contour(x1, x2, z2, add=TRUE, col=lb)
points(2.3, -1.9, pch=19, col=lb)
text(2.2, -1.9,labels = "y", adj = 1, col=lb)
## Plot all stages with lattice
grid <- expand.grid(x=x1,y=x2)
grid$Prior <- as.vector(z)
grid$Likelihood <- as.vector(z2)
grid$Posterior <- as.vector(z3)
grid$Predictive <- as.vector(z4)
contourplot(Prior + Likelihood + Posterior + Predictive ~ x*y,
data=grid, col.regions=mycols, region=TRUE,
main="Kalman Filter",
panel.grid(h=-1, v=-1)
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