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##Decoupling Backbone with the Mediator and Facade patterns

In this section we'll discuss applying some of the concepts I cover in my article on Large-scale JavaScript Application development to Backbone.


At a high-level, one architecture that works for such applications is something which is:

  • Highly decoupled: encouraging modules to only publish and subscribe to events of interest rather than directly communicating with each other. This helps us to build applications which who's units of code aren't highly tied (coupled) together and can thus be reused more easily.
  • Supports module-level security: whereby modules are only able to execute behaviour they've been permitted to. Application security is an area which is often overlooked in JavaScript applications, but can be quite easily implemented in a flexible manner.
  • Supports failover: allowing an application continuing to function even if particular modules fail. The typical example I give of this is the GMail chat widget. Imagine being able to build applications in a way that if one widget on the page fails (e.g chat), the rest of your application (mail) can continue to function without being affected.

This is an architecture which has been implemented by a number of different companies in the past, including Yahoo! (for their modularized homepage - which Nicholas Zakas has spoken about) and AOL for some of our upcoming projects.

The three design patterns that make this architecture possible are the:

  • Module pattern: used for encapsulating unique blocks of code, where functions and variables can be kept either public or private. ('private' in the simulation of privacy sense, as of course don't have true privacy in JavaScript)
  • Mediator pattern: used when the communication between modules may be complex, but is still well defined. If it appears a system may have too many relationships between modules in your code, it may be time to have a central point of control, which is where the pattern fits in.
  • Facade pattern: used for providing a convenient higher-level interface to a larger body of code, hiding its true underlying complexity

Their specific roles in this architecture can be found below.

  • Modules: There are almost two concepts of what defines a module. As AMD is being used as a module wrapper, technically each model, view and collection can be considered a module. We then have the concept of modules being distinct blocks of code outside of just MVC/MV*. For the latter, these types of 'modules' are primarily concerned with broadcasting and subscribing to events of interest rather than directly communicating with each other.They are made possible through the Mediator pattern.
  • Mediator: The mediator has a varying role depending on just how you wish to implement it. In my article, I mention using it as a module manager with the ability to start and stop modules at will, however when it comes to Backbone, I feel that simplifying it down to the role of a central 'controller' that provides pub/sub capabilities should suffice. One can of course go all out in terms of building a module system that supports module starting, stopping, pausing etc, however the scope of this is outside of this chapter.
  • Facade: This acts as a secure middle-layer that both abstracts an application core (Mediator) and relays messages from the modules back to the Mediator so they don't touch it directly. The Facade also performs the duty of application security guard; it checks event notifications from modules against a configuration (permissions.js, which we will look at later) to ensure requests from modules are only processed if they are permitted to execute the behaviour passed.

For ease of reference, I sometimes refer to these three patterns grouped together as Aura (a word that means subtle, luminous light).


For the practical section of this chapter, we'll be extending the well-known Backbone Todo application using the three patterns mentioned above. The complete code for this section can be found here: and should ideally be run on at minimum, a local HTTP server.

The application is broken down into AMD modules that cover everything from Backbone models through to application-level modules. The views publish events of interest to the rest of the application and modules can then subscribe to these event notifications.

All subscriptions from modules go through a facade (or sandbox). What this does is check against the subscriber name and the 'channel/notification' it's attempting to subscribe to. If a channel doesn't have permissions to be subscribed to (something established through permissions.js), the subscription isn't permitted.


Found in aura/mediator.js

Below is a very simple AMD-wrapped implementation of the mediator pattern, based on prior work by Ryan Florence. It accepts as it's input an object, to which it attaches publish() and subscribe() methods. In a larger application, the mediator can contain additional utilities, such as handlers for initialising, starting and stopping modules, but for demonstration purposes, these two methods should work fine for our needs.

define([], function(obj){

  var channels = {};
  if (!obj) obj = {};

  obj.subscribe = function (channel, subscription) {
    if (!channels[channel]) channels[channel] = [];

  obj.publish = function (channel) {
    if (!channels[channel]) return;
    var args = [], 1);
    for (var i = 0, l = channels[channel].length; i < l; i++) {
      channels[channel][i].apply(this, args);

  return obj;



Found in aura/facade.js

Next, we have an implementation of the facade pattern. Now the classical facade pattern applied to JavaScript would probably look a little like this:

var module = (function() {
    var _private = {
        get : function() {
            console.log('current value:' + this.i);
        set : function( val ) {
            this.i = val;
        run : function() {
        jump: function(){
    return {
        facade : function( args ) {
            if ( ) {
module.facade({run: true, val:10});
//outputs current value: 10, running

It's effectively a variation of the module pattern, where instead of simply returning an interface of supported methods, your API can completely hide the true implementation powering it, returning something simpler. This allows the logic being performed in the background to be as complex as necessary, whilst all the end-user experiences is a simplified API they pass options to (note how in our case, a single method abstraction is exposed). This is a beautiful way of providing APIs that can be easily consumed.

That said, to keep things simple, our implementation of an AMD-compatible facade will act a little more like a proxy. Modules will communicate directly through the facade to access the mediator's publish() and subscribe() methods, however, they won't as such touch the mediator directly.This enables the facade to provide application-level validation of any subscriptions and publications made.

It also allows us to implement a simple, but flexible, permissions checker (as seen below) which will validate subscriptions made against a permissions configuration to see whether it's permitted or not.

define([ "../aura/mediator" , "../aura/permissions" ], function (mediator, permissions) {

    var facade = facade || {};

	facade.subscribe = function(subscriber, channel, callback){

		// Note: Handling permissions/security is optional here
		// The permissions check can be removed 
		// to just use the mediator directly.
		if(permissions.validate(subscriber, channel)){
			mediator.subscribe( channel, callback );

	facade.publish = function(channel){
		mediator.publish( channel );
	return facade;



Found in aura/permissions.js

In our simple permissions configuration, we support checking against subscription requests to establish whether they are allowed to clear. This enforces a flexible security layer for the application.

To visually see how this works, consider changing say, permissions -> renderDone -> todoCounter to be false. This will completely disable the application from from rendering or displaying the counts component for Todo items left (because they aren't allowed to subscribe to that event notification). The rest of the Todo app can still however be used without issue.

It's a very dumbed down example of the potential for application security, but imagine how powerful this might be in a large app with a significant number of visual widgets.

define([], function () {

	// Permissions

	// A permissions structure can support checking
	// against subscriptions prior to allowing them 
	// to clear. This enforces a flexible security 
	// layer for your application.

	var permissions = {

		newContentAvailable: {





			todoCounter:true //switch to false to see what happens :)




	permissions.validate = function(subscriber, channel){
		var test = permissions[channel][subscriber];
		return test===undefined? false: test;

	return permissions;



Found in subscribers.js

Subscriber 'modules' communicate through the facade back to the mediator and perform actions when a notification event of a particular name is published.

For example, when a user enters in a new piece of text for a Todo item and hits 'enter' the application publishes a notification saying two things: a) a new Todo item is available and b) the text content of the new item is X. It's then left up to the rest of the application to do with this information whatever it wishes.

In order to update your Backbone application to primarily use pub/sub, a lot of the work you may end up doing will be moving logic coupled inside of specific views to modules outside of it which are reactionary.

Take the todoSaver for example - it's responsibility is saving new Todo items to models once the a notificationName called 'newContentAvailable' has fired. If you take a look at the permissions structure in the last code sample, you'll notice that 'newContentAvailable' is present there. If I wanted to prevent subscribers from being able to subscribe to this notification, I simply set it to a boolean value of false.

Again, this is a massive oversimplification of how advanced your permissions structures could get, but it's certainly one way of controlling what parts of your application can or can't be accessed by specific modules at any time.

define(["jquery", "underscore", "aura/facade"], 
function ($, _, facade) {

    // Subscription 'modules' for our views. These take the 
    // the form facade.subscribe( subscriberName, notificationName , callBack )

    // Update view with latest todo content
    // Subscribes to: newContentAvailable

    facade.subscribe('contentUpdater', 'newContentAvailable', function (context) {
        var content = context.model.get('content');
        context.input = context.$('.todo-input');
        context.input.bind('blur', context.close);

    // Save models when a user has finishes editing
    // Subscribes to: endContentEditing
    facade.subscribe('todoSaver','endContentEditing', function (context) {
        try {
                content: context.input.val()
        } catch (e) {

    // Delete a todo when the user no longer needs it
    // Subscribes to: destroyContent
    facade.subscribe('todoRemover','destroyContent', function (context) {
        try {
        } catch (e) {

    // When a user is adding a new entry, display a tooltip
    // Subscribes to: addingNewTodo
    facade.subscribe('todoTooltip','addingNewTodo', function (context, todo) {
        var tooltip = context.$(".ui-tooltip-top");
        var val = context.input.val();
        if (context.tooltipTimeout) clearTimeout(context.tooltipTimeout);
        if (val == '' || val == context.input.attr('placeholder')) return;
        var show = function () {
        context.tooltipTimeout = _.delay(show, 1000);

    // Update editing UI on switching mode to editing content
    // Subscribes to: beginContentEditing
    facade.subscribe('editFocus','beginContentEditing', function (context) {

    // Create a new todo entry 
    // Subscribes to: createWhenEntered
    facade.subscribe('keyboardManager','createWhenEntered', function (context, e, todos) {
        if (e.keyCode != 13) return;

    // A Todo and remaining entry counter
    // Subscribes to: renderDone
    facade.subscribe('todoCounter','renderDone', function (context, Todos) {
        var done = Todos.done().length;
            total: Todos.length,
            done: Todos.done().length,
            remaining: Todos.remaining().length

    // Clear all completed todos when clearContent is dispatched
    // Subscribes to: clearContent
    facade.subscribe('garbageCollector','clearContent', function (Todos) {
        _.each(Todos.done(), function (todo) {


That's it for this section. If you've been intrigued by some of the concepts covered, I encourage you to consider taking a look at my slides on Large-scale JS from the jQuery Summit or my longer post on the topic here for more information.

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