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Created August 12, 2023 23:39
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Terraria Mod Sword
using Microsoft.Xna.Framework;
using Terraria;
using Terraria.ID;
using Terraria.ModLoader;
namespace DrewsSword.Items
public class DrewSword : ModItem
// The Display Name and Tooltip of this item can be edited in the Localization/en-US_Mods.DrewsSword.hjson file.
public override void SetDefaults()
Item.damage = 100;
Item.DamageType = DamageClass.Melee;
Item.width = 40;
Item.height = 40;
Item.useTime = 10;
Item.useAnimation = 10;
Item.useStyle = 1;
Item.knockBack = 6;
Item.value = 10000;
Item.rare = 2;
Item.UseSound = SoundID.Item1;
Item.autoReuse = true;
public override void AddRecipes()
Recipe recipe = CreateRecipe();
recipe.AddIngredient(ItemID.DirtBlock, 10);
public override void MeleeEffects(Player player, Rectangle hitbox)
if (Main.rand.NextBool(3))
// Emit dusts when the sword is swung
Dust.NewDust(new Vector2(hitbox.X, hitbox.Y), hitbox.Width, hitbox.Height, 74);
public override void OnHitNPC(Player player, NPC target, NPC.HitInfo hit, int damageDone)
// Inflict the OnFire debuff for 1 second onto any NPC/Monster that this hits.
// 60 frames = 1 second
target.AddBuff(BuffID.OnFire, 60);