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Last active May 4, 2017 11:55
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plugin Fishing v1.2.2 by Colon Blow, Oxide plugin. Edited by JDroo
//I take no credit for the making of this plugin, It belongs to Colon Blow, I only edited text and images used.
//might have to remove the Fishing.json in the lang folder and in the config folder.
//and use "reload Fishing" in the server console if you have loaded this plugin already, than it should all work!
using System;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using UnityEngine;
using System.Reflection;
using Oxide.Game.Rust.Cui;
using Facepunch.Extend;
namespace Oxide.Plugins
[Info("Fishing", "Colon Blow, texture by JDroo, removed missed fish text for it being a bit to spammy", "1.2.2", ResourceId = 1537)]
class Fishing : RustPlugin
public int fishchance;
public int fishchancemodweapon;
public int fishchancemodattire;
public int fishchancemoditem;
public int fishchancemodtime;
public string FishIcon;
public string chancetext1;
public string chancetext2;
public float currenttime;
public float ghitDistance;
public float whitDistance;
private static int waterlayer;
private static int groundlayer;
private bool Changed;
//string CaughtFish = "assets/content/unimplemented/fishing_rod/vm_fishing_rod/pluck_fish.prefab";
string randomlootprefab = "assets/bundled/prefabs/radtown/dmloot/dm tier3 lootbox.prefab";
Dictionary<ulong, string> GuiInfo = new Dictionary<ulong, string>();
void Loaded()
lang.RegisterMessages(messages, this);
permission.RegisterPermission("fishing.allowed", this);
void LoadDefaultConfig()
Puts("No configuration file found, generating...");
void OnServerInitialized()
waterlayer = UnityEngine.LayerMask.GetMask("Water");
groundlayer = UnityEngine.LayerMask.GetMask("Terrain", "World", "Construction");
bool IsAllowed(BasePlayer player, string perm)
if (permission.UserHasPermission(player.userID.ToString(), perm)) return true;
return false;
//Configuration Variables
public bool ShowFishCatchIcon = true;
public bool allowrandomitemchance = true;
public bool useweaponmod = true;
public bool useattiremod = true;
public bool useitemmod = true;
public bool usetimemod = true;
public int fishchancedefault = 10;
public int randomitemchance = 1;
public int fishchancemodweaponbonus = 10;
public int fishchancemodattirebonus = 10;
public int fishchancemoditembonus = 10;
public int fishchancemodtimebonus = 10;
public string iconcommonfish2 = "";
public string iconuncommonfish1 = "";
public string iconcommonfish1 = "";
public string iconrandomitem = "";
public string iconrarefish1 = "";
private void LoadVariables()
private void LoadConfigVariables()
CheckCfg("Show Fish Catch Indicator", ref ShowFishCatchIcon);
CheckCfg("Allow Random Item Chance", ref allowrandomitemchance);
CheckCfg("Allow Bonus from Weapon", ref useweaponmod);
CheckCfg("Allow Bonus from Attire", ref useattiremod);
CheckCfg("Allow Bonus from Item", ref useitemmod);
CheckCfg("Allow Bonus from Time of Day", ref usetimemod);
CheckCfg("Chance - Default to Catch Fish (Percentage)", ref fishchancedefault);
CheckCfg("Chance - Get Random World Item (Percentage)", ref randomitemchance);
CheckCfg("Bonus - From Weapon (Percentage)", ref fishchancemodweaponbonus);
CheckCfg("Bonus - From Attire (Percentage)", ref fishchancemodattirebonus);
CheckCfg("Bonus - From Items (Percentage)", ref fishchancemoditembonus);
CheckCfg("Bonus - From Time of Day (Percentage)", ref fishchancemodtimebonus);
CheckCfg("Icon - Url for Common Fish 2", ref iconcommonfish2);
CheckCfg("Icon - Url for Common Fish 1", ref iconcommonfish1);
CheckCfg("Icon - Url for UnCommon Fish 1", ref iconuncommonfish1);
CheckCfg("Icon - Url for Random Item", ref iconrandomitem);
CheckCfg("Icon - Url for Rare Fish 1", ref iconrarefish1);
private void CheckCfg<T>(string Key, ref T var)
if (Config[Key] is T)
var = (T)Config[Key];
Config[Key] = var;
private void CheckCfgFloat(string Key, ref float var)
if (Config[Key] != null)
var = System.Convert.ToSingle(Config[Key]);
Config[Key] = var;
object GetConfig(string menu, string datavalue, object defaultValue)
var data = Config[menu] as Dictionary<string, object>;
if (data == null)
data = new Dictionary<string, object>();
Config[menu] = data;
Changed = true;
object value;
if (!data.TryGetValue(datavalue, out value))
value = defaultValue;
data[datavalue] = value;
Changed = true;
return value;
//Plugin Messages that use language
Dictionary<string, string> messages = new Dictionary<string, string>()
{"missedfish", "" },
{"commonfish1", "You caught a small Trout !" },
{"commonfish2", "You caught some Minnows !" },
{"uncommonfish1", "You caught two small Trout !" },
{"rarefish1", "You caught five small Trout !" },
{"randomitem", "You found something in the water !!!" },
{"chancetext1", "Your chance to catch a fish is : " },
{"chancetext2", "% at Current time of : " }
// Modifiers that chance the chance a player will get a fish or not
void catchChanceMod(BasePlayer player)
fishchancemodweapon = 0;
fishchancemodattire = 0;
fishchancemoditem = 0;
fishchancemodtime = 0;
currenttime = TOD_Sky.Instance.Cycle.Hour;
Item activeItem = player.GetActiveItem();
if (activeItem != null && == "spear.stone" && useweaponmod)
fishchancemodweapon = fishchancemodweaponbonus;
if (activeItem != null && == "crossbow" && useweaponmod)
fishchancemodweapon = fishchancemodweaponbonus;
int hasBoonieOn = player.inventory.containerWear.GetAmount(-1397343301, true);
if (hasBoonieOn >= 1 && useattiremod)
fishchancemodattire = fishchancemodattirebonus;
int hasPookie = player.inventory.containerMain.GetAmount(640562379, true);
if (hasPookie >= 1 && useitemmod)
fishchancemoditem = fishchancemoditembonus;
if (currenttime < 8 && currenttime > 6 && usetimemod)
fishchancemodtime = fishchancemodtimebonus;
if (currenttime < 19 && currenttime > 16 && usetimemod)
fishchancemodtime = fishchancemodtimebonus;
// Checks to see if player is looking at water
bool isLookingAtWater(BasePlayer player)
whitDistance = 0;
ghitDistance = 0;
UnityEngine.Ray ray = new UnityEngine.Ray(player.eyes.position, player.eyes.HeadForward());
var hitsw = UnityEngine.Physics.RaycastAll(ray, 5f, waterlayer);
var hitsg = UnityEngine.Physics.RaycastAll(ray, 5f, groundlayer);
foreach (var hit in hitsw)
if (hit.distance == null) return false;
whitDistance = hit.distance;
foreach (var hit in hitsg)
if (hit.distance == null) return false;
ghitDistance = hit.distance;
if (whitDistance < ghitDistance && whitDistance > 0) return true;
return false;
// Chance roll to see if player gets a fish or not in Open water areas
void rollforfish(BasePlayer player, HitInfo hitInfo)
int roll = UnityEngine.Random.Range(0, 100);
fishchance = fishchancedefault+fishchancemodweapon+fishchancemodattire+fishchancemoditem+fishchancemodtime;
if (roll < fishchance)
catchFishFX(player, hitInfo);
SendReply(player, lang.GetMessage("missedfish", this));
// Effect for catching fish
void catchFishFX(BasePlayer player, HitInfo hitInfo)
int fishtyperoll = UnityEngine.Random.Range(1, 100);
if (fishtyperoll > 99)
FishIcon = iconrarefish1;
SendReply(player, lang.GetMessage("rarefish", this));
player.inventory.GiveItem(ItemManager.CreateByItemID(865679437, 5));
player.Command("note.inv", 865679437, 5);
if (fishtyperoll >= 90 && fishtyperoll < 100)
FishIcon = iconuncommonfish1;
SendReply(player, lang.GetMessage("uncommonfish1", this));
player.inventory.GiveItem(ItemManager.CreateByItemID(865679437, 2));
player.Command("note.inv", 865679437, 2);
if (fishtyperoll > 45 && fishtyperoll < 90)
FishIcon = iconcommonfish2;
SendReply(player, lang.GetMessage("commonfish2", this));
player.inventory.GiveItem(ItemManager.CreateByItemID(88869913, 1));
player.Command("note.inv", 88869913, 1);
if (fishtyperoll >= 1 && fishtyperoll <= 45)
FishIcon = iconcommonfish1;
SendReply(player, lang.GetMessage("commonfish1", this));
player.inventory.GiveItem(ItemManager.CreateByItemID(865679437, 1));
player.Command("note.inv", 865679437, 1);
if (fishtyperoll < randomitemchance && allowrandomitemchance)
FishIcon = iconrandomitem;
SendReply(player, lang.GetMessage("randomitem", this));
SpawnLootBox(player, hitInfo);
// Runs Fishing Action on player attack when all criteria are met
void OnPlayerAttack(BasePlayer attacker, HitInfo hitInfo)
var player = attacker as BasePlayer;
if (!IsAllowed(player, "fishing.allowed")) return;
if (IsAllowed(player, "fishing.allowed"))
if (hitInfo?.HitEntity as BaseCombatEntity) return;
if (hitInfo == null) return;
if (hitInfo.WeaponPrefab.ToString().Contains("spear") || hitInfo.WeaponPrefab.ToString().Contains("bow"))
if (isLookingAtWater(player))
rollforfish(player, hitInfo);
hitInfo.CanGather = true;
if (player.IsHeadUnderwater())
rollforfish(player, hitInfo);
hitInfo.CanGather = true;
// Show fish icon and player animation when catching fish
void catchFishCui(BasePlayer player)
if (ShowFishCatchIcon) FishingGui(player);
// Displays Fish catch icon
void FishingGui(BasePlayer player)
var elements = new CuiElementContainer();
GuiInfo[player.userID] = CuiHelper.GetGuid();
if (ShowFishCatchIcon)
elements.Add(new CuiElement
Name = GuiInfo[player.userID],
Parent = "Overlay",
Components =
new CuiRawImageComponent { Color = "1 1 1 1", Url = FishIcon, Sprite = "assets/content/textures/generic/fulltransparent.tga" },
new CuiRectTransformComponent { AnchorMin = "0.220 0.03", AnchorMax = "0.260 0.10" }
CuiHelper.AddUi(player, elements);
timer.Once(1f, () => DestroyCui(player));
void Unload()
foreach (var player in BasePlayer.activePlayerList)
string guiInfo;
if (GuiInfo.TryGetValue(player.userID, out guiInfo)) CuiHelper.DestroyUi(player, guiInfo);
void DestroyCui(BasePlayer player)
string guiInfo;
if (GuiInfo.TryGetValue(player.userID, out guiInfo)) CuiHelper.DestroyUi(player, guiInfo);
void cmdChatfishchance(BasePlayer player, string command, string[] args)
currenttime = TOD_Sky.Instance.Cycle.Hour;
var fishchancepercent = fishchancedefault+fishchancemodweapon+fishchancemodattire+fishchancemoditem+fishchancemodtime;
SendReply(player, lang.GetMessage("chancetext1", this) + fishchancepercent + lang.GetMessage("chancetext2", this) + currenttime);
void SpawnLootBox(BasePlayer player, HitInfo hitInfo)
var createdPrefab = GameManager.server.CreateEntity(randomlootprefab, hitInfo.HitPositionWorld);
BaseEntity entity = createdPrefab?.GetComponent<BaseEntity>();
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