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Created January 12, 2016 09:50
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var ENABLE_LOGGING = true;
// Addressing modes
// Status flags
var F_CARRY = 0;
var F_ZERO = 1;
var F_IRQ_DISABLE = 2;
var F_DECIMAL = 3;
var F_BREAK = 4;
var F_OVERFLOW = 6;
var F_NEGATIVE = 7;
// Instructions
var I_INVALID = 0;
var I_ADC = 1;
var I_AND = 2;
var I_ASL = 3;
var I_BCC = 4;
var I_BCS = 5;
var I_BEQ = 6;
var I_BIT = 7;
var I_BMI = 8;
var I_BNE = 9;
var I_BPL = 10;
var I_BRK = 11;
var I_BVC = 12;
var I_BVS = 13;
var I_CLC = 14;
var I_CLD = 15;
var I_CLI = 16;
var I_CLV = 17;
var I_CMP = 18;
var I_CPX = 19;
var I_CPY = 20;
var I_DEC = 21;
var I_DEX = 22;
var I_DEY = 23;
var I_EOR = 24;
var I_INC = 25;
var I_INX = 26;
var I_INY = 27;
var I_JMP = 28;
var I_JSR = 29;
var I_LDA = 30;
var I_LDX = 31;
var I_LDY = 32;
var I_LSR = 33;
var I_NOP = 34;
var I_ORA = 35;
var I_PHA = 36;
var I_PHP = 37;
var I_PLA = 38;
var I_PLP = 39;
var I_ROL = 40;
var I_ROR = 41;
var I_RTI = 42;
var I_RTS = 43;
var I_SBC = 44;
var I_SEC = 45;
var I_SED = 46;
var I_SEI = 47;
var I_STA = 48;
var I_STX = 49;
var I_STY = 50;
var I_TAX = 51;
var I_TAY = 52;
var I_TYA = 53;
var I_TSX = 54;
var I_TXA = 55;
var I_TXS = 56;
// CPU state
var S_RESET = 0;
var S_RUNNING = 1;
var InstrInfo = [
{ mnemonic: I_BRK, numBytes: 1, addrMode: ADDR_IMPLIED },
{ mnemonic: I_ORA, numBytes: 2, addrMode: ADDR_INDIRECT_X },
{ mnemonic: I_INVALID, numBytes: 1, addrMode: ADDR_IMPLIED },
{ mnemonic: I_INVALID, numBytes: 1, addrMode: ADDR_IMPLIED },
{ mnemonic: I_INVALID, numBytes: 1, addrMode: ADDR_IMPLIED },
{ mnemonic: I_ORA, numBytes: 2, addrMode: ADDR_ZERO_PAGE },
{ mnemonic: I_ASL, numBytes: 2, addrMode: ADDR_ZERO_PAGE },
{ mnemonic: I_INVALID, numBytes: 1, addrMode: ADDR_IMPLIED },
{ mnemonic: I_PHP, numBytes: 1, addrMode: ADDR_IMPLIED },
{ mnemonic: I_ORA, numBytes: 2, addrMode: ADDR_IMMEDIATE },
{ mnemonic: I_ASL, numBytes: 1, addrMode: ADDR_ACCUMULATOR },
{ mnemonic: I_INVALID, numBytes: 1, addrMode: ADDR_IMPLIED },
{ mnemonic: I_INVALID, numBytes: 1, addrMode: ADDR_IMPLIED },
{ mnemonic: I_ORA, numBytes: 3, addrMode: ADDR_ABSOLUTE },
{ mnemonic: I_ASL, numBytes: 3, addrMode: ADDR_ABSOLUTE },
{ mnemonic: I_INVALID, numBytes: 1, addrMode: ADDR_IMPLIED },
{ mnemonic: I_BPL, numBytes: 2, addrMode: ADDR_RELATIVE },
{ mnemonic: I_ORA, numBytes: 2, addrMode: ADDR_INDIRECT_Y },
{ mnemonic: I_INVALID, numBytes: 1, addrMode: ADDR_IMPLIED },
{ mnemonic: I_INVALID, numBytes: 1, addrMode: ADDR_IMPLIED },
{ mnemonic: I_INVALID, numBytes: 1, addrMode: ADDR_IMPLIED },
{ mnemonic: I_ORA, numBytes: 2, addrMode: ADDR_ZERO_PAGE_X },
{ mnemonic: I_ASL, numBytes: 2, addrMode: ADDR_ZERO_PAGE_X },
{ mnemonic: I_INVALID, numBytes: 1, addrMode: ADDR_IMPLIED },
{ mnemonic: I_CLC, numBytes: 1, addrMode: ADDR_IMPLIED },
{ mnemonic: I_ORA, numBytes: 3, addrMode: ADDR_ABSOLUTE_Y },
{ mnemonic: I_INVALID, numBytes: 1, addrMode: ADDR_IMPLIED },
{ mnemonic: I_INVALID, numBytes: 1, addrMode: ADDR_IMPLIED },
{ mnemonic: I_INVALID, numBytes: 1, addrMode: ADDR_IMPLIED },
{ mnemonic: I_ORA, numBytes: 3, addrMode: ADDR_ABSOLUTE_X },
{ mnemonic: I_ASL, numBytes: 3, addrMode: ADDR_ABSOLUTE_X },
{ mnemonic: I_INVALID, numBytes: 1, addrMode: ADDR_IMPLIED },
{ mnemonic: I_JSR, numBytes: 3, addrMode: ADDR_ABSOLUTE },
{ mnemonic: I_AND, numBytes: 2, addrMode: ADDR_INDIRECT_X },
{ mnemonic: I_INVALID, numBytes: 1, addrMode: ADDR_IMPLIED },
{ mnemonic: I_INVALID, numBytes: 1, addrMode: ADDR_IMPLIED },
{ mnemonic: I_BIT, numBytes: 2, addrMode: ADDR_ZERO_PAGE },
{ mnemonic: I_AND, numBytes: 2, addrMode: ADDR_ZERO_PAGE },
{ mnemonic: I_ROL, numBytes: 2, addrMode: ADDR_ZERO_PAGE },
{ mnemonic: I_INVALID, numBytes: 1, addrMode: ADDR_IMPLIED },
{ mnemonic: I_PLP, numBytes: 1, addrMode: ADDR_IMPLIED },
{ mnemonic: I_AND, numBytes: 2, addrMode: ADDR_IMMEDIATE },
{ mnemonic: I_ROL, numBytes: 1, addrMode: ADDR_ACCUMULATOR },
{ mnemonic: I_INVALID, numBytes: 1, addrMode: ADDR_IMPLIED },
{ mnemonic: I_BIT, numBytes: 3, addrMode: ADDR_ABSOLUTE },
{ mnemonic: I_AND, numBytes: 3, addrMode: ADDR_ABSOLUTE },
{ mnemonic: I_ROL, numBytes: 3, addrMode: ADDR_ABSOLUTE },
{ mnemonic: I_INVALID, numBytes: 1, addrMode: ADDR_IMPLIED },
{ mnemonic: I_BMI, numBytes: 2, addrMode: ADDR_RELATIVE },
{ mnemonic: I_AND, numBytes: 2, addrMode: ADDR_INDIRECT_Y },
{ mnemonic: I_INVALID, numBytes: 1, addrMode: ADDR_IMPLIED },
{ mnemonic: I_INVALID, numBytes: 1, addrMode: ADDR_IMPLIED },
{ mnemonic: I_INVALID, numBytes: 1, addrMode: ADDR_IMPLIED },
{ mnemonic: I_AND, numBytes: 2, addrMode: ADDR_ZERO_PAGE_X },
{ mnemonic: I_ROL, numBytes: 2, addrMode: ADDR_ZERO_PAGE_X },
{ mnemonic: I_INVALID, numBytes: 1, addrMode: ADDR_IMPLIED },
{ mnemonic: I_SEC, numBytes: 1, addrMode: ADDR_IMPLIED },
{ mnemonic: I_AND, numBytes: 3, addrMode: ADDR_ABSOLUTE_Y },
{ mnemonic: I_INVALID, numBytes: 1, addrMode: ADDR_IMPLIED },
{ mnemonic: I_INVALID, numBytes: 1, addrMode: ADDR_IMPLIED },
{ mnemonic: I_INVALID, numBytes: 1, addrMode: ADDR_IMPLIED },
{ mnemonic: I_AND, numBytes: 3, addrMode: ADDR_ABSOLUTE_X },
{ mnemonic: I_ROL, numBytes: 3, addrMode: ADDR_ABSOLUTE_X },
{ mnemonic: I_INVALID, numBytes: 1, addrMode: ADDR_IMPLIED },
{ mnemonic: I_RTI, numBytes: 1, addrMode: ADDR_IMPLIED },
{ mnemonic: I_EOR, numBytes: 2, addrMode: ADDR_INDIRECT_X },
{ mnemonic: I_INVALID, numBytes: 1, addrMode: ADDR_IMPLIED },
{ mnemonic: I_INVALID, numBytes: 1, addrMode: ADDR_IMPLIED },
{ mnemonic: I_INVALID, numBytes: 1, addrMode: ADDR_IMPLIED },
{ mnemonic: I_EOR, numBytes: 2, addrMode: ADDR_ZERO_PAGE },
{ mnemonic: I_LSR, numBytes: 2, addrMode: ADDR_ZERO_PAGE },
{ mnemonic: I_INVALID, numBytes: 1, addrMode: ADDR_IMPLIED },
{ mnemonic: I_PHA, numBytes: 1, addrMode: ADDR_IMPLIED },
{ mnemonic: I_EOR, numBytes: 2, addrMode: ADDR_IMMEDIATE },
{ mnemonic: I_LSR, numBytes: 1, addrMode: ADDR_ACCUMULATOR },
{ mnemonic: I_INVALID, numBytes: 1, addrMode: ADDR_IMPLIED },
{ mnemonic: I_JMP, numBytes: 3, addrMode: ADDR_ABSOLUTE },
{ mnemonic: I_EOR, numBytes: 3, addrMode: ADDR_ABSOLUTE },
{ mnemonic: I_LSR, numBytes: 3, addrMode: ADDR_ABSOLUTE },
{ mnemonic: I_INVALID, numBytes: 1, addrMode: ADDR_IMPLIED },
{ mnemonic: I_BVC, numBytes: 2, addrMode: ADDR_RELATIVE },
{ mnemonic: I_EOR, numBytes: 2, addrMode: ADDR_INDIRECT_Y },
{ mnemonic: I_INVALID, numBytes: 1, addrMode: ADDR_IMPLIED },
{ mnemonic: I_INVALID, numBytes: 1, addrMode: ADDR_IMPLIED },
{ mnemonic: I_INVALID, numBytes: 1, addrMode: ADDR_IMPLIED },
{ mnemonic: I_EOR, numBytes: 2, addrMode: ADDR_ZERO_PAGE_X },
{ mnemonic: I_LSR, numBytes: 2, addrMode: ADDR_ZERO_PAGE_X },
{ mnemonic: I_INVALID, numBytes: 1, addrMode: ADDR_IMPLIED },
{ mnemonic: I_CLI, numBytes: 1, addrMode: ADDR_IMPLIED },
{ mnemonic: I_EOR, numBytes: 3, addrMode: ADDR_ABSOLUTE_Y },
{ mnemonic: I_INVALID, numBytes: 1, addrMode: ADDR_IMPLIED },
{ mnemonic: I_INVALID, numBytes: 1, addrMode: ADDR_IMPLIED },
{ mnemonic: I_INVALID, numBytes: 1, addrMode: ADDR_IMPLIED },
{ mnemonic: I_EOR, numBytes: 3, addrMode: ADDR_ABSOLUTE_X },
{ mnemonic: I_LSR, numBytes: 3, addrMode: ADDR_ABSOLUTE_X },
{ mnemonic: I_INVALID, numBytes: 1, addrMode: ADDR_IMPLIED },
{ mnemonic: I_RTS, numBytes: 1, addrMode: ADDR_IMPLIED },
{ mnemonic: I_ADC, numBytes: 2, addrMode: ADDR_INDIRECT_X },
{ mnemonic: I_INVALID, numBytes: 1, addrMode: ADDR_IMPLIED },
{ mnemonic: I_INVALID, numBytes: 1, addrMode: ADDR_IMPLIED },
{ mnemonic: I_INVALID, numBytes: 1, addrMode: ADDR_IMPLIED },
{ mnemonic: I_ADC, numBytes: 2, addrMode: ADDR_ZERO_PAGE },
{ mnemonic: I_ROR, numBytes: 2, addrMode: ADDR_ZERO_PAGE },
{ mnemonic: I_INVALID, numBytes: 1, addrMode: ADDR_IMPLIED },
{ mnemonic: I_PLA, numBytes: 1, addrMode: ADDR_IMPLIED },
{ mnemonic: I_ADC, numBytes: 2, addrMode: ADDR_IMMEDIATE },
{ mnemonic: I_ROR, numBytes: 1, addrMode: ADDR_ACCUMULATOR },
{ mnemonic: I_INVALID, numBytes: 1, addrMode: ADDR_IMPLIED },
{ mnemonic: I_JMP, numBytes: 3, addrMode: ADDR_INDIRECT },
{ mnemonic: I_ADC, numBytes: 3, addrMode: ADDR_ABSOLUTE },
{ mnemonic: I_ROR, numBytes: 3, addrMode: ADDR_ABSOLUTE },
{ mnemonic: I_INVALID, numBytes: 1, addrMode: ADDR_IMPLIED },
{ mnemonic: I_BVS, numBytes: 2, addrMode: ADDR_RELATIVE },
{ mnemonic: I_ADC, numBytes: 2, addrMode: ADDR_INDIRECT_Y },
{ mnemonic: I_INVALID, numBytes: 1, addrMode: ADDR_IMPLIED },
{ mnemonic: I_INVALID, numBytes: 1, addrMode: ADDR_IMPLIED },
{ mnemonic: I_INVALID, numBytes: 1, addrMode: ADDR_IMPLIED },
{ mnemonic: I_ADC, numBytes: 2, addrMode: ADDR_ZERO_PAGE_X },
{ mnemonic: I_ROR, numBytes: 2, addrMode: ADDR_ZERO_PAGE_X },
{ mnemonic: I_INVALID, numBytes: 1, addrMode: ADDR_IMPLIED },
{ mnemonic: I_SEI, numBytes: 1, addrMode: ADDR_IMPLIED },
{ mnemonic: I_ADC, numBytes: 3, addrMode: ADDR_ABSOLUTE_Y },
{ mnemonic: I_INVALID, numBytes: 1, addrMode: ADDR_IMPLIED },
{ mnemonic: I_INVALID, numBytes: 1, addrMode: ADDR_IMPLIED },
{ mnemonic: I_INVALID, numBytes: 1, addrMode: ADDR_IMPLIED },
{ mnemonic: I_ADC, numBytes: 3, addrMode: ADDR_ABSOLUTE_X },
{ mnemonic: I_ROR, numBytes: 3, addrMode: ADDR_ABSOLUTE_X },
{ mnemonic: I_INVALID, numBytes: 1, addrMode: ADDR_IMPLIED },
{ mnemonic: I_INVALID, numBytes: 1, addrMode: ADDR_IMPLIED },
{ mnemonic: I_STA, numBytes: 2, addrMode: ADDR_INDIRECT_X },
{ mnemonic: I_INVALID, numBytes: 1, addrMode: ADDR_IMPLIED },
{ mnemonic: I_INVALID, numBytes: 1, addrMode: ADDR_IMPLIED },
{ mnemonic: I_STY, numBytes: 2, addrMode: ADDR_ZERO_PAGE },
{ mnemonic: I_STA, numBytes: 2, addrMode: ADDR_ZERO_PAGE },
{ mnemonic: I_STX, numBytes: 2, addrMode: ADDR_ZERO_PAGE },
{ mnemonic: I_INVALID, numBytes: 1, addrMode: ADDR_IMPLIED },
{ mnemonic: I_DEY, numBytes: 1, addrMode: ADDR_IMPLIED },
{ mnemonic: I_INVALID, numBytes: 1, addrMode: ADDR_IMPLIED },
{ mnemonic: I_TXA, numBytes: 1, addrMode: ADDR_IMPLIED },
{ mnemonic: I_INVALID, numBytes: 1, addrMode: ADDR_IMPLIED },
{ mnemonic: I_STY, numBytes: 3, addrMode: ADDR_ABSOLUTE },
{ mnemonic: I_STA, numBytes: 3, addrMode: ADDR_ABSOLUTE },
{ mnemonic: I_STX, numBytes: 3, addrMode: ADDR_ABSOLUTE },
{ mnemonic: I_INVALID, numBytes: 1, addrMode: ADDR_IMPLIED },
{ mnemonic: I_BCC, numBytes: 2, addrMode: ADDR_RELATIVE },
{ mnemonic: I_STA, numBytes: 2, addrMode: ADDR_INDIRECT_Y },
{ mnemonic: I_INVALID, numBytes: 1, addrMode: ADDR_IMPLIED },
{ mnemonic: I_INVALID, numBytes: 1, addrMode: ADDR_IMPLIED },
{ mnemonic: I_STY, numBytes: 2, addrMode: ADDR_ZERO_PAGE_X },
{ mnemonic: I_STA, numBytes: 2, addrMode: ADDR_ZERO_PAGE_X },
{ mnemonic: I_STX, numBytes: 2, addrMode: ADDR_ZERO_PAGE_Y },
{ mnemonic: I_INVALID, numBytes: 1, addrMode: ADDR_IMPLIED },
{ mnemonic: I_TYA, numBytes: 1, addrMode: ADDR_IMPLIED },
{ mnemonic: I_STA, numBytes: 3, addrMode: ADDR_ABSOLUTE_Y },
{ mnemonic: I_TXS, numBytes: 1, addrMode: ADDR_IMPLIED },
{ mnemonic: I_INVALID, numBytes: 1, addrMode: ADDR_IMPLIED },
{ mnemonic: I_INVALID, numBytes: 1, addrMode: ADDR_IMPLIED },
{ mnemonic: I_STA, numBytes: 3, addrMode: ADDR_ABSOLUTE_X },
{ mnemonic: I_INVALID, numBytes: 1, addrMode: ADDR_IMPLIED },
{ mnemonic: I_INVALID, numBytes: 1, addrMode: ADDR_IMPLIED },
{ mnemonic: I_LDY, numBytes: 2, addrMode: ADDR_IMMEDIATE },
{ mnemonic: I_LDA, numBytes: 2, addrMode: ADDR_INDIRECT_X },
{ mnemonic: I_LDX, numBytes: 2, addrMode: ADDR_IMMEDIATE },
{ mnemonic: I_INVALID, numBytes: 1, addrMode: ADDR_IMPLIED },
{ mnemonic: I_LDY, numBytes: 2, addrMode: ADDR_ZERO_PAGE },
{ mnemonic: I_LDA, numBytes: 2, addrMode: ADDR_ZERO_PAGE },
{ mnemonic: I_LDX, numBytes: 2, addrMode: ADDR_ZERO_PAGE },
{ mnemonic: I_INVALID, numBytes: 1, addrMode: ADDR_IMPLIED },
{ mnemonic: I_TAY, numBytes: 1, addrMode: ADDR_IMPLIED },
{ mnemonic: I_LDA, numBytes: 2, addrMode: ADDR_IMMEDIATE },
{ mnemonic: I_TAX, numBytes: 1, addrMode: ADDR_IMPLIED },
{ mnemonic: I_INVALID, numBytes: 1, addrMode: ADDR_IMPLIED },
{ mnemonic: I_LDY, numBytes: 3, addrMode: ADDR_ABSOLUTE },
{ mnemonic: I_LDA, numBytes: 3, addrMode: ADDR_ABSOLUTE },
{ mnemonic: I_LDX, numBytes: 3, addrMode: ADDR_ABSOLUTE },
{ mnemonic: I_INVALID, numBytes: 1, addrMode: ADDR_IMPLIED },
{ mnemonic: I_BCS, numBytes: 2, addrMode: ADDR_RELATIVE },
{ mnemonic: I_LDA, numBytes: 2, addrMode: ADDR_INDIRECT_Y },
{ mnemonic: I_INVALID, numBytes: 1, addrMode: ADDR_IMPLIED },
{ mnemonic: I_INVALID, numBytes: 1, addrMode: ADDR_IMPLIED },
{ mnemonic: I_LDY, numBytes: 2, addrMode: ADDR_ZERO_PAGE_X },
{ mnemonic: I_LDA, numBytes: 2, addrMode: ADDR_ZERO_PAGE_X },
{ mnemonic: I_LDX, numBytes: 2, addrMode: ADDR_ZERO_PAGE_Y },
{ mnemonic: I_INVALID, numBytes: 1, addrMode: ADDR_IMPLIED },
{ mnemonic: I_CLV, numBytes: 1, addrMode: ADDR_IMPLIED },
{ mnemonic: I_LDA, numBytes: 3, addrMode: ADDR_ABSOLUTE_Y },
{ mnemonic: I_TSX, numBytes: 1, addrMode: ADDR_IMPLIED },
{ mnemonic: I_INVALID, numBytes: 1, addrMode: ADDR_IMPLIED },
{ mnemonic: I_LDY, numBytes: 3, addrMode: ADDR_ABSOLUTE_X },
{ mnemonic: I_LDA, numBytes: 3, addrMode: ADDR_ABSOLUTE_X },
{ mnemonic: I_LDX, numBytes: 3, addrMode: ADDR_ABSOLUTE_Y },
{ mnemonic: I_INVALID, numBytes: 1, addrMode: ADDR_IMPLIED },
{ mnemonic: I_CPY, numBytes: 2, addrMode: ADDR_IMMEDIATE },
{ mnemonic: I_CMP, numBytes: 2, addrMode: ADDR_INDIRECT_X },
{ mnemonic: I_INVALID, numBytes: 1, addrMode: ADDR_IMPLIED },
{ mnemonic: I_INVALID, numBytes: 1, addrMode: ADDR_IMPLIED },
{ mnemonic: I_CPY, numBytes: 2, addrMode: ADDR_ZERO_PAGE },
{ mnemonic: I_CMP, numBytes: 2, addrMode: ADDR_ZERO_PAGE },
{ mnemonic: I_DEC, numBytes: 2, addrMode: ADDR_ZERO_PAGE },
{ mnemonic: I_INVALID, numBytes: 1, addrMode: ADDR_IMPLIED },
{ mnemonic: I_INY, numBytes: 1, addrMode: ADDR_IMPLIED },
{ mnemonic: I_CMP, numBytes: 2, addrMode: ADDR_IMMEDIATE },
{ mnemonic: I_DEX, numBytes: 1, addrMode: ADDR_IMPLIED },
{ mnemonic: I_INVALID, numBytes: 1, addrMode: ADDR_IMPLIED },
{ mnemonic: I_CPY, numBytes: 3, addrMode: ADDR_ABSOLUTE },
{ mnemonic: I_CMP, numBytes: 3, addrMode: ADDR_ABSOLUTE },
{ mnemonic: I_DEC, numBytes: 3, addrMode: ADDR_ABSOLUTE },
{ mnemonic: I_INVALID, numBytes: 1, addrMode: ADDR_IMPLIED },
{ mnemonic: I_BNE, numBytes: 2, addrMode: ADDR_RELATIVE },
{ mnemonic: I_CMP, numBytes: 2, addrMode: ADDR_INDIRECT_Y },
{ mnemonic: I_INVALID, numBytes: 1, addrMode: ADDR_IMPLIED },
{ mnemonic: I_INVALID, numBytes: 1, addrMode: ADDR_IMPLIED },
{ mnemonic: I_INVALID, numBytes: 1, addrMode: ADDR_IMPLIED },
{ mnemonic: I_CMP, numBytes: 2, addrMode: ADDR_ZERO_PAGE_X },
{ mnemonic: I_DEC, numBytes: 2, addrMode: ADDR_ZERO_PAGE_X },
{ mnemonic: I_INVALID, numBytes: 1, addrMode: ADDR_IMPLIED },
{ mnemonic: I_CLD, numBytes: 1, addrMode: ADDR_IMPLIED },
{ mnemonic: I_CMP, numBytes: 3, addrMode: ADDR_ABSOLUTE_Y },
{ mnemonic: I_INVALID, numBytes: 1, addrMode: ADDR_IMPLIED },
{ mnemonic: I_INVALID, numBytes: 1, addrMode: ADDR_IMPLIED },
{ mnemonic: I_INVALID, numBytes: 1, addrMode: ADDR_IMPLIED },
{ mnemonic: I_CMP, numBytes: 3, addrMode: ADDR_ABSOLUTE_X },
{ mnemonic: I_DEC, numBytes: 3, addrMode: ADDR_ABSOLUTE_X },
{ mnemonic: I_INVALID, numBytes: 1, addrMode: ADDR_IMPLIED },
{ mnemonic: I_CPX, numBytes: 2, addrMode: ADDR_IMMEDIATE },
{ mnemonic: I_SBC, numBytes: 2, addrMode: ADDR_INDIRECT_X },
{ mnemonic: I_INVALID, numBytes: 1, addrMode: ADDR_IMPLIED },
{ mnemonic: I_INVALID, numBytes: 1, addrMode: ADDR_IMPLIED },
{ mnemonic: I_CPX, numBytes: 2, addrMode: ADDR_ZERO_PAGE },
{ mnemonic: I_SBC, numBytes: 2, addrMode: ADDR_ZERO_PAGE },
{ mnemonic: I_INC, numBytes: 2, addrMode: ADDR_ZERO_PAGE },
{ mnemonic: I_INVALID, numBytes: 1, addrMode: ADDR_IMPLIED },
{ mnemonic: I_INX, numBytes: 1, addrMode: ADDR_IMPLIED },
{ mnemonic: I_SBC, numBytes: 2, addrMode: ADDR_IMMEDIATE },
{ mnemonic: I_NOP, numBytes: 1, addrMode: ADDR_IMPLIED },
{ mnemonic: I_INVALID, numBytes: 1, addrMode: ADDR_IMPLIED },
{ mnemonic: I_CPX, numBytes: 3, addrMode: ADDR_ABSOLUTE },
{ mnemonic: I_SBC, numBytes: 3, addrMode: ADDR_ABSOLUTE },
{ mnemonic: I_INC, numBytes: 3, addrMode: ADDR_ABSOLUTE },
{ mnemonic: I_INVALID, numBytes: 1, addrMode: ADDR_IMPLIED },
{ mnemonic: I_BEQ, numBytes: 2, addrMode: ADDR_RELATIVE },
{ mnemonic: I_SBC, numBytes: 2, addrMode: ADDR_INDIRECT_Y },
{ mnemonic: I_INVALID, numBytes: 1, addrMode: ADDR_IMPLIED },
{ mnemonic: I_INVALID, numBytes: 1, addrMode: ADDR_IMPLIED },
{ mnemonic: I_INVALID, numBytes: 1, addrMode: ADDR_IMPLIED },
{ mnemonic: I_SBC, numBytes: 2, addrMode: ADDR_ZERO_PAGE_X },
{ mnemonic: I_INC, numBytes: 2, addrMode: ADDR_ZERO_PAGE_X },
{ mnemonic: I_INVALID, numBytes: 1, addrMode: ADDR_IMPLIED },
{ mnemonic: I_SED, numBytes: 1, addrMode: ADDR_IMPLIED },
{ mnemonic: I_SBC, numBytes: 3, addrMode: ADDR_ABSOLUTE_Y },
{ mnemonic: I_INVALID, numBytes: 1, addrMode: ADDR_IMPLIED },
{ mnemonic: I_INVALID, numBytes: 1, addrMode: ADDR_IMPLIED },
{ mnemonic: I_INVALID, numBytes: 1, addrMode: ADDR_IMPLIED },
{ mnemonic: I_SBC, numBytes: 3, addrMode: ADDR_ABSOLUTE_X },
{ mnemonic: I_INC, numBytes: 3, addrMode: ADDR_ABSOLUTE_X },
{ mnemonic: I_INVALID, numBytes: 1, addrMode: ADDR_IMPLIED },
function init(component)
// Clock
component.addInput("clk", 1);
// Reset
component.addInput("reset", 1);
// Data input (from memory to the processor)
component.addInput("Di", 8);
// Address bus
component.addOutput("ADL", 8);
component.addOutput("ADH", 8);
// Data output (from the processor to memory)
component.addOutput("Do", 8);
// R/W line. When HIGH, the processor executes a READ operation, otherwise it's going to write data to memory.
component.addOutput("re", 1); // re = ReadEnable
this.CPU = new CPU();
function simulate(inputs)
var clk = inputs[0];
var reset = inputs[1];
var dataIn = inputs[2];
var res = [
if(clk === ERROR_VALUE || reset === ERROR_VALUE) {
res[0] = ERROR_VALUE;
res[1] = ERROR_VALUE;
res[2] = ERROR_VALUE;
res[3] = ERROR_VALUE;
} else if(clk != UNDEFINED_VALUE && reset != UNDEFINED_VALUE) {
this.CPU.tick(clk, reset, dataIn);
res[0] = this.CPU.addressBus & 0x000000FF;
res[1] = (this.CPU.addressBus >>> 8) & 0x000000FF;
res[2] = this.CPU.dataOut;
res[3] = this.CPU.readEnable;
return [
{ t: 1, outputs: res }
function CPU()
this.addressBus = UNDEFINED_VALUE;
this.dataOut = UNDEFINED_VALUE;
this.readEnable = UNDEFINED_VALUE;
this.registers = {
// Internal
this.instrTime = 0;
this.instruction = null;
this.prevClockLevel = UNDEFINED_VALUE;
this.PCDelta = 0;
this.status = S_RUNNING;
this.instrOffset = 0;
CPU.prototype.tick = function (clk, reset, dataIn)
if(reset === 1) {
this.registers.A = 0;
this.registers.X = 0;
this.registers.Y = 0;
this.registers.SP = 0;
this.registers.PC = 0xFFFC; // Read the reset vector.
this.registers.status = 0;
this.registers.ADL = 0;
this.registers.ADH = 0;
this.registers.BAL = 0;
this.registers.BAH = 0;
this.registers.IAL = 0;
this.registers.IAH = 0;
this.registers.RMWData = 0;
this.registers.branchOffset = 0;
this.instruction = null;
this.prevClockLevel = UNDEFINED_VALUE;
this.stepInstruction(1, 0, 1, this.registers.PC);
this.status = S_RESET;
} else {
if(this.prevClockLevel === 0 && clk === 1) {
// Rising edge of the clock.
if(this.status === S_RUNNING) {
if(this.instrTime === 0) {
// Opcode
this.instruction = InstrInfo[dataIn];
this.stepInstruction(1, 1, 1, this.registers.PC + 1);
} else {
// We already have the opcode. Execute the instruction
var mnemonic = this.instruction.mnemonic;
switch(mnemonic) {
case I_ADC:
this.execInternalOnMemoryData(this.instruction.addrMode, dataIn, this.ADC, "ADC");
case I_AND:
this.execInternalOnMemoryData(this.instruction.addrMode, dataIn, this.AND, "AND");
case I_ASL:
if(this.instruction.addrMode === ADDR_ACCUMULATOR) {
this.execSingleByteInstruction(function () {
this.registers.A = this.ASL(this.registers.A);
}, "ASL A");
} else {
this.execRMWOp(this.instruction.addrMode, dataIn, this.ASL, "ASL");
case I_BCC:
this.execBranch(dataIn, !this.getStatusBit(F_CARRY), "BCC");
case I_BCS:
this.execBranch(dataIn, this.getStatusBit(F_CARRY), "BCS");
case I_BEQ:
this.execBranch(dataIn, this.getStatusBit(F_ZERO), "BEQ");
case I_BIT:
this.execInternalOnMemoryData(this.instruction.addrMode, dataIn, this.BIT, "BIT");
case I_BMI:
this.execBranch(dataIn, this.getStatusBit(F_NEGATIVE), "BMI");
case I_BNE:
this.execBranch(dataIn, !this.getStatusBit(F_ZERO), "BNE");
case I_BPL:
this.execBranch(dataIn, !this.getStatusBit(F_NEGATIVE), "BPL");
case I_BRK:
// TODO:
case I_BVC:
this.execBranch(dataIn, !this.getStatusBit(F_OVERFLOW), "BVC");
case I_BVS:
this.execBranch(dataIn, this.getStatusBit(F_OVERFLOW), "BVS");
case I_CLC:
this.execSingleByteInstruction(this.CLC, "CLC");
case I_CLD:
this.execSingleByteInstruction(this.CLD, "CLD");
case I_CLI:
this.execSingleByteInstruction(this.CLI, "CLI");
case I_CLV:
this.execSingleByteInstruction(this.CLV, "CLV");
case I_CMP:
this.execInternalOnMemoryData(this.instruction.addrMode, dataIn, this.CMP, "CMP");
case I_CPX:
this.execInternalOnMemoryData(this.instruction.addrMode, dataIn, this.CPX, "CPX");
case I_CPY:
this.execInternalOnMemoryData(this.instruction.addrMode, dataIn, this.CPY, "CPY");
case I_DEC:
this.execRMWOp(this.instruction.addrMode, dataIn, this.DEC, "DEC");
case I_DEX:
this.execSingleByteInstruction(this.DEX, "DEX");
case I_DEY:
this.execSingleByteInstruction(this.DEY, "DEY");
case I_EOR:
this.execInternalOnMemoryData(this.instruction.addrMode, dataIn, this.EOR, "EOR");
case I_INC:
this.execRMWOp(this.instruction.addrMode, dataIn, this.INC, "INC");
case I_INX:
this.execSingleByteInstruction(this.INX, "INX");
case I_INY:
this.execSingleByteInstruction(this.INY, "INY");
case I_JMP:
this.execJMP(this.instruction.addrMode, dataIn);
case I_JSR:
case I_LDA:
this.execInternalOnMemoryData(this.instruction.addrMode, dataIn, this.LDA, "LDA");
case I_LDX:
this.execInternalOnMemoryData(this.instruction.addrMode, dataIn, this.LDX, "LDX");
case I_LDY:
this.execInternalOnMemoryData(this.instruction.addrMode, dataIn, this.LDY, "LDY");
case I_LSR:
if(this.instruction.addrMode === ADDR_ACCUMULATOR) {
this.execSingleByteInstruction(function () {
this.registers.A = this.LSR(this.registers.A);
}, "LSR A");
} else {
this.execRMWOp(this.instruction.addrMode, dataIn, this.LSR, "LSR");
case I_NOP:
this.execSingleByteInstruction(this.NOP, "NOP");
case I_ORA:
this.execInternalOnMemoryData(this.instruction.addrMode, dataIn, this.ORA, "ORA");
case I_PHA:
this.execStackPush(this.registers.A, "PHA");
case I_PHP:
this.execStackPush(this.registers.status, "PHP");
case I_PLA:
this.registers.A = this.execStackPull(dataIn, this.registers.A, "PLA");
case I_PLP:
this.registers.status = this.execStackPull(dataIn, this.registers.status, "PLP");
case I_ROL:
if(this.instruction.addrMode === ADDR_ACCUMULATOR) {
this.execSingleByteInstruction(function () {
this.registers.A = this.ROL(this.registers.A);
}, "ROL A");
} else {
this.execRMWOp(this.instruction.addrMode, dataIn, this.ROL, "ROL");
case I_ROR:
if(this.instruction.addrMode === ADDR_ACCUMULATOR) {
this.execSingleByteInstruction(function () {
this.registers.A = this.ROR(this.registers.A);
}, "ROR A");
} else {
this.execRMWOp(this.instruction.addrMode, dataIn, this.ROR, "ROR");
case I_RTI:
// TODO:
case I_RTS:
case I_SBC:
this.execInternalOnMemoryData(this.instruction.addrMode, dataIn, this.SBC, "SBC");
case I_SEC:
this.execSingleByteInstruction(this.SEC, "SEC");
case I_SED:
this.execSingleByteInstruction(this.SED, "SED");
case I_SEI:
this.execSingleByteInstruction(this.SEI, "SEI");
case I_STA:
this.execStoreOp(this.instruction.addrMode, dataIn, this.registers.A, "STA");
case I_STX:
this.execStoreOp(this.instruction.addrMode, dataIn, this.registers.X, "STX");
case I_STY:
this.execStoreOp(this.instruction.addrMode, dataIn, this.registers.Y, "STY");
case I_TAX:
this.execSingleByteInstruction(this.TAX, "TAX");
case I_TAY:
this.execSingleByteInstruction(this.TAY, "TAY");
case I_TYA:
this.execSingleByteInstruction(this.TYA, "TYA");
case I_TSX:
this.execSingleByteInstruction(this.TSX, "TSX");
case I_TXA:
this.execSingleByteInstruction(this.TXA, "TXA");
case I_TXS:
this.execSingleByteInstruction(this.TXS, "TXS");
// Unknown opcode
} else if(this.status === S_RESET) {
this.execJMP(ADDR_ABSOLUTE, dataIn);
if(this.instrTime === 0) {
// Reset completed.
this.status = S_RUNNING;
} else if(this.prevClockLevel === 1 && clk === 0) {
// Falling edge of the clock.
// Increment PC
this.registers.PC += this.PCDelta;
this.PCDelta = 0;
this.prevClockLevel = clk;
CPU.prototype.getStatusBit = function (bit)
return this.getBitValue(this.registers.status, bit);
CPU.prototype.setStatusBit = function (bit, set)
this.registers.status = this.setBitValue(this.registers.status, bit, set);
CPU.prototype.getBitValue = function (bitfield, bit)
return (bitfield >>> bit) & 0x00000001;
CPU.prototype.setBitValue = function (bitfield, bit, set)
if(set) {
bitfield |= (1 << bit);
} else {
bitfield &= ~(1 << bit);
return bitfield;
// Section A.1: Single byte instructions
CPU.prototype.execSingleByteInstruction = function (instructionFunc, opcodeStr)
print(this.instrOffset.toString(16), ": ", opcodeStr);
this.stepInstruction(0, 0, 1, this.registers.PC); // NOTE: PC has been already moved to point to the next byte from timestep T0.
// Section A.2: Internal execution on memory data
CPU.prototype.execInternalOnMemoryData = function (addrMode, dataIn, instructionFunc, opcodeStr)
if(addrMode === ADDR_IMMEDIATE) {
print(this.instrOffset.toString(16), ": ", opcodeStr, " #$", dataIn.toString(16));
}, dataIn);
this.stepInstruction(0, 1, 1, this.registers.PC + 1);
} else if(addrMode === ADDR_ZERO_PAGE) {
if(this.instrTime === 1) {
this.registers.ADL = dataIn;
this.stepInstruction(2, 0, 1, (this.registers.ADL & 0x000000FF));
} else if(this.instrTime === 2) {
print(this.instrOffset.toString(16), ": ", opcodeStr, " $", this.registers.ADL.toString(16));
}, dataIn);
this.stepInstruction(0, 1, 1, this.registers.PC + 1);
} else if(addrMode === ADDR_ZERO_PAGE_X) {
if(this.instrTime === 1) {
this.registers.BAL = dataIn;
this.stepInstruction(2, 0, 1, (this.registers.BAL & 0x000000FF));
} else if(this.instrTime === 2) {
// dataIn discarded
this.stepInstruction(3, 0, 1, (this.registers.BAL + this.registers.X) & 0x000000FF);
} else if(this.instrTime === 3) {
print(this.instrOffset.toString(16), ": ", opcodeStr, " $", this.registers.BAL.toString(16), ", X");
}, dataIn);
this.stepInstruction(0, 1, 1, this.registers.PC + 1);
} else if(addrMode === ADDR_ABSOLUTE) {
if(this.instrTime === 1) {
this.registers.ADL = dataIn;
this.stepInstruction(2, 1, 1, this.registers.PC + 1);
} else if(this.instrTime === 2) {
this.registers.ADH = dataIn;
this.stepInstruction(3, 0, 1, this.registers.ADL | (this.registers.ADH << 8));
} else if(this.instrTime === 3) {
print(this.instrOffset.toString(16), ": ", opcodeStr, " $", (this.registers.ADL | (this.registers.ADH << 8)).toString(16));
}, dataIn);
this.stepInstruction(0, 1, 1, this.registers.PC + 1);
} else if(addrMode === ADDR_ABSOLUTE_X) {
if(this.instrTime === 1) {
this.registers.BAL = dataIn;
this.stepInstruction(2, 1, 1, this.registers.PC + 1);
} else if(this.instrTime === 2) {
this.registers.BAH = dataIn;
this.stepInstruction(3, 0, 1, ((this.registers.BAL | (this.registers.BAH << 8)) + this.registers.X) & 0x0000FFFF);
} else if(this.instrTime === 3) {
// TODO: Page boundary crossing affects next instruction timestep.
// Assume that the page boundary hasn't been crossed. Bypass T4 and execute the instruction in this cycle.
print(this.instrOffset.toString(16), ": ", opcodeStr, " $", (this.registers.BAL | (this.registers.BAH << 8)).toString(16), ", X");
}, dataIn);
this.stepInstruction(0, 1, 1, this.registers.PC + 1);
} else if(addrMode === ADDR_ABSOLUTE_Y) {
if(this.instrTime === 1) {
this.registers.BAL = dataIn;
this.stepInstruction(2, 1, 1, this.registers.PC + 1);
} else if(this.instrTime === 2) {
this.registers.BAH = dataIn;
this.stepInstruction(3, 0, 1, ((this.registers.BAL | (this.registers.BAH << 8)) + this.registers.Y) & 0x0000FFFF);
} else if(this.instrTime === 3) {
// TODO: Page boundary crossing affects next instruction timestep.
// Assume that the page boundary hasn't been crossed. Bypass T4 and execute the instruction in this cycle.
print(this.instrOffset.toString(16), ": ", opcodeStr, " $", (this.registers.BAL | (this.registers.BAH << 8)).toString(16), ", Y");
}, dataIn);
this.stepInstruction(0, 1, 1, this.registers.PC + 1);
} else if(addrMode === ADDR_INDIRECT_X) {
if(this.instrTime === 1) {
this.registers.BAL = dataIn;
this.stepInstruction(2, 0, 1, this.registers.BAL);
} else if(this.instrTime === 2) {
// dataIn = discarded
this.stepInstruction(3, 0, 1, (this.registers.BAL + this.registers.X) & 0x000000FF);
} else if(this.instrTime === 3) {
this.registers.ADL = dataIn;
this.stepInstruction(4, 0, 1, (this.registers.BAL + this.registers.X + 1) & 0x000000FF);
} else if(this.instrTime === 4) {
// dataIn = ADH
this.registers.ADH = dataIn;
this.stepInstruction(5, 0, 1, this.registers.ADL | (this.registers.ADH << 8));
} else if(this.instrTime === 5) {
print(this.instrOffset.toString(16), ": ", opcodeStr, " ($", (this.registers.ADL | (this.registers.ADH << 8)).toString(16), ", X)");
}, dataIn);
this.stepInstruction(0, 1, 1, this.registers.PC + 1);
} else if(addrMode === ADDR_INDIRECT_Y) {
if(this.instrTime === 1) {
this.registers.IAL = dataIn;
this.stepInstruction(2, 0, 1, this.registers.IAL);
} else if(this.instrTime === 2) {
this.registers.BAL = dataIn;
this.stepInstruction(3, 0, 1, (this.registers.IAL + 1) & 0x000000FF);
} else if(this.instrTime === 3) {
this.registers.BAH = dataIn;
this.stepInstruction(4, 0, 1, ((this.registers.BAL | (this.registers.BAH << 8)) + this.registers.Y) & 0x0000FFFF);
} else if(this.instrTime === 4) {
// TODO: Assume no page boundary crossed.
print(this.instrOffset.toString(16), ": ", opcodeStr, " ($", this.registers.IAL.toString(16), "), Y");
}, dataIn);
this.stepInstruction(0, 1, 1, this.registers.PC + 1);
// Section A.3: Store operations
CPU.prototype.execStoreOp = function (addrMode, dataIn, dataOut, opcodeStr)
if(addrMode === ADDR_ZERO_PAGE) {
if(this.instrTime === 1) {
this.registers.ADL = dataIn;
this.stepInstruction(2, 0, 0, this.registers.ADL, dataOut);
} else if(this.instrTime === 2) {
print(this.instrOffset.toString(16), ": ", opcodeStr, " $", this.registers.ADL.toString(16));
this.stepInstruction(0, 1, 1, this.registers.PC + 1);
} else if(addrMode === ADDR_ZERO_PAGE_X) {
if(this.instrTime === 1) {
this.registers.BAL = dataIn;
this.stepInstruction(2, 0, 1, this.registers.BAL);
} else if(this.instrTime === 2) {
// data discarded
this.stepInstruction(3, 0, 0, (this.registers.BAL + this.registers.X) & 0x000000FF, dataOut);
} else if(this.instrTime === 3) {
print(this.instrOffset.toString(16), ": ", opcodeStr, " $", this.registers.BAL.toString(16), ", X");
this.stepInstruction(0, 1, 1, this.registers.PC + 1);
} else if(addrMode === ADDR_ZERO_PAGE_Y) {
if(this.instrTime === 1) {
this.registers.BAL = dataIn;
this.stepInstruction(2, 0, 1, this.registers.BAL);
} else if(this.instrTime === 2) {
// data discarded
this.stepInstruction(3, 0, 0, (this.registers.BAL + this.registers.Y) & 0x000000FF, dataOut);
} else if(this.instrTime === 3) {
print(this.instrOffset.toString(16), ": ", opcodeStr, " $", this.registers.BAL.toString(16), ", Y");
this.stepInstruction(0, 1, 1, this.registers.PC + 1);
} else if(addrMode === ADDR_ABSOLUTE) {
if(this.instrTime === 1) {
this.registers.ADL = dataIn;
this.stepInstruction(2, 1, 1, this.registers.PC + 1);
} else if(this.instrTime === 2) {
this.registers.ADH = dataIn;
this.stepInstruction(3, 0, 0, this.registers.ADL | (this.registers.ADH << 8), dataOut);
} else if(this.instrTime === 3) {
print(this.instrOffset.toString(16), ": ", opcodeStr, " $", (this.registers.ADL | (this.registers.ADH << 8)).toString(16));
this.stepInstruction(0, 1, 1, this.registers.PC + 1);
} else if(addrMode === ADDR_ABSOLUTE_X) {
if(this.instrTime === 1) {
this.registers.BAL = dataIn;
this.stepInstruction(2, 1, 1, this.registers.PC + 1);
} else if(this.instrTime === 2) {
this.registers.BAH = dataIn;
this.stepInstruction(3, 0, 1, ((this.registers.BAL | (this.registers.BAH << 8)) + this.registers.X) & 0x0000FFFF);
} else if(this.instrTime === 3) {
// data discarded
this.stepInstruction(4, 0, 0, ((this.registers.BAL | (this.registers.BAH << 8)) + this.registers.X) & 0x0000FFFF, dataOut);
} else if(this.instrTime === 4) {
print(this.instrOffset.toString(16), ": ", opcodeStr, " $", (this.registers.BAL | (this.registers.BAH << 8)).toString(16), ", X");
this.stepInstruction(0, 1, 1, this.registers.PC + 1);
} else if(addrMode === ADDR_ABSOLUTE_Y) {
if(this.instrTime === 1) {
this.registers.BAL = dataIn;
this.stepInstruction(2, 1, 1, this.registers.PC + 1);
} else if(this.instrTime === 2) {
this.registers.BAH = dataIn;
this.stepInstruction(3, 0, 1, ((this.registers.BAL | (this.registers.BAH << 8)) + this.registers.Y) & 0x0000FFFF);
} else if(this.instrTime === 3) {
// data discarded
this.stepInstruction(4, 0, 0, ((this.registers.BAL | (this.registers.BAH << 8)) + this.registers.Y) & 0x0000FFFF, dataOut);
} else if(this.instrTime === 4) {
print(this.instrOffset.toString(16), ": ", opcodeStr, " $", (this.registers.BAL | (this.registers.BAH << 8)).toString(16), ", Y");
this.stepInstruction(0, 1, 1, this.registers.PC + 1);
} else if(addrMode === ADDR_INDIRECT_X) {
if(this.instrTime === 1) {
this.registers.BAL = dataIn;
this.stepInstruction(2, 0, 1, this.registers.BAL);
} else if(this.instrTime === 2) {
this.stepInstruction(3, 0, 1, (this.registers.BAL + this.registers.X) & 0x000000FF);
} else if(this.instrTime === 3) {
this.registers.ADL = dataIn;
this.stepInstruction(4, 0, 1, (this.registers.BAL + this.registers.X + 1) & 0x000000FF);
} else if(this.instrTime === 4) {
this.registers.ADH = dataIn;
this.stepInstruction(5, 0, 0, this.registers.ADL | (this.registers.ADH << 8), dataOut);
} else if(this.instrTime === 5) {
print(this.instrOffset.toString(16), ": ", opcodeStr, " ($", this.registers.BAL.toString(16), ", X)");
this.stepInstruction(0, 1, 1, this.registers.PC + 1);
} else if(addrMode === ADDR_INDIRECT_Y) {
if(this.instrTime === 1) {
this.registers.IAL = dataIn;
this.stepInstruction(2, 0, 1, this.registers.IAL);
} else if(this.instrTime === 2) {
this.registers.BAL = dataIn;
this.stepInstruction(3, 0, 1, (this.registers.IAL + 1) & 0x000000FF);
} else if(this.instrTime === 3) {
this.registers.BAH = dataIn;
this.stepInstruction(4, 0, 1, ((this.registers.BAL + this.registers.Y) & 0x000000FF) | (this.registers.BAH << 8));
} else if(this.instrTime === 4) {
// data discarded
this.stepInstruction(5, 0, 0, ((this.registers.BAL + this.registers.Y) & 0x000000FF) | (this.registers.BAH << 8), dataOut);
} else if(this.instrTime === 5) {
print(this.instrOffset.toString(16), ": ", opcodeStr, " ($", this.registers.IAL.toString(16), "), Y");
this.stepInstruction(0, 1, 1, this.registers.PC + 1);
// Section A.4: Read-Modify-Write operations
CPU.prototype.execRMWOp = function (addrMode, dataIn, instructionFunc, opcodeStr)
if(addrMode === ADDR_ZERO_PAGE) {
if(this.instrTime === 1) {
this.registers.ADL = dataIn;
this.stepInstruction(2, 0, 1, this.registers.ADL);
} else if(this.instrTime === 2) {
this.registers.RMWData = dataIn;
this.stepInstruction(3, 0, 0, this.registers.ADL, this.registers.RMWData);
} else if(this.instrTime === 3) {
this.registers.RMWData =, this.registers.RMWData);
this.stepInstruction(4, 0, 0, this.registers.ADL, this.registers.RMWData);
} else if(this.instrTime === 4) {
print(this.instrOffset.toString(16), ": ", opcodeStr, " $", this.registers.ADL.toString(16));
this.stepInstruction(0, 1, 1, this.registers.PC + 1);
} else if(addrMode === ADDR_ABSOLUTE) {
if(this.instrTime === 1) {
this.registers.ADL = dataIn;
this.stepInstruction(2, 1, 1, this.registers.PC + 1);
} else if(this.instrTime === 2) {
this.registers.ADH = dataIn;
this.stepInstruction(3, 0, 1, this.registers.ADL | (this.registers.ADH << 8));
} else if(this.instrTime === 3) {
this.registers.RMWData = dataIn;
this.stepInstruction(4, 0, 0, this.registers.ADL | (this.registers.ADH << 8), this.registers.RMWData);
} else if(this.instrTime === 4) {
this.registers.RMWData =, this.registers.RMWData);
this.stepInstruction(5, 0, 0, this.registers.ADL | (this.registers.ADH << 8), this.registers.RMWData);
} else if(this.instrTime === 5) {
print(this.instrOffset.toString(16), ": ", opcodeStr, " $", (this.registers.ADL | (this.registers.ADH << 8)).toString(16));
this.stepInstruction(0, 1, 1, this.registers.PC + 1);
} else if(addrMode === ADDR_ZERO_PAGE_X) {
if(this.instrTime === 1) {
this.registers.BAL = dataIn;
this.stepInstruction(2, 0, 1, this.registers.BAL);
} else if(this.instrTime === 2) {
// data discarded.
this.stepInstruction(3, 0, 1, (this.registers.BAL + this.registers.X) & 0x000000FF);
} else if(this.instrTime === 3) {
this.registers.RMWData = dataIn;
this.stepInstruction(4, 0, 0, (this.registers.BAL + this.registers.X) & 0x000000FF, this.registers.RMWData);
} else if(this.instrTime === 4) {
this.registers.RMWData =, this.registers.RMWData);
this.stepInstruction(5, 0, 0, (this.registers.BAL + this.registers.X) & 0x000000FF, this.registers.RMWData);
} else if(this.instrTime === 5) {
print(this.instrOffset.toString(16), ": ", opcodeStr, " $", this.registers.BAL.toString(16), ", X");
this.stepInstruction(0, 1, 1, this.registers.PC + 1);
} else if(addrMode === ADDR_ABSOLUTE_X) {
if(this.instrTime === 1) {
this.registers.BAL = dataIn;
this.stepInstruction(2, 1, 1, this.registers.PC + 1);
} else if(this.instrTime === 2) {
this.registers.BAH = dataIn;
this.stepInstruction(3, 0, 1, ((this.registers.BAL | (this.registers.BAH << 8)) + this.registers.X) & 0x0000FFFF);
} else if(this.instrTime === 3) {
// data discarded.
this.stepInstruction(4, 0, 1, ((this.registers.BAL | (this.registers.BAH << 8)) + this.registers.X) & 0x0000FFFF);
} else if(this.instrTime === 4) {
this.registers.RMWData = dataIn;
this.stepInstruction(5, 0, 0, ((this.registers.BAL | (this.registers.BAH << 8)) + this.registers.X) & 0x0000FFFF, this.registers.RMWData);
} else if(this.instrTime === 5) {
this.registers.RMWData =, this.registers.RMWData);
this.stepInstruction(6, 0, 0, ((this.registers.BAL | (this.registers.BAH << 8)) + this.registers.X) & 0x0000FFFF, this.registers.RMWData);
} else if(this.instrTime === 6) {
print(this.instrOffset.toString(16), ": ", opcodeStr, " $", (this.registers.BAL | (this.registers.BAH << 8)).toString(16), ", X");
this.stepInstruction(0, 1, 1, this.registers.PC + 1);
// Section A.5.1: PHP/PHA
CPU.prototype.execStackPush = function (data, opcodeStr)
if(this.instrTime === 1) {
this.stepInstruction(2, 0, 0, 0x00000100 | this.registers.SP, data);
} else if(this.instrTime === 2) {
print(this.instrOffset.toString(16), ": ", opcodeStr);
this.stepInstruction(0, 0, 1, this.registers.PC);
// Secion A.5.2: PLP/PLA
CPU.prototype.execStackPull = function (dataIn, regValue, opcodeStr)
if(this.instrTime === 1) {
// data discarded
this.stepInstruction(2, 0, 1, 0x00000100 | this.registers.SP);
} else if(this.instrTime === 2) {
// data discarded
this.stepInstruction(3, 0, 1, 0x00000100 | (this.registers.SP + 1));
} else if(this.instrTime === 3) {
print(this.instrOffset.toString(16), ": ", opcodeStr);
regValue = dataIn;
this.stepInstruction(0, 0, 1, this.registers.PC);
return regValue;
// Section A.5.3: Jump to Subroutine
CPU.prototype.execJSR = function (dataIn)
if(this.instrTime === 1) {
this.registers.ADL = dataIn;
this.stepInstruction(2, 0, 1, 0x00000100 | this.registers.SP);
} else if(this.instrTime === 2) {
// data discarded
var jsrAddrHi = (this.registers.PC >>> 8) & 0x000000FF;
this.stepInstruction(3, 0, 0, 0x00000100 | this.registers.SP, jsrAddrHi);
} else if(this.instrTime === 3) {
// data discarded
var jsrAddrLo = this.registers.PC & 0x000000FF;
this.stepInstruction(4, 0, 0, 0x00000100 | (this.registers.SP - 1), jsrAddrLo);
} else if(this.instrTime === 4) {
// data discarded
this.stepInstruction(5, 1, 1, this.registers.PC + 1);
this.registers.SP -= 2;
} else if(this.instrTime === 5) {
this.registers.ADH = dataIn;
this.registers.PC = this.registers.ADL | (this.registers.ADH << 8);
print(this.instrOffset.toString(16), ": JSR $", (this.registers.ADL | (this.registers.ADH << 8)).toString(16));
this.stepInstruction(0, 0, 1, this.registers.PC);
// Section A.5.6: Jump operation
CPU.prototype.execJMP = function (addrMode, dataIn)
if(addrMode === ADDR_ABSOLUTE) {
if(this.instrTime === 1) {
this.registers.ADL = dataIn;
this.stepInstruction(2, 1, 1, this.registers.PC + 1);
} else if(this.instrTime === 2) {
this.registers.ADH = dataIn;
this.registers.PC = this.registers.ADL | (this.registers.ADH << 8);
print(this.instrOffset.toString(16), ": JMP $", (this.registers.ADL | (this.registers.ADH << 8)).toString(16));
this.stepInstruction(0, 0, 1, this.registers.PC);
} else if(addrMode === ADDR_INDIRECT) {
if(this.instrTime === 1) {
this.registers.IAL = dataIn;
this.stepInstruction(2, 1, 1, this.registers.PC + 1);
} else if(this.instrTime === 2) {
this.registers.IAH = dataIn;
this.stepInstruction(3, 0, 1, this.registers.IAL | (this.registers.IAH << 8));
} else if(this.instrTime === 3) {
this.registers.ADL = dataIn;
this.stepInstruction(4, 0, 1, ((this.registers.IAL + 1) & 0x000000FF) | (this.registers.IAH << 8));
} else if(this.instrTime === 4) {
this.registers.ADH = dataIn;
this.registers.PC = this.registers.ADL | (this.registers.ADH << 8);
print(this.instrOffset.toString(16), ": JMP ($", (this.registers.IAL | (this.registers.IAH << 8)).toString(16), ")");
this.stepInstruction(0, 0, 1, this.registers.PC);
// Section A.5.7: Return from Subroutine
CPU.prototype.execRTS = function (dataIn)
if(this.instrTime === 1) {
// data discarded.
this.stepInstruction(2, 0, 1, 0x00000100 | this.registers.SP);
} else if(this.instrTime === 2) {
// data discarded.
print("RTS T2: PC: ", this.registers.PC);
this.stepInstruction(3, 0, 1, 0x00000100 | (this.registers.SP + 1));
} else if(this.instrTime === 3) {
this.registers.PC = (this.registers.PC & 0x0000FF00) | dataIn;
print("RTS T3: dataIn: ", dataIn, " PC: ", this.registers.PC);
this.stepInstruction(4, 0, 1, 0x00000100 | (this.registers.SP + 2));
} else if(this.instrTime === 4) {
this.registers.PC = (this.registers.PC & 0x000000FF) | (dataIn << 8);
this.registers.PC = (this.registers.PC + 1) & 0x0000FFFF;
this.registers.SP += 2;
print("RTS T4: dataIn: ", dataIn, " PC: ", this.registers.PC);
this.stepInstruction(5, 0, 1, this.registers.PC);
} else if(this.instrTime === 5) {
// data discarded.
print(this.instrOffset.toString(16), ": RTS", " (to ", (this.registers.PC + 1).toString(16), ")");
this.stepInstruction(0, 1, 1, this.registers.PC + 1);
// Section A.5.8: Branch operation
CPU.prototype.execBranch = function (dataIn, takeBranch, opcodeStr)
if(this.instrTime === 1) {
// Sign-extend input byte because... JS.
this.registers.branchOffset = dataIn | (((dataIn & 0x00000080) === 0x00000080) ? 0xFFFFFF00 : 0);
print(this.instrOffset.toString(16), ": ", opcodeStr, " $", (this.registers.PC + 1 + this.registers.branchOffset).toString(16));
if(takeBranch) {
// TODO: branch crosses page boundary.
this.stepInstruction(2, 1 + this.registers.branchOffset, 1, this.registers.PC + 1 + this.registers.branchOffset);
} else {
this.stepInstruction(0, 1, 1, this.registers.PC + 1);
} else if(this.instrTime === 2) {
// data discarded
this.stepInstruction(0, 0, 1, this.registers.PC);
CPU.prototype.stepInstruction = function (nextTime, pcDelta, readEnable, addressBus, dataOut)
if(this.instrTime === 0) {
this.instrOffset = this.registers.PC;
if(ENABLE_LOGGING && nextTime === 0) {
print("A: ", this.registers.A.toString(16), ", X: ", this.registers.X.toString(16), ", Y: ", this.registers.Y.toString(16), ", P: ", this.registers.status.toString(2));
this.instrTime = nextTime;
this.PCDelta = pcDelta;
this.readEnable = readEnable;
this.addressBus = addressBus;
this.dataOut = dataOut !== undefined ? dataOut : UNDEFINED_VALUE;
CPU.prototype.ADC = function (data)
var prevSign = this.getBitValue(this.registers.A, 7);
var a = (this.registers.A + data + this.getStatusBit(F_CARRY)) & 0x000001FF; // keep 9 bits for the carry flag.
var newSign = this.getBitValue(a, 7);
if(this.getStatusBit(F_DECIMAL)) {
this.setStatusBit(F_CARRY, a > 99);
} else {
this.setStatusBit(F_CARRY, a > 255);
this.registers.A = a & 0x000000FF; // mask at 8-bits.
this.setStatusBit(F_OVERFLOW, prevSign ^ newSign);
this.setStatusBit(F_NEGATIVE, newSign);
this.setStatusBit(F_ZERO, this.registers.A === 0);
CPU.prototype.SBC = function (data)
var prevSign = this.getBitValue(this.registers.A, 7);
var a = (this.registers.A - data - (1 - this.getStatusBit(F_CARRY))) & 0x000001FF; // keep 9 bits for the carry flag.
var newSign = this.getBitValue(a, 7);
this.registers.A = a & 0x000000FF; // mask at 8-bits.
this.setStatusBit(F_CARRY, a < 0); // TODO: will it blend???
this.setStatusBit(F_OVERFLOW, prevSign ^ newSign);
this.setStatusBit(F_NEGATIVE, newSign);
this.setStatusBit(F_ZERO, this.registers.A === 0);
CPU.prototype.AND = function (data)
this.registers.A = this.registers.A & data;
this.setStatusBit(F_NEGATIVE, this.getBitValue(this.registers.A, 7));
this.setStatusBit(F_ZERO, this.registers.A === 0);
CPU.prototype.ORA = function (data)
this.registers.A = this.registers.A | data;
this.setStatusBit(F_NEGATIVE, this.getBitValue(this.registers.A, 7));
this.setStatusBit(F_ZERO, this.registers.A === 0);
CPU.prototype.EOR = function (data)
this.registers.A = this.registers.A ^ data;
this.setStatusBit(F_NEGATIVE, this.getBitValue(this.registers.A, 7));
this.setStatusBit(F_ZERO, this.registers.A === 0);
CPU.prototype.BIT = function (data)
this.setStatusBit(F_NEGATIVE, this.getBitValue(data, 7));
this.setStatusBit(F_OVERFLOW, this.getBitValue(data, 6));
this.setStatusBit(F_ZERO, (this.registers.A & data) === 0);
CPU.prototype.CMP = function (data)
this.setStatusBit(F_CARRY, this.registers.A >= data); // TODO: Absolute value of X?
this.setStatusBit(F_ZERO, this.registers.A === data);
this.setStatusBit(F_NEGATIVE, this.getBitValue((this.registers.A - data) & 0x000000FF, 7));
CPU.prototype.CPX = function (data)
this.setStatusBit(F_CARRY, this.registers.X >= data); // TODO: Absolute value of X?
this.setStatusBit(F_ZERO, this.registers.X === data);
this.setStatusBit(F_NEGATIVE, this.getBitValue((this.registers.X - data) & 0x000000FF, 7));
CPU.prototype.CPY = function (data)
this.setStatusBit(F_CARRY, this.registers.Y >= data); // TODO: Absolute value of X?
this.setStatusBit(F_ZERO, this.registers.Y === data);
this.setStatusBit(F_NEGATIVE, this.getBitValue((this.registers.Y - data) & 0x000000FF, 7));
CPU.prototype.LDA = function (data)
this.registers.A = data;
this.setStatusBit(F_ZERO, this.registers.A === 0);
this.setStatusBit(F_NEGATIVE, this.getBitValue(this.registers.A, 7));
CPU.prototype.LDX = function (data)
this.registers.X = data;
this.setStatusBit(F_ZERO, this.registers.X === 0);
this.setStatusBit(F_NEGATIVE, this.getBitValue(this.registers.X, 7));
CPU.prototype.LDY = function (data)
this.registers.Y = data;
this.setStatusBit(F_ZERO, this.registers.Y === 0);
this.setStatusBit(F_NEGATIVE, this.getBitValue(this.registers.Y, 7));
CPU.prototype.CLC = function ()
this.setStatusBit(F_CARRY, 0);
CPU.prototype.CLD = function ()
this.setStatusBit(F_DECIMAL, 0);
CPU.prototype.CLI = function ()
this.setStatusBit(F_IRQ_DISABLE, 0);
CPU.prototype.CLV = function ()
this.setStatusBit(F_OVERFLOW, 0);
CPU.prototype.DEX = function ()
this.registers.X = (this.registers.X - 1) & 0x000000FF;
this.setStatusBit(F_NEGATIVE, this.getBitValue(this.registers.X, 7));
this.setStatusBit(F_ZERO, this.registers.X === 0);
CPU.prototype.DEY = function ()
this.registers.Y = (this.registers.Y - 1) & 0x000000FF;
this.setStatusBit(F_NEGATIVE, this.getBitValue(this.registers.Y, 7));
this.setStatusBit(F_ZERO, this.registers.Y === 0);
CPU.prototype.INX = function ()
this.registers.X = (this.registers.X + 1) & 0x000000FF;
this.setStatusBit(F_NEGATIVE, this.getBitValue(this.registers.X, 7));
this.setStatusBit(F_ZERO, this.registers.X === 0);
CPU.prototype.INY = function ()
this.registers.Y = (this.registers.Y + 1) & 0x000000FF;
this.setStatusBit(F_NEGATIVE, this.getBitValue(this.registers.Y, 7));
this.setStatusBit(F_ZERO, this.registers.Y === 0);
CPU.prototype.NOP = function ()
CPU.prototype.SEC = function ()
this.setStatusBit(F_CARRY, 1);
CPU.prototype.SED = function ()
this.setStatusBit(F_DECIMAL, 1);
CPU.prototype.SEI = function ()
this.setStatusBit(F_IRQ_DISABLE, 1);
CPU.prototype.TAX = function ()
this.registers.X = this.registers.A;
this.setStatusBit(F_NEGATIVE, this.getBitValue(this.registers.X, 7));
this.setStatusBit(F_ZERO, this.registers.X === 0);
CPU.prototype.TXA = function ()
this.registers.A = this.registers.X;
this.setStatusBit(F_NEGATIVE, this.getBitValue(this.registers.A, 7));
this.setStatusBit(F_ZERO, this.registers.A === 0);
CPU.prototype.TAY = function ()
this.registers.Y = this.registers.A;
this.setStatusBit(F_NEGATIVE, this.getBitValue(this.registers.Y, 7));
this.setStatusBit(F_ZERO, this.registers.Y === 0);
CPU.prototype.TYA = function ()
this.registers.A = this.registers.Y;
this.setStatusBit(F_NEGATIVE, this.getBitValue(this.registers.A, 7));
this.setStatusBit(F_ZERO, this.registers.A === 0);
CPU.prototype.TXS = function ()
this.registers.SP = this.registers.X;
CPU.prototype.TSX = function ()
this.registers.X = this.registers.SP;
this.setStatusBit(F_NEGATIVE, this.getBitValue(this.registers.X, 7));
this.setStatusBit(F_ZERO, this.registers.X === 0);
CPU.prototype.ASL = function (data)
this.setStatusBit(F_CARRY, this.getBitValue(data, 7));
data <<= 1;
this.setStatusBit(F_NEGATIVE, this.getBitValue(data, 7));
this.setStatusBit(F_ZERO, data === 0);
return data;
CPU.prototype.LSR = function (data)
this.setStatusBit(F_CARRY, this.getBitValue(data, 0));
data >>>= 1;
this.setStatusBit(F_NEGATIVE, 0);
this.setStatusBit(F_ZERO, data === 0);
return data;
CPU.prototype.DEC = function (data)
data = (data - 1) & 0x000000FF;
this.setStatusBit(F_NEGATIVE, this.getBitValue(data, 7));
this.setStatusBit(F_ZERO, data === 0);
return data;
CPU.prototype.INC = function (data)
data = (data + 1) & 0x000000FF;
this.setStatusBit(F_NEGATIVE, this.getBitValue(data, 7));
this.setStatusBit(F_ZERO, data === 0);
return data;
CPU.prototype.ROL = function (data)
var carry = this.getStatusBit(F_CARRY);
this.setStatusBit(F_CARRY, this.getBitValue(data, 7));
data <<= 1;
data |= carry;
this.setStatusBit(F_NEGATIVE, this.getBitValue(data, 7));
this.setStatusBit(F_ZERO, data === 0);
return data;
CPU.prototype.ROR = function (data)
var carry = this.getStatusBit(F_CARRY);
this.setStatusBit(F_CARRY, this.getBitValue(data, 0));
data >>>= 1;
data |= (carry << 7);
this.setStatusBit(F_NEGATIVE, carry);
this.setStatusBit(F_ZERO, data === 0);
return data;
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