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Forked from innat/
Created December 2, 2020 23:36
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Path Analytics with CYPHER.

Viewing the graph

match (n:MyNode)-[r]->(m)

return n, r, m

Finding paths between specific nodes:*

match p=(a)-[:TO*]-(c)

where a.Name='H' and c.Name='P'

return p limit 1

Finding the length between specific nodes:

match p=(a)-[:TO*]-(c)

where a.Name='H' and c.Name='P'

return length(p) limit 1

Finding a shortest path between specific nodes:

match p=shortestPath((a)-[:TO*]-(c))

where a.Name='A' and c.Name='P'

return p, length(p) limit 1

All Shortest Paths:

MATCH p = allShortestPaths((source)-[r:TO*]-(destination))

WHERE source.Name='A' AND destination.Name = 'P'


All Shortest Paths with Path Conditions:

MATCH p = allShortestPaths((source)-[r:TO*]->(destination))

WHERE source.Name='A' AND destination.Name = 'P' AND LENGTH(NODES(p)) > 5

RETURN EXTRACT(n IN NODES(p)| n.Name) AS Paths,length(p)

Diameter of the graph:

match (n:MyNode), (m:MyNode)

where n <> m

with n, m

match p=shortestPath((n)-[*]->(m))

return n.Name, m.Name, length(p)

Extracting and computing with node and properties:

match p=(a)-[:TO*]-(c)

where a.Name='H' and c.Name='P'

return extract(n in nodes(p)|n.Name) as Nodes, length(p) as pathLength,

reduce(s=0, e in relationships(p)| s + toInt(e.dist)) as pathDist limit 1

Dijkstra's algorithm for a specific target node:

MATCH (from: MyNode {Name:'A'}), (to: MyNode {Name:'P'}),

path = shortestPath((from)-[:TO*]->(to))

WITH REDUCE(dist = 0, rel in rels(path) | dist + toInt(rel.dist)) AS distance, path

RETURN path, distance

Dijkstra's algorithm SSSP:

MATCH (from: MyNode {Name:'A'}), (to: MyNode),

path = shortestPath((from)-[:TO*]->(to))

WITH REDUCE(dist = 0, rel in rels(path) | dist + toInt(rel.dist)) AS distance, path, from, to

RETURN from, to, path, distance order by distance desc

Graph not containing a selected node:

match (n)-[r:TO]->(m)

where n.Name <> 'D' and m.Name <> 'D'

return n, r, m

Shortest path over a Graph not containing a selected node:

match p=shortestPath((a {Name: 'A'})-[:TO*]-(b {Name: 'P'}))

where not('D' in (extract(n in nodes(p)|n.Name)))

return p, length(p)

Graph not containing the immediate neighborhood of a specified node:

match (d {Name:'D'})-[:TO]-(b)

with collect(distinct b.Name) as neighbors

match (n)-[r:TO]->(m)


not (n.Name in (neighbors+'D'))


not (m.Name in (neighbors+'D'))

return n, r, m


match (d {Name:'D'})-[:TO]-(b)-[:TO]->(leaf)

where not((leaf)-->())

return (leaf)


match (d {Name:'D'})-[:TO]-(b)<-[:TO]-(root)

where not((root)<--())

return (root)

Graph not containing a selected neighborhood:

match (a {Name: 'F'})-[:TO*..2]-(b)

with collect(distinct b.Name) as MyList

match (n)-[r:TO]->(m)

where not(n.Name in MyList) and not (m.Name in MyList)

return distinct n, r, m

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