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Last active February 21, 2023 07:38
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IPython chained exception debugging
""" %chain - IPython magic to inspect and move along exception chains.
JD Smith (2022)
Chained exceptions are associated with the messages:
"During handling of the above exception, another exception occurred"
"The above exception was the direct cause of the following exception"
and post-mortem debugging (%debug) by default can only examine the
most recent exception. %chain allows you to inspect the chain, move
along it, and debug any exceptions found.
Note: Alters `sys.last_traceback`.
Install: simply put this file into the IPython startup directory (e.g.
Usage: see %chain -h
import sys
from IPython import get_ipython
from IPython.core.magic import register_line_magic
import argparse
def _print(top = 'Exception chain:'):
col = get_ipython().SyntaxTB.color_scheme_table.active_colors
depth = 0
val = sys.last_value
except AttributeError:
print(f"{col.topline}No last exception.{col.Normal}")
vals = []
if top: print(f"{col.topline}{top}{col.Normal}")
while val:
pref = "--->" if val.__traceback__ is sys.last_traceback else " "
vals.append(f"{col.em}{pref}{col.Normal} [{col.lineno}{depth:2d}{col.Normal}] "
f"{col.excName}{type(val).__name__}{col.Normal} {val}")
depth += 1
val = val.__context__
def _find_chain(n, relative = False):
val = sys.last_value
except AttributeError:
vals = []
_end = isinstance(n, str) and n == 'end'
active, depth = None, 0
while val:
if val.__traceback__ is sys.last_traceback: active = depth
if relative:
if active is not None and (depth-active) >= n:
if active + n < 0: return None # No such val
return vals[active + n]
elif _end:
if not val.__context__: return val
else: # absolute depth
if depth == n: return(val)
val = val.__context__
depth += 1
_desc="Examine and move along the context/cause chain of the last exception"
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser("%chain", exit_on_error=False, description = _desc)
parser.add_argument("-p", "--print", action="store_true",
help="Print the exception chain with current level")
parser.add_argument("-d", "--debug", action="store_true",
help="Enter post-mortem debug")
parser.add_argument("depth", nargs='?',
help=("Exception chain depth to move to (0 = most recent). "
"Prepend with '+' or '-' for a relative move. "
"With string `end', move to the end of the exception chain. "
"If omitted: move to end, print, and enter debug."))
def chain(line):
args = parser.parse_args(line.split())
except SystemExit:
args.relative = False
if not line or line.isspace(): # Default: up 1, print, debug
args.depth = 'end'
args.print = True
args.debug = True
if isinstance(args.depth, str) and args.depth != 'end':
args.relative = args.depth[0] in set('-+')
args.depth = int(args.depth)
if args.depth is not None:
new = _find_chain(args.depth, args.relative)
if new is None:
sgn = '+' if (args.relative and args.depth >= 0) else ''
_print(top=f"Chain does not extend to {sgn}{args.depth}:")
sys.last_traceback = new.__traceback__ # record place
if args.print: _print()
if args.debug: get_ipython().run_line_magic('debug','') # run pm-debug
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