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Created October 11, 2018 13:43
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Graphing dependencies of Toccata source file
#! /home/jim/toccata --script
(deftype GraphState [proj-root module-root node-count curr-node file-nodes])
(deftype ImportsGraph [graph root])
(defprotocol DepsGraph
(imported [_]
;; by default, does nothing
(state-maybe/state-maybe "")))
(defn get-graphs [s strings]
(let [[strn file-state] (.carrier s)]
(or (flat-map (first s) (fn [strn]
(get-graphs (rest s) (conj strings strn))))
(maybe [strings (.graph-state file-state)]))))
(defn graph-deps [file-path file-name checkout]
(comp (state-maybe/get-in-val [.file-nodes file-path])
(for [node-index (state-maybe/get-val .node-count)
_ (state-maybe/set-val .node-count (inc node-index))
:let [curr-node (str "node_" node-index)]
_ (state-maybe/assoc-in-val [.file-nodes file-path] (ImportsGraph [] curr-node))
_ (state-maybe/set-val .curr-node curr-node)
curr-state (state-maybe/update-state identity)
[strings new-state] (state-maybe/when
(or (map (file/file-in file-path)
(fn [file]
(-> (strm/stream file)
(parse/parse-stream reader/top-level {'file-name file-path
'line-number 0})
(reduce [empty-list curr-state]
(fn [[strings state] ast]
(either ((for [new-strings (imported ast)]
(comp strings new-strings)) state)
[strings state]))))))
(print-err "Could not open" (str "'" file-path "'") "to graph.")
[empty-list curr-state])))
_ (state-maybe/update-state (fn [_] new-state))]
(ImportsGraph (comp [curr-node " [label = \""
file-name (either (map checkout (fn [sha]
(str "\\n" sha)))
(extend-type ast/add-ns-ast
(imported [ast]
(imported (.mod ast))))
(extend-type ast/module-ast
(imported [ast]
(let [file-name (.file-path ast)]
(for [curr-node (state-maybe/get-val .curr-node)
curr-module-root (state-maybe/get-val .module-root)
:let [file-path (str curr-module-root "/" file-name)]
dep-graph (graph-deps file-path file-name nothing)
_ (state-maybe/set-val .curr-node curr-node)
_ (state-maybe/set-val .module-root curr-module-root)]
(comp (.graph dep-graph) [curr-node " -> " (.root dep-graph) " [style = dashed];\n"])))))
(extend-type ast/git-dep-ast
(imported [ast]
(let [file-name (.file ast)
opts (.args ast)
checkout (either (or (get opts 'tag)
(get opts 'sha)
(get opts 'branch))
(for [curr-node (state-maybe/get-val .curr-node)
curr-module-root (state-maybe/get-val .module-root)
proj-root (state-maybe/get-val .proj-root)
:let [dep-path (str proj-root "dependencies/git/" (.repo ast) "/" checkout)
file-path (str dep-path "/" file-name)]
_ (state-maybe/set-val .module-root dep-path)
dep-graph (graph-deps file-path file-name (maybe checkout))
_ (state-maybe/set-val .curr-node curr-node)
_ (state-maybe/set-val .module-root curr-module-root)]
(comp (.graph dep-graph) [curr-node " -> " (.root dep-graph) ";\n"])))))
(main [args]
(or (for [file-name (second args)
proj-root (sys/file-directory file-name)
[result] ((graph-deps file-name file-name nothing) (GraphState proj-root proj-root 1 "node_0" {}))]
(file/stdout (comp ["digraph grammar {\n"]
(.graph result)
(print-err "A Toccata source file must be specified")))
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