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Created April 27, 2021 20:39
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from random import random
from math import sqrt, log, exp
from numba import njit
import numpy
from numpy.random import normal
def path_final_min_max(initial, steps, sdt, volatility, drift):
randoms = numpy.exp(normal(size=steps)*volatility*sdt) * drift
randoms[0] = 1
factors = numpy.cumprod(randoms) * initial
return factors[-1], numpy.min(factors), numpy.max(factors)
def payoff(value, minimum, maximum, cp, knockin, knockout, strike):
if knockin and knockin > spot and maximum < knockin: # Up and In
return 0
elif knockin and knockin < spot and minimum > knockin: # Down and In
return 0
elif knockout and knockout < spot and minimum < knockin: # Down and Out
return 0
elif knockout and knockout > spot and maximum > knockout: # Up and Out
return 0
return max(0, cp * (value - strike))
def price_option(strike, spot, time, volatility, risk_free, call_or_put='c', knockin=0, knockout=0, simulations=2000, steps_per_unit = 365):
if knockin and knockout:
raise Exception("Unable to cope with 2 barriers!")
cp = 1 if call_or_put == 'c' else -1
dt = 1 / steps_per_unit
steps = int(time * steps_per_unit)
sdt = sqrt(dt)
drift = exp((risk_free - 0.5 * volatility * volatility) * dt)
total_premium = 0
for i in range(simulations):
value, minimum, maximum = path_final_min_max(spot, steps, sdt, volatility, drift)
total_premium += payoff(value, minimum, maximum, cp, knockin, knockout, strike)
return total_premium / simulations * exp(-time * risk_free)
print(price_option(105, spot, 1, vol, risk_free, 'c', simulations=50000))
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