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Last active November 14, 2018 00:41
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# extract a node from a greta array
get_node <- greta:::get_node
# convert node to greta array
as.greta_array <- greta:::as.greta_array
# extract unique values without keeping an extra data node around
extract_unique <- function(params) {
node <- get_node(params)
# change dimensions of greta distributions
change_dims <- function(array, new_dim) {
# I want the good bits from the input greta array
node <- get_node(array)
# is this an operation or distribution node?
if ("distribution_node" %in% class(node$distribution)) {
new_array <- change_dims_distrib(node, new_dim)
} else {
# this has to be an operation node
if (!("operation_node" %in% class(node)))
stop("can only change dimensions of probability distributions", call. = FALSE)
new_array <- change_dims_op(node, new_dim)
# return a new array with new dimensions
change_dims_distrib <- function(node, new_dim) {
# which distribution am I dealing with?
distribution_name <- node$distribution$distribution_name
# which distributions are not OK?
discrete <- c("bernoulli", "binomial", "negative_binomial", "poisson",
"multinomial", "categorical", "dirichlet_multinomial")
too_hard <- "wishart_distribution"
# is this distribution ok?
if (distribution_name %in% discrete)
stop(paste0("unable to set discrete (", distribution_name, ") distribution as a prior"), call. = FALSE)
if (distribution_name %in% too_hard)
stop(paste0("unable to set ", distribution_name, " distribution as a prior"), call. = FALSE)
# is the distribution truncated?
lower <- node$lower
upper <- node$upper
# what are its parameters?
params <- lapply(node$distribution$parameters, function(x) as.greta_array(x))
# is it a multivariate distribution
is_multivariate <- distribution_name %in% c("multivariate_normal", "dirichlet")
# what are the dims of the input?
dims <- node$dim
# input distribution can be multidimensional in some cases
if (is_multivariate) {
# is it multidimensional?
if (dims[1] > 1) {
# are all params equal?
if (!identical(dim(params[[1]]), dims))
stop(paste0("cannot set multivariate priors with dimensions ", paste(dims, collapse = " x "), "unless all parameters are equal"), call. = FALSE)
# the covariance has to be a single matrix for this to work
if (distribution_name == "multivariate_normal") {
if (!identical(dim(params[[2]]), rep(dims[2], 2)))
stop("multivariate_normal prior covariance must match dimension of distribution", call. = FALSE)
} else {
# can be multidimensional univariate if all params are identical
if (!all(sapply(params, function(x) length(unique(x))) == 1))
stop(paste0("cannot set priors with dimensions ", paste(dims, collapse = " x "), " unless all parameters are equal"), call. = FALSE)
# need to collapse parameter vectors down if all equal
idx <- which(sapply(params, length) > 1)
if (length(idx)) {
params[idx] <- lapply(params[idx], extract_unique)
# if it's uniform, we need to turn params back to numerics
if (distribution_name == "uniform")
params <- lapply(params, function(x) as.numeric(x))
# what are the arguments required for this distribution?
arglist <- names(formals(node$initialize))
# we need to add a new dim argument to univariate parameters
if (!is_multivariate) {
params$dim <- new_dim
} else {
# we need to add a new n_realisations argument to multivariate parameters; this must be scalar
if (length(new_dim) > 1)
stop("unable to expand a multivariate distribution in two dimensions", call. = FALSE)
params$n_realisations <- new_dim
# the f distribution's name is "d" for some reason
if (distribution_name == "d")
distribution_name <- "f"
# do we also need to truncate the distribution?
if ("truncation" %in% arglist)
params$truncation <- c(lower, upper)
# now we need a new distribution with these parameters
new_distrib <-, params)
# we need the new node so we can cut it off from the input distribution
new_node <- get_node(new_distrib)
# remove original variable greta array
for (i in seq_along(node$distribution$parameters))
# return a new distribution with new dims
# change dims of a greta operation node
change_dims_op <- function(node, new_dim) {
# what is the operation?
op <- node$operation_name
# which operations are OK?
valid_ops <- c("ilogit", "iprobit", "icloglog", "icauchit",
"log1pe", "imultilogit",
"add", "subtract", "multiply", "divide", "power",
"log", "exp", "log1p", "expm1",
"cos", "sin", "tan", "acos", "asin", "atan")
# is this `op` OK?
if (!(op %in% valid_ops))
stop(paste0("unable to change dimensions for operation: ", op), call. = FALSE)
# `add` doesn't exist as a greta operation
if (op %in% c("add", "subtract", "multiply", "divide", "power")) {
op <- switch(op,
"add" = "+",
"subtract" = "-",
"multiply" = "*",
"divide" = "/",
"power" = "^")
# we need the node for the underlying distribution
distrib_node <- node$children
# want to make sure the children are all distributions
if (any(sapply(distrib_node, function(x) is.null(x$distribution))))
stop(paste0("one of the input nodes to ", op, " is not a probability distribution"), call. = FALSE)
if (!all(sapply(distrib_node, function(x) "distribution_node" %in% class(x$distribution))))
stop(paste0("one of the input nodes to ", op, " is not a probability distribution"), call. = FALSE)
# change dims of underlying distributions
new_children <- lapply(distrib_node, change_dims_distrib, new_dim = new_dim)
# pull out extra arguments to op
op_args <- node$operation_args
# recombine children nodes and apply operation
if (length(op_args)) {
new_array <-, new_children, op_args)
} else {
new_array <-, new_children)
# return a new array with new dims
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