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Created February 26, 2012 22:48
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  • Save jdzak/1919448 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save jdzak/1919448 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop. do |s| = 'RestKit'
s.version = '0.9.3'
s.summary = 'RestKit is a framework for consuming and modeling RESTful web resources on iOS and OS X.'
s.homepage = '' = { 'Blake Watters' => '' }
s.source = { :git => '', :tag => '0.9.3' }
# It has no source_files itself, so the resolver should not allow dependencies on this spec unless it’s a `part_of' type dependency
def s.copy_header_mapping(from)
# This creates a new Pod::Specification instance, which has the the following attributes:
# * part_of: 'RestKit', '0.9.3'
# * name: 'RestKit/Network'
# Other attributes are delegated to the `part_of' spec, so the version, summary etc will by default be the same
s.subspec 'Network' do |ns|
ns.description = 'The network layer provides a request/response abstraction on top of NSURLConnection.'
ns.dependency 'LibComponentLogging-NSLog'
ns.source_files = 'Code/RestKit.h', 'Code/{Network,Support}/*.{h,m}'
if config.ios?
ns.frameworks = 'CFNetwork', 'Security', 'MobileCoreServices', 'SystemConfiguration'
ns.frameworks = 'CoreServices', 'Security', 'SystemConfiguration'
# Like before, this creates a new spec with the name: RestKit/ObjectMapping and is a part of RestKit
s.subspec 'ObjectMapping' do |os|
os.description = %{The object mapping layer provides a simple API for turning remote JSON/XML responses into objects.}
os.dependency 'RestKit/Network'
os.source_files = 'Code/ObjectMapping/*.{h,m}'
# This spec will have the name: RestKit/ObjectMapping/JSON.
# Since it’s nested under another sub spec, it automatically depends on the parent: RestKit/ObjectMapping
os.subspec 'JSONKit' do |jos|
jos.description = 'The RestKit JSON parser which wraps JSONKit.'
jos.source_files = 'Code/Support/Parsers/JSON/RKJSONParserJSONKit.{h,m}'
jos.dependency 'JSONKit'
# This spec will have the name: RestKit/ObjectMapping/XML.
# Since it’s nested under another sub spec, it automatically depends on the parent: RestKit/ObjectMapping
os.subspec 'XML' do |xos|
xos.description = 'The RestKit XML parser which wraps libxml2.'
xos.source_files = 'Code/Support/Parsers/XML/RKXMLParserLibXML.{h,m}'
xos.library = 'xml2'
xos.xcconfig = { 'HEADER_SEARCH_PATHS' => '$(SDKROOT)/usr/include/libxml2' }
s.subspec 'CoreData' do |ds|
ds.description = %{The Core Data layer provides additional support on top of the object mapper for mapping from remote resources to persist local objects.}
ds.source_files = 'Code/CoreData/*.{h,m}'
ds.frameworks = 'CoreData'
#if we copy headers to default location
##import <CoreData/CoreData.h> will use RestKit header instead of
def ds.copy_header_mapping(from)
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