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Created July 27, 2018 16:16
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とよぎぃ通信 vol.8 に登場するRustコード例
fn main() {
// Variable binding
let a = 1; // immutable
let mut b = 1; //mutable
assert_eq!(b, 1);
// a = 2; // compile error
b = 2;
let c: i32 = 1; // i32 is 32 bit signed integer
assert_eq!(a, c); // a == c
assert_eq!(b, 2); // b == 2
// Option type
let some_i32: Option<i32> = Some(3);
let none_i32: Option<i32> = None;
assert_eq!(some_i32.unwrap(), 3);
assert_eq!(none_i32.unwrap_or(1), 1);
// Result type
let ok_i32: Result<i32, &str> = Ok(3);
let err_i32: Result<i32, &str> = Err("error");
assert_eq!(ok_i32.unwrap(), 3);
assert_eq!(err_i32.unwrap_or(1), 1);
// if-let expression
if let Some(x) = some_i32 {
println!("{}", x);
} else {
} // output: "3"
if let Some(x) = none_i32 {
println!("{}", x);
} else {
} // output: "None"
// match expression
match some_i32 {
Some(x) => println!("{}", x),
None => println!("None"),
} // output: "3"
match ok_i32 {
Ok(x) => println!("{}", x),
Err(e) => println!("error info. is: {},", e),
} // output: "3"
match err_i32 {
Ok(x) => println!("{}", x),
Err(e) => println!("{}", e),
} // output: "error"
// match expression (more complicated pattern)
match some_i32 {
Some(x @ 2...5) => println!("it is {}, it is in two to five", x),
Some(_) => println!("it is other value"),
None => println!("None"),
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