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Created July 9, 2021 21:05
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now, let's convert digraph with `usage`
with the following usage,
var digraphHelp = usage.Text{
Pages: []usage.Page{{Content: []byte(`
Directed graph.
digraph nodes
digraph transpose
digraph somepath <from> <to>
digraph -h,-help
digraph -version
-h,-help Show this screen.
-version Show version.
Map: map[string]string{},
getting error,
digraph: no field found for "digraph"
bit confusing. what is a field? why is it not found?
fixed by adding,
Map: map[string]string{
"nodes": "entity",
"transpose": "entity",
"somepath": "entity",
ok, so you can provide a pre-struct mapping with this map. i get it now!
honestly, pretty quick to get started. this is really neat!
got -h | --h | -help | --help working with:
var digraphHelp = usage.Text{
Pages: []usage.Page{{Content: []byte(`
Directed graph.
digraph nodes
digraph transpose
digraph somepath <from> <to>
digraph -h,-help
digraph -v,-version
-h,-help Show this screen.
-v,-version Show version.
Map: map[string]string{
"nodes": "entity",
"transpose": "entity",
"somepath": "entity",
pretty slick how -foo and --foo are equally valid, without having to specify all of them
when I try to -version, i get:
digraph: flag v present but not allowed
that's odd:
1. it's set up the exact same as -help wut?
2. why is it saying "flag v present" when it's actually flag -version
(-v gives us the same issue)
sidenote: not sure if there's a better way to print usage than,
if opts.Help {
return nil
feels a bit janky. i reached for something like usage.Usage(digraphHelp), but it doesn't exist AFAICT
also, when would you have multiple pages? probably will find the answer out as i go further down the rabbit hole
sidenote: looking at naval_fate, why are we defining -v and -h in both Usage and Options? is that required? bit confusing
having a hard time figuring out this "flag v present but not allowed" error :/
seems like everything is in order. wish the error would tell me more
ah, this appears to be a bug with usage.peg. when i remove the -h,-help, my issue disappears and -v starts working
ah, there are more issues. for example:
$ go build . && cat input.txt | ./digraph -help nodes
digraph: flag h present but not allowed
$ go build . && cat input.txt | ./digraph nodes -help
digraph: flag h present but not allowed
this should probably be an error, but is not:
$ go build . && cat input.txt | ./digraph nodes somepath
similarly, should be an error but is not:
$ go build . && cat input.txt | ./digraph nodes nodes
this "command not found" message is broken:
$ go build . && cat input.txt | ./digraph foo
digraph: no such command ""
here, it's entering my default case of opts.Entity, since opts.Entity is being set to empty string. probably instead
of empty string for opts.Entity, `usage.Process` should have thrown an error that the input doesn't match `digraphUsage`
similarly, when I pass no args (`./digraph`), it again just sets opts.Entity to empty string and continues, when it
should throw a usage error
subcommands and flags for subcommands are really easy, and intuitive. the following "just works":
var digraphHelp = usage.Text{
Pages: []usage.Page{{Content: []byte(`
Directed graph.
digraph nodes
digraph transpose
digraph somepath <from> <to>
digraph newcmd foo [-gaz]
digraph newcmd bar [-gaz]
digraph -h,-help
digraph -v,-version
-h,-help Show this screen.
-v,-version Show version.
-gaz Does... nothing, really.
Map: map[string]string{
"nodes": "entity",
"transpose": "entity",
"somepath": "entity",
"newcmd": "entity",
"foo": "newcmdaction",
"bar": "newcmdaction",
that's very neat!
i imagine with pages it'll be quite easy to implement `help subcmd`
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