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Created March 7, 2018 02:17
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function IndexStore() {
// Main structure
// Format is dict key => array of item indices
this.indicesForKey = {};
// List of indexed items.
this.items = [];
// Helper to prevent duplicate on items.
this.itemDict = {};
// Add an item to the index
// eg:
// store.add( "text" )
// store.add( item, x => x.keyToIndex )
IndexStore.prototype.add = function (item, accessor) {
// get text value
var str = (accessor == null) ? item : accessor(item);
// Already in index
if (str in this.itemDict)
// Nothing to index ?
var keyList = IndexStore.computeIndexKeys(str);
if (keyList.length == 0) return;
// Add to indexed items
var idx = this.items.length;
this.itemDict[str] = true;
// notify all computed keys that we exist.
this.registerItem(idx, keyList);
// This exist to prepare "Hook" variant.
IndexStore.prototype.registerItem = function (idx, keyList) {
// register idx on all appropriate key
for (var i = 0; i < keyList.length; i++) {
var key = keyList[i];
if (key in this.indicesForKey) {
// append to existing array of index
else {
// Format is dict key => array of item index
this.indicesForKey[key] = [idx];
// Find entries that match using 3 out of 5 strategy. (or appropriate fallback)
// Entry that match more "subset of 3" keys are returned first. = function (str) {
// Compute positive results
var keys = IndexStore.computeSearchKeys(str);
var tmp = this._search(keys);
var items = this.items;
return (x) {
return items[];
// return items[] + " - " + x.count; // debug output
// This exist to prepare Hook variant.
// Input computed keys and output list of IdAndCount.
IndexStore.prototype._search = function (keys) {
// Compute positive results
var outList = this.retrieveCount(keys);
// Minimum quality: half as best
if (outList.length > 1) {
var tresh = outList[0].count * 0.5;
outList = outList.filter(function (x) {
return x.count > tresh
return outList;
function IdAndCount(id, count) { = id;
this.count = count;
IndexStore.prototype.retrieveCount = function (keys) {
// Dictionary idx => count
var countPerIndex = {};
if (keys.length == 0)
return countPerIndex;
for (var i = 0; i < keys.length; i++) {
var key = keys[i];
// Does the key exist in the index ?
if (key in this.indicesForKey) {
// If so add every entry of that key into countPerIndex
// Also for each entry, maintain a count of matched keys.
var idxList = this.indicesForKey[key];
for (var j = 0; j < idxList.length; j++) {
var idx = idxList[j];
if (idx in countPerIndex) {
} else {
countPerIndex[idx] = 1;
// Transform countPerIndex into a sorted list of IdAndCount
var outList = [];
for (var id in countPerIndex) {
if (countPerIndex.hasOwnProperty(id)) {
outList.push(new IdAndCount(id, countPerIndex[id]));
// Custom sort decreasing order
outList = outList.sort(function (a, b) {
return b.count - a.count
return outList;
// Split string in words
// And get keys for each of them.
IndexStore.computeIndexKeys = function (str) {
var keysList = [];
var words = str.split(" ");
var existingDict = {};
for (var i = 0; i < words.length; i++) {
var word = words[i].toLowerCase();
if (word.length < 3) continue;
computeIndexKeysFromWord(word, keysList, existingDict)
return keysList;
IndexStore.computeSearchKeys = function (str) {
var keysList = [];
var words = str.split(" ");
for (var i = 0; i < words.length; i++) {
var word = words[i].toLowerCase();
// Either:
// Use same strategy as index building
// That is 3oY and 2oY and 1o1
// (slower, better score quality).
computeIndexKeysFromWord(word, keysList, {});
// Or:
// use a single strategy as character permit.
// Single XoY (lower search cost)
// computeSearchKeysFromWord(word, keysList, {})
return keysList;
// Private Helpers
// Keys during index
// compute either 3o6, 3o5, 3o4 or 3o3 as available (note that 3o6 include all 3o5 keys)
// compute either 2o4, 2o3 or 2o2 as available. (note that 2o4 include all 2o3 keys)
// compute 1o1 (first letter index)
function computeIndexKeysFromWord(word, keysList, existingDict) {
var len = word.length;
if (len == 0) return;
if (len >= 3) {
// 3o6, 3o5, 3o4, 3o3
select3(word, 6, keysList, existingDict)
if (len >= 2) {
// 2o4, 2o3,2o2
select2(word, 4, keysList, existingDict)
// 1o1 strategy: This index by first letter
_append(word[0], keysList, existingDict);
// Keys during search
// compute a single variation from maximum characters available
// 3o6, 3o5, 2o4, 2o3, 2o2, 1o1
// alternatively use same strategy as index.
// I'm not totally fixed as that.
// also note that we "cheat" a bit to help transition between key size
// ie include 3o3 with the 2oY
function computeSearchKeysFromWord(word, keysList, existingDict) {
var len = word.length;
if (len == 0) return;
// Include 3oY if we have at least 3 letters.
if (len >= 3) {
// 3o6, 3o5, 3o4, 3o3
select3(word, 6, keysList, existingDict);
// Include 2oY if we have 4 or less.
if (len <= 4) {
// 2o4, 2o3, 2o2
select2(word, 4, keysList, existingDict);
// Include 1o1 at 2 or below
if (len <= 2) {
_append(word[0], keysList, existingDict);
function select2(str, maxlen, existingList, existingDict) {
var len = Math.min(str.length, maxlen);
for (var i = 0; i < len - 1; i++) {
for (var j = i + 1; j < len; j++) {
_append(str[i] + str[j], existingList, existingDict)
return existingList;
function select3(str, maxlen, existingList, existingDict) {
var len = Math.min(str.length, maxlen);
for (var i = 0; i < len - 2; i++) {
for (var j = i + 1; j < len - 1; j++) {
for (var k = j + 1; k < len; k++) {
_append(str[i] + str[j] + str[k], existingList, existingDict)
return existingList;
function _append(word, existingList, existingDict) {
if (!(word in existingDict)) {
existingDict[word] = true;
// Test
function sel3(str) {
return select3(str, Infinity, [], {});
console.log("sel3(hello)", sel3("hello"));
console.log("sel3(hills)", sel3("hills"));
console.log("sel3(jello)", sel3("jello"));
var store = new IndexStore();
//console.log("store content", store.indicesForKey);
var term;
term = "shill";
term = "shell";
term = "jello";
term = "holy";
term = "hi";
term = "hil";
term = "hll";
term = "hill";
### Equivalence with Indel / transpose
- query => candidate.
#### How to deal with insert ?
- query => querya
- Match 3o5, 3o6
- querya => queryab
- Handled by prefix cut, addition are free after 6th of candidate
- quer => query
- Match 2o4, 2o4 (at index time, multiple XoY are computed 3o5,2o4)
- que => query
- Match 2o3, 2o4
#### How to deal with delete ?
- querA => quer
- Match 3o5, 3o4 (at index time 4 char get both 2o4 and 3o4)
- queryA => query
- Match 3o6, 3o5
- queryAB => query
- Match 3o6, 3o5, delete free after 6th of query.
- quer => que
- Match 2o4, 2o3
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