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Created September 11, 2018 02:13
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// Sample from a normal distribution, truncated between -1 and 1
double MultiObjectiveCompactDifferentialEvolution::sampleValue(double mu, double sigma) {
if (sigma < 1e-8) // Should avoid infinity error below
return mu;
try {
double sqrt2Sigma = SQRT_2 * sigma;
double erfMuNeg = boost::math::erf((mu - 1) / sqrt2Sigma);
double erfMuPlus = boost::math::erf((mu + 1) / sqrt2Sigma);
double u = randreal();
double C = - boost::math::erf((mu + 1) / sqrt2Sigma) / (erfMuNeg - erfMuPlus);
return mu - sqrt2Sigma * boost::math::erf_inv((u - C) * (erfMuNeg - erfMuPlus));
} catch (exception& e) {
cerr << "ERROR: Sampling method failed! mu: " << mu << ", sigma: " << sigma << ". Got: " << e.what() << endl;
return mu; // Safer guess
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jeancroy commented Mar 4, 2019

truncatedNormalSigma(mu, sigma, start, end){

// Rayleigh proposal truncated inside [a,b[
// Original code produce sample in N(0,1) that need to be rescaled/translated to get N(mu,sigma^2)

scale = 1.0 / sigma;
a = (start - mu)*scale;
b = (end - mu)*scale;

c = 0.5*a*a;
d = 0.5*b*b;
q = 1.0 - exp( c - d );

  u = rand(0,1.0);
  v = rand(0,1.0);
  x = c - ln(1.0-q*u);
  if( v*v*x <= a ) break;

return mu + sigma*sqrt(2*x)


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jeancroy commented Mar 4, 2019

truncatedNormal(mu, variance, start, end){

a = (start - mu);
b = (end - mu);
iv = 1.0 / variance;

aa = a*a*iv;
bb = b*b*iv;

c = 0.5*aa;
d = 0.5*bb;

q = 1.0 - exp( c - d );

  u = rand(0,1.0);
  v = rand(0,1.0);
  x = c - ln(1.0-q*u);
  t = v*v*x;
  if( t*t <= aa ) break;

return mu + sqrt(2*variance*x)


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jeancroy commented Mar 5, 2019

// Simulate negative number as positive then flip sign.
//  if abs(b) < abs(b), swap ab, flip sign and re-flip sign at end 

  a = (a - mu) / sigma;
  b = (b - mu) / sigma;
  bma = b - a;

//  Marsaglia polar method N(0,1) between a and b
// The method generate two number and we use that as two opportunity to pass the range criteria.

        var u, v, s,t;
            u = Math.random() * 2 - 1;
            v = Math.random() * 2 - 1;
            s = u * u + v * v;
           if(s>0 && s<1) break;
        var scale = Math.sqrt(-2.0 * Math.log(s) / s); // log is ln
        t = v*scale 
        if( t >= a && t < b ) return t;

        t = u*scale 
       if( t >= a && t < b ) return t;

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jeancroy commented Mar 5, 2019

//Robert Algorithm, for a<0<b 

             u = Math.random();
             v = Math.random();
             r = a + (b-a)*v
while( 2*ln(u) > -r*r  ); // u > exp(-0.5*r*r)
return r;

//  Robert Algorithm, for 0<a<b -- uniform generation, work best when b-a is small
//  To use when a and b are bellow 0, convert to a above 0 problem then flip sign at the end.

             u = Math.random();
             v = Math.random();
             r = a + (b-a)*v
while( 2*ln(u) > a*a -r*r  );
return r

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jeancroy commented Mar 5, 2019

How to generate normal number inside [a,b[ ?
The basic idea is to generate a Gaussian number, test interval and retry.

This will break under 2 conditions:

  1. Very narrow interval. It's unlikely you'll fit inside by luck.
  2. Very offset interval. The interval between 100 and 103 standard deviation is 3 standard deviation large, so quite large, but we are unlikely to shoot inside anyways.

To address (1) we need a process able to generate random number that's aware of [a,b]
To get there we flip the role, 1st we generate a uniform number inside [a,b] then reject if inconsistent with normal statistics.

To address (2) we'll use an algorithm used to simulate tail. (therefore whether [a,b[ pass by the mean will be an important question)
Some algorithm use both a and b to scale the problem, those are slower but uniform in speed & still faster than blind luck.
Some will generate from [a,inf[ then check b after the fact, where that strategy work they can be the fastest (but it'll still fail if too narrow)

input: mu,sigma, min,max

if(max==min) return max

if(max>min) flip

  a = (min - mu) / sigma;
  b = (max - mu) / sigma;
  bma = b - a;

// both are negative,
// flip sign, then reflip before return;
if( a<=0 && b<=0 ){
    tmp = a;
    a = -b;
    b = -tmp;
    sigma  = -sigma;

// Do the interval contains 0 ?
// Or is close to zero ?
// simulate bulk

if( a * b < 0 || a<2) {
    if(bma > 1.0){

       // interval cover at least one standard deviation ? 
      // simulate a gaussian first, then reject answers not in [a,b] 
       return sigma*GaussianProposal(a,b) + mu;


      // interval is narrow ?
      // simulate the interval first, then reject answers not normal like.
       return sigma*UniformProposal (a,b) + mu;



    // We are far from 0, simulate right tail
   // (and flip for the left tail)

     return sigma*RaleighProposal(a,b) + mu;

  var u, v, s,t;
            u = Math.random() * 2 - 1;
            v = Math.random() * 2 - 1;
            s = u * u + v * v;
           if(s>0 && s<1) break;
        var scale = Math.sqrt(-2.0 * Math.log(s) / s); // Math.log is natural logarithm
        t = v*scale 
        if( t >= a && t < b ) return t;

        t = u*scale 
       if( t >= a && t < b ) return t;

UniformProposal (a,b) {

// k=0 if a<0<b 
// k = a*a if 0<a<b
// k = b*b if a<b<0
// k = a*b<0 ? 0 : Math.min(a*a, b*b)

  k = a<0?0:a*a;

             u = Math.random();
             v = Math.random();
             r = a + (b-a)*v
while( 2*ln(u) > k-r*r  ); // u > exp(0.5*k-0.5*r*r)
return r;

RaleighProposal (a,b) {

c = 0.5*a*a
q = 1.0 - exp( c - 0.5*b*b )

  u = rand(0,1.0)
  v = rand(0,1.0)
  x = c - ln(1.0-q*u)
  if( v*v*x <= a ) break;
return sqrt(2*x)


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