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Last active June 11, 2021 17:18
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GitVersion configuration and output
2021-06-11T14:14:29.8053509Z ##[section]Starting: Execute GitVersion
2021-06-11T14:14:29.8155352Z ==============================================================================
2021-06-11T14:14:29.8155648Z Task : Execute GitVersion Task
2021-06-11T14:14:29.8155964Z Description : Easy Semantic Versioning ( for projects using Git
2021-06-11T14:14:29.8156226Z Version : 0.9.9
2021-06-11T14:14:29.8156436Z Author : GitTools Contributors
2021-06-11T14:14:29.8156736Z Help : See the [documentation]( for help
2021-06-11T14:14:29.8157057Z ==============================================================================
2021-06-11T14:14:30.0790721Z Command: dotnet-gitversion C:/a/1/s /output json /output buildserver /config C:\a\1\s\GitVersion.yml /updateassemblyinfo
2021-06-11T14:14:30.0818723Z [command]C:\a\_tool\GitVersion.Tool\5.6.10\x64\dotnet-gitversion.exe C:/a/1/s /output json /output buildserver /config C:\a\1\s\GitVersion.yml /updateassemblyinfo
2021-06-11T14:14:33.4696205Z INFO [06/11/21 14:14:30:32] Working directory: C:/a/1/s
2021-06-11T14:14:33.4697032Z INFO [06/11/21 14:14:30:35] Branch from build environment: refs/pull/3622/merge
2021-06-11T14:14:33.4697608Z INFO [06/11/21 14:14:30:35] Project root is: C:\a\1\s\
2021-06-11T14:14:33.4697983Z INFO [06/11/21 14:14:30:35] DotGit directory is: C:\a\1\s\.git
2021-06-11T14:14:33.4698397Z INFO [06/11/21 14:14:30:35] Begin: Normalizing git directory for branch 'refs/pull/3622/merge'
2021-06-11T14:14:33.4698944Z INFO [06/11/21 14:14:30:38] One remote found (origin -> '').
2021-06-11T14:14:33.4699669Z INFO [06/11/21 14:14:30:38] Skipping fetching, if GitVersion does not calculate your version as expected you might need to allow fetching or use dynamic repositories
2021-06-11T14:14:33.4700322Z INFO [06/11/21 14:14:30:40] Creating local branch pull/3622/merge pointing at 59c4cc8
2021-06-11T14:14:33.4700926Z INFO [06/11/21 14:14:30:75] Creating local branch from remote tracking 'refs/remotes/origin/0c3a5237151a595e783a2d39ae45e2489819ac42'.
2021-06-11T14:14:33.4701494Z INFO [06/11/21 14:14:30:78] Creating local branch from remote tracking 'refs/remotes/origin/bug/1010-unicorn-upgrade-cleanup'.
2021-06-11T14:14:33.4702023Z INFO [06/11/21 14:14:30:79] Creating local branch from remote tracking 'refs/remotes/origin/bug/3258-active-personalization'.
2021-06-11T14:14:33.4702542Z INFO [06/11/21 14:14:30:81] Creating local branch from remote tracking 'refs/remotes/origin/bug/5393-contact-identificiation-issues'.
2021-06-11T14:14:33.4703070Z INFO [06/11/21 14:14:30:82] Creating local branch from remote tracking 'refs/remotes/origin/bug/5652-unicorn-sync-error'.
2021-06-11T14:14:33.4703586Z INFO [06/11/21 14:14:30:84] Creating local branch from remote tracking 'refs/remotes/origin/bug/5688-duplicate-sxa-theme'.
2021-06-11T14:14:33.4704089Z INFO [06/11/21 14:14:30:86] Creating local branch from remote tracking 'refs/remotes/origin/bug/5818-compose-file-testing'.
2021-06-11T14:14:33.4704611Z INFO [06/11/21 14:14:30:87] Creating local branch from remote tracking 'refs/remotes/origin/bug/6184-exm'.
2021-06-11T14:14:33.4705227Z INFO [06/11/21 14:14:30:89] Creating local branch from remote tracking 'refs/remotes/origin/bug/fix-build-images-errors'.
2021-06-11T14:14:33.4705956Z INFO [06/11/21 14:14:30:91] Creating local branch from remote tracking 'refs/remotes/origin/bug/gitversion-fix'.
2021-06-11T14:14:33.4706689Z INFO [06/11/21 14:14:30:92] Creating local branch from remote tracking 'refs/remotes/origin/bug/local-build-errors'.
2021-06-11T14:14:33.4707484Z INFO [06/11/21 14:14:30:94] Creating local branch from remote tracking 'refs/remotes/origin/bug/missing-sxa-components'.
2021-06-11T14:14:33.4708221Z INFO [06/11/21 14:14:30:96] Creating local branch from remote tracking 'refs/remotes/origin/bug/missing-xc-compose'.
2021-06-11T14:14:33.4708918Z INFO [06/11/21 14:14:30:98] Creating local branch from remote tracking 'refs/remotes/origin/bug/xgen-init-bug'.
2021-06-11T14:14:33.4711585Z INFO [06/11/21 14:14:30:99] Creating local branch from remote tracking 'refs/remotes/origin/bug/xgen-testing-devops'.
2021-06-11T14:14:33.4712381Z INFO [06/11/21 14:14:31:01] Creating local branch from remote tracking 'refs/remotes/origin/bugfix/corrupteditems'.
2021-06-11T14:14:33.4713113Z INFO [06/11/21 14:14:31:03] Creating local branch from remote tracking 'refs/remotes/origin/contrib'.
2021-06-11T14:14:33.4713866Z INFO [06/11/21 14:14:31:05] Creating local branch from remote tracking 'refs/remotes/origin/develop'.
2021-06-11T14:14:33.4714625Z INFO [06/11/21 14:14:31:12] Creating local branch from remote tracking 'refs/remotes/origin/feature/10.0.1-crm-connector'.
2021-06-11T14:14:33.4715877Z ERROR [06/11/21 14:14:33:33] An unexpected error occurred:
2021-06-11T14:14:33.4716536Z System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object.
2021-06-11T14:14:33.4717434Z at GitVersion.GitObject..ctor(GitObject innerGitObject) in D:\a\GitVersion\GitVersion\src\GitVersion.LibGit2Sharp\Git\GitObject.cs:line 14
2021-06-11T14:14:33.4718508Z at GitVersion.Commit..ctor(Commit innerCommit) in D:\a\GitVersion\GitVersion\src\GitVersion.LibGit2Sharp\Git\Commit.cs:line 15
2021-06-11T14:14:33.4719588Z at GitVersion.GitRepository.<>c__DisplayClass27_0.<FindMergeBase>b__0() in D:\a\GitVersion\GitVersion\src\GitVersion.LibGit2Sharp\Git\GitRepository.cs:line 60
2021-06-11T14:14:33.4720579Z at Polly.Policy`1.<>c__DisplayClass11_0.<Execute>b__0(Context ctx, CancellationToken ct)
2021-06-11T14:14:33.4721819Z at Polly.Retry.RetryEngine.Implementation[TResult](Func`3 action, Context context, CancellationToken cancellationToken, ExceptionPredicates shouldRetryExceptionPredicates, ResultPredicates`1 shouldRetryResultPredicates, Action`4 onRetry, Int32 permittedRetryCount, IEnumerable`1 sleepDurationsEnumerable, Func`4 sleepDurationProvider)
2021-06-11T14:14:33.4723358Z at Polly.Retry.RetryPolicy`1.Implementation(Func`3 action, Context context, CancellationToken cancellationToken)
2021-06-11T14:14:33.4724126Z at Polly.Policy`1.Execute(Func`3 action, Context context, CancellationToken cancellationToken)
2021-06-11T14:14:33.4724705Z at Polly.Policy`1.Execute(Func`1 action)
2021-06-11T14:14:33.4725510Z at GitVersion.Helpers.RetryAction`2.Execute(Func`1 operation) in D:\a\GitVersion\GitVersion\src\GitVersion.Core\Helpers\RetryAction.cs:line 42
2021-06-11T14:14:33.4726724Z at GitVersion.GitRepository.FindMergeBase(ICommit commit, ICommit otherCommit) in D:\a\GitVersion\GitVersion\src\GitVersion.LibGit2Sharp\Git\GitRepository.cs:line 58
2021-06-11T14:14:33.4727973Z at GitVersion.RepositoryStore.FindMergeBase(IBranch branch, IBranch otherBranch) in D:\a\GitVersion\GitVersion\src\GitVersion.Core\Core\RepositoryStore.cs:line 46
2021-06-11T14:14:33.4729272Z at GitVersion.RepositoryStore.<>c__DisplayClass29_0.<GetMergeCommitsForBranch>b__2(IBranch otherBranch) in D:\a\GitVersion\GitVersion\src\GitVersion.Core\Core\RepositoryStore.cs:line 466
2021-06-11T14:14:33.4730291Z at System.Linq.Enumerable.WhereSelectEnumerableIterator`2.MoveNext()
2021-06-11T14:14:33.4730889Z at System.Linq.Enumerable.WhereEnumerableIterator`1.ToArray()
2021-06-11T14:14:33.4731388Z at System.Linq.OrderedEnumerable`1.ToList()
2021-06-11T14:14:33.4731913Z at System.Linq.Enumerable.ToList[TSource](IEnumerable`1 source)
2021-06-11T14:14:33.4732933Z at GitVersion.RepositoryStore.GetMergeCommitsForBranch(IBranch branch, Config configuration, IEnumerable`1 excludedBranches) in D:\a\GitVersion\GitVersion\src\GitVersion.Core\Core\RepositoryStore.cs:line 450
2021-06-11T14:14:33.4734262Z at GitVersion.RepositoryStore.FindCommitBranchWasBranchedFrom(IBranch branch, Config configuration, IBranch[] excludedBranches) in D:\a\GitVersion\GitVersion\src\GitVersion.Core\Core\RepositoryStore.cs:line 328
2021-06-11T14:14:33.4735841Z at GitVersion.VersionCalculation.VersionInBranchNameVersionStrategy.GetVersions(String tagPrefixRegex, IBranch currentBranch)+MoveNext() in D:\a\GitVersion\GitVersion\src\GitVersion.Core\VersionCalculation\BaseVersionCalculators\VersionInBranchNameVersionStrategy.cs:line 42
2021-06-11T14:14:33.4737921Z at System.Linq.Enumerable.SelectEnumerableIterator`2.MoveNext()
2021-06-11T14:14:33.4738493Z at System.Linq.Enumerable.SelectManySingleSelectorIterator`2.MoveNext()
2021-06-11T14:14:33.4739062Z at System.Linq.Enumerable.SelectEnumerableIterator`2.ToList()
2021-06-11T14:14:33.4739623Z at System.Linq.Enumerable.ToList[TSource](IEnumerable`1 source)
2021-06-11T14:14:33.4740713Z at GitVersion.VersionCalculation.TrackReleaseBranchesVersionStrategy.ReleaseBranchBaseVersions() in D:\a\GitVersion\GitVersion\src\GitVersion.Core\VersionCalculation\BaseVersionCalculators\TrackReleaseBranchesVersionStrategy.cs:line 81
2021-06-11T14:14:33.4742359Z at GitVersion.VersionCalculation.TrackReleaseBranchesVersionStrategy.GetVersions() in D:\a\GitVersion\GitVersion\src\GitVersion.Core\VersionCalculation\BaseVersionCalculators\TrackReleaseBranchesVersionStrategy.cs:line 45
2021-06-11T14:14:33.4743919Z at GitVersion.VersionCalculation.BaseVersionCalculator.GetBaseVersions(IVersionStrategy strategy)+MoveNext() in D:\a\GitVersion\GitVersion\src\GitVersion.Core\VersionCalculation\BaseVersionCalculator.cs:line 90
2021-06-11T14:14:33.4744970Z at System.Collections.Generic.List`1..ctor(IEnumerable`1 collection)
2021-06-11T14:14:33.4745559Z at System.Linq.Enumerable.ToList[TSource](IEnumerable`1 source)
2021-06-11T14:14:33.4746467Z at GitVersion.VersionCalculation.BaseVersionCalculator.GetBaseVersion() in D:\a\GitVersion\GitVersion\src\GitVersion.Core\VersionCalculation\BaseVersionCalculator.cs:line 31
2021-06-11T14:14:33.4747627Z at GitVersion.VersionCalculation.NextVersionCalculator.FindVersion() in D:\a\GitVersion\GitVersion\src\GitVersion.Core\VersionCalculation\NextVersionCalculator.cs:line 58
2021-06-11T14:14:33.4748855Z at GitVersion.GitVersionCalculateTool.CalculateVersionVariables() in D:\a\GitVersion\GitVersion\src\GitVersion.Core\Core\GitVersionCalculateTool.cs:line 52
2021-06-11T14:14:33.4749994Z at GitVersion.GitVersionExecutor.RunGitVersionTool(GitVersionOptions gitVersionOptions) in D:\a\GitVersion\GitVersion\src\GitVersion.App\GitVersionExecutor.cs:line 70
2021-06-11T14:14:33.4750992Z INFO [06/11/21 14:14:31:14] Creating local branch from remote tracking 'refs/remotes/origin/feature/10.0.1-managed-cloud'.
2021-06-11T14:14:33.4751745Z INFO [06/11/21 14:14:31:16] Creating local branch from remote tracking 'refs/remotes/origin/feature/10.0.1-managed-cloud-nops'.
2021-06-11T14:14:33.4752548Z INFO [06/11/21 14:14:31:21] Creating local branch from remote tracking 'refs/remotes/origin/feature/10.1-marketing-trial'.
2021-06-11T14:14:33.4753359Z INFO [06/11/21 14:14:31:23] Creating local branch from remote tracking 'refs/remotes/origin/feature/10.1-marketing-trial-rebase'.
2021-06-11T14:14:33.4754147Z INFO [06/11/21 14:14:31:25] Creating local branch from remote tracking 'refs/remotes/origin/feature/10.1.0'.
2021-06-11T14:14:33.4754898Z INFO [06/11/21 14:14:31:27] Creating local branch from remote tracking 'refs/remotes/origin/feature/10.1.0-latesttest'.
2021-06-11T14:14:33.4755614Z INFO [06/11/21 14:14:31:29] Creating local branch from remote tracking 'refs/remotes/origin/feature/10.1.0-managed-cloud-nops'.
2021-06-11T14:14:33.4756344Z INFO [06/11/21 14:14:31:31] Creating local branch from remote tracking 'refs/remotes/origin/feature/10.1.0-nomodules'.
2021-06-11T14:14:33.4757054Z INFO [06/11/21 14:14:31:33] Creating local branch from remote tracking 'refs/remotes/origin/feature/10.1.0-nops'.
2021-06-11T14:14:33.4757757Z INFO [06/11/21 14:14:31:35] Creating local branch from remote tracking 'refs/remotes/origin/feature/10.2.0-clean-latest'.
2021-06-11T14:14:33.4758475Z INFO [06/11/21 14:14:31:37] Creating local branch from remote tracking 'refs/remotes/origin/feature/10.2.0-latesttest'.
2021-06-11T14:14:33.4759209Z INFO [06/11/21 14:14:31:39] Creating local branch from remote tracking 'refs/remotes/origin/feature/4671-Resources'.
2021-06-11T14:14:33.4760237Z INFO [06/11/21 14:14:31:41] Creating local branch from remote tracking 'refs/remotes/origin/feature/5493-updated-finanical-vertical'.
2021-06-11T14:14:33.4761050Z INFO [06/11/21 14:14:31:43] Creating local branch from remote tracking 'refs/remotes/origin/feature/5512-add-tenant-service'.
2021-06-11T14:14:33.4761788Z INFO [06/11/21 14:14:31:45] Creating local branch from remote tracking 'refs/remotes/origin/feature/5666-web-to-leads-component'.
2021-06-11T14:14:33.4762580Z INFO [06/11/21 14:14:31:47] Creating local branch from remote tracking 'refs/remotes/origin/feature/5778-DEF-365'.
2021-06-11T14:14:33.4763319Z INFO [06/11/21 14:14:31:48] Creating local branch from remote tracking 'refs/remotes/origin/feature/5794-sync-coveo-cm-cd'.
2021-06-11T14:14:33.4764097Z INFO [06/11/21 14:14:31:51] Creating local branch from remote tracking 'refs/remotes/origin/feature/5816-10.1-deprecated-setting'.
2021-06-11T14:14:33.4764871Z INFO [06/11/21 14:14:31:53] Creating local branch from remote tracking 'refs/remotes/origin/feature/6095-custom-error'.
2021-06-11T14:14:33.4765623Z INFO [06/11/21 14:14:31:55] Creating local branch from remote tracking 'refs/remotes/origin/feature/9.2.0/SmokeTests'.
2021-06-11T14:14:33.4766344Z INFO [06/11/21 14:14:31:57] Creating local branch from remote tracking 'refs/remotes/origin/feature/9.3.0/japanese'.
2021-06-11T14:14:33.4767059Z INFO [06/11/21 14:14:31:59] Creating local branch from remote tracking 'refs/remotes/origin/feature/9.3.0/SmokeTests'.
2021-06-11T14:14:33.4767749Z INFO [06/11/21 14:14:31:61] Creating local branch from remote tracking 'refs/remotes/origin/feature/9.4.0/SmokeTests'.
2021-06-11T14:14:33.4768510Z INFO [06/11/21 14:14:31:63] Creating local branch from remote tracking 'refs/remotes/origin/feature/ai-experimental'.
2021-06-11T14:14:33.4769231Z INFO [06/11/21 14:14:31:65] Creating local branch from remote tracking 'refs/remotes/origin/feature/cache-issue-testing'.
2021-06-11T14:14:33.4769994Z INFO [06/11/21 14:14:31:67] Creating local branch from remote tracking 'refs/remotes/origin/feature/cache-testing2'.
2021-06-11T14:14:33.4770727Z INFO [06/11/21 14:14:31:69] Creating local branch from remote tracking 'refs/remotes/origin/feature/def-sql-northwind'.
2021-06-11T14:14:33.4771466Z INFO [06/11/21 14:14:31:72] Creating local branch from remote tracking 'refs/remotes/origin/feature/e2e-scenario-platform'.
2021-06-11T14:14:33.4772199Z INFO [06/11/21 14:14:31:74] Creating local branch from remote tracking 'refs/remotes/origin/feature/helmcharts'.
2021-06-11T14:14:33.4772967Z INFO [06/11/21 14:14:31:76] Creating local branch from remote tracking 'refs/remotes/origin/feature/lighthouse-healthcare-vertical'.
2021-06-11T14:14:33.4773743Z INFO [06/11/21 14:14:31:78] Creating local branch from remote tracking 'refs/remotes/origin/feature/marketing-trial-10.1'.
2021-06-11T14:14:33.4774488Z INFO [06/11/21 14:14:31:80] Creating local branch from remote tracking 'refs/remotes/origin/feature/marketing-trial-updates'.
2021-06-11T14:14:33.4775223Z INFO [06/11/21 14:14:31:83] Creating local branch from remote tracking 'refs/remotes/origin/feature/motability-poc'.
2021-06-11T14:14:33.4776002Z INFO [06/11/21 14:14:31:85] Creating local branch from remote tracking 'refs/remotes/origin/feature/remove-restart-init-testing'.
2021-06-11T14:14:33.4776755Z INFO [06/11/21 14:14:31:87] Creating local branch from remote tracking 'refs/remotes/origin/feature/selectively-include-xp1'.
2021-06-11T14:14:33.4777484Z INFO [06/11/21 14:14:31:90] Creating local branch from remote tracking 'refs/remotes/origin/feature/set-default-site'.
2021-06-11T14:14:33.4778244Z INFO [06/11/21 14:14:31:92] Creating local branch from remote tracking 'refs/remotes/origin/feature/sf-crm-tenant-configuration'.
2021-06-11T14:14:33.4779036Z INFO [06/11/21 14:14:31:94] Creating local branch from remote tracking 'refs/remotes/origin/feature/siteimprove-module-csp-settings'.
2021-06-11T14:14:33.4779954Z INFO [06/11/21 14:14:31:96] Creating local branch from remote tracking 'refs/remotes/origin/feature/update-configs'.
2021-06-11T14:14:33.4780747Z INFO [06/11/21 14:14:31:99] Creating local branch from remote tracking 'refs/remotes/origin/feature/update-docker-configuration'.
2021-06-11T14:14:33.4781606Z INFO [06/11/21 14:14:32:01] Creating local branch from remote tracking 'refs/remotes/origin/feature/update-docker-configuration-10.0.1'.
2021-06-11T14:14:33.4782466Z INFO [06/11/21 14:14:32:03] Creating local branch from remote tracking 'refs/remotes/origin/feature/update-docker-configuration-new'.
2021-06-11T14:14:33.4783377Z INFO [06/11/21 14:14:32:06] Creating local branch from remote tracking 'refs/remotes/origin/feature/update-docker-configuration-noweb'.
2021-06-11T14:14:33.4784219Z INFO [06/11/21 14:14:32:08] Creating local branch from remote tracking 'refs/remotes/origin/feature/update-docker-configuration-test'.
2021-06-11T14:14:33.4784964Z INFO [06/11/21 14:14:32:11] Creating local branch from remote tracking 'refs/remotes/origin/feature/use-templates-pipeline'.
2021-06-11T14:14:33.4785457Z INFO [06/11/21 14:14:32:13] Creating local branch from remote tracking 'refs/remotes/origin/integration'.
2021-06-11T14:14:33.4785915Z INFO [06/11/21 14:14:32:15] Creating local branch from remote tracking 'refs/remotes/origin/main'.
2021-06-11T14:14:33.4786363Z INFO [06/11/21 14:14:32:18] Creating local branch from remote tracking 'refs/remotes/origin/release/10.0.0'.
2021-06-11T14:14:33.4786836Z INFO [06/11/21 14:14:32:20] Creating local branch from remote tracking 'refs/remotes/origin/release/10.0.1'.
2021-06-11T14:14:33.4787313Z INFO [06/11/21 14:14:32:23] Creating local branch from remote tracking 'refs/remotes/origin/release/10.1.0'.
2021-06-11T14:14:33.4787775Z INFO [06/11/21 14:14:32:25] Creating local branch from remote tracking 'refs/remotes/origin/release/9.0.0'.
2021-06-11T14:14:33.4788246Z INFO [06/11/21 14:14:32:28] Creating local branch from remote tracking 'refs/remotes/origin/release/9.0.1'.
2021-06-11T14:14:33.4788714Z INFO [06/11/21 14:14:32:30] Creating local branch from remote tracking 'refs/remotes/origin/release/9.1.0'.
2021-06-11T14:14:33.4789191Z INFO [06/11/21 14:14:32:33] Creating local branch from remote tracking 'refs/remotes/origin/release/9.1.1'.
2021-06-11T14:14:33.4789664Z INFO [06/11/21 14:14:32:35] Creating local branch from remote tracking 'refs/remotes/origin/release/9.2.0'.
2021-06-11T14:14:33.4790116Z INFO [06/11/21 14:14:32:38] Creating local branch from remote tracking 'refs/remotes/origin/release/930.0'.
2021-06-11T14:14:33.4790590Z INFO [06/11/21 14:14:32:40] Creating local branch from remote tracking 'refs/remotes/origin/upgrade/10.1.0'.
2021-06-11T14:14:33.4791083Z INFO [06/11/21 14:14:32:43] Creating local branch from remote tracking 'refs/remotes/origin/upgrade/10.1.0-5886-upgrade-solution'.
2021-06-11T14:14:33.4791587Z INFO [06/11/21 14:14:32:45] Creating local branch from remote tracking 'refs/remotes/origin/upgrade/10.2.0'.
2021-06-11T14:14:33.4792081Z INFO [06/11/21 14:14:32:48] Creating local branch from remote tracking 'refs/remotes/origin/upgrade/10.2.0-clean-latest'.
2021-06-11T14:14:33.4792578Z INFO [06/11/21 14:14:32:58] Creating local branch from remote tracking 'refs/remotes/origin/upgrade/10.2.0-nomodules'.
2021-06-11T14:14:33.4793081Z INFO [06/11/21 14:14:32:61] Creating local branch from remote tracking 'refs/remotes/origin/upgrade/10.2.0-test-latest'.
2021-06-11T14:14:33.4793518Z INFO [06/11/21 14:14:32:63] HEAD points at branch 'refs/heads/pull/3622/merge'.
2021-06-11T14:14:33.4793970Z INFO [06/11/21 14:14:32:63] End: Normalizing git directory for branch 'refs/pull/3622/merge' (Took: 2,285.63ms)
2021-06-11T14:14:33.4794421Z INFO [06/11/21 14:14:32:65] Begin: Loading version variables from disk cache
2021-06-11T14:14:33.4794881Z INFO [06/11/21 14:14:32:66] Cache file C:\a\1\s\.git\gitversion_cache\0EE0BBE69C020E68733BCBE36DE9F4301A0C733A.yml not found.
2021-06-11T14:14:33.4795898Z INFO [06/11/21 14:14:32:66] End: Loading version variables from disk cache (Took: 0.90ms)
2021-06-11T14:14:33.4796313Z INFO [06/11/21 14:14:32:75] Using latest commit on specified branch
2021-06-11T14:14:33.4796837Z INFO [06/11/21 14:14:32:76] Begin: Attempting to inherit branch configuration from parent branch
2021-06-11T14:14:33.4797319Z INFO [06/11/21 14:14:32:77] HEAD is merge commit, this is likely a pull request using bug/gitversion-fix as base
2021-06-11T14:14:33.4797775Z INFO [06/11/21 14:14:32:80] Begin: Finding branch source of 'bug/gitversion-fix'
2021-06-11T14:14:33.4798204Z INFO [06/11/21 14:14:32:82] Begin: Finding merge base between 'bug/gitversion-fix' and 'develop'.
2021-06-11T14:14:33.4798709Z INFO [06/11/21 14:14:32:82] Found merge base of 54cec42 Merged PR 3599: #6177 Push short tags to Sitecore SCR
2021-06-11T14:14:33.4799276Z INFO [06/11/21 14:14:32:83] Merge base of bug/gitversion-fix' and 'develop is 54cec42 Merged PR 3599: #6177 Push short tags to Sitecore SCR
2021-06-11T14:14:33.4799861Z INFO [06/11/21 14:14:32:83] End: Finding merge base between 'bug/gitversion-fix' and 'develop'. (Took: 14.37ms)
2021-06-11T14:14:33.4800361Z INFO [06/11/21 14:14:32:83] Begin: Finding merge base between 'bug/gitversion-fix' and 'main'.
2021-06-11T14:14:33.4800849Z INFO [06/11/21 14:14:32:83] Found merge base of 54cec42 Merged PR 3599: #6177 Push short tags to Sitecore SCR
2021-06-11T14:14:33.4801475Z INFO [06/11/21 14:14:32:83] Merge base was due to a forward merge, next merge base is 61a048d Merged PR 3553: #5981 Switch from "vnext" base images to "1010.0"
2021-06-11T14:14:33.4802193Z INFO [06/11/21 14:14:32:83] Merge base was due to a forward merge, next merge base is f114cd4 Merged PR 3436: Updated CMP mappings - Switched to link fields instead of text fields
2021-06-11T14:14:33.4802892Z INFO [06/11/21 14:14:32:83] Merge base was due to a forward merge, next merge base is aeaa016 Merged PR 3398: Add comment to XML override file
2021-06-11T14:14:33.4803566Z INFO [06/11/21 14:14:32:83] Merge base was due to a forward merge, next merge base is f697f81 Merged PR 3308: 1001.1.3 - bug fixes and improvements
2021-06-11T14:14:33.4804197Z INFO [06/11/21 14:14:32:83] Merge base of bug/gitversion-fix' and 'main is f697f81 Merged PR 3308: 1001.1.3 - bug fixes and improvements
2021-06-11T14:14:33.4804766Z INFO [06/11/21 14:14:32:83] End: Finding merge base between 'bug/gitversion-fix' and 'main'. (Took: 2.89ms)
2021-06-11T14:14:33.4805266Z INFO [06/11/21 14:14:32:83] Begin: Finding merge base between 'bug/gitversion-fix' and 'origin/develop'.
2021-06-11T14:14:33.4805762Z INFO [06/11/21 14:14:32:83] Found merge base of 54cec42 Merged PR 3599: #6177 Push short tags to Sitecore SCR
2021-06-11T14:14:33.4806347Z INFO [06/11/21 14:14:32:83] Merge base of bug/gitversion-fix' and 'origin/develop is 54cec42 Merged PR 3599: #6177 Push short tags to Sitecore SCR
2021-06-11T14:14:33.4806916Z INFO [06/11/21 14:14:32:83] End: Finding merge base between 'bug/gitversion-fix' and 'origin/develop'. (Took: 0.35ms)
2021-06-11T14:14:33.4807418Z INFO [06/11/21 14:14:32:83] Begin: Finding merge base between 'bug/gitversion-fix' and 'origin/main'.
2021-06-11T14:14:33.4807924Z INFO [06/11/21 14:14:32:83] Found merge base of 54cec42 Merged PR 3599: #6177 Push short tags to Sitecore SCR
2021-06-11T14:14:33.4808527Z INFO [06/11/21 14:14:32:84] Merge base was due to a forward merge, next merge base is 61a048d Merged PR 3553: #5981 Switch from "vnext" base images to "1010.0"
2021-06-11T14:14:33.4809263Z INFO [06/11/21 14:14:32:84] Merge base was due to a forward merge, next merge base is f114cd4 Merged PR 3436: Updated CMP mappings - Switched to link fields instead of text fields
2021-06-11T14:14:33.4809952Z INFO [06/11/21 14:14:32:84] Merge base was due to a forward merge, next merge base is aeaa016 Merged PR 3398: Add comment to XML override file
2021-06-11T14:14:33.4810944Z INFO [06/11/21 14:14:32:84] Merge base was due to a forward merge, next merge base is f697f81 Merged PR 3308: 1001.1.3 - bug fixes and improvements
2021-06-11T14:14:33.4811598Z INFO [06/11/21 14:14:32:84] Merge base of bug/gitversion-fix' and 'origin/main is f697f81 Merged PR 3308: 1001.1.3 - bug fixes and improvements
2021-06-11T14:14:33.4812153Z INFO [06/11/21 14:14:32:84] End: Finding merge base between 'bug/gitversion-fix' and 'origin/main'. (Took: 2.33ms)
2021-06-11T14:14:33.4812651Z INFO [06/11/21 14:14:32:84] Multiple source branches have been found, picking the first one (develop).
2021-06-11T14:14:33.4813034Z This may result in incorrect commit counting.
2021-06-11T14:14:33.4813279Z Options were:
2021-06-11T14:14:33.4813536Z develop, origin/develop, main, origin/main
2021-06-11T14:14:33.4813902Z INFO [06/11/21 14:14:32:84] End: Finding branch source of 'bug/gitversion-fix' (Took: 44.88ms)
2021-06-11T14:14:33.4814366Z INFO [06/11/21 14:14:32:84] Begin: Getting branches containing the commit '54cec42'.
2021-06-11T14:14:33.4814745Z INFO [06/11/21 14:14:32:84] Trying to find direct branches.
2021-06-11T14:14:33.4815136Z INFO [06/11/21 14:14:32:84] No direct branches found, searching through all branches.
2021-06-11T14:14:33.4815535Z INFO [06/11/21 14:14:32:85] Searching for commits reachable from 'develop'.
2021-06-11T14:14:33.4815930Z INFO [06/11/21 14:14:32:85] The branch 'develop' has a matching commit.
2021-06-11T14:14:33.4816322Z INFO [06/11/21 14:14:32:85] Searching for commits reachable from 'main'.
2021-06-11T14:14:33.4816694Z INFO [06/11/21 14:14:32:85] The branch 'main' has a matching commit.
2021-06-11T14:14:33.4817090Z INFO [06/11/21 14:14:32:85] Searching for commits reachable from 'origin/develop'.
2021-06-11T14:14:33.4817488Z INFO [06/11/21 14:14:32:85] The branch 'origin/develop' has a matching commit.
2021-06-11T14:14:33.4817901Z INFO [06/11/21 14:14:32:85] Searching for commits reachable from 'origin/main'.
2021-06-11T14:14:33.4818309Z INFO [06/11/21 14:14:32:85] The branch 'origin/main' has a matching commit.
2021-06-11T14:14:33.4818749Z INFO [06/11/21 14:14:32:85] End: Getting branches containing the commit '54cec42'. (Took: 1.15ms)
2021-06-11T14:14:33.4819215Z INFO [06/11/21 14:14:32:85] Begin: Getting branches containing the commit '59c4cc8'.
2021-06-11T14:14:33.4819589Z INFO [06/11/21 14:14:32:85] Trying to find direct branches.
2021-06-11T14:14:33.4819981Z INFO [06/11/21 14:14:32:85] No direct branches found, searching through all branches.
2021-06-11T14:14:33.4820382Z INFO [06/11/21 14:14:32:85] Searching for commits reachable from 'develop'.
2021-06-11T14:14:33.4820782Z INFO [06/11/21 14:14:32:85] The branch 'develop' has no matching commits.
2021-06-11T14:14:33.4821176Z INFO [06/11/21 14:14:32:85] Searching for commits reachable from 'main'.
2021-06-11T14:14:33.4821554Z INFO [06/11/21 14:14:32:85] The branch 'main' has no matching commits.
2021-06-11T14:14:33.4821957Z INFO [06/11/21 14:14:32:85] Searching for commits reachable from 'origin/develop'.
2021-06-11T14:14:33.4822570Z INFO [06/11/21 14:14:32:86] The branch 'origin/develop' has no matching commits.
2021-06-11T14:14:33.4822995Z INFO [06/11/21 14:14:32:86] Searching for commits reachable from 'origin/main'.
2021-06-11T14:14:33.4823393Z INFO [06/11/21 14:14:32:86] The branch 'origin/main' has no matching commits.
2021-06-11T14:14:33.4823854Z INFO [06/11/21 14:14:32:86] End: Getting branches containing the commit '59c4cc8'. (Took: 13.68ms)
2021-06-11T14:14:33.4824357Z INFO [06/11/21 14:14:32:86] Found possible parent branches: develop, main, origin/develop, origin/main
2021-06-11T14:14:33.4824898Z WARN [06/11/21 14:14:32:87] Failed to inherit Increment branch configuration, ended up with: develop, main, origin/develop, origin/main
2021-06-11T14:14:33.4825405Z Falling back to develop branch config
2021-06-11T14:14:33.4825849Z INFO [06/11/21 14:14:32:87] End: Attempting to inherit branch configuration from parent branch (Took: 109.32ms)
2021-06-11T14:14:33.4826417Z INFO [06/11/21 14:14:33:14] Running against branch: pull/3622/merge (59c4cc8 Merge pull request 3622 from bug/gitversion-fix into develop)
2021-06-11T14:14:33.4826889Z INFO [06/11/21 14:14:33:15] Begin: Calculating base versions
2021-06-11T14:14:33.4827342Z INFO [06/11/21 14:14:33:17] NextVersion in GitVersion configuration file: 1010.0.2 with commit count source External Source
2021-06-11T14:14:33.4827898Z INFO [06/11/21 14:14:33:17] Fallback base version: 0.1.0 with commit count source b95ca996237e5be073039011c72459b29c388aa8
2021-06-11T14:14:33.4828422Z INFO [06/11/21 14:14:33:24] Git tag '1001.1.3': 1001.1.3 with commit count source f697f810db6f5dbd35b2b4139e1027fd94edb861
2021-06-11T14:14:33.4828954Z INFO [06/11/21 14:14:33:24] Git tag '1001.1.2': 1001.1.2 with commit count source 3d07923e0f233e5697303fc6c5ff71ba2a43e229
2021-06-11T14:14:33.4829499Z INFO [06/11/21 14:14:33:24] Git tag '1001.1.1': 1001.1.1 with commit count source cf92a88d7c5b639673400d03400705cedaed54bf
2021-06-11T14:14:33.4830022Z INFO [06/11/21 14:14:33:24] Git tag '1001.1.0': 1001.1.0 with commit count source ac72a44b07ac8236bd2d2a7eb474b5800ffd348e
2021-06-11T14:14:33.4830559Z INFO [06/11/21 14:14:33:24] Git tag '1001.0.0': 1001.0.0 with commit count source bcfd5dd8a9e9652ea716ccf6c1af46b12b28247d
2021-06-11T14:14:33.4831080Z INFO [06/11/21 14:14:33:24] Git tag '1000.0.9': 1000.0.9 with commit count source e0606d97695c51720f6d7601553bf807923b3116
2021-06-11T14:14:33.4831609Z INFO [06/11/21 14:14:33:24] Git tag '1000.0.8': 1000.0.8 with commit count source 3820eeaeda8c906efda9ff868247c734eaf24d6a
2021-06-11T14:14:33.4832141Z INFO [06/11/21 14:14:33:24] Git tag '1000.0.7': 1000.0.7 with commit count source 2e8721f1d76b7fa308f5c8fa60b13ef5215da4ed
2021-06-11T14:14:33.4832665Z INFO [06/11/21 14:14:33:24] Git tag '1000.0.6': 1000.0.6 with commit count source b5db9881e74bf45ecd1d3cce418be0d6d51325a1
2021-06-11T14:14:33.4833202Z INFO [06/11/21 14:14:33:24] Git tag '1000.0.5': 1000.0.5 with commit count source 53029b2b1902b1f2cab84771ff411983f90faeb1
2021-06-11T14:14:33.4833722Z INFO [06/11/21 14:14:33:24] Git tag '1000.0.4': 1000.0.4 with commit count source f1d5d19bf0bdbeca70833ecf78f3df0fad339cd5
2021-06-11T14:14:33.4834263Z INFO [06/11/21 14:14:33:24] Git tag '1000.0.3': 1000.0.3 with commit count source 2ae7b0669f720b5661c9483def457975113c21b3
2021-06-11T14:14:33.4834797Z INFO [06/11/21 14:14:33:24] Git tag '1000.0.2': 1000.0.2 with commit count source 88eb814e577b2aabc5bb3807982044d17124c4e7
2021-06-11T14:14:33.4835287Z INFO [06/11/21 14:14:33:25] Begin: Finding merge base between 'release/10.0.0' and 'pull/3622/merge'.
2021-06-11T14:14:33.4835757Z INFO [06/11/21 14:14:33:25] Found merge base of 7f2ec77 update to 10.0.0 prior to upgrade to 10.0.1
2021-06-11T14:14:33.4836261Z INFO [06/11/21 14:14:33:26] Merge base of release/10.0.0' and 'pull/3622/merge is 7f2ec77 update to 10.0.0 prior to upgrade to 10.0.1
2021-06-11T14:14:33.4836801Z INFO [06/11/21 14:14:33:26] End: Finding merge base between 'release/10.0.0' and 'pull/3622/merge'. (Took: 4.66ms)
2021-06-11T14:14:33.4837262Z INFO [06/11/21 14:14:33:26] Begin: Finding branch source of 'release/10.0.0'
2021-06-11T14:14:33.4837681Z INFO [06/11/21 14:14:33:27] Begin: Finding merge base between 'release/10.0.0' and 'develop'.
2021-06-11T14:14:33.4838148Z INFO [06/11/21 14:14:33:27] Found merge base of 7f2ec77 update to 10.0.0 prior to upgrade to 10.0.1
2021-06-11T14:14:33.4838639Z INFO [06/11/21 14:14:33:27] Merge base of release/10.0.0' and 'develop is 7f2ec77 update to 10.0.0 prior to upgrade to 10.0.1
2021-06-11T14:14:33.4839165Z INFO [06/11/21 14:14:33:27] End: Finding merge base between 'release/10.0.0' and 'develop'. (Took: 4.67ms)
2021-06-11T14:14:33.4839699Z INFO [06/11/21 14:14:33:28] Begin: Finding merge base between 'release/10.0.0' and 'main'.
2021-06-11T14:14:33.4840192Z INFO [06/11/21 14:14:33:28] Found merge base of 7f2ec77 update to 10.0.0 prior to upgrade to 10.0.1
2021-06-11T14:14:33.4840693Z INFO [06/11/21 14:14:33:29] Merge base of release/10.0.0' and 'main is 7f2ec77 update to 10.0.0 prior to upgrade to 10.0.1
2021-06-11T14:14:33.4841203Z INFO [06/11/21 14:14:33:29] End: Finding merge base between 'release/10.0.0' and 'main'. (Took: 4.51ms)
2021-06-11T14:14:33.4841731Z INFO [06/11/21 14:14:33:29] Begin: Finding merge base between 'release/10.0.0' and 'release/10.0.1'.
2021-06-11T14:14:33.4842202Z INFO [06/11/21 14:14:33:29] Found merge base of 7f2ec77 update to 10.0.0 prior to upgrade to 10.0.1
2021-06-11T14:14:33.4842699Z INFO [06/11/21 14:14:33:29] Merge base of release/10.0.0' and 'release/10.0.1 is 7f2ec77 update to 10.0.0 prior to upgrade to 10.0.1
2021-06-11T14:14:33.4843244Z INFO [06/11/21 14:14:33:29] End: Finding merge base between 'release/10.0.0' and 'release/10.0.1'. (Took: 2.65ms)
2021-06-11T14:14:33.4843734Z INFO [06/11/21 14:14:33:29] Begin: Finding merge base between 'release/10.0.0' and 'release/10.1.0'.
2021-06-11T14:14:33.4844204Z INFO [06/11/21 14:14:33:29] Found merge base of 7f2ec77 update to 10.0.0 prior to upgrade to 10.0.1
2021-06-11T14:14:33.4844717Z INFO [06/11/21 14:14:33:29] Merge base of release/10.0.0' and 'release/10.1.0 is 7f2ec77 update to 10.0.0 prior to upgrade to 10.0.1
2021-06-11T14:14:33.4845393Z INFO [06/11/21 14:14:33:29] End: Finding merge base between 'release/10.0.0' and 'release/10.1.0'. (Took: 4.36ms)
2021-06-11T14:14:33.4845898Z INFO [06/11/21 14:14:33:29] Begin: Finding merge base between 'release/10.0.0' and 'release/9.0.0'.
2021-06-11T14:14:33.4846380Z INFO [06/11/21 14:14:33:31] End: Finding merge base between 'release/10.0.0' and 'release/9.0.0'. (Took: 13.80ms)
2021-06-11T14:14:33.4846867Z INFO [06/11/21 14:14:33:31] End: Finding branch source of 'release/10.0.0' (Took: 47.78ms)
2021-06-11T14:14:33.4847311Z INFO [06/11/21 14:14:33:31] End: Calculating base versions (Took: 159.98ms)
2021-06-11T14:14:33.4847763Z INFO [06/11/21 14:14:33:33] Attempting to show the current git graph (please include in issue):
2021-06-11T14:14:33.4848184Z INFO [06/11/21 14:14:33:33] Showing max of 100 commits
2021-06-11T14:14:33.4848559Z INFO [06/11/21 14:14:33:43] * d8a88df20 37 minutes ago (origin/bug/6184-exm, bug/6184-exm)
2021-06-11T14:14:33.4848928Z * 69d3e3ec3 55 minutes ago (origin/develop, develop)
2021-06-11T14:14:33.4849294Z | * b8a806073 6 hours ago (origin/upgrade/10.2.0-test-latest, upgrade/10.2.0-test-latest)
2021-06-11T14:14:33.4849613Z | * 88bc21136 29 hours ago
2021-06-11T14:14:33.4849834Z | |\
2021-06-11T14:14:33.4850037Z | | * b1019cbe6 8 days ago
2021-06-11T14:14:33.4850255Z | | |\
2021-06-11T14:14:33.4850461Z | | | * 23e97755d 8 days ago
2021-06-11T14:14:33.4850713Z | | | * b0a2bb88d 8 days ago
2021-06-11T14:14:33.4850950Z | | * | 8ae9a2025 8 days ago
2021-06-11T14:14:33.4851169Z | | |/
2021-06-11T14:14:33.4851377Z | * | 7456b7ef4 29 hours ago
2021-06-11T14:14:33.4851627Z | * | fbebc942b 29 hours ago
2021-06-11T14:14:33.4851829Z | |/
2021-06-11T14:14:33.4852165Z | | * bd5f0a4fc 20 hours ago (origin/feature/5816-10.1-deprecated-setting, feature/5816-10.1-deprecated-setting)
2021-06-11T14:14:33.4852522Z | | * abeba7f46 22 hours ago
2021-06-11T14:14:33.4852752Z | | * 38582bd18 2 days ago
2021-06-11T14:14:33.4852996Z | | * 748f2dadc 2 days ago
2021-06-11T14:14:33.4853229Z | | * 503613fce 2 days ago
2021-06-11T14:14:33.4853448Z | | |\
2021-06-11T14:14:33.4853626Z | |_|/
2021-06-11T14:14:33.4853816Z |/| |
2021-06-11T14:14:33.4854021Z | | * 59755904b 2 days ago
2021-06-11T14:14:33.4854239Z | | |\
2021-06-11T14:14:33.4854447Z | | | * 5916c33db 11 days ago
2021-06-11T14:14:33.4854698Z | | | * aa8e95662 2 weeks ago
2021-06-11T14:14:33.4855293Z | | | * 1dfa70e66 2 weeks ago
2021-06-11T14:14:33.4855545Z | | | * 1769ed547 2 weeks ago
2021-06-11T14:14:33.4855782Z | | | * 0041b4c3e 2 weeks ago
2021-06-11T14:14:33.4856034Z | | | * 08348096c 2 weeks ago
2021-06-11T14:14:33.4856284Z | | * | 11d8552f4 2 days ago
2021-06-11T14:14:33.4856492Z | | |/
2021-06-11T14:14:33.4856712Z | | * b129883f9 2 weeks ago
2021-06-11T14:14:33.4856946Z | | * b751b7e74 2 weeks ago
2021-06-11T14:14:33.4857167Z | | |\
2021-06-11T14:14:33.4857380Z | | * \ 4b9a7c358 2 weeks ago
2021-06-11T14:14:33.4857605Z | | |\ \
2021-06-11T14:14:33.4857819Z | | | * | 6dc4cb596 2 weeks ago
2021-06-11T14:14:33.4858077Z | | | * | 554241458 3 months ago
2021-06-11T14:14:33.4858323Z | | * | | d165421c8 2 weeks ago
2021-06-11T14:14:33.4858552Z | | |/ /
2021-06-11T14:14:33.4858764Z | | * | 6efb2f64b 3 months ago
2021-06-11T14:14:33.4859019Z | | * | 041eac15e 3 months ago
2021-06-11T14:14:33.4859258Z | | * | 693682620 3 months ago
2021-06-11T14:14:33.4859520Z | | * | 909547f05 3 months ago
2021-06-11T14:14:33.4859771Z | | * | 6ace0b68a 3 months ago
2021-06-11T14:14:33.4860010Z | | * | 87df8105b 3 months ago
2021-06-11T14:14:33.4860263Z | | * | 880c5ba49 3 months ago
2021-06-11T14:14:33.4860500Z | | * | 5b031d934 3 months ago
2021-06-11T14:14:33.4860814Z | | | | * 59c4cc814 3 days ago (HEAD -> pull/3622/merge, pull/3622/merge)
2021-06-11T14:14:33.4861082Z | |_|_|/|
2021-06-11T14:14:33.4861281Z |/| | | |
2021-06-11T14:14:33.4861561Z | | | | * c54730a24 3 days ago (origin/bug/gitversion-fix, bug/gitversion-fix)
2021-06-11T14:14:33.4861876Z * | | | | 531f8bc23 3 days ago
2021-06-11T14:14:33.4862243Z | | | | | * 0c3a52371 3 days ago (origin/0c3a5237151a595e783a2d39ae45e2489819ac42, 0c3a5237151a595e783a2d39ae45e2489819ac42)
2021-06-11T14:14:33.4862593Z | |_|_|_|/|
2021-06-11T14:14:33.4862795Z |/| | | |/
2021-06-11T14:14:33.4863012Z | | | | * cbefc407e 3 days ago
2021-06-11T14:14:33.4863266Z | | | | * 720f7bf7f 3 days ago
2021-06-11T14:14:33.4863515Z | | | | * 864def996 3 days ago
2021-06-11T14:14:33.4863768Z | | | | * 48f473037 3 days ago
2021-06-11T14:14:33.4864005Z * | | | | 0c1d99da9 3 days ago
2021-06-11T14:14:33.4864228Z | |_|_|/
2021-06-11T14:14:33.4864410Z |/| | |
2021-06-11T14:14:33.4864763Z | | | | * be8fdf475 7 days ago (tag: 1010.0.3, origin/release/10.1.0, origin/main, release/10.1.0, main)
2021-06-11T14:14:33.4865095Z | | | | |\
2021-06-11T14:14:33.4865298Z | |_|_|_|/
2021-06-11T14:14:33.4865485Z |/| | | |
2021-06-11T14:14:33.4865714Z * | | | | 54cec4250 8 days ago
2021-06-11T14:14:33.4865965Z * | | | | 3ca19cad3 8 days ago
2021-06-11T14:14:33.4866202Z * | | | | 1e711c4d6 8 days ago
2021-06-11T14:14:33.4866455Z * | | | | 01273c9c4 9 days ago
2021-06-11T14:14:33.4866695Z * | | | | b620bbffc 9 days ago
2021-06-11T14:14:33.4866948Z * | | | | 6db375ecc 10 days ago
2021-06-11T14:14:33.4867190Z * | | | | 7ebdf73fb 10 days ago
2021-06-11T14:14:33.4867450Z * | | | | 2865b0c31 2 weeks ago
2021-06-11T14:14:33.4867665Z | |_|/ /
2021-06-11T14:14:33.4867859Z |/| | |
2021-06-11T14:14:33.4868113Z | | | * f761be88d 3 weeks ago (tag: 1010.0.2)
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2021-06-11T14:14:33.4868558Z | |_|_|/
2021-06-11T14:14:33.4868758Z |/| | |
2021-06-11T14:14:33.4868969Z * | | | 61a048d35 3 weeks ago
2021-06-11T14:14:33.4869262Z | | | * ad480001f 9 weeks ago (tag: 1010.0.1)
2021-06-11T14:14:33.4869524Z | | | |\
2021-06-11T14:14:33.4869782Z | | | * \ b05f60e72 3 months ago (tag: 1010.0.0)
2021-06-11T14:14:33.4870056Z | | | |\ \
2021-06-11T14:14:33.4870362Z | | | | | | * 1f1de9a29 9 days ago (origin/upgrade/10.2.0-nomodules, upgrade/10.2.0-nomodules)
2021-06-11T14:14:33.4870706Z | | | | | | * da35dd4b7 9 days ago
2021-06-11T14:14:33.4870957Z | | | | | | * 0be6e737f 9 days ago
2021-06-11T14:14:33.4871315Z | | | | | | | * 9b4bdc1d1 2 weeks ago (origin/feature/6095-custom-error, feature/6095-custom-error)
2021-06-11T14:14:33.4871678Z | |_|_|_|_|_|/
2021-06-11T14:14:33.4871946Z |/| | | | | |
2021-06-11T14:14:33.4872176Z * | | | | | | bc51ccc7e 4 weeks ago
2021-06-11T14:14:33.4872553Z | | | | | | | * 98260884d 2 weeks ago (origin/feature/10.1.0-managed-cloud-nops, feature/10.1.0-managed-cloud-nops)
2021-06-11T14:14:33.4872924Z | | | | | | | * 0f155d023 2 weeks ago
2021-06-11T14:14:33.4873183Z | | | | | | | * 4d6c359ac 2 weeks ago
2021-06-11T14:14:33.4873453Z | | | | | | | * 2d580a883 2 weeks ago
2021-06-11T14:14:33.4873713Z | | | | | | | * de0da2cf2 2 weeks ago
2021-06-11T14:14:33.4873982Z | | | | | | | * e1a2e3d63 2 weeks ago
2021-06-11T14:14:33.4874241Z | | | | | | | * c42616552 2 weeks ago
2021-06-11T14:14:33.4874509Z | | | | | | | * 2cbec4ce4 3 weeks ago
2021-06-11T14:14:33.4874766Z | | | | | | | * 5c5b2e189 3 weeks ago
2021-06-11T14:14:33.4875036Z | | | | | | | * aeeece342 3 weeks ago
2021-06-11T14:14:33.4875303Z | | | | | | | * 3e05abdaf 3 weeks ago
2021-06-11T14:14:33.4875559Z | | | | | | | * 274b6a5fe 3 weeks ago
2021-06-11T14:14:33.4875838Z | | | | | | | * ff09dbb89 3 weeks ago
2021-06-11T14:14:33.4876096Z | | | | | | | * 9b2feac71 3 weeks ago
2021-06-11T14:14:33.4876402Z | | | | | | | * 57185fbec 3 weeks ago
2021-06-11T14:14:33.4876659Z | | | | | | | * 788406cdc 3 weeks ago
2021-06-11T14:14:33.4876930Z | | | | | | | * 2efec749b 3 weeks ago
2021-06-11T14:14:33.4877187Z | | | | | | | * a5aac6e2b 3 weeks ago
2021-06-11T14:14:33.4877459Z | | | | | | | * 807d39b29 4 weeks ago
2021-06-11T14:14:33.4877716Z | | | | | | | * b114d2940 6 weeks ago
2021-06-11T14:14:33.4877986Z | | | | | | | * 3fb6c131c 6 weeks ago
2021-06-11T14:14:33.4878254Z | | | | | | | * d169fbdce 6 weeks ago
2021-06-11T14:14:33.4878511Z | | | | | | | * c45785709 6 weeks ago
2021-06-11T14:14:33.4878780Z | | | | | | | * 5dfe0abea 6 weeks ago
2021-06-11T14:14:33.4879038Z | | | | | | | * f21920811 6 weeks ago
2021-06-11T14:14:33.4879306Z | | | | | | | * 55e0d7b52 6 weeks ago
2021-06-11T14:14:33.4879569Z | | | | | | | * d8d5e4c2d 6 weeks ago
2021-06-11T14:14:33.4879845Z | | | | | | | * fc1dade63 6 weeks ago
2021-06-11T14:14:33.4880101Z | | | | | | | * 0fe81aa42 6 weeks ago
2021-06-11T14:14:33.4880371Z | | | | | | | * 5dce44bec 6 weeks ago
2021-06-11T14:14:33.4880750Z | | | | | | | | * d7108bc40 2 weeks ago (origin/feature/lighthouse-healthcare-vertical, feature/lighthouse-healthcare-vertical)
2021-06-11T14:14:33.4881144Z | | | | | | | | * c43da64fb 2 weeks ago
2021-06-11T14:14:33.4881421Z | | | | | | | | * fb2b2c34b 2 weeks ago
2021-06-11T14:14:33.4881685Z | | | | | | | | * d5a88c495 3 weeks ago
2021-06-11T14:14:33.4881962Z | | | | | | | | * e3008ea9c 3 weeks ago
2021-06-11T14:14:33.4882225Z | | | | | | | | * 7add4f543 3 weeks ago
2021-06-11T14:14:33.4882668Z INFO [06/11/21 14:14:30:29] Applicable build agent found: 'AzurePipelines'.
2021-06-11T14:14:33.4883052Z INFO [06/11/21 14:14:30:32] Working directory: C:/a/1/s
2021-06-11T14:14:33.4883425Z INFO [06/11/21 14:14:30:35] Branch from build environment: refs/pull/3622/merge
2021-06-11T14:14:33.4883812Z INFO [06/11/21 14:14:30:35] Project root is: C:\a\1\s\
2021-06-11T14:14:33.4884162Z INFO [06/11/21 14:14:30:35] DotGit directory is: C:\a\1\s\.git
2021-06-11T14:14:33.4884570Z INFO [06/11/21 14:14:30:35] Begin: Normalizing git directory for branch 'refs/pull/3622/merge'
2021-06-11T14:14:33.4885076Z INFO [06/11/21 14:14:30:38] One remote found (origin -> '').
2021-06-11T14:14:33.4885687Z INFO [06/11/21 14:14:30:38] Skipping fetching, if GitVersion does not calculate your version as expected you might need to allow fetching or use dynamic repositories
2021-06-11T14:14:33.4886209Z INFO [06/11/21 14:14:30:40] Creating local branch pull/3622/merge pointing at 59c4cc8
2021-06-11T14:14:33.4886675Z INFO [06/11/21 14:14:30:75] Creating local branch from remote tracking 'refs/remotes/origin/0c3a5237151a595e783a2d39ae45e2489819ac42'.
2021-06-11T14:14:33.4887293Z INFO [06/11/21 14:14:30:78] Creating local branch from remote tracking 'refs/remotes/origin/bug/1010-unicorn-upgrade-cleanup'.
2021-06-11T14:14:33.4887801Z INFO [06/11/21 14:14:30:79] Creating local branch from remote tracking 'refs/remotes/origin/bug/3258-active-personalization'.
2021-06-11T14:14:33.4888330Z INFO [06/11/21 14:14:30:81] Creating local branch from remote tracking 'refs/remotes/origin/bug/5393-contact-identificiation-issues'.
2021-06-11T14:14:33.4888851Z INFO [06/11/21 14:14:30:82] Creating local branch from remote tracking 'refs/remotes/origin/bug/5652-unicorn-sync-error'.
2021-06-11T14:14:33.4889348Z INFO [06/11/21 14:14:30:84] Creating local branch from remote tracking 'refs/remotes/origin/bug/5688-duplicate-sxa-theme'.
2021-06-11T14:14:33.4889856Z INFO [06/11/21 14:14:30:86] Creating local branch from remote tracking 'refs/remotes/origin/bug/5818-compose-file-testing'.
2021-06-11T14:14:33.4890338Z INFO [06/11/21 14:14:30:87] Creating local branch from remote tracking 'refs/remotes/origin/bug/6184-exm'.
2021-06-11T14:14:33.4890834Z INFO [06/11/21 14:14:30:89] Creating local branch from remote tracking 'refs/remotes/origin/bug/fix-build-images-errors'.
2021-06-11T14:14:33.4891332Z INFO [06/11/21 14:14:30:91] Creating local branch from remote tracking 'refs/remotes/origin/bug/gitversion-fix'.
2021-06-11T14:14:33.4891811Z INFO [06/11/21 14:14:30:92] Creating local branch from remote tracking 'refs/remotes/origin/bug/local-build-errors'.
2021-06-11T14:14:33.4892313Z INFO [06/11/21 14:14:30:94] Creating local branch from remote tracking 'refs/remotes/origin/bug/missing-sxa-components'.
2021-06-11T14:14:33.4892895Z INFO [06/11/21 14:14:30:96] Creating local branch from remote tracking 'refs/remotes/origin/bug/missing-xc-compose'.
2021-06-11T14:14:33.4893375Z INFO [06/11/21 14:14:30:98] Creating local branch from remote tracking 'refs/remotes/origin/bug/xgen-init-bug'.
2021-06-11T14:14:33.4893871Z INFO [06/11/21 14:14:30:99] Creating local branch from remote tracking 'refs/remotes/origin/bug/xgen-testing-devops'.
2021-06-11T14:14:33.4894360Z INFO [06/11/21 14:14:31:01] Creating local branch from remote tracking 'refs/remotes/origin/bugfix/corrupteditems'.
2021-06-11T14:14:33.4894832Z INFO [06/11/21 14:14:31:03] Creating local branch from remote tracking 'refs/remotes/origin/contrib'.
2021-06-11T14:14:33.4895290Z INFO [06/11/21 14:14:31:05] Creating local branch from remote tracking 'refs/remotes/origin/develop'.
2021-06-11T14:14:33.4895763Z INFO [06/11/21 14:14:31:12] Creating local branch from remote tracking 'refs/remotes/origin/feature/10.0.1-crm-connector'.
2021-06-11T14:14:33.4896272Z INFO [06/11/21 14:14:31:14] Creating local branch from remote tracking 'refs/remotes/origin/feature/10.0.1-managed-cloud'.
2021-06-11T14:14:33.4896776Z INFO [06/11/21 14:14:31:16] Creating local branch from remote tracking 'refs/remotes/origin/feature/10.0.1-managed-cloud-nops'.
2021-06-11T14:14:33.4897297Z INFO [06/11/21 14:14:31:21] Creating local branch from remote tracking 'refs/remotes/origin/feature/10.1-marketing-trial'.
2021-06-11T14:14:33.4897824Z INFO [06/11/21 14:14:31:23] Creating local branch from remote tracking 'refs/remotes/origin/feature/10.1-marketing-trial-rebase'.
2021-06-11T14:14:33.4898316Z INFO [06/11/21 14:14:31:25] Creating local branch from remote tracking 'refs/remotes/origin/feature/10.1.0'.
2021-06-11T14:14:33.4898806Z INFO [06/11/21 14:14:31:27] Creating local branch from remote tracking 'refs/remotes/origin/feature/10.1.0-latesttest'.
2021-06-11T14:14:33.4899308Z INFO [06/11/21 14:14:31:29] Creating local branch from remote tracking 'refs/remotes/origin/feature/10.1.0-managed-cloud-nops'.
2021-06-11T14:14:33.4899819Z INFO [06/11/21 14:14:31:31] Creating local branch from remote tracking 'refs/remotes/origin/feature/10.1.0-nomodules'.
2021-06-11T14:14:33.4900313Z INFO [06/11/21 14:14:31:33] Creating local branch from remote tracking 'refs/remotes/origin/feature/10.1.0-nops'.
2021-06-11T14:14:33.4900858Z INFO [06/11/21 14:14:31:35] Creating local branch from remote tracking 'refs/remotes/origin/feature/10.2.0-clean-latest'.
2021-06-11T14:14:33.4901424Z INFO [06/11/21 14:14:31:37] Creating local branch from remote tracking 'refs/remotes/origin/feature/10.2.0-latesttest'.
2021-06-11T14:14:33.4901916Z INFO [06/11/21 14:14:31:39] Creating local branch from remote tracking 'refs/remotes/origin/feature/4671-Resources'.
2021-06-11T14:14:33.4902440Z INFO [06/11/21 14:14:31:41] Creating local branch from remote tracking 'refs/remotes/origin/feature/5493-updated-finanical-vertical'.
2021-06-11T14:14:33.4902969Z INFO [06/11/21 14:14:31:43] Creating local branch from remote tracking 'refs/remotes/origin/feature/5512-add-tenant-service'.
2021-06-11T14:14:33.4903479Z INFO [06/11/21 14:14:31:45] Creating local branch from remote tracking 'refs/remotes/origin/feature/5666-web-to-leads-component'.
2021-06-11T14:14:33.4903990Z INFO [06/11/21 14:14:31:47] Creating local branch from remote tracking 'refs/remotes/origin/feature/5778-DEF-365'.
2021-06-11T14:14:33.4904487Z INFO [06/11/21 14:14:31:48] Creating local branch from remote tracking 'refs/remotes/origin/feature/5794-sync-coveo-cm-cd'.
2021-06-11T14:14:33.4905011Z INFO [06/11/21 14:14:31:51] Creating local branch from remote tracking 'refs/remotes/origin/feature/5816-10.1-deprecated-setting'.
2021-06-11T14:14:33.4905529Z INFO [06/11/21 14:14:31:53] Creating local branch from remote tracking 'refs/remotes/origin/feature/6095-custom-error'.
2021-06-11T14:14:33.4906016Z INFO [06/11/21 14:14:31:55] Creating local branch from remote tracking 'refs/remotes/origin/feature/9.2.0/SmokeTests'.
2021-06-11T14:14:33.4906511Z INFO [06/11/21 14:14:31:57] Creating local branch from remote tracking 'refs/remotes/origin/feature/9.3.0/japanese'.
2021-06-11T14:14:33.4906991Z INFO [06/11/21 14:14:31:59] Creating local branch from remote tracking 'refs/remotes/origin/feature/9.3.0/SmokeTests'.
2021-06-11T14:14:33.4907488Z INFO [06/11/21 14:14:31:61] Creating local branch from remote tracking 'refs/remotes/origin/feature/9.4.0/SmokeTests'.
2021-06-11T14:14:33.4907992Z INFO [06/11/21 14:14:31:63] Creating local branch from remote tracking 'refs/remotes/origin/feature/ai-experimental'.
2021-06-11T14:14:33.4908480Z INFO [06/11/21 14:14:31:65] Creating local branch from remote tracking 'refs/remotes/origin/feature/cache-issue-testing'.
2021-06-11T14:14:33.4908975Z INFO [06/11/21 14:14:31:67] Creating local branch from remote tracking 'refs/remotes/origin/feature/cache-testing2'.
2021-06-11T14:14:33.4909456Z INFO [06/11/21 14:14:31:69] Creating local branch from remote tracking 'refs/remotes/origin/feature/def-sql-northwind'.
2021-06-11T14:14:33.4909960Z INFO [06/11/21 14:14:31:72] Creating local branch from remote tracking 'refs/remotes/origin/feature/e2e-scenario-platform'.
2021-06-11T14:14:33.4910458Z INFO [06/11/21 14:14:31:74] Creating local branch from remote tracking 'refs/remotes/origin/feature/helmcharts'.
2021-06-11T14:14:33.4910956Z INFO [06/11/21 14:14:31:76] Creating local branch from remote tracking 'refs/remotes/origin/feature/lighthouse-healthcare-vertical'.
2021-06-11T14:14:33.4911484Z INFO [06/11/21 14:14:31:78] Creating local branch from remote tracking 'refs/remotes/origin/feature/marketing-trial-10.1'.
2021-06-11T14:14:33.4911996Z INFO [06/11/21 14:14:31:80] Creating local branch from remote tracking 'refs/remotes/origin/feature/marketing-trial-updates'.
2021-06-11T14:14:33.4912483Z INFO [06/11/21 14:14:31:83] Creating local branch from remote tracking 'refs/remotes/origin/feature/motability-poc'.
2021-06-11T14:14:33.4912996Z INFO [06/11/21 14:14:31:85] Creating local branch from remote tracking 'refs/remotes/origin/feature/remove-restart-init-testing'.
2021-06-11T14:14:33.4913503Z INFO [06/11/21 14:14:31:87] Creating local branch from remote tracking 'refs/remotes/origin/feature/selectively-include-xp1'.
2021-06-11T14:14:33.4914014Z INFO [06/11/21 14:14:31:90] Creating local branch from remote tracking 'refs/remotes/origin/feature/set-default-site'.
2021-06-11T14:14:33.4914614Z INFO [06/11/21 14:14:31:92] Creating local branch from remote tracking 'refs/remotes/origin/feature/sf-crm-tenant-configuration'.
2021-06-11T14:14:33.4915133Z INFO [06/11/21 14:14:31:94] Creating local branch from remote tracking 'refs/remotes/origin/feature/siteimprove-module-csp-settings'.
2021-06-11T14:14:33.4915652Z INFO [06/11/21 14:14:31:96] Creating local branch from remote tracking 'refs/remotes/origin/feature/update-configs'.
2021-06-11T14:14:33.4916150Z INFO [06/11/21 14:14:31:99] Creating local branch from remote tracking 'refs/remotes/origin/feature/update-docker-configuration'.
2021-06-11T14:14:33.4916685Z INFO [06/11/21 14:14:32:01] Creating local branch from remote tracking 'refs/remotes/origin/feature/update-docker-configuration-10.0.1'.
2021-06-11T14:14:33.4917226Z INFO [06/11/21 14:14:32:03] Creating local branch from remote tracking 'refs/remotes/origin/feature/update-docker-configuration-new'.
2021-06-11T14:14:33.4917762Z INFO [06/11/21 14:14:32:06] Creating local branch from remote tracking 'refs/remotes/origin/feature/update-docker-configuration-noweb'.
2021-06-11T14:14:33.4918306Z INFO [06/11/21 14:14:32:08] Creating local branch from remote tracking 'refs/remotes/origin/feature/update-docker-configuration-test'.
2021-06-11T14:14:33.4918819Z INFO [06/11/21 14:14:32:11] Creating local branch from remote tracking 'refs/remotes/origin/feature/use-templates-pipeline'.
2021-06-11T14:14:33.4919306Z INFO [06/11/21 14:14:32:13] Creating local branch from remote tracking 'refs/remotes/origin/integration'.
2021-06-11T14:14:33.4919760Z INFO [06/11/21 14:14:32:15] Creating local branch from remote tracking 'refs/remotes/origin/main'.
2021-06-11T14:14:33.4920205Z INFO [06/11/21 14:14:32:18] Creating local branch from remote tracking 'refs/remotes/origin/release/10.0.0'.
2021-06-11T14:14:33.4920677Z INFO [06/11/21 14:14:32:20] Creating local branch from remote tracking 'refs/remotes/origin/release/10.0.1'.
2021-06-11T14:14:33.4921142Z INFO [06/11/21 14:14:32:23] Creating local branch from remote tracking 'refs/remotes/origin/release/10.1.0'.
2021-06-11T14:14:33.4921615Z INFO [06/11/21 14:14:32:25] Creating local branch from remote tracking 'refs/remotes/origin/release/9.0.0'.
2021-06-11T14:14:33.4922286Z INFO [06/11/21 14:14:32:28] Creating local branch from remote tracking 'refs/remotes/origin/release/9.0.1'.
2021-06-11T14:14:33.4922746Z INFO [06/11/21 14:14:32:30] Creating local branch from remote tracking 'refs/remotes/origin/release/9.1.0'.
2021-06-11T14:14:33.4923216Z INFO [06/11/21 14:14:32:33] Creating local branch from remote tracking 'refs/remotes/origin/release/9.1.1'.
2021-06-11T14:14:33.4923671Z INFO [06/11/21 14:14:32:35] Creating local branch from remote tracking 'refs/remotes/origin/release/9.2.0'.
2021-06-11T14:14:33.4924139Z INFO [06/11/21 14:14:32:38] Creating local branch from remote tracking 'refs/remotes/origin/release/930.0'.
2021-06-11T14:14:33.4924614Z INFO [06/11/21 14:14:32:40] Creating local branch from remote tracking 'refs/remotes/origin/upgrade/10.1.0'.
2021-06-11T14:14:33.4925107Z INFO [06/11/21 14:14:32:43] Creating local branch from remote tracking 'refs/remotes/origin/upgrade/10.1.0-5886-upgrade-solution'.
2021-06-11T14:14:33.4925613Z INFO [06/11/21 14:14:32:45] Creating local branch from remote tracking 'refs/remotes/origin/upgrade/10.2.0'.
2021-06-11T14:14:33.4926088Z INFO [06/11/21 14:14:32:48] Creating local branch from remote tracking 'refs/remotes/origin/upgrade/10.2.0-clean-latest'.
2021-06-11T14:14:33.4926593Z INFO [06/11/21 14:14:32:58] Creating local branch from remote tracking 'refs/remotes/origin/upgrade/10.2.0-nomodules'.
2021-06-11T14:14:33.4927096Z INFO [06/11/21 14:14:32:61] Creating local branch from remote tracking 'refs/remotes/origin/upgrade/10.2.0-test-latest'.
2021-06-11T14:14:33.4927530Z INFO [06/11/21 14:14:32:63] HEAD points at branch 'refs/heads/pull/3622/merge'.
2021-06-11T14:14:33.4928052Z INFO [06/11/21 14:14:32:63] End: Normalizing git directory for branch 'refs/pull/3622/merge' (Took: 2,285.63ms)
2021-06-11T14:14:33.4928539Z INFO [06/11/21 14:14:32:65] Begin: Loading version variables from disk cache
2021-06-11T14:14:33.4929014Z INFO [06/11/21 14:14:32:66] Cache file C:\a\1\s\.git\gitversion_cache\0EE0BBE69C020E68733BCBE36DE9F4301A0C733A.yml not found.
2021-06-11T14:14:33.4929520Z INFO [06/11/21 14:14:32:66] End: Loading version variables from disk cache (Took: 0.90ms)
2021-06-11T14:14:33.4929926Z INFO [06/11/21 14:14:32:75] Using latest commit on specified branch
2021-06-11T14:14:33.4930338Z INFO [06/11/21 14:14:32:76] Begin: Attempting to inherit branch configuration from parent branch
2021-06-11T14:14:33.4930798Z INFO [06/11/21 14:14:32:77] HEAD is merge commit, this is likely a pull request using bug/gitversion-fix as base
2021-06-11T14:14:33.4931252Z INFO [06/11/21 14:14:32:80] Begin: Finding branch source of 'bug/gitversion-fix'
2021-06-11T14:14:33.4931699Z INFO [06/11/21 14:14:32:82] Begin: Finding merge base between 'bug/gitversion-fix' and 'develop'.
2021-06-11T14:14:33.4932188Z INFO [06/11/21 14:14:32:82] Found merge base of 54cec42 Merged PR 3599: #6177 Push short tags to Sitecore SCR
2021-06-11T14:14:33.4932770Z INFO [06/11/21 14:14:32:83] Merge base of bug/gitversion-fix' and 'develop is 54cec42 Merged PR 3599: #6177 Push short tags to Sitecore SCR
2021-06-11T14:14:33.4933339Z INFO [06/11/21 14:14:32:83] End: Finding merge base between 'bug/gitversion-fix' and 'develop'. (Took: 14.37ms)
2021-06-11T14:14:33.4933836Z INFO [06/11/21 14:14:32:83] Begin: Finding merge base between 'bug/gitversion-fix' and 'main'.
2021-06-11T14:14:33.4934334Z INFO [06/11/21 14:14:32:83] Found merge base of 54cec42 Merged PR 3599: #6177 Push short tags to Sitecore SCR
2021-06-11T14:14:33.4934935Z INFO [06/11/21 14:14:32:83] Merge base was due to a forward merge, next merge base is 61a048d Merged PR 3553: #5981 Switch from "vnext" base images to "1010.0"
2021-06-11T14:14:33.4935671Z INFO [06/11/21 14:14:32:83] Merge base was due to a forward merge, next merge base is f114cd4 Merged PR 3436: Updated CMP mappings - Switched to link fields instead of text fields
2021-06-11T14:14:33.4936357Z INFO [06/11/21 14:14:32:83] Merge base was due to a forward merge, next merge base is aeaa016 Merged PR 3398: Add comment to XML override file
2021-06-11T14:14:33.4937012Z INFO [06/11/21 14:14:32:83] Merge base was due to a forward merge, next merge base is f697f81 Merged PR 3308: 1001.1.3 - bug fixes and improvements
2021-06-11T14:14:33.4937655Z INFO [06/11/21 14:14:32:83] Merge base of bug/gitversion-fix' and 'main is f697f81 Merged PR 3308: 1001.1.3 - bug fixes and improvements
2021-06-11T14:14:33.4938235Z INFO [06/11/21 14:14:32:83] End: Finding merge base between 'bug/gitversion-fix' and 'main'. (Took: 2.89ms)
2021-06-11T14:14:33.4938748Z INFO [06/11/21 14:14:32:83] Begin: Finding merge base between 'bug/gitversion-fix' and 'origin/develop'.
2021-06-11T14:14:33.4939255Z INFO [06/11/21 14:14:32:83] Found merge base of 54cec42 Merged PR 3599: #6177 Push short tags to Sitecore SCR
2021-06-11T14:14:33.4939832Z INFO [06/11/21 14:14:32:83] Merge base of bug/gitversion-fix' and 'origin/develop is 54cec42 Merged PR 3599: #6177 Push short tags to Sitecore SCR
2021-06-11T14:14:33.4940406Z INFO [06/11/21 14:14:32:83] End: Finding merge base between 'bug/gitversion-fix' and 'origin/develop'. (Took: 0.35ms)
2021-06-11T14:14:33.4940892Z INFO [06/11/21 14:14:32:83] Begin: Finding merge base between 'bug/gitversion-fix' and 'origin/main'.
2021-06-11T14:14:33.4941426Z INFO [06/11/21 14:14:32:83] Found merge base of 54cec42 Merged PR 3599: #6177 Push short tags to Sitecore SCR
2021-06-11T14:14:33.4942045Z INFO [06/11/21 14:14:32:84] Merge base was due to a forward merge, next merge base is 61a048d Merged PR 3553: #5981 Switch from "vnext" base images to "1010.0"
2021-06-11T14:14:33.4942854Z INFO [06/11/21 14:14:32:84] Merge base was due to a forward merge, next merge base is f114cd4 Merged PR 3436: Updated CMP mappings - Switched to link fields instead of text fields
2021-06-11T14:14:33.4943549Z INFO [06/11/21 14:14:32:84] Merge base was due to a forward merge, next merge base is aeaa016 Merged PR 3398: Add comment to XML override file
2021-06-11T14:14:33.4944190Z INFO [06/11/21 14:14:32:84] Merge base was due to a forward merge, next merge base is f697f81 Merged PR 3308: 1001.1.3 - bug fixes and improvements
2021-06-11T14:14:33.4944829Z INFO [06/11/21 14:14:32:84] Merge base of bug/gitversion-fix' and 'origin/main is f697f81 Merged PR 3308: 1001.1.3 - bug fixes and improvements
2021-06-11T14:14:33.4945393Z INFO [06/11/21 14:14:32:84] End: Finding merge base between 'bug/gitversion-fix' and 'origin/main'. (Took: 2.33ms)
2021-06-11T14:14:33.4945877Z INFO [06/11/21 14:14:32:84] Multiple source branches have been found, picking the first one (develop).
2021-06-11T14:14:33.4946265Z This may result in incorrect commit counting.
2021-06-11T14:14:33.4946505Z Options were:
2021-06-11T14:14:33.4946763Z develop, origin/develop, main, origin/main
2021-06-11T14:14:33.4947142Z INFO [06/11/21 14:14:32:84] End: Finding branch source of 'bug/gitversion-fix' (Took: 44.88ms)
2021-06-11T14:14:33.4947581Z INFO [06/11/21 14:14:32:84] Begin: Getting branches containing the commit '54cec42'.
2021-06-11T14:14:33.4947973Z INFO [06/11/21 14:14:32:84] Trying to find direct branches.
2021-06-11T14:14:33.4948348Z INFO [06/11/21 14:14:32:84] No direct branches found, searching through all branches.
2021-06-11T14:14:33.4948753Z INFO [06/11/21 14:14:32:85] Searching for commits reachable from 'develop'.
2021-06-11T14:14:33.4949132Z INFO [06/11/21 14:14:32:85] The branch 'develop' has a matching commit.
2021-06-11T14:14:33.4949525Z INFO [06/11/21 14:14:32:85] Searching for commits reachable from 'main'.
2021-06-11T14:14:33.4949920Z INFO [06/11/21 14:14:32:85] The branch 'main' has a matching commit.
2021-06-11T14:14:33.4950303Z INFO [06/11/21 14:14:32:85] Searching for commits reachable from 'origin/develop'.
2021-06-11T14:14:33.4950715Z INFO [06/11/21 14:14:32:85] The branch 'origin/develop' has a matching commit.
2021-06-11T14:14:33.4951109Z INFO [06/11/21 14:14:32:85] Searching for commits reachable from 'origin/main'.
2021-06-11T14:14:33.4951509Z INFO [06/11/21 14:14:32:85] The branch 'origin/main' has a matching commit.
2021-06-11T14:14:33.4951951Z INFO [06/11/21 14:14:32:85] End: Getting branches containing the commit '54cec42'. (Took: 1.15ms)
2021-06-11T14:14:33.4952416Z INFO [06/11/21 14:14:32:85] Begin: Getting branches containing the commit '59c4cc8'.
2021-06-11T14:14:33.4952802Z INFO [06/11/21 14:14:32:85] Trying to find direct branches.
2021-06-11T14:14:33.4953181Z INFO [06/11/21 14:14:32:85] No direct branches found, searching through all branches.
2021-06-11T14:14:33.4953600Z INFO [06/11/21 14:14:32:85] Searching for commits reachable from 'develop'.
2021-06-11T14:14:33.4953978Z INFO [06/11/21 14:14:32:85] The branch 'develop' has no matching commits.
2021-06-11T14:14:33.4954367Z INFO [06/11/21 14:14:32:85] Searching for commits reachable from 'main'.
2021-06-11T14:14:33.4954741Z INFO [06/11/21 14:14:32:85] The branch 'main' has no matching commits.
2021-06-11T14:14:33.4955140Z INFO [06/11/21 14:14:32:85] Searching for commits reachable from 'origin/develop'.
2021-06-11T14:14:33.4955553Z INFO [06/11/21 14:14:32:86] The branch 'origin/develop' has no matching commits.
2021-06-11T14:14:33.4955949Z INFO [06/11/21 14:14:32:86] Searching for commits reachable from 'origin/main'.
2021-06-11T14:14:33.4956356Z INFO [06/11/21 14:14:32:86] The branch 'origin/main' has no matching commits.
2021-06-11T14:14:33.4956801Z INFO [06/11/21 14:14:32:86] End: Getting branches containing the commit '59c4cc8'. (Took: 13.68ms)
2021-06-11T14:14:33.4957390Z INFO [06/11/21 14:14:32:86] Found possible parent branches: develop, main, origin/develop, origin/main
2021-06-11T14:14:33.4957949Z WARN [06/11/21 14:14:32:87] Failed to inherit Increment branch configuration, ended up with: develop, main, origin/develop, origin/main
2021-06-11T14:14:33.4958372Z Falling back to develop branch config
2021-06-11T14:14:33.4958786Z INFO [06/11/21 14:14:32:87] End: Attempting to inherit branch configuration from parent branch (Took: 109.32ms)
2021-06-11T14:14:33.4959340Z INFO [06/11/21 14:14:33:14] Running against branch: pull/3622/merge (59c4cc8 Merge pull request 3622 from bug/gitversion-fix into develop)
2021-06-11T14:14:33.4959805Z INFO [06/11/21 14:14:33:15] Begin: Calculating base versions
2021-06-11T14:14:33.4960250Z INFO [06/11/21 14:14:33:17] NextVersion in GitVersion configuration file: 1010.0.2 with commit count source External Source
2021-06-11T14:14:33.4960800Z INFO [06/11/21 14:14:33:17] Fallback base version: 0.1.0 with commit count source b95ca996237e5be073039011c72459b29c388aa8
2021-06-11T14:14:33.4961346Z INFO [06/11/21 14:14:33:24] Git tag '1001.1.3': 1001.1.3 with commit count source f697f810db6f5dbd35b2b4139e1027fd94edb861
2021-06-11T14:14:33.4961867Z INFO [06/11/21 14:14:33:24] Git tag '1001.1.2': 1001.1.2 with commit count source 3d07923e0f233e5697303fc6c5ff71ba2a43e229
2021-06-11T14:14:33.4962402Z INFO [06/11/21 14:14:33:24] Git tag '1001.1.1': 1001.1.1 with commit count source cf92a88d7c5b639673400d03400705cedaed54bf
2021-06-11T14:14:33.4962933Z INFO [06/11/21 14:14:33:24] Git tag '1001.1.0': 1001.1.0 with commit count source ac72a44b07ac8236bd2d2a7eb474b5800ffd348e
2021-06-11T14:14:33.4963449Z INFO [06/11/21 14:14:33:24] Git tag '1001.0.0': 1001.0.0 with commit count source bcfd5dd8a9e9652ea716ccf6c1af46b12b28247d
2021-06-11T14:14:33.4963979Z INFO [06/11/21 14:14:33:24] Git tag '1000.0.9': 1000.0.9 with commit count source e0606d97695c51720f6d7601553bf807923b3116
2021-06-11T14:14:33.4964504Z INFO [06/11/21 14:14:33:24] Git tag '1000.0.8': 1000.0.8 with commit count source 3820eeaeda8c906efda9ff868247c734eaf24d6a
2021-06-11T14:14:33.4965037Z INFO [06/11/21 14:14:33:24] Git tag '1000.0.7': 1000.0.7 with commit count source 2e8721f1d76b7fa308f5c8fa60b13ef5215da4ed
2021-06-11T14:14:33.4965565Z INFO [06/11/21 14:14:33:24] Git tag '1000.0.6': 1000.0.6 with commit count source b5db9881e74bf45ecd1d3cce418be0d6d51325a1
2021-06-11T14:14:33.4966077Z INFO [06/11/21 14:14:33:24] Git tag '1000.0.5': 1000.0.5 with commit count source 53029b2b1902b1f2cab84771ff411983f90faeb1
2021-06-11T14:14:33.4966614Z INFO [06/11/21 14:14:33:24] Git tag '1000.0.4': 1000.0.4 with commit count source f1d5d19bf0bdbeca70833ecf78f3df0fad339cd5
2021-06-11T14:14:33.4967135Z INFO [06/11/21 14:14:33:24] Git tag '1000.0.3': 1000.0.3 with commit count source 2ae7b0669f720b5661c9483def457975113c21b3
2021-06-11T14:14:33.4967663Z INFO [06/11/21 14:14:33:24] Git tag '1000.0.2': 1000.0.2 with commit count source 88eb814e577b2aabc5bb3807982044d17124c4e7
2021-06-11T14:14:33.4968171Z INFO [06/11/21 14:14:33:25] Begin: Finding merge base between 'release/10.0.0' and 'pull/3622/merge'.
2021-06-11T14:14:33.4968626Z INFO [06/11/21 14:14:33:25] Found merge base of 7f2ec77 update to 10.0.0 prior to upgrade to 10.0.1
2021-06-11T14:14:33.4969134Z INFO [06/11/21 14:14:33:26] Merge base of release/10.0.0' and 'pull/3622/merge is 7f2ec77 update to 10.0.0 prior to upgrade to 10.0.1
2021-06-11T14:14:33.4969652Z INFO [06/11/21 14:14:33:26] End: Finding merge base between 'release/10.0.0' and 'pull/3622/merge'. (Took: 4.66ms)
2021-06-11T14:14:33.4970110Z INFO [06/11/21 14:14:33:26] Begin: Finding branch source of 'release/10.0.0'
2021-06-11T14:14:33.4970535Z INFO [06/11/21 14:14:33:27] Begin: Finding merge base between 'release/10.0.0' and 'develop'.
2021-06-11T14:14:33.4970984Z INFO [06/11/21 14:14:33:27] Found merge base of 7f2ec77 update to 10.0.0 prior to upgrade to 10.0.1
2021-06-11T14:14:33.4971876Z INFO [06/11/21 14:14:33:27] Merge base of release/10.0.0' and 'develop is 7f2ec77 update to 10.0.0 prior to upgrade to 10.0.1
2021-06-11T14:14:33.4972387Z INFO [06/11/21 14:14:33:27] End: Finding merge base between 'release/10.0.0' and 'develop'. (Took: 4.67ms)
2021-06-11T14:14:33.4972864Z INFO [06/11/21 14:14:33:28] Begin: Finding merge base between 'release/10.0.0' and 'main'.
2021-06-11T14:14:33.4973323Z INFO [06/11/21 14:14:33:28] Found merge base of 7f2ec77 update to 10.0.0 prior to upgrade to 10.0.1
2021-06-11T14:14:33.4973810Z INFO [06/11/21 14:14:33:29] Merge base of release/10.0.0' and 'main is 7f2ec77 update to 10.0.0 prior to upgrade to 10.0.1
2021-06-11T14:14:33.4974338Z INFO [06/11/21 14:14:33:29] End: Finding merge base between 'release/10.0.0' and 'main'. (Took: 4.51ms)
2021-06-11T14:14:33.4974810Z INFO [06/11/21 14:14:33:29] Begin: Finding merge base between 'release/10.0.0' and 'release/10.0.1'.
2021-06-11T14:14:33.4975291Z INFO [06/11/21 14:14:33:29] Found merge base of 7f2ec77 update to 10.0.0 prior to upgrade to 10.0.1
2021-06-11T14:14:33.4975803Z INFO [06/11/21 14:14:33:29] Merge base of release/10.0.0' and 'release/10.0.1 is 7f2ec77 update to 10.0.0 prior to upgrade to 10.0.1
2021-06-11T14:14:33.4976323Z INFO [06/11/21 14:14:33:29] End: Finding merge base between 'release/10.0.0' and 'release/10.0.1'. (Took: 2.65ms)
2021-06-11T14:14:33.4976824Z INFO [06/11/21 14:14:33:29] Begin: Finding merge base between 'release/10.0.0' and 'release/10.1.0'.
2021-06-11T14:14:33.4977285Z INFO [06/11/21 14:14:33:29] Found merge base of 7f2ec77 update to 10.0.0 prior to upgrade to 10.0.1
2021-06-11T14:14:33.4977796Z INFO [06/11/21 14:14:33:29] Merge base of release/10.0.0' and 'release/10.1.0 is 7f2ec77 update to 10.0.0 prior to upgrade to 10.0.1
2021-06-11T14:14:33.4978332Z INFO [06/11/21 14:14:33:29] End: Finding merge base between 'release/10.0.0' and 'release/10.1.0'. (Took: 4.36ms)
2021-06-11T14:14:33.4978822Z INFO [06/11/21 14:14:33:29] Begin: Finding merge base between 'release/10.0.0' and 'release/9.0.0'.
2021-06-11T14:14:33.4979317Z INFO [06/11/21 14:14:33:31] End: Finding merge base between 'release/10.0.0' and 'release/9.0.0'. (Took: 13.80ms)
2021-06-11T14:14:33.4979790Z INFO [06/11/21 14:14:33:31] End: Finding branch source of 'release/10.0.0' (Took: 47.78ms)
2021-06-11T14:14:33.4980230Z INFO [06/11/21 14:14:33:31] End: Calculating base versions (Took: 159.98ms)
2021-06-11T14:14:33.4980628Z ERROR [06/11/21 14:14:33:33] An unexpected error occurred:
2021-06-11T14:14:33.4981010Z System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object.
2021-06-11T14:14:33.4981559Z at GitVersion.GitObject..ctor(GitObject innerGitObject) in D:\a\GitVersion\GitVersion\src\GitVersion.LibGit2Sharp\Git\GitObject.cs:line 14
2021-06-11T14:14:33.4982191Z at GitVersion.Commit..ctor(Commit innerCommit) in D:\a\GitVersion\GitVersion\src\GitVersion.LibGit2Sharp\Git\Commit.cs:line 15
2021-06-11T14:14:33.4982879Z at GitVersion.GitRepository.<>c__DisplayClass27_0.<FindMergeBase>b__0() in D:\a\GitVersion\GitVersion\src\GitVersion.LibGit2Sharp\Git\GitRepository.cs:line 60
2021-06-11T14:14:33.4983462Z at Polly.Policy`1.<>c__DisplayClass11_0.<Execute>b__0(Context ctx, CancellationToken ct)
2021-06-11T14:14:33.4984201Z at Polly.Retry.RetryEngine.Implementation[TResult](Func`3 action, Context context, CancellationToken cancellationToken, ExceptionPredicates shouldRetryExceptionPredicates, ResultPredicates`1 shouldRetryResultPredicates, Action`4 onRetry, Int32 permittedRetryCount, IEnumerable`1 sleepDurationsEnumerable, Func`4 sleepDurationProvider)
2021-06-11T14:14:33.4984976Z at Polly.Retry.RetryPolicy`1.Implementation(Func`3 action, Context context, CancellationToken cancellationToken)
2021-06-11T14:14:33.4985433Z at Polly.Policy`1.Execute(Func`3 action, Context context, CancellationToken cancellationToken)
2021-06-11T14:14:33.4986026Z at Polly.Policy`1.Execute(Func`1 action)
2021-06-11T14:14:33.4986521Z at GitVersion.Helpers.RetryAction`2.Execute(Func`1 operation) in D:\a\GitVersion\GitVersion\src\GitVersion.Core\Helpers\RetryAction.cs:line 42
2021-06-11T14:14:33.4987244Z at GitVersion.GitRepository.FindMergeBase(ICommit commit, ICommit otherCommit) in D:\a\GitVersion\GitVersion\src\GitVersion.LibGit2Sharp\Git\GitRepository.cs:line 58
2021-06-11T14:14:33.4987987Z at GitVersion.RepositoryStore.FindMergeBase(IBranch branch, IBranch otherBranch) in D:\a\GitVersion\GitVersion\src\GitVersion.Core\Core\RepositoryStore.cs:line 46
2021-06-11T14:14:33.4988780Z at GitVersion.RepositoryStore.<>c__DisplayClass29_0.<GetMergeCommitsForBranch>b__2(IBranch otherBranch) in D:\a\GitVersion\GitVersion\src\GitVersion.Core\Core\RepositoryStore.cs:line 466
2021-06-11T14:14:33.4989378Z at System.Linq.Enumerable.WhereSelectEnumerableIterator`2.MoveNext()
2021-06-11T14:14:33.4989725Z at System.Linq.Enumerable.WhereEnumerableIterator`1.ToArray()
2021-06-11T14:14:33.4990051Z at System.Linq.OrderedEnumerable`1.ToList()
2021-06-11T14:14:33.4990360Z at System.Linq.Enumerable.ToList[TSource](IEnumerable`1 source)
2021-06-11T14:14:33.4991000Z at GitVersion.RepositoryStore.GetMergeCommitsForBranch(IBranch branch, Config configuration, IEnumerable`1 excludedBranches) in D:\a\GitVersion\GitVersion\src\GitVersion.Core\Core\RepositoryStore.cs:line 450
2021-06-11T14:14:33.4991908Z at GitVersion.RepositoryStore.FindCommitBranchWasBranchedFrom(IBranch branch, Config configuration, IBranch[] excludedBranches) in D:\a\GitVersion\GitVersion\src\GitVersion.Core\Core\RepositoryStore.cs:line 328
2021-06-11T14:14:33.4992906Z at GitVersion.VersionCalculation.VersionInBranchNameVersionStrategy.GetVersions(String tagPrefixRegex, IBranch currentBranch)+MoveNext() in D:\a\GitVersion\GitVersion\src\GitVersion.Core\VersionCalculation\BaseVersionCalculators\VersionInBranchNameVersionStrategy.cs:line 42
2021-06-11T14:14:33.4993673Z at System.Linq.Enumerable.SelectEnumerableIterator`2.MoveNext()
2021-06-11T14:14:33.4994035Z at System.Linq.Enumerable.SelectManySingleSelectorIterator`2.MoveNext()
2021-06-11T14:14:33.4994379Z at System.Linq.Enumerable.SelectEnumerableIterator`2.ToList()
2021-06-11T14:14:33.4994728Z at System.Linq.Enumerable.ToList[TSource](IEnumerable`1 source)
2021-06-11T14:14:33.4995412Z at GitVersion.VersionCalculation.TrackReleaseBranchesVersionStrategy.ReleaseBranchBaseVersions() in D:\a\GitVersion\GitVersion\src\GitVersion.Core\VersionCalculation\BaseVersionCalculators\TrackReleaseBranchesVersionStrategy.cs:line 81
2021-06-11T14:14:33.4996383Z at GitVersion.VersionCalculation.TrackReleaseBranchesVersionStrategy.GetVersions() in D:\a\GitVersion\GitVersion\src\GitVersion.Core\VersionCalculation\BaseVersionCalculators\TrackReleaseBranchesVersionStrategy.cs:line 45
2021-06-11T14:14:33.4997301Z at GitVersion.VersionCalculation.BaseVersionCalculator.GetBaseVersions(IVersionStrategy strategy)+MoveNext() in D:\a\GitVersion\GitVersion\src\GitVersion.Core\VersionCalculation\BaseVersionCalculator.cs:line 90
2021-06-11T14:14:33.4997949Z at System.Collections.Generic.List`1..ctor(IEnumerable`1 collection)
2021-06-11T14:14:33.4998291Z at System.Linq.Enumerable.ToList[TSource](IEnumerable`1 source)
2021-06-11T14:14:33.4998859Z at GitVersion.VersionCalculation.BaseVersionCalculator.GetBaseVersion() in D:\a\GitVersion\GitVersion\src\GitVersion.Core\VersionCalculation\BaseVersionCalculator.cs:line 31
2021-06-11T14:14:33.4999617Z at GitVersion.VersionCalculation.NextVersionCalculator.FindVersion() in D:\a\GitVersion\GitVersion\src\GitVersion.Core\VersionCalculation\NextVersionCalculator.cs:line 58
2021-06-11T14:14:33.5000372Z at GitVersion.GitVersionCalculateTool.CalculateVersionVariables() in D:\a\GitVersion\GitVersion\src\GitVersion.Core\Core\GitVersionCalculateTool.cs:line 52
2021-06-11T14:14:33.5001300Z at GitVersion.GitVersionExecutor.RunGitVersionTool(GitVersionOptions gitVersionOptions) in D:\a\GitVersion\GitVersion\src\GitVersion.App\GitVersionExecutor.cs:line 70
2021-06-11T14:14:33.5002222Z INFO [06/11/21 14:14:33:33] Attempting to show the current git graph (please include in issue):
2021-06-11T14:14:33.5002642Z INFO [06/11/21 14:14:33:33] Showing max of 100 commits
2021-06-11T14:14:33.5003063Z INFO [06/11/21 14:14:33:43] * d8a88df20 37 minutes ago (origin/bug/6184-exm, bug/6184-exm)
2021-06-11T14:14:33.5003484Z * 69d3e3ec3 55 minutes ago (origin/develop, develop)
2021-06-11T14:14:33.5003852Z | * b8a806073 6 hours ago (origin/upgrade/10.2.0-test-latest, upgrade/10.2.0-test-latest)
2021-06-11T14:14:33.5004170Z | * 88bc21136 29 hours ago
2021-06-11T14:14:33.5004389Z | |\
2021-06-11T14:14:33.5004596Z | | * b1019cbe6 8 days ago
2021-06-11T14:14:33.5004817Z | | |\
2021-06-11T14:14:33.5005025Z | | | * 23e97755d 8 days ago
2021-06-11T14:14:33.5005274Z | | | * b0a2bb88d 8 days ago
2021-06-11T14:14:33.5005507Z | | * | 8ae9a2025 8 days ago
2021-06-11T14:14:33.5005741Z | | |/
2021-06-11T14:14:33.5005949Z | * | 7456b7ef4 29 hours ago
2021-06-11T14:14:33.5006198Z | * | fbebc942b 29 hours ago
2021-06-11T14:14:33.5006398Z | |/
2021-06-11T14:14:33.5006733Z | | * bd5f0a4fc 20 hours ago (origin/feature/5816-10.1-deprecated-setting, feature/5816-10.1-deprecated-setting)
2021-06-11T14:14:33.5007093Z | | * abeba7f46 22 hours ago
2021-06-11T14:14:33.5007326Z | | * 38582bd18 2 days ago
2021-06-11T14:14:33.5007571Z | | * 748f2dadc 2 days ago
2021-06-11T14:14:33.5007805Z | | * 503613fce 2 days ago
2021-06-11T14:14:33.5008028Z | | |\
2021-06-11T14:14:33.5008214Z | |_|/
2021-06-11T14:14:33.5008406Z |/| |
2021-06-11T14:14:33.5008614Z | | * 59755904b 2 days ago
2021-06-11T14:14:33.5008835Z | | |\
2021-06-11T14:14:33.5009044Z | | | * 5916c33db 11 days ago
2021-06-11T14:14:33.5009300Z | | | * aa8e95662 2 weeks ago
2021-06-11T14:14:33.5009536Z | | | * 1dfa70e66 2 weeks ago
2021-06-11T14:14:33.5009792Z | | | * 1769ed547 2 weeks ago
2021-06-11T14:14:33.5010047Z | | | * 0041b4c3e 2 weeks ago
2021-06-11T14:14:33.5010284Z | | | * 08348096c 2 weeks ago
2021-06-11T14:14:33.5010535Z | | * | 11d8552f4 2 days ago
2021-06-11T14:14:33.5010742Z | | |/
2021-06-11T14:14:33.5010965Z | | * b129883f9 2 weeks ago
2021-06-11T14:14:33.5011201Z | | * b751b7e74 2 weeks ago
2021-06-11T14:14:33.5011422Z | | |\
2021-06-11T14:14:33.5011635Z | | * \ 4b9a7c358 2 weeks ago
2021-06-11T14:14:33.5011865Z | | |\ \
2021-06-11T14:14:33.5012080Z | | | * | 6dc4cb596 2 weeks ago
2021-06-11T14:14:33.5012337Z | | | * | 554241458 3 months ago
2021-06-11T14:14:33.5012585Z | | * | | d165421c8 2 weeks ago
2021-06-11T14:14:33.5012812Z | | |/ /
2021-06-11T14:14:33.5013025Z | | * | 6efb2f64b 3 months ago
2021-06-11T14:14:33.5013283Z | | * | 041eac15e 3 months ago
2021-06-11T14:14:33.5013538Z | | * | 693682620 3 months ago
2021-06-11T14:14:33.5013779Z | | * | 909547f05 3 months ago
2021-06-11T14:14:33.5014039Z | | * | 6ace0b68a 3 months ago
2021-06-11T14:14:33.5014285Z | | * | 87df8105b 3 months ago
2021-06-11T14:14:33.5014540Z | | * | 880c5ba49 3 months ago
2021-06-11T14:14:33.5014779Z | | * | 5b031d934 3 months ago
2021-06-11T14:14:33.5015093Z | | | | * 59c4cc814 3 days ago (HEAD -> pull/3622/merge, pull/3622/merge)
2021-06-11T14:14:33.5015362Z | |_|_|/|
2021-06-11T14:14:33.5015560Z |/| | | |
2021-06-11T14:14:33.5015841Z | | | | * c54730a24 3 days ago (origin/bug/gitversion-fix, bug/gitversion-fix)
2021-06-11T14:14:33.5016162Z * | | | | 531f8bc23 3 days ago
2021-06-11T14:14:33.5016545Z | | | | | * 0c3a52371 3 days ago (origin/0c3a5237151a595e783a2d39ae45e2489819ac42, 0c3a5237151a595e783a2d39ae45e2489819ac42)
2021-06-11T14:14:33.5016880Z | |_|_|_|/|
2021-06-11T14:14:33.5017084Z |/| | | |/
2021-06-11T14:14:33.5017299Z | | | | * cbefc407e 3 days ago
2021-06-11T14:14:33.5017554Z | | | | * 720f7bf7f 3 days ago
2021-06-11T14:14:33.5017792Z | | | | * 864def996 3 days ago
2021-06-11T14:14:33.5018327Z | | | | * 48f473037 3 days ago
2021-06-11T14:14:33.5018622Z * | | | | 0c1d99da9 3 days ago
2021-06-11T14:14:33.5018850Z | |_|_|/
2021-06-11T14:14:33.5019033Z |/| | |
2021-06-11T14:14:33.5019387Z | | | | * be8fdf475 7 days ago (tag: 1010.0.3, origin/release/10.1.0, origin/main, release/10.1.0, main)
2021-06-11T14:14:33.5019722Z | | | | |\
2021-06-11T14:14:33.5019923Z | |_|_|_|/
2021-06-11T14:14:33.5020123Z |/| | | |
2021-06-11T14:14:33.5020339Z * | | | | 54cec4250 8 days ago
2021-06-11T14:14:33.5020592Z * | | | | 3ca19cad3 8 days ago
2021-06-11T14:14:33.5020832Z * | | | | 1e711c4d6 8 days ago
2021-06-11T14:14:33.5021242Z * | | | | 01273c9c4 9 days ago
2021-06-11T14:14:33.5021487Z * | | | | b620bbffc 9 days ago
2021-06-11T14:14:33.5021743Z * | | | | 6db375ecc 10 days ago
2021-06-11T14:14:33.5021992Z * | | | | 7ebdf73fb 10 days ago
2021-06-11T14:14:33.5022248Z * | | | | 2865b0c31 2 weeks ago
2021-06-11T14:14:33.5022461Z | |_|/ /
2021-06-11T14:14:33.5022668Z |/| | |
2021-06-11T14:14:33.5022928Z | | | * f761be88d 3 weeks ago (tag: 1010.0.2)
2021-06-11T14:14:33.5023196Z | | | |\
2021-06-11T14:14:33.5023393Z | |_|_|/
2021-06-11T14:14:33.5023577Z |/| | |
2021-06-11T14:14:33.5023803Z * | | | 61a048d35 3 weeks ago
2021-06-11T14:14:33.5024084Z | | | * ad480001f 9 weeks ago (tag: 1010.0.1)
2021-06-11T14:14:33.5024350Z | | | |\
2021-06-11T14:14:33.5024608Z | | | * \ b05f60e72 3 months ago (tag: 1010.0.0)
2021-06-11T14:14:33.5024884Z | | | |\ \
2021-06-11T14:14:33.5025187Z | | | | | | * 1f1de9a29 9 days ago (origin/upgrade/10.2.0-nomodules, upgrade/10.2.0-nomodules)
2021-06-11T14:14:33.5025536Z | | | | | | * da35dd4b7 9 days ago
2021-06-11T14:14:33.5025787Z | | | | | | * 0be6e737f 9 days ago
2021-06-11T14:14:33.5026142Z | | | | | | | * 9b4bdc1d1 2 weeks ago (origin/feature/6095-custom-error, feature/6095-custom-error)
2021-06-11T14:14:33.5026454Z | |_|_|_|_|_|/
2021-06-11T14:14:33.5026669Z |/| | | | | |
2021-06-11T14:14:33.5026918Z * | | | | | | bc51ccc7e 4 weeks ago
2021-06-11T14:14:33.5027283Z | | | | | | | * 98260884d 2 weeks ago (origin/feature/10.1.0-managed-cloud-nops, feature/10.1.0-managed-cloud-nops)
2021-06-11T14:14:33.5027663Z | | | | | | | * 0f155d023 2 weeks ago
2021-06-11T14:14:33.5027926Z | | | | | | | * 4d6c359ac 2 weeks ago
2021-06-11T14:14:33.5028198Z | | | | | | | * 2d580a883 2 weeks ago
2021-06-11T14:14:33.5028457Z | | | | | | | * de0da2cf2 2 weeks ago
2021-06-11T14:14:33.5028728Z | | | | | | | * e1a2e3d63 2 weeks ago
2021-06-11T14:14:33.5028988Z | | | | | | | * c42616552 2 weeks ago
2021-06-11T14:14:33.5029262Z | | | | | | | * 2cbec4ce4 3 weeks ago
2021-06-11T14:14:33.5029533Z | | | | | | | * 5c5b2e189 3 weeks ago
2021-06-11T14:14:33.5029789Z | | | | | | | * aeeece342 3 weeks ago
2021-06-11T14:14:33.5030060Z | | | | | | | * 3e05abdaf 3 weeks ago
2021-06-11T14:14:33.5030317Z | | | | | | | * 274b6a5fe 3 weeks ago
2021-06-11T14:14:33.5030588Z | | | | | | | * ff09dbb89 3 weeks ago
2021-06-11T14:14:33.5030849Z | | | | | | | * 9b2feac71 3 weeks ago
2021-06-11T14:14:33.5031125Z | | | | | | | * 57185fbec 3 weeks ago
2021-06-11T14:14:33.5031383Z | | | | | | | * 788406cdc 3 weeks ago
2021-06-11T14:14:33.5031653Z | | | | | | | * 2efec749b 3 weeks ago
2021-06-11T14:14:33.5031911Z | | | | | | | * a5aac6e2b 3 weeks ago
2021-06-11T14:14:33.5032182Z | | | | | | | * 807d39b29 4 weeks ago
2021-06-11T14:14:33.5032439Z | | | | | | | * b114d2940 6 weeks ago
2021-06-11T14:14:33.5032710Z | | | | | | | * 3fb6c131c 6 weeks ago
2021-06-11T14:14:33.5032980Z | | | | | | | * d169fbdce 6 weeks ago
2021-06-11T14:14:33.5033234Z | | | | | | | * c45785709 6 weeks ago
2021-06-11T14:14:33.5033503Z | | | | | | | * 5dfe0abea 6 weeks ago
2021-06-11T14:14:33.5033761Z | | | | | | | * f21920811 6 weeks ago
2021-06-11T14:14:33.5034033Z | | | | | | | * 55e0d7b52 6 weeks ago
2021-06-11T14:14:33.5034289Z | | | | | | | * d8d5e4c2d 6 weeks ago
2021-06-11T14:14:33.5034561Z | | | | | | | * fc1dade63 6 weeks ago
2021-06-11T14:14:33.5035105Z | | | | | | | * 0fe81aa42 6 weeks ago
2021-06-11T14:14:33.5035377Z | | | | | | | * 5dce44bec 6 weeks ago
2021-06-11T14:14:33.5035762Z | | | | | | | | * d7108bc40 2 weeks ago (origin/feature/lighthouse-healthcare-vertical, feature/lighthouse-healthcare-vertical)
2021-06-11T14:14:33.5036154Z | | | | | | | | * c43da64fb 2 weeks ago
2021-06-11T14:14:33.5036433Z | | | | | | | | * fb2b2c34b 2 weeks ago
2021-06-11T14:14:33.5036696Z | | | | | | | | * d5a88c495 3 weeks ago
2021-06-11T14:14:33.5036975Z | | | | | | | | * e3008ea9c 3 weeks ago
2021-06-11T14:14:33.5037236Z | | | | | | | | * 7add4f543 3 weeks ago
2021-06-11T14:14:33.5037612Z INFO [06/11/21 14:14:33:45] Done writing
2021-06-11T14:14:33.5065803Z ##[error]SyntaxError: Unexpected end of JSON input
2021-06-11T14:14:33.5078450Z ##[section]Finishing: Execute GitVersion
assembly-versioning-scheme: MajorMinorPatch
mode: mainline
continuous-delivery-fallback-tag: ''
tag-prefix: '[vV]'
next-version: 1010.0.2
major-version-bump-message: '\+semver:\s?(dotnotuse)'
minor-version-bump-message: '\+semver:\s?(breaking|major)'
patch-version-bump-message: '\+semver:\s?(feature|minor)'
no-bump-message: '\+semver:\s?(none|skip)'
tag: beta
increment: Patch
prevent-increment-of-merged-branch-version: false
is-mainline: true
tag: ''
increment: Patch
prevent-increment-of-merged-branch-version: true
track-merge-target: false
regex: ^main$
- develop
tracks-release-branches: false
is-release-branch: false
is-mainline: true
tag: ft
tag-number-pattern: '[/-](?<number>\d+)[-/]'
tag: pull
tag-number-pattern: '[/-](?<number>\d+)[-/]'
tag: ''
is-release-branch: true
increment: Inherit
is-mainline: true
tag: vnext
regex: ^upgrade.*
tag-number-pattern: '[/-](?<number>\d+)[-/]'
- develop
is-mainline: true
merge-message-formats: {}
INFO [06/11/21 13:09:18:08] Dumping commit graph:
INFO [06/11/21 13:09:18:25] * d3798d4be3 3 hours ago (vsts/bug/6184-exm)
* d8a88df20e 4 hours ago
* 69d3e3ec34 4 hours ago (vsts/develop, vsts/HEAD)
| * b8a8060735 9 hours ago (vsts/upgrade/10.2.0-test-latest)
| * 88bc21136d 32 hours ago
| |\
| | * b1019cbe61 8 days ago
| | |\
| | | * 23e97755df 8 days ago
| | | * b0a2bb88d9 8 days ago
| | * | 8ae9a20252 8 days ago
| | |/
| * | 7456b7ef40 32 hours ago
| * | fbebc942b1 32 hours ago
| |/
| | * bd5f0a4fc5 23 hours ago (vsts/feature/5816-10.1-deprecated-setting)
| | * abeba7f463 25 hours ago
| | * 38582bd18a 2 days ago
| | * 748f2dadcb 2 days ago
| | * 503613fcea 2 days ago
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| |_|/
|/| |
* | | 531f8bc232 3 days ago (HEAD -> develop)
| | * 59755904bd 2 days ago
| | |\
| | | * 5916c33dbe 11 days ago
| | | * aa8e95662e 2 weeks ago
| | | * 1dfa70e663 2 weeks ago
| | | * 1769ed547d 2 weeks ago
| | | * 0041b4c3ec 2 weeks ago
| | | * 08348096c4 2 weeks ago
| | * | 11d8552f47 2 days ago
| | |/
| | * b129883f99 2 weeks ago
| | * b751b7e749 2 weeks ago
| | |\
| | * \ 4b9a7c358b 2 weeks ago
| | |\ \
| | | * | 6dc4cb596b 2 weeks ago
| | | * | 554241458a 3 months ago
| | * | | d165421c88 2 weeks ago
| | |/ /
| | * | 6efb2f64bf 3 months ago
| | * | 041eac15ec 3 months ago
| | * | 693682620c 3 months ago
| | * | 909547f055 3 months ago
| | * | 6ace0b68a5 3 months ago
| | * | 87df8105b7 3 months ago
| | * | 880c5ba498 3 months ago
| | * | 5b031d934f 3 months ago
| | | | * c54730a24c 3 days ago (vsts/bug/gitversion-fix)
| | | | | * 0c3a523715 3 days ago (origin/0c3a5237151a595e783a2d39ae45e2489819ac42)
| |_|_|_|/|
|/| | | |/
| | | | * cbefc407eb 3 days ago
| | | | * 720f7bf7ff 3 days ago
| | | | * 864def9961 3 days ago
| | | | * 48f4730373 3 days ago
* | | | | 0c1d99da95 3 days ago
| |_|_|/
|/| | |
| | | | * be8fdf475e 7 days ago (tag: 1010.0.3, vsts/release/10.1.0, vsts/main, main)
| | | | |\
| |_|_|_|/
|/| | | |
* | | | | 54cec4250a 8 days ago
* | | | | 3ca19cad3d 8 days ago
* | | | | 1e711c4d6e 8 days ago
* | | | | 01273c9c45 9 days ago
* | | | | b620bbffc1 9 days ago
* | | | | 6db375ecc7 10 days ago
* | | | | 7ebdf73fb1 10 days ago
| | | | * f761be88d4 3 weeks ago (tag: 1010.0.2)
| | | | |\
| | | | |/
| | | |/|
| | | | * ad480001f8 9 weeks ago (tag: 1010.0.1)
| | | | |\
| | | | * \ b05f60e723 3 months ago (tag: 1010.0.0)
| | | | |\ \
| | | | | | | * 1f1de9a294 9 days ago (vsts/upgrade/10.2.0-nomodules)
| | | | | | | * da35dd4b7c 9 days ago
| | | | | | | * 0be6e737fa 9 days ago
| | | | | | | | * a767113ead 11 days ago (vsts/bug/6174-test)
| | | | | | | | * 88067afbef 2 weeks ago
| |_|_|_|_|_|_|/
|/| | | | | | |
* | | | | | | | 2865b0c317 2 weeks ago
| |_|/ / / / /
|/| | | | | |
* | | | | | | 61a048d35c 3 weeks ago
| | | | | | | * 9b4bdc1d1e 2 weeks ago (vsts/feature/6095-custom-error)
| |_|_|_|_|_|/
|/| | | | | |
| | | | | | | * 98260884d1 2 weeks ago (vsts/feature/10.1.0-managed-cloud-nops)
| | | | | | | * 0f155d023a 2 weeks ago
| | | | | | | * 4d6c359ac3 2 weeks ago
| | | | | | | * 2d580a8835 2 weeks ago
| | | | | | | * de0da2cf2e 2 weeks ago
| | | | | | | * e1a2e3d632 2 weeks ago
| | | | | | | * c426165521 2 weeks ago
| | | | | | | * 2cbec4ce49 3 weeks ago
| | | | | | | * 5c5b2e1892 3 weeks ago
| | | | | | | * aeeece3425 3 weeks ago
| | | | | | | * 3e05abdafe 3 weeks ago
| | | | | | | * 274b6a5fe8 3 weeks ago
| | | | | | | * ff09dbb89e 3 weeks ago
| | | | | | | * 9b2feac71c 3 weeks ago
| | | | | | | * 57185fbec6 3 weeks ago
| | | | | | | * 788406cdc0 3 weeks ago
| | | | | | | * 2efec749be 3 weeks ago
| | | | | | | * a5aac6e2b6 3 weeks ago
| | | | | | | * 807d39b29a 4 weeks ago
| | | | | | | * b114d2940b 6 weeks ago
| | | | | | | * 3fb6c131ce 6 weeks ago
| | | | | | | * d169fbdce5 6 weeks ago
| | | | | | | * c45785709e 6 weeks ago
| | | | | | | * 5dfe0abea2 6 weeks ago
| | | | | | | * f21920811b 6 weeks ago
| | | | | | | * 55e0d7b52e 6 weeks ago
| | | | | | | * d8d5e4c2dc 6 weeks ago
| | | | | | | * fc1dade634 6 weeks ago
| | | | | | | * 0fe81aa420 6 weeks ago
| | | | | | | * 5dce44becf 6 weeks ago
| | | | | | | | * d7108bc404 2 weeks ago (vsts/feature/lighthouse-healthcare-vertical)
| | | | | | | | * c43da64fba 2 weeks ago
| | | | | | | | * fb2b2c34b5 2 weeks ago
| | | | | | | | * d5a88c4950 3 weeks ago
| | | | | | | | * e3008ea9cf 3 weeks ago
INFO [06/11/21 13:09:18:25] Working directory: C:\projects\Sitecore.Demo.Platform
INFO [06/11/21 13:09:18:28] Project root is: C:\projects\Sitecore.Demo.Platform\
INFO [06/11/21 13:09:18:28] DotGit directory is: C:\projects\Sitecore.Demo.Platform\.git
INFO [06/11/21 13:09:18:39] Using latest commit on specified branch
INFO [06/11/21 13:09:18:84] Running against branch: develop (531f8bc Merged PR 3623: #6194 Fixed release notes link format)
INFO [06/11/21 13:09:18:85] Begin: Calculating base versions
INFO [06/11/21 13:09:18:86] NextVersion in GitVersion configuration file: 1010.0.2 with commit count source External Source
INFO [06/11/21 13:09:18:88] Fallback base version: 0.1.0 with commit count source b95ca996237e5be073039011c72459b29c388aa8
INFO [06/11/21 13:09:18:95] Git tag '1001.1.3': 1001.1.3 with commit count source f697f810db6f5dbd35b2b4139e1027fd94edb861
INFO [06/11/21 13:09:18:95] Git tag '1001.1.2': 1001.1.2 with commit count source 3d07923e0f233e5697303fc6c5ff71ba2a43e229
INFO [06/11/21 13:09:18:95] Git tag '1001.1.1': 1001.1.1 with commit count source cf92a88d7c5b639673400d03400705cedaed54bf
INFO [06/11/21 13:09:18:95] Git tag '1001.1.0': 1001.1.0 with commit count source ac72a44b07ac8236bd2d2a7eb474b5800ffd348e
INFO [06/11/21 13:09:18:95] Git tag '1001.0.0': 1001.0.0 with commit count source bcfd5dd8a9e9652ea716ccf6c1af46b12b28247d
INFO [06/11/21 13:09:18:95] Git tag '1000.0.9': 1000.0.9 with commit count source e0606d97695c51720f6d7601553bf807923b3116
INFO [06/11/21 13:09:18:95] Git tag '1000.0.8': 1000.0.8 with commit count source 3820eeaeda8c906efda9ff868247c734eaf24d6a
INFO [06/11/21 13:09:18:95] Git tag '1000.0.7': 1000.0.7 with commit count source 2e8721f1d76b7fa308f5c8fa60b13ef5215da4ed
INFO [06/11/21 13:09:18:95] Git tag '1000.0.6': 1000.0.6 with commit count source b5db9881e74bf45ecd1d3cce418be0d6d51325a1
INFO [06/11/21 13:09:18:95] Git tag '1000.0.5': 1000.0.5 with commit count source 53029b2b1902b1f2cab84771ff411983f90faeb1
INFO [06/11/21 13:09:18:95] Git tag '1000.0.4': 1000.0.4 with commit count source f1d5d19bf0bdbeca70833ecf78f3df0fad339cd5
INFO [06/11/21 13:09:18:95] Git tag '1000.0.3': 1000.0.3 with commit count source 2ae7b0669f720b5661c9483def457975113c21b3
INFO [06/11/21 13:09:18:95] Git tag '1000.0.2': 1000.0.2 with commit count source 88eb814e577b2aabc5bb3807982044d17124c4e7
INFO [06/11/21 13:09:19:01] Git tag '1010.0.3': 1010.0.3 with commit count source be8fdf475eea21f76fac7b2b30978ce4cc4d590f
INFO [06/11/21 13:09:19:01] Git tag '1010.0.2': 1010.0.2 with commit count source f761be88d48bb018458a4a8aa0de3ee9c2ee567d
INFO [06/11/21 13:09:19:01] Git tag '1010.0.1': 1010.0.1 with commit count source ad480001f84524dc1a7fb3a3f7f889844bbce2ee
INFO [06/11/21 13:09:19:01] Git tag '1010.0.0': 1010.0.0 with commit count source b05f60e723ed222b4bcaab581968786f26ce09b2
INFO [06/11/21 13:09:19:01] Git tag '1001.1.3': 1001.1.3 with commit count source f697f810db6f5dbd35b2b4139e1027fd94edb861
INFO [06/11/21 13:09:19:01] Git tag '1001.1.2': 1001.1.2 with commit count source 3d07923e0f233e5697303fc6c5ff71ba2a43e229
INFO [06/11/21 13:09:19:01] Git tag '1001.1.1': 1001.1.1 with commit count source cf92a88d7c5b639673400d03400705cedaed54bf
INFO [06/11/21 13:09:19:01] Git tag '1001.1.0': 1001.1.0 with commit count source ac72a44b07ac8236bd2d2a7eb474b5800ffd348e
INFO [06/11/21 13:09:19:01] Git tag '1001.0.0': 1001.0.0 with commit count source bcfd5dd8a9e9652ea716ccf6c1af46b12b28247d
INFO [06/11/21 13:09:19:01] Git tag '1000.0.9': 1000.0.9 with commit count source e0606d97695c51720f6d7601553bf807923b3116
INFO [06/11/21 13:09:19:01] Git tag '1000.0.8': 1000.0.8 with commit count source 3820eeaeda8c906efda9ff868247c734eaf24d6a
INFO [06/11/21 13:09:19:01] Git tag '1000.0.7': 1000.0.7 with commit count source 2e8721f1d76b7fa308f5c8fa60b13ef5215da4ed
INFO [06/11/21 13:09:19:01] Git tag '1000.0.6': 1000.0.6 with commit count source b5db9881e74bf45ecd1d3cce418be0d6d51325a1
INFO [06/11/21 13:09:19:01] Git tag '1000.0.5': 1000.0.5 with commit count source 53029b2b1902b1f2cab84771ff411983f90faeb1
INFO [06/11/21 13:09:19:01] Git tag '1000.0.4': 1000.0.4 with commit count source f1d5d19bf0bdbeca70833ecf78f3df0fad339cd5
INFO [06/11/21 13:09:19:01] Git tag '1000.0.3': 1000.0.3 with commit count source 2ae7b0669f720b5661c9483def457975113c21b3
INFO [06/11/21 13:09:19:01] Git tag '1000.0.2': 1000.0.2 with commit count source 88eb814e577b2aabc5bb3807982044d17124c4e7
INFO [06/11/21 13:09:19:05] Found multiple base versions which will produce the same SemVer (1010.0.4), taking oldest source for commit counting (Git tag '1010.0.3')
INFO [06/11/21 13:09:19:05] Base version used: Git tag '1010.0.3': 1010.0.3 with commit count source be8fdf475eea21f76fac7b2b30978ce4cc4d590f
INFO [06/11/21 13:09:19:05] End: Calculating base versions (Took: 204.76ms)
INFO [06/11/21 13:09:19:05] 2 commits found between be8fdf4 Merged PR 3605: Merge 'develop' to 'main' and 531f8bc Merged PR 3623: #6194 Fixed release notes link format
INFO [06/11/21 13:09:19:05] Begin: Using mainline development mode to calculate current version
INFO [06/11/21 13:09:19:10] Found possible mainline branches: develop, main, upgrade/10.1.0, upgrade/10.1.0-5886-upgrade-solution, upgrade/10.2.0
INFO [06/11/21 13:09:19:10] Mainline for current branch is develop
INFO [06/11/21 13:09:19:11] 2 commits found between be8fdf4 Merged PR 3605: Merge 'develop' to 'main' and 531f8bc Merged PR 3623: #6194 Fixed release notes link format
INFO [06/11/21 13:09:19:11] End: Using mainline development mode to calculate current version (Took: 51.87ms)
INFO [06/11/21 13:09:19:11] Begin: Getting version tags from branch 'refs/heads/develop'.
INFO [06/11/21 13:09:19:14] End: Getting version tags from branch 'refs/heads/develop'. (Took: 30.26ms)
"Major": 1010,
"Minor": 0,
"Patch": 3,
"PreReleaseTag": "beta.2",
"PreReleaseTagWithDash": "-beta.2",
"PreReleaseLabel": "beta",
"PreReleaseLabelWithDash": "-beta",
"PreReleaseNumber": 2,
"WeightedPreReleaseNumber": 2,
"BuildMetaData": null,
"BuildMetaDataPadded": "",
"FullBuildMetaData": "Branch.develop.Sha.531f8bc232c341a6f196207bd39598ef1a0e0b85",
"MajorMinorPatch": "1010.0.3",
"SemVer": "1010.0.3-beta.2",
"LegacySemVer": "1010.0.3-beta2",
"LegacySemVerPadded": "1010.0.3-beta0002",
"AssemblySemVer": "1010.0.3.0",
"AssemblySemFileVer": "1010.0.3.0",
"FullSemVer": "1010.0.3-beta.2",
"InformationalVersion": "1010.0.3-beta.2+Branch.develop.Sha.531f8bc232c341a6f196207bd39598ef1a0e0b85",
"BranchName": "develop",
"EscapedBranchName": "develop",
"Sha": "531f8bc232c341a6f196207bd39598ef1a0e0b85",
"ShortSha": "531f8bc",
"NuGetVersionV2": "1010.0.3-beta0002",
"NuGetVersion": "1010.0.3-beta0002",
"NuGetPreReleaseTagV2": "beta0002",
"NuGetPreReleaseTag": "beta0002",
"VersionSourceSha": "be8fdf475eea21f76fac7b2b30978ce4cc4d590f",
"CommitsSinceVersionSource": 2,
"CommitsSinceVersionSourcePadded": "0002",
"UncommittedChanges": 1,
"CommitDate": "2021-06-08"
INFO [06/11/21 13:09:19:17] Done writing
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