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Last active September 23, 2020 19:32
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Save jeaye/a153a8ae397001df49778866e02a7c49 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
kaocha is running main.js from any dir in the class path?
$ ls target*
ls: cannot access 'target*': No such file or directory
$ lein with-profile headless-parent run -m kaocha.runner headless
Warning: implicit hook found: lein-environ.plugin/hooks
Hooks are deprecated and will be removed in a future version.
WARNING: Use of undeclared Var goog.structs/Map at line 2683 file:/home/jeaye/.m2/repository/com/taoensso/encore/2.91.0/encore-2.91.0.jar!/taoensso/encore.cljs
WARNING: Use of undeclared Var goog.structs/Map at line 2683 file:/home/jeaye/.m2/repository/com/taoensso/encore/2.91.0/encore-2.91.0.jar!/taoensso/encore.cljs
WARNING: No tests found with metadata key :refresh. Ignoring --focus-meta :refresh.
WARNING: No tests found with metadata key :refresh. Ignoring --focus-meta :refresh.
1 tests, 3 assertions, 0 failures.
$ ls target*
classes stale
cljs cljs_time cognitect expound kaocha node_repl_deps.js oops pjstadig reagent taoensso
cljsjs clojure com goog lambdaisland node_repl.js orchestra promesa re_frame
$ mkdir target-headless-child
mkdir: created directory 'target-headless-child'
$ cat <<EOF > target-headless-child/main.js
setInterval(_ => {}, 10000);
$ lein with-profile headless-parent run -m kaocha.runner headless
Warning: implicit hook found: lein-environ.plugin/hooks
Hooks are deprecated and will be removed in a future version.
WARNING: No tests found with metadata key :refresh. Ignoring --focus-meta :refresh.
WARNING: No tests found with metadata key :refresh. Ignoring --focus-meta :refresh.
Randomized with --seed 1149384668
ERROR in headless (form-init3291548406476303360.clj:1)
Unexpected error executing kaocha-cljs test suite.
Exception: clojure.lang.ExceptionInfo: Failed cleaning up ClojureScript runtime
{:cljs/last-val "nil", :ws/disconnected? true, :ws/connected? false}
at kaocha.type.cljs$eval7489$fn__7491$fn__7513.invoke (cljs.clj:302)
kaocha.type.cljs$queue_consumer.invokeStatic (cljs.clj:181)
kaocha.type.cljs$queue_consumer.invoke (cljs.clj:173)
kaocha.type.cljs$eval7489$fn__7491.invoke (cljs.clj:298)
kaocha.plugin.capture_output$capture_output_wrap_run_hook$fn__3377$fn__3378.invoke (capture_output.clj:83)
kaocha.plugin.capture_output$capture_output_wrap_run_hook$fn__3377.doInvoke (capture_output.clj:83)
kaocha.testable$run.invokeStatic (testable.clj:128)
kaocha.testable$run.invoke (testable.clj:119)
kaocha.testable$run_testable.invokeStatic (testable.clj:212)
kaocha.testable$run_testable.invoke (testable.clj:157)
kaocha.testable$run_testables.invokeStatic (testable.clj:225)
kaocha.testable$run_testables.invoke (testable.clj:215)
kaocha.api$run$fn__3883$fn__3884$fn__3885.invoke (api.clj:137)
kaocha.api$run$fn__3883$fn__3884.invoke (api.clj:111)
kaocha.api$run$fn__3883.invoke (api.clj:110)
kaocha.api$run.invokeStatic (api.clj:96)
kaocha.api$run.invoke (api.clj:83)
kaocha.runner$run.invokeStatic (runner.clj:133)
kaocha.runner$run.invoke (runner.clj:74)
kaocha.runner$_main_STAR_.invokeStatic (runner.clj:166)
kaocha.runner$_main_STAR_.doInvoke (runner.clj:145)
kaocha.runner$_main.invokeStatic (runner.clj:177)
kaocha.runner$_main.doInvoke (runner.clj:175)
user$eval140.invokeStatic (form-init3291548406476303360.clj:1)
user$eval140.invoke (form-init3291548406476303360.clj:1)
0 tests, 1 assertions, 1 errors, 0 failures.
Error encountered performing task 'run' with profile(s): 'headless-parent'
Suppressed exit
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