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Created May 14, 2011 18:37
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simple script to randomly place scaled, rotated, color overlayed images on an html5 canvas. Might be helpful for creating dynamic header for web site
* jebaird.canvasImageRandomizer - simple "framework" to randomly place scaled, rotated, color overlayed images on an html5 canvas
* Jesse Baird <>
* 5/14/2011
* Copyright 2011, Jesse Baird
* Dual licensed under the MIT or GPL Version 2 licenses.
* <canvas id="myDrawing" width="1260" height="375" style="border: 1px solid black">
<p>Your browser doesn't support canvas.</p>
* //include this file
* new jebaird.canvasImageRandomizer( document.getElementById('myDrawing'), {
images: [
colors: [
if( window.jebaird == undefined){
window.jebaird = {};
* poor mans extend
* im just using this for settings
function extend( defaults, options ){
var settings = {};
for( var prop in defaults ){
settings[ prop ] = ( options[ prop ] ) ? options[ prop ] : defaults[ prop ];
return settings;
* target is canavs element
jebaird.canvasImageRandomizer = function( target, options ){
if(!target && !target.getContext) {
console.log('boooo no canvas support');
return false;
var self = this,
defaults = {
images: [],
//colors - array of colors that you want to mask your images
colors: [],
//keep at 90 deg if you are rotating pngs, un less your images arent at 90 deg
angles: [ 0, 90, 180, 270 ],
//NOTE: i'm pretty sure you can scale images past 100% when using the mask feature
scale: {
min: 10,
max: 100
//the number of images you want on the canvas
numOfImg: 1,
//default image placement will ramdomly place images on the canvas,
imgPlacement: function(drawingContext, target, image){
var instance = this;
var w = image.width * .50,
h = image.height * .50;
var maxX = target.width + ( w ),
minX = - w,
maxY = target.height,
minY = -h,
X = instance.rand( minX, maxX),
Y = instance.rand( minY, maxY);
// console.log('minX', minX, 'maxX ', maxX, ' - ', X)
// console.log('minY', minY, 'maxY ', maxY, ' - ', Y)
drawingContext.drawImage(image, X, Y );
config = extend( defaults, options),
drawingContext = target.getContext('2d');
drawingContext.globalAlpha = 1;
var i = config.images.length,
loadedImageCount = 0,
imgPreload = [],
processor = function(){
if( loadedImageCount != imgPreload.length ){
setTimeout( processor,5);
while( config.numOfImg-- ){
config.imgPlacement.apply(self, [drawingContext, target,
image: imgPreload[ self.rand( 0, imgPreload.length -1 )],
color: config.colors[ self.rand( 0, config.colors.length -1 )],
rotate: config.angles[ self.rand( 0, config.angles.length -1 )],
scale: self.rand( config.scale.min, config.scale.max) * .01
//pre load all of the images specified in the config, that way the getImage function doesnt need to do it every time
while( i-- ){
var img = new Image();
img.onload = function(){
img.src= config.images[i];
return true;
* random number, between x and y
jebaird.canvasImageRandomizer.prototype.rand = function( min, max ){
//console.log('min', min, 'max', max, Math.floor(Math.random() * (max - min+ 1) + min));
return Math.floor(Math.random() * (max - min+ 1) + min);
* return a canvas object with an image
jebaird.canvasImageRandomizer.prototype.getImage = function( options ){
var defaults = {
//image is image resource new Image()
image: '',
//mask color
color: '#000000',
rotate: 0,// in degrees
scale: 1
settings = extend( defaults, options ),
buffer = document.createElement('canvas'),
drawingContext = buffer.getContext('2d'),
image = settings.image;
var w = Math.ceil( image.width * settings.scale ),
h = Math.ceil( image.height * settings.scale ),
ww = w / 2,
hh = h / 2;
buffer.width = w;
buffer.height = h;
//console.log(drawingContext, image)
// fill offscreen buffer with the tint color
drawingContext.fillStyle = settings.color;
drawingContext.globalCompositeOperation = "destination-atop";
// drawingContext.globalCompositeOperation = "copy";
drawingContext.globalAlpha = 1;
drawingContext.translate( ww ,hh);
drawingContext.rotate( (Math.PI / 180) * settings.rotate);
drawingContext.drawImage( image, -ww, -hh, w,h );
return buffer
return window.jebaird = jebaird;
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