Jeb A. Beich
Panama City, FL
jebbeich (at) gmail (dot) com
(352) 213-7344
2000 Enterprise Java - 2002 J2ME - 2005 Python/.Net - 2008 Android - 2012 Clojure
Proficient in Clojure, Clojurescript, Java, and Javascript, as well as HTML/CSS/SVG. Experience with Prolog, Racket (Scheme), Common Lisp, Python, Ruby, Scala, C# and PL/TSQL.
Linux - 2000 Fedora - 2014 Ubuntu
Virutal Box, VMWare, Bash, Vim, Tmux, SSH, (n)REPL, Leinigen, Maven, Git, Make, SVN, Mercurial, and Balsamiq. Past experience with Ant, CVS, Eclipse, Netbeans, Visual Studio.
Riak, AWS (S3, Redshift, RDS), JBoss AS since 2000, Immutant, Apache, Jetty/Tomcat, MySQL, Oracle DB, MS SQL Server. Past experience with Node.js (Express), Mongo DB, ILog rules engine, IIS, Crystal Reports Server.
Recent experience with React.js (Reagent), Figwheel & Compojure/Ring, Apigee, Rails, Sencha ExtJS (3, 4), Bootstrap, Backbone.js, and JQuery. Familiar with Google App Engine, JSF, TurboGears, Django, Android, J2ME, J2EE, OSGI.
- Full stack Clojure/Clojurescript threat analysis dashboard using event-sourced data from Riak.
- Clojure/AWS reporting dashboard. Aggregated data from S3, Redshift, RDS. Pure-bash CI enviroment.
- Extended existing OSGI-based data bus for medical device data. Included modification of REST API, backbone.js-based front-end, and integration with next generation SOA service suite.
- Participated in (Scrum) development of Clojure-based middle tier which aggregated Oracle, SOAP, and file data to provide a unified JSON API for public-facing Rails applications, as well as external third-party consumers via Apigee.
- Improved the state of testing/TDD, CI integration.
- Used ExtJS 4 to build an all-Javascript front end (for J2EE/Oracle backend) for a flexible survey system for Air Force (Released July 2012). Data used to create Annual Report to Congress.
- Championed unit testing, coverage, and created Clojure-based test suite using clojure.test, Korma to retrieve test data from Oracle database.
- Created DSL, expression engine to externalize various calculations and workflow rules using Javascript w/ Mozilla Rhino.
- Rapidly prototyped Navy equipment lifecycle information system using ExtJS 3, Python (mod_py + Apache), SQL Alchemy, Oracle.
- Prototyped consumer-facing, cloud-based synthesizer. REST API developed w/ Scala. Near real-time communication to Silverlight client via socket IO.
- Lead team of 10-15 developers/analysts in the partitioned, in-place refactor of legacy billing system. Focused on technology selection, architecture, domain modeling.
- Management responsibilities included design, artifacts, communication to project stakeholders, project schedule.
- Development responsibilities included design & code review, mentoring, agile project management.
- Lead Agile team of 5 developers in the creation of internal marketing workflow application still in use, channeling 10+ million in revenue annually.
- Add initial customer interaction facilities to consumer-facing website.
- Stacks consisted of JBoss AS, EJB, JSP, Struts/JSF, Crystal, MS SQL Server, Linux.
- Sole developer of web-based home inspection lifecycle software, w/ J2ME Palm OS client for field workers. Included B2B services to Allstate, Tower Hill Insurance Group, etc.
- Server stack consisted of JBoss AS, JSP, EJB, MySQL, Linux.
- Co-creator Fantasy (Football) Tracker. Top selling paid sports app in Android Marketplace for 10 months of 2009-10.
- Co-creator Halo Reach Tracker (Android) -
- Consultant for Traveled to Doha, Qatar 2004 to release real time stock trading application (J2ME) w/ partner Doha Securities Market.
- Co-creator
- Founder Panhandle Functional Programmers
- Co-founder Gainesville Google Technology User Group.
- Bachelor of Science Computer Science, University of Florida, Gainesville, FL.
- Microsoft Certified Systems Engineer, Trainer Windows 2000.
- Love travel, foreign and domestic
- Enjoy pair programming, easy to work with:)