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Created December 16, 2013 14:17
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(:require [taoensso.timbre.profiling :as p]
[datomic.api :as d]))
;; * perf test both approaches
;; * compare size/complexity of code for boath approaches
;; Properties from input file. Only properties w/ even :id have been selected.
(def props-from-file
(for [x (filter even? (range 100))]
{:id x :name (str "Property " x)}))
;; Groups of properties representing get-properties for each of N OAuth users.
(def props-from-api
(->> (range 25)
(map #(hash-map :id % :email (str "foo" % "")))
(partition 5)))
;; Technique 1 - for each OAuth user, filter their properties by selected, then
;; map/assoc email address to each.
;; Invariants
(def m-sel-props (->> props-from-file
(map (juxt :id identity))
(into {})))
(defn t1 []
(->> props-from-api
(filter (fn [p] (some #{(:id p)} (map :id props-from-file))))
(map (fn [p] (assoc p :name (->> p :id (get m-sel-props) :name))))))
;; Technique 2 - use datomic to try and join it all in one shot.
;; Invariants
(def p-api (map (juxt :id :email) (flatten props-from-api)))
(def p-fil (map (juxt :id :name) props-from-file))
(defn t2 []
(d/q '[:find ?id ?name ?email
:in $a $b
:where [$a ?id ?email]
[$b ?id ?name]]
;; Convert both to set of sets for comparison.
(assert (= (set (map set (t2)))
(set (map (comp set vals) (t1)))))
(defn doit
(p/p :func (doall (t1)))
(p/p :dato (doall (t2))))
(p/profile :info :Joins (dotimes [n 1000] (doit)))
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