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Created October 24, 2014 14:21
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(ns iws-oracle.defsproc.generate
(:require [ :as jdbc]
[clojure.string :as str]
[schema.core :as s]
[schema.macros :as sm]
[iws-oracle.defsproc :refer :all]
[iws-oracle.test.core-test :as ct]))
(def args-sql (str "select * from all_arguments where lower "
"(object_name) = lower (?)"))
(def args-schema
[(->> {:owner s/Str
:object-name s/Str
:package-name s/Str
:object-id s/Num
:overload s/Str
:subprogram-id s/Num
:argument-name s/Str
:position s/Num
:sequence s/Num
:data-level s/Num
:data-type s/Str
:defaulted s/Str
:default-value s/Str
:default-length s/Num
:in-out s/Str
:data-length s/Num
:data-precision s/Num
:data-scale s/Num
:radix s/Num
:character-set-name s/Str
:type-owner s/Str
:type-name s/Str
:type-subname s/Str
:type-link s/Str
:pls-type s/Str
:char-length s/Num
:char-used s/Str}
(map (juxt key #(s/either (s/pred nil?) (val %))))
(into {}))])
(defmacro with-conn
Convenience macro for testing execution of def-sproc fns. Makes a connection
to the metadata's :schema, executes exp with connection as last argument.
Ex: (gen/with-conn (p-dgetuserbyemail \"\"))
[[def-sproc-fn & args]]
`(let [db-user# (:schema (meta ~def-sproc-fn))]
(jdbc/with-connection (ct/get-db-spec db-user#)
(apply ~def-sproc-fn (conj (vector ~@args) (jdbc/connection))))))
(defn sanitize
"Foo_Bar => foo-bar"
(some-> w str/lower-case (str/escape {\_ \-})))
(def sanitize-kw (comp keyword sanitize name))
(sm/defn ^:always-validate select-args :- args-schema
[fn-or-proc-name :- s/Str
db-user :- s/Keyword]
(jdbc/with-connection (ct/get-db-spec db-user)
(with-open [stmt (.prepareStatement (jdbc/connection) args-sql)]
(doto stmt
(.setString 1 (str/lower-case fn-or-proc-name))
(->> stmt
(map #(map (juxt (comp sanitize-kw key) val) %))
(map (partial into {}))
(defn fn-return?
(zero? (:position arg-map)))
(defn arg->param
"Turn an arg map into the map needed by def-sproc form for :params, :returns.
Also has a :return? element, to indicate whether this is a parameter (in or
out, or a return value."
{:name (or (some-> arg :argument-name sanitize-kw) (-> (gensym) name keyword))
:type (case (:data-type arg)
"VARCHAR2" :string
"NUMBER" :int
"DATE" :date
"REF CURSOR" :cursor
:else (throw (ex-info "invalid :date-type" arg)))
:output (= (:in-out arg) "OUT")
:return? (fn-return? arg)})
(defn args->params
"Turn an unsorted seq of arg maps into a sorted vector of def-sproc params."
(->> args
;; Start removing duplicates
(group-by :object-id)
;; Done w/ duplicates
(sort-by :sequence)
(map arg->param)
(defn gen-def-sproc-map
Generates the def-sproc spec map of a proc or fn.
Ex: => (gen/gen-def-sproc-map \"f_ihasrole\" :webicon)
{:sproc \"webicon.f_ihasrole\",
:params [{:name \"i-iuserid\", :type :int, :output false}
{:name \"i-srole\", :type :string, :output false}],
:returns [{:name \"G__4864\", :type :int, :output true}]}
[fn-or-proc-name db-user]
(let [params (args->params (select-args fn-or-proc-name db-user))]
{:sproc (str (name db-user) "." fn-or-proc-name)
:params (vec (filter (complement :return?) params))
:returns (vec (filter :return? params))}))
(defn gen-def-sproc
Generates the def-sproc form for a proc or fn.
Ex: => (eval (gen/gen-def-sproc \"p_dgetuserbyemail\" :webicon))
=> ;; Test the fn
=> (gen/with-conn (p-dgetuserbyemail \"\"))
[({:userid 302597M ... })]
(let [def-sproc-map (gen-def-sproc-map fn-or-proc-name db-user)
params (->> def-sproc-map
((juxt :params :returns))
(apply concat))
outputs (map (comp symbol name :name) (filter :output params))
inputs (map :name (filter (complement :output) params))]
(let [def-sproc-name (-> fn-or-proc-name sanitize symbol)]
`(do (def-sproc ~def-sproc-name ~def-sproc-map [~@inputs]
(def ~def-sproc-name
(with-meta ~def-sproc-name {:schema ~db-user}))))))
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