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Created December 18, 2019 19:05
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Complex Exponential of Hermitian
using LinearAlgebra, BenchmarkTools
using LinearAlgebra: RealHermSymComplexHerm
import Base: cis
cis(H::RealHermSymComplexHerm) = cis!(Matrix{complex(eltype(H))}(H),copy(H))
cis!(H::RealHermSymComplexHerm) = cis!(Matrix{complex(eltype(H))}(H),H)
function cis!(R::Matrix{<:Complex},H::RealHermSymComplexHerm)
# First decompose H into U*Λ*Uᴴ
Λ,U = eigen!(H)
# Calculate the imaginary exponential of each eigenvalue and multiply
# each column of U to obtain B = U*exp(iΛ)
B = similar(R)
@inbounds for j = 1:length(Λ)
a = cis(Λ[j])
@simd for i = 1:length(Λ)
B[i,j] = a * U[i,j]
# Finally multiply B by Uᴴ to obtain U*exp(iΛ)*Uᴴ = exp(i*H)
return R
H = Hermitian(rand(ComplexF64,100,100))
exp(1im*H) ≈ cis(H)
@benchmark exp(1im*$H)
@benchmark cis($H)
sizes = [10,20,50,64,100,200,300,512,1000,2000,4096]
res = Array{Float64}(undef,length(sizes),2)
for (i,N) in enumerate(sizes)
H = Hermitian(rand(ComplexF64,N,N))
res[i,1] = @belapsed exp(1im*$H)
res[i,2] = @belapsed cis($H)
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