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Created May 17, 2018 19:23
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Using gapminder to show how tidyr and broom and dplyr can fit a lot of models all at once.
life_exp_mods <- gapminder %>%
#do this for each country
group_by(country) %>%
#nest the data frame
nest(.key="country_data") %>%
#now fit models and turn them into a list column
mutate(mods = map(country_data, ~lm(lifeExp ~ year, data = .)))
#take a look at the object
#cool, right? There's a lot we can do with this. Get coefficients
life_exp_coefs <- life_exp_mods %>%
#now get coefficients
mutate(coefs = map(mods, tidy)) %>%
#now pull it back out
unnest(coefs) %>%
#just the slopes
#who are the most "significant"?
arrange(life_exp_coefs, p.value)
#who are the most "biggest"?
arrange(life_exp_coefs, desc(estimate))
#Let's plot things! Volcano style!
aes(x=estimate, y = log(p.value), label=country)) +
geom_text() +
geom_hline(yintercept=log(0.0005), lty=2, color="red")
### or plot fits!
life_exp_fits <- life_exp_mods %>%
#get fitted values
mutate(fits = map(mods, fitted)) %>%
#extract fitted values and original data
unnest(fits, country_data)
aes(x=year, y=fits, group=country, color=country)) +
geom_line() +
geom_point(alpha=0.3, mapping=aes(y=lifeExp)) +
facet_wrap(~continent) +
guides(color = "none") +
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