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Last active November 11, 2021 20:54
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#' ----------------------------------
#' Get simulated posterior fits from a gllvm
#' based on code from Francis KC Hui
#' with some light modifications by Jarrett Byrnes
#' ----------------------------------
rep_data_frame <- function(d, n) d[rep(seq_len(nrow(d)), n), ]
get_sim_fit_gllvm <- function(mod_gllvm, pred_frame, num_sims = 500){
# Basic naming of dimensions of covariance matrix to make life easier [optional]
colnames(mod_gllvm$Hess$cov.mat.mod) <- rownames(mod_gllvm$Hess$cov.mat.mod) <- names(mod_gllvm$TMBfn$par[mod_gllvm$Hess$incl])
# Begin advanced naming
getbeta_names <- data.frame(intercept = mod_gllvm$params$beta0, mod_gllvm$params$Xcoef) %>%
rownames_to_column(var = "measurements") %>%
pivot_longer(-measurements) %>%
dplyr::select(measurements:name) %>%
apply(., 1, function(x) paste0(x, collapse = ":"))
num_beta <- length(getbeta_names)
colnames(mod_gllvm$Hess$cov.mat.mod)[1:num_beta] <- rownames(mod_gllvm$Hess$cov.mat.mod)[1:num_beta] <- getbeta_names
# # Check names are OK by confirming standard errors match
# mod_gllvm$Hess$cov.mat.mod %>%
# diag %>%
# sqrt %>%
# {.[1:num_beta]}
# cbind(mod_gllvm$sd$beta0, mod_gllvm$sd$Xcoef)
# Simulate from approximate large sample distributon of beta/Xcoef
# Due to normality and the fact that your predictions are based on setting the LVs to zero, then it does not better than you only generate a subset of all the parameters.
# Other types of predictions would be more complicated though.
#num_sims <- 500
simcoefs <- rmvnorm(num_sims, mean = mod_gllvm$TMBfn$par[mod_gllvm$Hess$incl][1:num_beta], sigma = mod_gllvm$Hess$cov.mat.mod[1:num_beta, 1:num_beta])
colnames(simcoefs) <- getbeta_names
pred_model_mat <- model.matrix(mod_gllvm$formula, pred_frame)
# Construct predictions for each simulated set of parameters to get a set of simulated predictions
all_preds <- array(NA, dim = c(num_sims, nrow(pred_frame), ncol(mod_gllvm$y)), dimnames = list(sims = 1:num_sims, unit = 1:nrow(pred_frame), measurement = colnames(mod_gllvm$y)))
for(k0 in 1:num_sims) {
cwcoefs_mat <- matrix(simcoefs[k0,], nrow = ncol(mod_gllvm$y), byrow = TRUE)
all_preds[k0,,] <- tcrossprod(pred_model_mat, cwcoefs_mat)
ptab <- rep_data_frame(pred_frame,
n = dim(all_preds)[1] *dim(all_preds)[3]) %>%
all_preds %>%
as_tibble(all_preds) %>%
mutate(sim = 1:n()) %>%
pivot_longer(-sim) %>%
mutate(name = gsub("^([[:digit:]])+\\.", "", name))#get rid of digits
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