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Last active August 29, 2015 14:10
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Plotting in 3D in R
#just create a range of values
grdVals <- function(x, bound=0.01) seq(range(x)[1]-bound, range(x)[2]+bound, length.out=50)
#instantiate a new persp object for a scatterplot
makeScatterBox <- function(x,y,z, bound=0, ...){
x <- grdVals(x, bound=bound)
y <- grdVals(y, bound=bound)
z <- grdVals(z, bound=bound)
z <- matrix(rep(z, 50), nrow=50)
p <- persp(x,y,z, col=NA, border=NA, ...)
#make a scatterplot of points
#and either create a new persp object
#or use one already existing
scatterPlot3d <- function(x,y,z, pch=19, cex=1, col="black", bound=1, background=NA, ...){
p <- background
p <- makeScatterBox(x,y,z, background=background, ...)
points(trans3d(x,y, z, p), pch=pch, col=col, cex=cex)
#Create a surface from an LM or GLM with no more than 2 predictors
#need to add an a, b, c
abcSurf <- function(obj, type="response", xlab=names(obj$model)[2], ylab=names(obj$model)[3], zlab=names(obj$model)[1],
ticktype="detailed", ...){
x <- grdVals(obj$model[2])
y <- grdVals(obj$model[3])
ndf <- expand.grid(x,y)
names(ndf) <- names(obj$model)[-1]
z <- predict(obj, ndf)
z <- matrix(z, nrow=length(x))
persp(x,y,z, xlab=xlab, ylab=ylab, zlab=zlab, ticktype=ticktype, ...)
# ###### Demo Code
# x <- 1:100
# y <- runif(100, 0,100)
# z <- rnorm(100, x*3+y+x*y)
# scatterPlot3d(x,y,z)
# myFit <- lm(z ~ x*y)
# abcSurf(myFit) -> p
# scatterPlot3d(x,y,z, add=T, background=p)
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