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Created April 11, 2011 04:20
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turns a DOM into (fab) markup language

this is a (fab) experiment i've been toying with. it's a bookmarklet that serializes the DOM on the current page to (fab) code. the idea is to eventually be able to slurp out an existing page into static code, and then slowly start to introduce dynamic behavior using (fab).

to try it, create a bookmarklet with this source:


use with care, because it'll overwrite the current page contents. i think it'd be nice to use github's oauth support to save it in a gist.

!function() {
var src
function toFab( node, depth ) {
depth || ( depth = 0 )
var attrs = node.attributes
, children = node.childNodes
, name = node.nodeName.toUpperCase()
, padding = Array( depth + 1 ).join( " " )
, ret = padding + "( "
if ( node.nodeType == 3 ) {
return ret +=
"\"" +
.replace( /\n+/g, "\\n" )
.replace( / +/g, " " ) +
"\" )\n"
ret += name
if ( attrs && attrs.length ) {
ret += ", { "
for ( var i = 0, attr, name; attr = attrs[ i ]; i++ ) {
if ( i ) ret += ", "
name =
if ( /\W/.test( name ) ) name = "\"" + name + "\""
ret += name + ": \"" + attr.value + "\""
ret += " }"
ret += " )\n"
if ( name in empty ) return ret
for ( var i = 0, child; child = children[ i ]; i++ ) {
ret += toFab( child, depth + 1 )
return ret + padding + "()\n"
src = toFab( document.documentElement )
document.write( "<html><body><pre></pre></body></html>" )
document.body.firstChild.appendChild( document.createTextNode( src ) )
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