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Last active July 11, 2018 19:15
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Imports a CSV file as a dictionary
func db_import(csv_file,dict_to_append,DICT_HEADERS_LIST):
#EDITED: In order to loop through keys of keys as noted in the
#EDITED section of the first post, EXTRA ARG is called DICT_HEADERS_LIST
var file =
#creates a new Class instance.
# A var will store this reference as 'file'. (file is not a string),file.READ)
#the file is read into memory.
# The .csv can now be manipulated with File methods.
var is_header = true
#this bool will toggle to false once the while loop has run once.
var attributes_list = []
#this list will store the first item of each column of the .csv
#this makes sure that the reader's cursor position is at the first character.
var temp_dict = {}
#a temporary dictionary which will only live within a call of this func.
while !file.eof_reached():
#this says 'While the reader's cursor is not on the last character in the .csv
var line = file.get_csv_line()
#a variable called line will store an array of all of
# the Comma Separated Strings on one line of the .csv file
if is_header == true:
#Is the bool is_header true?
attributes_list = line
#yes, it is, so set the pre-made array variable above the while loop
# to equal the first line (which is also an array)
for item in attributes_list:
#EDITED: In order to loop through keys of keys #for each item in that array variable,
#EDITED: In order to loop through keys of keys #append the
# list-as-arg with whatever column header is being iterated over.
is_header = false
#the above loop will not continue because now is_header is false.
# You now have a list of header attributes which will be used as keys to
# locate the specific values entered below them in the .csv file.
#the header list has been created and is_header is false, so continue below
for i in range(0,attributes_list.size()):
#for each index, from the smallest to largest possible value in the array
temp_dict[attributes_list[i]] = line[i]
#create a key in the temp_dict variable that is named some item
# of the attribute_list i.e. the list of headers.
#which header is used is notated by the index.
#this created key will be defined i.e. have the value of an item in an array of strings
# i.e. the array of strings taken from a line in the .csv file.
dict_to_append[line[0]] = temp_dict
#our permanent dictionary which we want to create will have a key
# that is named to be the first item in every line but the first's first item
temp_dict = {}
#Edited as of 8/26/2016 , temp dict has to be cleared or it will only contain the last value
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