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Created April 19, 2014 15:27
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Save jedahan/11087620 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
scripts to setup a raspberry pi
#!/usr/bin/env bash
### PedalPower Bootstrap
# This script will install the necessary dependencies, code and init scripts to run a pedalpower server node.
# It should only be run on a clean raspbian image, and only need to run if your config changes
### Configuration
# Set the hostname and static ip here
# Setup logfile
export ip=''
# Quit on error
set -e
# Our banner
echo "Pedal Power Footstrap"
# Expand to the entire sd card if we don't have at least 2 gigs free
size=`df -l | grep rootfs | awk '{ print $2 }'`
[[ $(($size - 1804128)) -lt 1804128 ]] && sudo raspi-config --expand-rootfs && sudo reboot
# Display colorized error output
function _error() {
COLOR='\033[00;31m' # red
RESET='\033[00;00m' # white
echo -e "${COLOR}[PedalPower ERROR] ${@}${RESET}"
exit 1
# Display colorized warning output
function _info() {
COLOR='\033[00;32m' # green
RESET='\033[00;00m' # white
echo -e "${COLOR}[PedalPower INFO] ${@}${RESET}"
### Check that we have a network connection
_info "Checking for a network connection"
ping -c 5 || _error "can't ping google"
### Permissions
# We ask for the administrator password upfront, and update a timestamp until
# the script is finished
sudo -v
while true; do sudo -n true; sleep 60; kill -0 "$$" || exit; done 2>/dev/null &
### Install software dependencies
_info "Installing software dependencies"
_info "Updating software list"
sudo aptitude update
_info "Upgrading system software"
sudo aptitude upgrade -y
#_info "Installing package dependencies"
#[[ -f `which redis` ]] || sudo aptitude install -y redis
if [[ ! -f `which npm` ]]; then
_info "Installing node.js ${version}"
pushd /usr/local
sudo wget${version}/node-v${version}-linux-arm-pi.tar.gz
sudo tar xzf node-v${version}-linux-arm-pi.tar.gz --strip=1
_info "Installing libraries"
npm install
### Init scripts
# Generate the install initscripts using foreman
_info "Installing initscript"
initscript=`dirname $PWD`/venue-server/raspberrypi/venueserver
sudo cp $initscript /etc/init.d/ || _error "failed to copy initscript"
_info "Enabling initscript"
sudo update-rc.d venueserver defaults || _error "failed to enable initscript"
### Network config
# Each server node should have the same name and resolve to the same ip
# This is hardcoded in the software and this config script so that if a Pi
# fails, you can just pop in a new one and not miss a beat
# We do not error out on networking stuff because they produce errors
# on failed hostname lookup. That is to say, the ip and routing
# can be set fine and the ifconfig and route utilities still complain
# if the hostname is not in the router's lookup table. No big deal.
_info "Setting up networking"
_info "Setting hostname to ${name}"
export gateway=''
export netmask=''
[[ `hostname` -ne ${name} ]] || sudo hostname ${name}
[[ -e /etc/hostname ]] || sudo touch /etc/hostname
grep -q ${name} /etc/hostname || sudo sed -ie "1s/.*/${name}/" /etc/hostname
grep -q ${name} /etc/hosts || sudo sed -ie "s/${oldname}/${name}/" /etc/hosts
_info "Setting ip to ${ip}, gateway to ${gateway}, netmask to ${netmask}"
sudo ifconfig eth0 ${ip} netmask ${netmask}
sudo route add default gw ${gateway}
# Make it permanent
sudo sed -ie '/eth0/d' /etc/network/interfaces
sudo tee -a /etc/network/interfaces << EOF
auto eth0
iface eth0 inet static
address ${ip}
netmask ${netmask}
gateway ${gateway}
_info "done!"
#!/usr/bin/env bash
# Derived from Ray Viljoen's Raspberry PI Install Script
# Much love to Ray
# Quit on error
set -e
# Display colorized information output
function _info() {
COLOR='\033[00;32m' # green
RESET='\033[00;00m' # white
echo -e "${COLOR}${@}${RESET}"
# Display colorized warning output
function _warn() {
COLOR='\033[00;31m' # red
RESET='\033[00;00m' # white
echo -e "${COLOR}${@}${RESET}"
_info '
__________.___ .___ __ .__ .__
\______ \ | | | ____ _______/ |______ | | | | ___________
| ___/ | | |/ \ / ___/\ __\__ \ | | | | _/ __ \_ __ \
| | | | | | | \\___ \ | | / __ \| |_| |_\ ___/| | \/
|____| |___| |___|___| /____ > |__| (____ /____/____/\___ >__|
\/ \/ \/ \/
# Set $1 as image path
# Check image path is set else exit
if [ -z "$DISTRO" ]; then
_warn $_piline
_warn "ERR: No image path or url supplied"
_warn $_piline
exit 0
# Selected disk
function promptDisk() {
# ================================================
# Check connected disks and save paths to array
# ================================================
# Counter
echo $_piline
# Loop over df -lh
while read line; do
# Print with local mount only and add counter to select disk
if [ "$i" -gt 0 ]; then
echo "$i) $line"
# Asign first work (path) to array with corresponding counter
_mount[i]=$( echo $line | awk '{print $1;}')
_info " $line"
echo $_piline
# Increment counter
done <<< "$(df -h)"
echo -e "$_piline\n"
for i in "${!_mount[@]}"; do
[ -z "$_opts" ] && _opts="${_opts}${i}" || _opts="${_opts}, ${i}"
# Ask user to select mounted disk
echo "Select the disk to use by enetering the disk number."
_warn "*** Refer to the Readme if uncertain ***"
echo -n -e "\nUse disk [ $_opts ] #"
read ans
# Set selected disk
# Test if valid disk selected
if [ -z "$_udisk" ]; then
_warn "\n ======= Invalid selection ======= \n"
# Run prompt
# ===========================================================
# Past this point a valid disk has been selected, so proceed.
# ===========================================================
# Format disk name to raw format
_rawdisk=$( echo $_udisk | awk 'sub("..$", "")' | sed 's/disk/rdisk/')
# Unmount Disk
echo "Unmounting Disk"
diskutil unmount $_udisk
# If DISTRO is a url, then download and find the .img file
if [[ $DISTRO =~ $url_regex ]]; then
tmpdir=`mktemp -d -t pedal`
pushd $tmpdir
DISTRO=`ls $PWD/*`
# If the file is a zip, unzip it
if [[ ${DISTRO} =~ $zip_regex ]]; then
tmpdir=`mktemp -d -t pedal`
pushd $tmpdir
unzip $DISTRO
DISTRO=`ls $PWD/*`
echo "Writing image"
echo "Ctrl+T to see progress..."
sudo dd bs=1m if=${DISTRO} of=${_rawdisk}
# Eject disk
echo "Ejecting Disk"
diskutil eject ${_rawdisk}
_info "All Done!"
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jmwohl commented May 3, 2014

Hey, if I remember correctly you grabbed these from a private repo — any problem with sharing them?

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