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Forked from anonymous/
Created April 25, 2012 15:26
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  • Save jedahan/2490646 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save jedahan/2490646 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.


GLAM Lab best practices


Come up with a repeatable, testable framework for running a lab in context of GLAM R&D


Research labs inside museums will become more widespread and valuable. By establishing a base level of technology competency and common language, labs and museums as a whole will be able to better share knowledge and collaborate. In the first iteration of this lab, we will leverage git, a tool for managing changing documents, and github, a website for collaborating around those documents.

Materials and Methods

Text editor Web browser


  • Have each team member sign up for github at
  • Create a github organization for your lab
  • Add all the team members to the organization
  • Fork this experiment to the organization
  • Encourage members to comment on any confusing lines in the procedure
  • Have each member fork the repository and provide a pull request with their own results



How to write a lab report


Come up with a succinct, understandable set of guidlines for writing a lab report


This is a meta-document, we want to carefully lay out what each section does. The introduction provides necessary context to understand the rest of the report.

Materials and Methods

Materials include hardware and software Methods include knowledge and practices


  • Create a list of what should be done, specifying order if required
  • These items should be as atomic as possible while still being clear


Results are impartial observations of what happened. No conclusions should be drawn here. To get good results, record data EVERY DAY ALL DAY. Be rigorous when taking notes. Explain why you did what you did.


Discussion is just that - its possible conclusions, interesting threads to further study. Anything fabricated.


Conclusion contains the most relevant interpretations that relate back to the abstract or hypothesis.

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