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Created October 29, 2018 16:24
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basic() { echo '>'}
# hooktest - can we add-zsh-hook inside a hook?
_PROMPT=(timer basic)
# join outputs of functions
_wrap() {
local -a outputs
for cmd in ${(P)1}; do
(( $+functions[$cmd] )) || source ${_ROOT}/${cmd}.zsh
(( $+functions[$cmd] )) && output="$(eval "$cmd")"
(( $status )) || outputs+="$output"
echo ${(ps.$_SEPARATOR.)outputs}$_SEPARATOR
# Show left prompt
_prompt() { PROMPT=$(_wrap _PROMPT) }
add-zsh-hook precmd _prompt
# timer - show the elapsed time for long running commands
zmodload zsh/datetime || return # required for `$EPOCHSECONDS`
typeset -g _command_timestamp
typeset -g _command_exec_time
# Begin to track the EPOCHSECONDS since this command is executed
_set_command_timestamp() { _command_timestamp=$EPOCHSECONDS }
add-zsh-hook preexec _set_command_timestamp
# Stores the exec time of the last command if set threshold was exceeded
_check_command_exec_time() {
integer elapsed
# Clear command_exec_time to avoid double rendering
# Set command_exec_time if elapsed time is above _PATIENCE
(( elapsed = EPOCHSECONDS - ${_command_timestamp:-$EPOCHSECONDS} ))
(( elapsed > ${_PATIENCE:=0} )) && _command_exec_time=$elapsed
# Clear timestamp
add-zsh-hook precmd _check_command_exec_time
timer() { echo $_command_exec_time }
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