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Created May 7, 2015 04:40
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Welcome to the inaugural Functional Friday post. I intend to explore, as far as is possible in C#, what functional programming brings to the table: types, laws, and equational reasoning. Example code is in the C# project at the root of this repository.

First up: parametricity and type classes.


The type signature of a parametrically polymorphic function informs about what the function cannot do. For example, from the function type signature, IEnumerable<T> Mystery<T>(T x) it can be deduced that Mystery will not instantiate a new T and will not call any methods of T. In fact, because T is a type parameter without constraints, Mystery cannot touch x in any way, which means that it operates the same regardless of the type of T. Here are a few of the possible implementations of Mystery.

IEnumerable<T> One<T>(T x)
    yield return t;

IEnumerable<T> Two<T>(T x)
    yield return t;
    yield return t;

IEnumerable<T> Infinite(T x)
    while (true) { yield return x; }

Take One for example: One(3) and One("a") operate exactly the same. If Mystery were not parametrically polymorphic the same guarantees would not apply. The number of possible implementations of IEnumerable<int> Mystery2(int x) are much greater than Mystery because Mystery2 can instantiate a new int and call any of the methods on x. Here are a couple of possible Mystery2 implementations.

IEnumerable<int> Multiply(int x)
    yield return x * 5;

IEnumerable<int> OfLength(int x)
    for (var i = 0; i < x; ++i)
        yield return i;

Parametricity is the name for this restrictive yet helpful property of parametrically polymorphic functions.

Parametricity is not enough

What if what is needed is not a fully parametric function but one that allows some interaction with objects of a parametric type?

C# allows this through type constraints. An example function is, bool Mystery3<T>(IEnumerable<T> xs) where T : IEquatable<T> where T is constrained to be a type that implements the IEquatable<T> interface. The type of Mystery3 constrains its implementation such that it cannot touch objects of type T except through the methods of IEquatable<T>. A possible implementation follows.

bool AllEqual<T>(IEnumerable<T> xs) where T : IEquatable<T>
    return xs.Any()
        ? xs.All(x => x.Equals(xs.First()))
        : true;

The downside to this method of constraining type variables is that it requires ahead-of-time implementation of an interface. For example, objects of a type Entity which does not implement IEquatable and is defined in a non-modifiable library cannot be used with AllEqual unless they are wrapped in a conforming class.

public sealed class EntityWrapper
    : IEquatable<EntityWrapper>
    private readonly Entity entity;

    public EntityWrapper(Entity entity)
        this.entity = entity;

    public Entity WrappedValue
        get { return entity; }

    public bool Equals(Entity other)

IEnumerable<Entity> entities = ...;
var allAreEqual = AllEqual(entities.Select(e => new EntityWrapper(e)));

But wrapping and unwrapping object is not space or time efficient. There ought to be a better way to constraint type variables, one that does not require wrapping or ahead-of-time inheritance.

Enter, type classes...

What type classes do

Type classes add constraints to type variables in parametrically polymorphic types and functions. They enable constraints on type variables that are checked at compile time and are ad-hoc (I.e. they do not require the constrained types to be subtypes of an interface or base class). They were pioneered in Haskell but have a simple encoding in C#.

The .NET System library already uses parts of the encoding, but not always to best type-safe effect. The second example in this post will demonstrate this along with improvements that can be made for greater type safety.

Further information on type classes can be found on Wikipedia and in ‘A Gentle Introduction to Haskell’.

A C# encoding

The type-class encoding in C# consists of three things:

  1. An interface.
  2. Implementation(s) of the interface for a type and a behaviour.
  3. Use of the interface to constrain type parameters in type declarations.

The aim of type classes and of this encoding is to enable constraints on type variables that are visible in type signatures and are ad-hoc (I.e. do not require the constrained types to implement an interface or inherit from a base class). For these properties to hold in C#, the encoding requires that the following rules be obeyed:

  1. Type class interfaces must inherit only from other type class interfaces.
  2. Type class implementations must not implement any interfaces other than type-class interfaces or inherit from any classes. In addition they must be sealed.
  3. Implementations of a type class must have only a public nullary constructor and be free of mutable fields and properties.

If these rules are abided by, different type-class behaviour will always be visible in the type system.

Example 1: the JsonShow type class

Task: Show objects as JSON strings. Show only objects that it makes sense to show (no DB access objects or other non-data types) and fail all others at compile time. Show primitive objects and others whose definitions cannot be opened for modification.

Solution: A JsonShow type class.

public interface IJsonShow<in T>
    string ShowJson(T x);

With implementations for some primitives.

public sealed class JsonShowInt
    : IJsonShow<int>
    public string ShowJson(int x)
        return x.ToString();

    public static JsonShowInt Instance = new JsonShowInt();

public sealed class JsonShowString
    : IJsonShow<string>
    public string ShowJson(string x)
        return string.Concat(
            x.Replace("\"", "\\\""),

    public static JsonShowString Instance = new JsonShowString();

And a complex type.

public sealed class JsonShowEnumerable<T, TJsonShow>
    : IJsonShow<IEnumerable<T>>
    where TJsonShow : IJsonShow<T>, new()
    private readonly TJsonShow tJsonShow = new TJsonShow();

    public string ShowJson(IEnumerable<T> x)
        return string.Concat(
            string.Join(",", x.Select(tJsonShow.ShowJson)),

An example of call-site use.

public void PrintDelimitedJson<T, TJsonShow>(
    T obj,
    TJsonShow show)
    where TJsonShow : IJsonShow<T>

PrintDelimitedJson(3, JsonShowInt.Instance); // => <3>
PrintDelimitedJson("foo", JsonShowString.Instance); // => <"foo">
    new[] {1,2,3,4},
    new JsonShowEnumerable<int, JsonShowString>());
    // => <[1,2,3,4]>

An alternative call-site formulation where the type class instance is created rather than passed in. Note the new() constraint on TJsonShow.

public void PrintDelimitedJson2<T, TJsonShow>(T obj)
    where TJsonShow : IJsonShow<T>, new()
    Console.Write(new TJsonShow().ShowJson(obj));

PrintDelimitedJson2<int, JsonShowInt>(3); // => <3>
PrintDelimitedJson2<string, JsonShowString>("foo"); // => <"foo">
    JsonShowEnumerable<int, JsonShowInt>>(
        new[] {1,2,3,4});
    // => <[1,2,3,4]>

It is enforced at compile time that types without an IJsonShow type class instance cannot be shown.

PrintDelimitedJson2<StringBuilder, ???>(new StringBuilder());
// No IJsonShow<StringBuilder> instance type to put in place of ???.

Example 2: improving on the .NET System library

Here is the equality type class declaration in C#. It might look familiar; it is the System.Collections.Generic.IEqualityComparer.

public interface IEqualityComparer<in T>
    bool Equals(T x1, T x2);
    int GetHashCode(T x);

Here’s how IEqualityComparer is currently used in System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary.

public class Dictionary<TKey, TValue>
    public Dictionary();

    public Dictionary(IEqualityComparer<TKey> comparer);

    public Dictionary(int capacity, IEqualityComparer<TKey> comparer);

    public Dictionary(
        IDictionary<TKey, TValue> dictionary,
        IEqualityComparer<TKey> comparer);

There is a problem with this usage as demonstrated by the functions, ReadFileBytes and ResponseContentLength.

// assuming a case sensitive file system
public void WriteToFile(
    string fname,
    byte[] content,
    IDictionary<string, FileStream> files)
    if (files.ContainsKey(fname))
        files[fname].Write(content, 0, content.Length);

public int? ResponseContentLength(IDictionary<string, string> headers)
    if (headers.ContainsKey("content-length"))
            return int.Parse(headers["content-length"]);
        catch (Exception)
            return new int?();
    return new int?();

Because it is intended to work with a case sensitive file system, ReadFileBytes requires that the passed-in dictionary make case sensitive comparisons when finding a key. ResponseContentLength on the other hand is intended to operate over a collection of HTTP response headers, which are case insensitive.

However, nothing prevents the following bad code from compiling and operating incorrectly.

var files = new Dictionary<string, FileStream>(
        { "valuablefile", ... },
string content = ...;
WriteFileText("ValuableFile", content, "files);
// OH NO! Unintentionally overwrote valuablefile with content intended
// for ValuableFile.

var headers = new Dictionary<string, string>(
        { "Status", "200 OK" },
        { "Content-Length", "256" }
var length = ResponseContentLength(headers);
// OOPS! Got a length of int?() instead of int?(256).

This hole in type safety is easily fixed if the type of the equality comparer is added to the dictionary’s type signature. Here is a Dict type that wraps Dictionary to achieve this.

public interface IDict<TKey, TValue, TEq>
    : IDictionary<TKey, TValue>
    where TEq : IEqualityComparer<TKey>, new()

public sealed class Dict<TKey, TValue, TEq>
    : Dictionary<TKey, TValue>
    , IDict<TKey, TValue, TEq>
    where TEq : IEqualityComparer<TKey>
    public Dict(TEq comparer)
        : base(comparer) { }

    public Dict(int capacity, TEq comparer)
        : base(capacity, comparer) { }

    public Dict(IDictionary<TKey, TValue> dictionary, TEq comparer)
        : base(dictionary, comparer) { }

To make our example safe the two string comparers need to be reimplemented as rule abiding type class instances.

public sealed class StringEq
    : IEqualityComparer<string>
    public bool Equals(string x1, string x2)
        return StringComparer.InvariantCulture.Equals(x1, x2);

    public int GetHashCode(string x)
        return StringComparer.InvariantCulture.GetHashCode(x);

    public static StringEq Instance = new StringEq();

public sealed class IgnoreCaseEq
    : IEqualityComparer<string>
    public bool Equals(string x1, string x2)
        return StringComparer
            .InvariantCultureIgnoreCase.Equals(x1, x2);

    public int GetHashCode(string x)
        return StringComparer

    public static IgnoreCaseEq Instance = new IgnoreCaseEq();

Now the example functions can be rewritten safely. Code that calls these safe functions with dictionaries of the wrong equality comparer will fail to compile.

// assuming a case sensitive file system
public void WriteToFile(
    string fname,
    byte[] content,
    IDict<string, FileStream, StringEq> files)
    if (files.ContainsKey(fname))
        files[fname].Write(content, 0, content.Length);

public int? ResponseContentLength(
    IDict<string, string, IgnoreCaseEq> headers)
    if (headers.ContainsKey("content-length"))
            return int.Parse(headers["content-length"]);
        catch (Exception)
            return new int?();
    return new int?();

Example 1 in Haskell

For comparison, here is the JsonShow example in Haskell.

class JsonShow a where
    showJson :: a -> String

instance JsonShow Int where
    showJson x = show x

instance JsonShow String where
    showJson x = "\"" ++ map replace x ++ "\""
        replace '"'  = '\\'
        replace char = char

instance (JsonShow a) => JsonShow [a] where
    showJson x = "[" ++ join "," (map showJson x) ++ "]"

printDelimitedJson :: (JsonShow a) => a -> IO ()
printDelimitedJson x = putStr ("<" ++ showJson x ++ ">")

main :: IO ()
main = do
    printDelimitedJson 1
    printDelimitedJson "abc"
    printDelimitedJson [1, 2, 3, 4]

Note that the type-class instances are anonymous and are passed implicitly to printDelimitedJson. This is possible because Haskell allows only one type-class instance per type. Alternate instances require the use of a newtype wrapper, a syntactically light way of wrapping a type that has zero runtime overhead. To demonstrate, here are the two string equality type class instances from example 2 (sans hash code method).

class Eq a where
    (==) :: a -> a -> Bool

instance Eq String where
    s1 == s2 = stringEqual s1 s2

newtype IgnoreCase = IgnoreCase String

instance Eq IgnoreCase where
    (IgnoreCase s1) == (IgnoreCase s2) =
        stringEqual (downCase s1) (downCase s2)

String and IgnoreCase are identical at runtime, but are treated as different types by the compiler, and therefore can have an Eq instance each.

Implicit instance passing is not possible in C#, so it makes no sense to restrict type-class instances to one per type like Haskell does, especially since following the ‘rules’ means alternate instances will still be distinguishable by type, as example 2 demonstrates.

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