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Last active August 26, 2015 23:31
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How Liquid-Fire Fade Slide Fade Animation works

How Liquid Fire FSF Animation Works

Each helper produces two wrapping div elements to aid in the animation:

  • liquid-container
  • liquid-child

The liquid-container introduces relative positioning for the children, and also handles the resizing height/width with slide animation. The liquid-child contains the actual content, and is the element that will be faded / unfaded. The 'old-child' will be completely replaced with a 'new-child' after the animation has completed.

These elements have their own base css styles:

.liquid-container {
    position: relative;
    overflow: hidden;

    /* without this, overflow:hidden won't take effect because the things
       we're trying to hide are on a separate accelerated
       context. Also, this prevents a tiny vertical jump when the
       content switches to accelerated.  */
    -webkit-transform: translateY(0);
    -moz-transform: translateY(0);
    transform: translateY(0);

.liquid-child {
    overflow: hidden; /* Prevent margin collapse */

Step - by - step how it works

  1. The new liquid-child + subsequent DOM is added to the liquid-container. This initially has properties:

    • visibility: hidden
    • position: absolute
    • top: 0, left: 0
    • height, width (as per a calculation)
  2. The same above properties are set on the old liquid-child, with the following differences:

    • visibility: visible;
    • opacity: 1
  3. Liquid-container gains a 'liquid-animating' class. Width and height attributes are set. Height or width animates to match the measured height of the new liquid-child.

  4. At the same time, the old liquid-child's opacity animates from 1 to 0, and finally visibilty is set to hidden.

  5. Immediately following, the new liquid-child's opacity animates from 0 to 1, and finally visibility is set to visible.

  6. Old liquid-child DOM elment is removed, and inline styles are removed from the liquid container.

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