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Created October 13, 2012 18:12
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Solve Poisson on a square using Chebyshev collocation and sum factorization
## Julia implementation of solving Poisson on a square grid using Chebyshev collocation
# julia> load("logg.jl")
# julia> loggProfile(10000)
# error: 3.310154100518143e-7
# Average time (us): 132.39421844482422
function logg(m)
(D,xb) = cheb(m+1) # Chebyshev differentiation matrix and nodes
D = 2*D; xb = 0.5 + 0.5*xb # Remap to interval [0,1]
D2 = -(D*D)[2:end-1,2:end-1] # Negative 1D Laplacian, with Dirichlet BCs
xd = xb[2:end-1] # Remove Dirichlet BCs
sinx = sin(pi*xd'')
xexact = kron(sinx', sinx) # sin(pi*x)*sin(pi*y)
b = 2*pi^2*xexact
# Compute action of inverse of L using sum factorization
# See Lynch, Rice, and Thomas (1964)
(Lambda, R) = eig(D2)
e = ones(m)
Diag = kron(Lambda,e) + kron(e,Lambda)
iDiag = 1./Diag
Rinv = inv(R)
# L = kron(D2,eye(m)) + kron(eye(m),D2)
# Linv = kron(R,R) * diagm(reshape(iDiag,m^2,1)) * kron(Rinv,Rinv)
x = R * (iDiag .* (Rinv*b*Rinv')) * R' # x = Linv * b (with reshaping)
norm(reshape(x - xexact,m^2,1)) # L2 norm of the vector
function cheb(N)
x = cos(pi*(0:N)/N)
c = ones(N+1); c[1] = 2; c[end] = 2; c[2:2:] = -c[2:2:]
X = repmat(x,1,N+1)
dX = X-X'
D = (c*(1/c')) ./ (dX+eye(N+1)) # off-diagonal entries
D = D - diagm(sum(D,2)) # diagonal entries
(D, x)
function loggProfile(count)
gc() # improves timing reproducibility
l2error = 0
for i=1:count
l2error = logg(7)
avgtime = toq()/count
println("L2 error: ", l2error)
println("Average time (us): ", 1e6*avgtime)
function error = logg(m)
[D,xb] = Cheb(m+1); % Chebyshev differentiation matrix and nodes
D = 2*D; xb = 0.5 + 0.5*xb; % Remap to interval [0,1]
D2 = -(D*D)(2:end-1,2:end-1); % Negative 1D Laplacian
xd = xb(2:end-1); % Remove Dirichlet BCs
sinx = sin(pi*xd);
xexact = kron(sinx', sinx); % sin(pi*x)*sin(pi*y)
b = 2*pi^2*xexact;
% Compute action of inverse of L using sum factorization
% See Lynch, Rice, and Thomas (1964)
[R, Lambda] = eig(D2);
Lambda = diag(Lambda);
e = ones(m,1);
Diag = kron(Lambda,e') + kron(e,Lambda');
iDiag = 1./Diag;
Rinv = inv(R);
% L = kron(D2,eye(m)) + kron(eye(m),D2);
% Linv = kron(R, R) * diag(reshape(iDiag,m^2,1)) * kron(Rinv, Rinv);
x = R * (iDiag .* (Rinv*b*Rinv')) * R'; % x = Linv * b (with reshaping)
error = norm(x - xexact);
function [D,x] = Cheb(N)
if N==0, D=0; x=1; return, end
x = cos(pi*(0:N)/N)';
c = [2; ones(N-1,1); 2].*(-1).^(0:N)';
X = repmat(x,1,N+1);
dX = X-X';
D = (c*(1./c)')./(dX+(eye(N+1))); % off-diagonal entries
D = D - diag(sum(D')); % diagonal entries
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