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Created January 17, 2014 04:52
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--Authored by Grant Slatton on 2013 October 8
--All code is released to the public domain under the terms of []
import Data.List
import Data.Ord
import Data.Maybe
--Define how you represent your GameState
--In Connect 4, it's just a list of length width of sublists of length height,
--and an Int for whose turn it is, player 1 == 1, player 2 == -1
data GameState = GameState [[Int]] Int deriving Show
--These just for global reference
width = 7
height = 6
blankBoard = GameState (replicate width $ replicate height (0::Int)) 1
--Define what a Move is
--In Connect 4, its an Int for the column
type Move = Int
possibleMoves :: GameState -> [Move]
possibleMoves gs@(GameState state _)
| isNothing (winner gs) = map fst $ filter (\(a, b) -> head b == 0) $ zip [0..width] state
| otherwise = []
--Must define makeMove which takes a GameState, and applies a Move to it,
--producing the next GameState. The Move might be Nothing, so it's a Maybe Move
makeMove :: GameState -> Maybe Move -> GameState
makeMove gs@(GameState state movePlayer) Nothing = gs
makeMove gs@(GameState state movePlayer) (Just moveCol)
| numNonZero == height = gs
| not $ elem moveCol $ possibleMoves gs = gs
| otherwise = GameState (pre ++ newCol ++ post) (-movePlayer)
col = state !! moveCol
nonZeroElems = filter (/= 0) col
numNonZero = length nonZeroElems
pre = take moveCol state
post = reverse $ take (width-moveCol-1) $ reverse state
newCol = [(replicate (height-numNonZero-1) (0::Int)) ++ [movePlayer] ++ nonZeroElems]
--Must define isGameComplete which takes a GameState and returns the winning player
--or Nothing if the game is not over. I return Just (Player 0) here for a tie, but
--some games have no ties. This is merely an implementation choice for Connect 4
winner :: GameState -> Maybe Int
winner (GameState state _)
| minHori <= -4 = Just (-1)
| minVert <= -4 = Just (-1)
| minNWSE <= -4 = Just (-1)
| minNESW <= -4 = Just (-1)
| maxHori >= 4 = Just 1
| maxVert >= 4 = Just 1
| maxNWSE >= 4 = Just 1
| maxNESW >= 4 = Just 1
| sum (map abs (concat state)) == width*height = Just 0
| otherwise = Nothing
minMax xs = (minimum xs, maximum xs)
(minHori, maxHori) = minMax $ concatMap (map sum) $ map group $ transpose state
(minVert, maxVert) = minMax $ concatMap (map sum) $ map group state
(minNESW, maxNESW) = minMax $ concatMap (map sum) $ map group $ (transpose . skew) state
(minNWSE, maxNWSE) = minMax $ concatMap (map sum) $ map group $ (transpose . skew . reverse) state
--Skew = Transform, used for testing diagonal wins
--111 11100
--111 -> 01110
--111 00111
skew :: [[Int]] -> [[Int]]
skew xs = skewHelper xs 0 $ (length $ head xs)-1
skewHelper :: [[Int]] -> Int -> Int -> [[Int]]
skewHelper [] _ _ = []
skewHelper (x:xs) pre post = ((replicate pre (0::Int)) ++ x ++ (replicate post (0::Int))) : skewHelper xs (pre+1) (post-1)
--Must define eval which takes a GameState and produces an integer value of the state
--from the point of view of the first player. That is, higher values mean a better
--state from the first player's perspective, lower values are better for second player
--In this function I just evaluate based on winning or not.
eval :: GameState -> Int
eval gs@(GameState state _)
| isNothing win = sum $ zipWith (*) bitonic (map sum state)
| otherwise = (div (maxBound::Int) 2) * (fromJust win)
win = winner gs
bitonicUp = [1..(div (width+1) 2)]
bitonicDown = reverse [1..(div width 2)]
bitonic = bitonicUp ++ bitonicDown
--(depth, alpha, beta, move, failFast)
type NegaMaxData = (Int, Int, Int, Move, Bool)
negaMax :: GameState -> Int -> Maybe Move
negaMax gs depth
| 0 == length pms = Nothing
| depth <= 0 = Just (head pms)
| isNothing $ winner gs = Just move
| otherwise = Nothing
pms = possibleMoves gs
bestBelow = if (depth <= 0)
then (head pms)
else (fromJust $ negaMax gs (depth-1))
moves = bestBelow:(delete bestBelow pms)
-- moves = pms
initFoldVal = (depth, div (minBound::Int) 4, div (maxBound::Int) 4, head moves, False)
toFold = zip moves $ replicate (length moves) gs
(_, _, _, move, _) = foldl negaUpdate initFoldVal toFold
negaUpdate :: NegaMaxData -> (Move, GameState) -> NegaMaxData
negaUpdate foldval@(_, _, _, _, True) _ = foldval
negaUpdate foldval@(depth, alpha, beta, bestMove, False) (move, gs)
| score >= beta = (depth, alpha, beta, move, True)
| score > alpha = (depth, score, beta, move, False)
| otherwise = foldval
score = -(negaMaxAux (makeMove gs (Just move)) (-beta) (-alpha) (depth-1))
negaMaxAux :: GameState -> Int -> Int -> Int -> Int
negaMaxAux gs@(GameState _ player) _ _ 0 = player * (eval gs)
negaMaxAux gs alpha beta depth = val
pms = possibleMoves gs
initFoldVal = (depth, alpha, beta, alpha, False)
toFold = zip pms $ replicate (length pms) gs
(_, _, _, val, _) = foldl negaAuxUpdate initFoldVal toFold
--(depth, alpha, beta, returnVal, failFast)
type NegaMaxAuxData = (Int, Int, Int, Int, Bool)
negaAuxUpdate :: NegaMaxAuxData -> (Move, GameState) -> NegaMaxAuxData
negaAuxUpdate foldval@(_, _, _, _, True) _ = foldval
negaAuxUpdate foldval@(depth, alpha, beta, returnVal, False) (move, gs)
| score >= beta = (depth, alpha, beta, score, True)
| score > alpha = (depth, score, beta, score, False)
| otherwise = foldval
score = -(negaMaxAux (makeMove gs (Just move)) (-beta) (-alpha) (depth-1))
prettyPrint :: GameState -> String
prettyPrint (GameState state _) = (concat (intersperse ['\n'] (map ((intersperse ' ') . (map f)) (transpose state))))++"\n\n"
f a
| a == 0 = '.'
| a == 1 = 'X'
| otherwise = 'O'
main = do
putStrLn (prettyPrint blankBoard)
play blankBoard
putStrLn "Game Over"
play :: GameState -> IO ()
play gs@(GameState _ 1) = do
move <- getLine
let nextState = makeMove gs $ Just (read move::Int)
putStrLn $ prettyPrint nextState
if isNothing $ winner nextState
then play nextState
else return ()
play gs@(GameState _ (-1)) = do
putStrLn $ prettyPrint nextState
if isNothing $ winner nextState
then play nextState
else return ()
move = negaMax gs 7
nextState = makeMove gs move
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