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Created December 12, 2012 18:24
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Vim, Day 1

I've been playing with Vim off and on for more than two years. Well, yesterday I decided that I need to take a more serious approach to learning it.

I have set MacVim (mvim) as my shell editor and as my Git editor, replacing TextMate 2 (mate).

→ echo $EDITOR mvim -f --nomru -c "au VimLeave Gemfile Gemfile.lock axle.rb public views !open -a Terminal"

→ git config --global core.editor
mvim -f --nomru -c "au VimLeave * !open -a Terminal"

Now, when composing merge messages (I have a shell function that makes it easier to write commit messages from the command line, or interactively rebasing, I'll be using MacVim.

I have a cheat sheet which I have printed and hung near my desk. I expect I will be looking at it a lot over the next few weeks.

These are the links I found most helpful as I was setting up MacVim:

Unfortunately, I haven't found a decent Vim port of the TextMate theme I've been using since 2006. The Railscasts theme is completely different, but still feels right. We'll see how it does long-term.

These other resources have either been useful to me in the past as I've played with Vim or look like they will be useful in the future:

For at least the next month I'm going to treat MacVim mostly as I would a native text editor; I'm still going to use my mouse and I'll probably use most of the familiar OS shortcuts like Command-S, Command-N and Command-O. I'm not going to stress about learning all shortcuts and magic incantations; I'm focused on the basics: saving files, getting in an out of various modes, and rudimentary navigation. And I'm only going to use it as an adjunct to TextMate.

I expect that one day I'll wake up and realize that I've been using Vim for all my text editing. But that probably won't be tomorrow.

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