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Last active December 13, 2015 18:19
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vm building with veewee CI tuning notes


  • OK - introduced VEEWEE_CPU_COUNT to override the number of cpus


  • multiple CPU's don't get passed to compiles so only CPU is busy


  • introduced VEEWEE_MEMORY_SIZE to override the memory size


  • use SSD or memory
  • created tmpfs and linked it to VIRTUALBOX_HOME


  • use squid proxy as (transparent) proxy


  • it's not yet transparent as the default is to use the NAT interface which doesn't seem to work with iptables PREROUTING?

  • need to pass http_proxy , HTTP_PROXY to all postinstall scripts

  • maybe we can pass it via ENV vars into the ssh session?

  • OS mirrors get selected randomly so will not get cached

  • proxy params needs to be passed to kickstart files , maybe by using ERB postinstalls?


  • instead of compiling ruby/rvm etc.., turn it into a package with fpm or so?
  • chef omnibus installer installs it's own ruby in /opt nicely , how about puppet ? especially for older platforms?


  • might be useful to snapshot after OS install to reuse the base part to create boxes for cfengine, puppet, chef boxes?

  • maybe we need to skip config mgmt all together as it can be done with script provisioners before config mgmt?

  • better to use multiple machines vs 1 big machine for parallel creation

  • kvm & virtualbox can't live together, how to best integrated in the builds on the same machine?

  • still need to move bento structure into veewee templates , but do symlinks work on windows?

  • replace cucumber with rspec to have fewer dependencies

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beddari commented Feb 14, 2013

Could be possible to use a temp mounted disk image inside the VM as a local installation source, and thus limit network IO. You could maintain and update (rsync?) the image distro-mirror/repo separately.

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beddari commented Feb 14, 2013

No, scratch that. While in the gym(!) I thought it through again and I think I like your first 'random thought' the best: Reuse each base part. I'd even go further and say that only one single base build would be needed per OS variant - you'd need to standardize kickstarts/preseeds then but the gains are worth it IMO.

To take that further, to reduce compile time you could do all the stuff per variant, based off a linked clone where the differential file would be in tmpfs or similar until exported

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base10 commented Apr 25, 2013

Has anything come of using a squid proxy? I'm finding myself wanting something along these lines for building/testing/tweaking definitions.

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