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Last active March 28, 2022 07:43
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Synthetic media - humans as code (draft abstract)
I've done my fair share of automating computers and deploy processes.
Many things have been said and written and after reading the conference schedule I wasn't sure what to add.
Lately though, I've become intrigued on how computers are automating humans , that is , the creation of photorealistic humans
and virtual environments also known as 'synthetic media' .
I will take you on a tour across lipsynching, face swapping , voice cloning and capturing 3d modelling humans.
How close are we at generating humans as code and what does it mean for our society?
From hollywood VFX over virtual production to AI generated humans via GAN models and deepfakes,
I'd like to explain the topics in a technical engineering way to inspire people on this exciting new field.
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