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Last active December 22, 2015 20:49
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Save jedie/6529046 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
information from (Graham E. Kinns): * - Dragon 32/64 Memory Map (with CoCo refs) * - Dragon 32/64 ROM Reference guide
information from:
* - Dragon 32/64 Memory Map (with CoCo refs)
* - Dragon 32/64 ROM Reference guide
AUTHOR: Graham E. Kinns
(0x0, 0x0, "BREAK message flag - if negative print BREAK"),
(0x1, 0x1, "String delimiting char (0x22 '"')"),
(0x2, 0x2, "Another delimiting char (0x22 '"')"),
(0x3, 0x3, "General counter byte"),
(0x4, 0x4, "Count of IFs looking for ELSE"),
(0x5, 0x5, "DIM flag"),
(0x6, 0x6, "%VALTYP% Variable type flag (0x00 numeric, Non-0x00 string)"),
(0x7, 0x7, "Garbage collection flag"),
(0x8, 0x8, "Subscript allowed flag"),
(0x9, 0x9, "INPUT/READ flag"),
(0xa, 0xa, "Arithmetic use"),
(0xb, 0xc, "String ptr first free temporary"),
(0xd, 0xe, "String ptr last free temporary"),
(0xf, 0x18, "Temporary results"),
(0x19, 0x1a, "Start address of BASIC program ($1e01, $2401 with DOS)"),
(0x1b, 0x1c, "Start address of simple variables"),
(0x1d, 0x1e, "Start address of array variables"),
(0x1f, 0x20, "End of storage, Start of unused mem after BASIC program"),
(0x21, 0x22, "Top of stack, growing down ($7e36)"),
(0x23, 0x24, "Top of free string space ($7ffe)"),
(0x25, 0x26, "Temp Ptr to string in string space"),
(0x27, 0x28, "Top of Ram available to BASIC - returned by DOS HIMEM ($7ffe)"),
(0x29, 0x2a, "Last/CONT line number"),
(0x2b, 0x2c, "Temp/Input line number store"),
(0x2d, 0x2e, "Ptr to next statement to be executed"),
(0x2f, 0x30, "Direct mode command text pointer"),
(0x31, 0x32, "Current DATA statement line number"),
(0x33, 0x34, "Ptr to next item in current DATA statement"),
(0x35, 0x36, "Ptr to keyboard input buffer"),
(0x37, 0x38, "Ptr to variable last in use"),
(0x37, 0x38, "ASCII codes of last variable used {1}"),
(0x39, 0x3a, "VARPTR address of last variable used"),
(0x3b, 0x4e, "Evaluation variables"),
(0x41, 0x42, "High end destination addr for block"),
(0x43, 0x44, "High end origin addr"),
(0x45, 0x46, "Low end destination addr for block"),
(0x47, 0x48, "Low end origin addr"),
(0x4f, 0x54, "Floating Point Accumulator Num 1"),
(0x4f, 0x4f, "Exponent"),
(0x50, 0x53, "Mantissa"),
(0x50, 0x51, "16 bit values in FAC stored here"),
(0x52, 0x53, "VARPTR of variables is stored here {1}"),
(0x54, 0x54, "Mantissa Sign (0x00 positive, 0xff negative)"),
(0x55, 0x55, "Temp sign of FAC"),
(0x56, 0x56, "String variable length"),
(0x57, 0x5b, "String Descriptor temporaries"),
(0x5c, 0x61, "Floating Point Accumulator Num 2"),
(0x62, 0x62, "Sign comparison"),
(0x62, 0x67, "Misc use"),
(0x63, 0x63, "CoCo - Extended precision byte {1} - also Dragon ?"),
(0x68, 0x69, "Current Line number (0xffff in direct mode)"),
(0x6a, 0x6e, "Device Params used in PRINT"),
(0x6a, 0x6a, "Device Comma field width (VDU - 0x10)"),
(0x6b, 0x6b, "Device Last comma field"),
(0x6c, 0x6c, "Device Current column num (VDU - 0x00-0x1f)"),
(0x6d, 0x6d, "Device Line width - num chars per line (VDU 0x20)"),
(0x6e, 0x6e, "Cassette I/O in progress flag - 0xff on input or output occurring {9}"),
(0x6f, 0x6f, "%DEVNUM% Current device number 0x00 VDU screen 0x01-0x04 DOS - DosPlus only - drive number. 0xfd serial port (Dragon 64 only) 0xfe printer 0xff tape"),
(0x70, 0x70, "Cassette EOF flag - non-zero if EOF - used by EOF(-1) {9}"),
(0x71, 0x71, "Restart flag - if not 0x55 cold start on reset, see $0072"),
(0x72, 0x73, "Restart vector - Following a reset if $0072 pts to a NOP opcode and $0071 is 0x55 then a warm start is performed to this vector else a cold start. (0xb44f) (DOS SuperDosE6 $c706)"),
(0x74, 0x75, "Physical end of Ram minus 1 (0x7ffe)"),
(0x76, 0x77, "Unused"),
(0x78, 0x78, "Cassette status 0x00 closed 0x01 input 0x02 output"),
(0x79, 0x79, "Cassette I/O - Buffer size - bytes in block"),
(0x7a, 0x7b, "Header buffer addr - ptr to filename block"),
(0x7c, 0x7c, "%BLKTYP% Cassette block type 0x00 filename 0x01 data 0xff EOF block"),
(0x7d, 0x7d, "%DBLEN% Cassette block length, number bytes read/to write"),
(0x7e, 0x7f, "%DBADR% Cassette I/O Buffer address Contains 1 + End address of last program loaded"),
(0x80, 0x80, "Cassette I/O - block checksum used internally"),
(0x81, 0x81, "Cassette I/O - error code 0x00 none 0x01 CRC (checksum) error 0x02 attempt to load into ROM"),
(0x82, 0x82, "Cassette I/O - Pulse width counter"),
(0x83, 0x83, "Cassette I/O - Sync bits counter"),
(0x84, 0x84, "Cassette I/O - Bit phase flag"),
(0x85, 0x85, "Last sine wave value for output to DAC"),
(0x86, 0x86, "Data for low res SET/RESET, POINT routines"),
(0x87, 0x87, "ASCII code of last key pressed (cleared by Break check)"),
(0x88, 0x89, "Current VDU cursor addr (typ 0x0400-0x05ff)"),
(0x8a, 0x8b, "Gen purpose 16bit scratch pad / 16bit zero (0x0000) {2}"),
(0x8a, 0x8b, "CoCo - Motor on delay"),
(0x8c, 0x8c, "Sound pitch frequency"),
(0x8d, 0x8e, "Gen purpose countdown (?sound timer {2})"),
(0x8f, 0x8f, "Cursor flash counter (0x20)"),
(0x90, 0x91, "Cassette leader byte count - number of 0x55 bytes written as sync leader (D32 - 0x0080, D64 - 0x0100)"),
(0x92, 0x92, "Minimum cycle width of 1200Hz (0x12)"),
(0x92, 0x93, "CoCo - Cassette leader byte count"),
(0x93, 0x93, "Minimum pulse width of 1200Hz (0x0a)"),
(0x94, 0x94, "Maximum pulse width of 1200Hz (0x12)"),
(0x95, 0x96, "Motor on delay (0xda5c = approx 0.5s)"),
(0x95, 0x96, "CoCo - Serial Baud rate constant (0x0057 = 600 baud)"),
(0x97, 0x98, "Keyboard scan debounce delay constant (0x045e)"),
(0x97, 0x98, "CoCo - Serial Line Printer End of Line delay (0x0001)"),
(0x99, 0x99, "Printer comma field width (0x10 = 16)"),
(0x9a, 0x9a, "Printer last comma field (0x74 = 116) (CoCo 0x70 = 112)"),
(0x9b, 0x9b, "Printer line width dflt (0x84 = 132)"),
(0x9c, 0x9c, "Printer head column posn == POS(-2) Updated by LPOUT ($800f) routine"),
(0x9d, 0x9e, "EXEC default entry address (D32 - $8b8d = ?FC ERROR; D64 - $bf49 = Boot 64k mode)"),
(0x9f, 0xaa, "%CHRGET% Self modifying routine to read next char"),
(0x9f, 0xa0, "INC <$A7"),
(0xa1, 0xa2, "BNE $00A5"),
(0xa3, 0xa4, "INC <$A6"),
(0xa5, 0xa7, "LDA >xxxx"),
(0xa6, 0xa7, "Ptr to next character to read"),
(0xa8, 0xaa, "JMP $BB26"),
(0xab, 0xae, "Used by RND"),
(0xaf, 0xaf, "TRON/TROFF trace flag - non zero for TRON"),
(0xb0, 0xb1, "Ptr to start of USR table ($0134; DOS - $0683)"),
(0xb2, 0xb2, "Current foreground colour (0x03)"),
(0xb3, 0xb3, "Current background colour (0x00)"),
(0xb4, 0xb4, "Temp/active colour in use"),
(0xb5, 0xb5, "Byte value for current colour - ie bit pattern"),
(0xb6, 0xb6, "Graphics PMODE number in use (0x00)"),
(0xb7, 0xb8, "Ptr to last byte+1 of current graphics mode ($0c00 w/o Dos)"),
(0xb9, 0xb9, "Number of bytes per line in current PMODE (0x10)"),
(0xba, 0xbb, "Ptr to first byte of current graphics mode ($0600)"),
(0xbc, 0xbc, "Msb of start of graphics pages (0x06 or 0x0c with Dos)"),
(0xbd, 0xbe, "Current X cursor position (not user available ?{1})"),
(0xbf, 0xc0, "Current Y cursor position (not user available ?{1})"),
(0xc1, 0xc1, "Colour set currently in use (0x08 if colorset 1 {1})"),
(0xc2, 0xc2, "Plot/Unplot flag: 0x00 reset, non zero set"),
(0xc3, 0xc4, "Current horizontal pixel number"),
(0xc5, 0xc6, "Current vertical pixel number"),
(0xc7, 0xc8, "Current X cursor coord (0x0080)"),
(0xc9, 0xca, "Current Y cursor coord (0x0060)"),
(0xcb, 0xcc, "CIRCLE command X coood as if drawn in PMODE 4"),
(0xcd, 0xce, "CIRCLE command Y coord as if drawn in PMODE 4"),
(0xcf, 0xd0, "CIRCLE radius as if drawn in PMODE 4"),
(0xcf, 0xd0, "RENUM increment value"),
(0xd1, 0xd2, "RENUM start line"),
(0xd3, 0xd4, "CLOADM 2's complement load offset"),
(0xd5, 0xd6, "RENUM new start line"),
(0xd7, 0xd7, "EDIT line length (not user available)"),
(0xd7, 0xd7, "PLAY -"),
(0xd8, 0xd8, "PLAY - bytes left in string"),
(0xd9, 0xda, "PLAY - ptr to current char in string"),
(0xd8, 0xdd, "Graphics use ? {2}"),
(0xde, 0xde, "PLAY: Current octave in use (0-4) (0x02)"),
(0xdf, 0xe0, "PLAY: Volume data for volume setting (D32 - 0xba42) (D64 - 0xb844)"),
(0xe1, 0xe1, "PLAY: Current note length (0x04)"),
(0xe2, 0xe2, "PLAY: Current tempo (0x02)"),
(0xe3, 0xe4, "PLAY: Music duration count"),
(0xe5, 0xe5, "PLAY: Music dotted note flag"),
(0xe6, 0xff, "D32 - Unused in Dragon 32 w/o DOS"),
(0xe6, 0xe6, "CoCo - baud rate constant"),
(0xe7, 0xe7, "Coco - Input timeout constant"),
(0xe8, 0xe8, "Current angle used in DRAW {1} (??)"),
(0xe9, 0xe9, "Current scale used in DRAW {1} (??)"),
(0xea, 0xf6, "DOS - Used by DragonDos"),
(0xf8, 0xf8, "DOS - sector currently seeking {SuperDos Rom}"),
(0x100, 0x102, "SWI3 Secondary vector (Uninitialised)"),
(0x103, 0x105, "SWI2 Secondary vector (Uninitialised)"),
(0x106, 0x108, "SWI Secondary vector (Uninitialised)"),
(0x109, 0x10b, "NMI Secondary vector (Uninitialised) (CoCo DOS JMP $d7ae; SuperDos E6 JMP $c71e)"),
(0x10c, 0x10e, "IRQ Secondary vector - JMP $9d3d (CoCo JMP $a9b3 or $894c (extended); CoCo DOS JMP $d7bc; SuperDos E6 JMP $c727)"),
(0x10f, 0x111, "FIRQ Secondary vector - JMP $b469 (CoCo JMP $a0f6; SuperDos E6 JMP $c7da)"),
(0x112, 0x113, "TIMER value"),
(0x114, 0x114, "Unused"),
(0x115, 0x119, "Random number seeds (0x80, 0x4f, 0xc7, 0x52, 0x59)"),
(0x11a, 0x11f, "D32 - Unused"),
(0x11a, 0x11a, "D64 - %FLAG64% checked on Reset from 64K mode if 0x55 then checksum at $011b is checked against current contents of Ram, if the same then a warm start is performed (64 mode) else a cold start (32 mode)"),
(0x11a, 0x11a, "CoCo - Caps lock, 0x00 lower, non-0x00 upper"),
(0x11b, 0x11c, "D64 - %CSUM64% 16bit sum of words of BASIC Rom-in-ram in 64K mode from $c000 to $feff"),
(0x11b, 0x11c, "CoCo - Keyboard Delay constant"),
(0x11d, 0x11f, "CoCo - JMP $8489 ? {1}"),
(0x11d, 0x11d, "D64 - %LSTKEY% Last key code return by keybd poll routine"),
(0x11e, 0x11e, "D64 - %CNTDWN% Auto repeat countdown"),
(0x11f, 0x11f, "D64 - %REPDLY% Auto repeat inter-repeat delay value (0x05)"),
(0x120, 0x120, "%STUB0% Stub 0 - Number of reserved words (0x4e)"),
(0x121, 0x122, "Stub 0 - Ptr to reserved words table ($8033)"),
(0x123, 0x124, "Stub 0 - Ptr to reserved words dispatch table ($8154)"),
(0x125, 0x125, "Stub 0 - Number of functions (0x22)"),
(0x126, 0x127, "Stub 0 - Ptr to reserved function words table ($81ca)"),
(0x128, 0x129, "Stub 0 - Ptr to function words dispatch table ($8250)"),
(0x12a, 0x12a, "%STUB1% Stub 1 - Number of reserved words (0x00) (DOS 0x1a)"),
(0x12b, 0x12c, "Stub 1 - Ptr to reserved words table (0x0000) (DOS $ded4; SuperDosE6 $deda)"),
(0x12d, 0x12e, "Stub 1 - Ptr to reserved words token processing routine ($89b4; DOS $c64c; SuperDosE6 $c670)"),
(0x12f, 0x12f, "Stub 1 - Number of functions (0x00) (DOS 0x07)"),
(0x130, 0x131, "Stub 1 - Ptr to function table (0x0000) (DOS $debb; SuperDosE6 $dec1)"),
(0x132, 0x133, "Stub 1 - Ptr to function token processing routine ($89b4; DOS $c667; SuperDosE6 $c68b)"),
(0x134, 0x134, "%STUB2% Stub 2 - acts as a stub terminator under DOS"),
(0x134, 0x147, "USR address table, relocated by DOS (10 x 2 bytes) ($8b8d)"),
(0x148, 0x148, "Auto line feed flag on buffer full - setting this to 0x00 causes a EOL sequence to be sent to printer when buffer reaches length in $009b (0xff)"),
(0x149, 0x149, "Alpha Lock flag - 0x00 Lower case, 0xff Upper case (0xff)"),
(0x14a, 0x150, "Line Printer End of line termination sequence"),
(0x14a, 0x14a, "Number of bytes in EOL sequence 1-6 (0x01)"),
(0x14b, 0x14b, "EOL chr 1 (0x0d CR)"),
(0x14c, 0x14c, "EOL chr 2 (0x0a LF)"),
(0x14d, 0x14d, "EOL chr 3 (D64 - 0x00; D32 - 0x20 ' ')"),
(0x14e, 0x14e, "EOL chr 4 (D64 - 0x00; D32 - 0x44 'D' Duncan)"),
(0x14f, 0x14f, "EOL chr 5 (D64 - 0x00; D32 - 0x4e 'N' N.)"),
(0x150, 0x150, "EOL chr 6 (D64 - 0x00; D32 - 0x4f 'S' Smeed)"),
(0x151, 0x159, "Keyboard matrix state table"),
(0x152, 0x159, "CoCo - Keyboard roll-over table"),
(0x15a, 0x15d, "%POTVAL% Joystick values (0-63)"),
(0x15a, 0x15a, "Right Joystick, x value == JOYSTK(0)"),
(0x15b, 0x15b, "Right Joystick, y value == JOYSTK(1)"),
(0x15c, 0x15c, "Left Joystick, x value == JOYSTK(2)"),
(0x15d, 0x15d, "Left Joystick, y value == JOYSTK(3)"),
(0x15e, 0x1a8, "Ram hooks - each is called from ROM with a JSR before carrying out the specified function"),
(0x15e, 0x160, "Device Open (DOS JMP $d902; SuperDosE6 $d8f4)"),
(0x161, 0x163, "Verify Device Number (DOS SuperDosE6 JMP $d8ec)"),
(0x164, 0x166, "Device Init (DOS SuperDosE6 JMP $c29c)"),
(0x167, 0x169, "Output char in A to DEVN (DOS JMP $d8fa; SuperDosE6 $d90b)"),
(0x167, 0x167, "Setting to 0xff disables keyboard ?!? {1} Setting to 0x39 (RTS) allows use of SCREEN 0,1 etc. ??{1}"),
(0x16a, 0x16c, "Input char from DEVN to A (DOS SuperDosE6 JMP $c29c)"),
(0x16d, 0x16f, "Input from DEVN using INPUT (DOS SuperDosE6 JMP $c29c)"),
(0x170, 0x172, "Output to DEVN using PRINT (DOS SuperDosE6 JMP $c29c)"),
(0x173, 0x175, "Close all files (DOS SuperDosE6 JMP $c29c)"),
(0x176, 0x178, "Close file (DOS JMP $d917; SuperDosE6 $d6f5)"),
(0x179, 0x17b, "Command Interpreter - interpret token in A as command (DOS SuperDosE6 JMP $c29c)"),
(0x17c, 0x17e, "Re-request input from keyboard (DOS JMP $d960; SuperDosE6 $d954)"),
(0x17f, 0x181, "Check keys - scan for BREAK, SHIFT+'@' (DOS SuperDosE6 JMP $c29c)"),
(0x17f, 0x17f, "Setting this to 0x9e disables LIST/DIR {1}"),
(0x182, 0x184, "Line input from DEVN using LINE INPUT (DOS JMP $d720; SuperDosE6 $dac5)"),
(0x185, 0x187, "Close BASIC file read in and goto Command mode (DOS SuperDosE6 JMP $c29c)"),
(0x188, 0x18a, "Check EOF on DEVN (DOS JMP $dd4d; SuperDosE6 $dd54)"),
(0x18b, 0x18d, "Evaluate expression (DOS SuperDosE6 JMP $c29c)"),
(0x18e, 0x190, "User error trap, called from $8344 (DOS SuperDosE6 JMP $c29c)"),
(0x191, 0x193, "System error trap, called from $8344 (DOS JMP $c69e; SuperDosE6 $c6c5)"),
(0x194, 0x196, "Run Link - used by DOS to RUN filename (DOS JMP $d490; SuperDosE6 $d4b7)"),
(0x197, 0x199, "Reset Basic Memory, editing or entering BASIC lines"),
(0x19a, 0x19c, "Get next command - reading in next command to be executed"),
(0x19d, 0x19f, "Assign string variable"),
(0x1a0, 0x1a2, "Screen access - CLS, GET, PUT"),
(0x1a3, 0x1a5, "Tokenise line"),
(0x1a6, 0x1a8, "De-Tokenise line"),
(0x1a9, 0x1d0, "String buffer area"),
(0x1d1, 0x1d1, "Cassette filename length in range 0-8"),
(0x1d2, 0x1d9, "Cassette filename to search for or write out"),
(0x1da, 0x2d8, "Cassette I/O default data buffer - 255 bytes"),
(0x1da, 0x268, "D64 - 64K mode bootstrap routine is copied here to run"),
(0x1da, 0x1e1, "Cassette buffer - filename of file read"),
(0x1e2, 0x1e2, "Cassette buffer - filetype 0x00 BASIC program 0x01 Data 0x02 Machine code"),
(0x1e3, 0x1e3, "Cassette buffer - ASCII flag 0x00 Binary 0xff ASCII flag"),
(0x1e4, 0x1e4, "Cassette buffer - gap flag 0x00 Continous 0xff Gapped file"),
(0x1e5, 0x1e6, "Cassette buffer - Entry (Exec) addr of m/c file"),
(0x1e7, 0x1e8, "Cassette buffer - Load address for ungapped m/c file"),
(0x2d9, 0x2dc, "BASIC line input buffer preamble"),
(0x2dd, 0x3d8, "BASIC line input buffer - used for de-/tokenising data"),
(0x2dd, 0x3dc, "CoCo - 255 byte keyboard buffer {1}"),
(0x2e1, 0x33b, "CoCo - 90 byte screen buffer {1}"),
(0x3d9, 0x3ea, "Buffer space"),
(0x3eb, 0x3fc, "Unused"),
(0x3fd, 0x3ff, "D32 - Unused in Dragon 32"),
(0x3fd, 0x3fe, "D64 - Printer end of line delay in milliseconds (0x0000)"),
(0x3ff, 0x3ff, "D64 - %PRNSEL% selects default printer port 0x00 Parallel, non-0x00 Serial (0x00)"),
(0x400, 0x5ff, "Default Text screen"),
(0x600, 0x1dff, "Available graphics pages w/o DOS"),
(0x600, 0xbff, "DOS - workspace area see also $00ea-$00f6"),
(0x600, 0xdff, "CoCo DOS workspace area (no more info)"),
(0xc00, 0x23ff, "DOS - Available graphics pages"),
(0x8000, 0xbfff, "BASIC ROM in 32K mode"),
(0x8000, 0x9fff, "CoCo - Extended Color BASIC ROM"),
(0xa000, 0xbfff, "CoCo - Color BASIC ROM"),
(0xbff0, 0xbfff, "These addresses mapped from ROM to $fff0-$ffff by the SAM"),
(0xc000, 0xdfff, "DOS - Dos ROM"),
(0xc000, 0xfeff, "DOS - Cumana DOS ROM only"),
(0xc000, 0xfeff, "Available address range to cartridge expansion port 32K mode"),
(0xc000, 0xfeff, "D64 - 64K mode - copy of BASIC ROM 2 exists in RAM here"),
(0xff00, 0xff00, "PIA 0 A side Data reg. PA7 i/p Comparator input PA6 i/p Keyboard Matrix Ent Clr Brk N/c N/c N/c N/c Shift PA5 i/p Keyboard Matrix X Y Z Up Dwn Lft Rgt Space i/p CoCo - Keyboard 8 9 : ; , - . / PA4 i/p Keyboard Matrix P Q R S T U V W i/p CoCo - Keyboard 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 PA3 i/p Keyboard Matrix H I J K L M N O i/p CoCo - Keyboard X Y Z Up Dwn Lft Rgt Space PA2 i/p Keyboard Matrix @ A B C D E F G i/p CoCo - Keyboard P Q R S T U V W PA1 i/p Keyboard Matrix 8 9 : ; , - . / i/p CoCo - Keyboard H I J K L M N O i/p Left Joystick Button PA0 i/p Keyboard Matrix 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 i/p CoCo - Keyboard @ A B C D E F G i/p Right Joystick Button"),
(0xff01, 0xff01, "PIA 0 A side Control reg. CA1 i/p Horiz Sync Interrupt from VDG (15625Hz; CoCo 15750Hz) CA2 o/p Analogue Mux channel select line A Selects Joystick Axis (0 x-axis, 1 y-axis)"),
(0xff02, 0xff02, "PIA 0 B side Data reg. PB7 o/p Keyboard Matrix 7 / G O W Space Shift o/p Printer Out bit 7 PB6 o/p Keyboard Matrix 6 . F N V Right N/c o/p Printer Out bit 6 PB5 o/p Keyboard Matrix 5 - E M U Left N/c o/p Printer Out bit 5 PB4 o/p Keyboard Matrix 4 , D L T Down N/c o/p Printer Out bit 4 PB3 o/p Keyboard Matrix 3 ; C K S Up N/c o/p Printer Out bit 3 PB2 o/p Keyboard Matrix 2 : B J R Z Break o/p Printer Out bit 2 PB1 o/p Keyboard Matrix 1 9 A I Q Y Clear o/p Printer Out bit 1 PB0 o/p Keyboard Matrix 0 8 @ H P X Enter o/p Printer Out bit 0"),
(0xff03, 0xff03, "PIA 0 B side Control reg. CB1 i/p Field Sync Interrupt from VDG (50Hz; CoCo 60Hz) CB2 o/p Analogue Mux channel select line B Selects Joystick (0 right, 1 left)"),
(0xff04, 0xff04, "D64 - ACIA serial port read/write data reg."),
(0xff05, 0xff05, "D64 - ACIA serial port status (R)/ reset (W) reg."),
(0xff06, 0xff06, "D64 - ACIA serial port command reg."),
(0xff07, 0xff07, "D64 - ACIA serial port control reg."),
(0xff20, 0xff20, "PIA 1 A side Data reg. PA7 o/p DAC bit 5 PA6 o/p DAC bit 4 PA5 o/p DAC bit 3 PA4 o/p DAC bit 2 PA3 o/p DAC bit 1 PA2 o/p DAC bit 0 PA1 o/p Printer Strobe - Active High (i.e. Lo-Hi-Lo to print) o/p CoCo - RS232 Tx o/p PA0 i/p Cassette waveform single bit input"),
(0xff21, 0xff21, "PIA 1 A side Control reg. CA1 i/p Printer Acknowledge i/p CoCo - CD RS232 Carrier Detect input CA2 o/p Cassette Relay Motor control"),
(0xff22, 0xff22, "PIA 1 B side Data reg. PB7 o/p *A/G VDG control line PB6 o/p GM2 VDG control line PB5 o/p GM1 VDG control line PB4 o/p GM0 or *INT/EXT VDG control line PB3 o/p CSS VDG control line PB2 i/p D32 - RAM size (0 8 x 32K bit; 1 16 x 16K bit) {6} o/p D64 - ROM select (1 32K mode; 0 64K mode) PB1 i/p Sample audio source o/p Single bit sound output PB0 i/p Printer Busy - Active High i/p CoCo - RS232 Rx input"),
(0xff23, 0xff23, "PIA 1 B side Control reg. CB1 i/p Cartridge CART FIRQ auto-start signal CB2 o/p Sound Mux enable (1 enable, 0 single bit sound)"),
(0xff40, 0xff40, "DOS - Disk Controller command/status reg."),
(0xff41, 0xff41, "DOS - Disk Controller track reg."),
(0xff42, 0xff42, "DOS - Disk Controller sector reg."),
(0xff43, 0xff43, "DOS - Disk Controller data reg."),
(0xff48, 0xff48, "DOS - Disk Controller hardware control reg."),
(0xffc0, 0xffdf, "SAM (Synchronous Address Multiplexer) register bits - use even address to clear, odd address to set"),
(0xffc0, 0xffc5, "SAM VDG Mode registers V0-V2"),
(0xffc0, 0xffc1, "SAM VDG Reg V0"),
(0xffc2, 0xffc3, "SAM VDG Reg V1"),
(0xffc3, 0xffc5, "SAM VDG Reg V2"),
(0xffc6, 0xffd3, "SAM Display offset in 512 byte pages F0-F6"),
(0xffc6, 0xffc7, "SAM Display Offset bit F0"),
(0xffc8, 0xffc9, "SAM Display Offset bit F1"),
(0xffca, 0xffcb, "SAM Display Offset bit F2"),
(0xffcc, 0xffcd, "SAM Display Offset bit F3"),
(0xffce, 0xffcf, "SAM Display Offset bit F4"),
(0xffd0, 0xffc1, "SAM Display Offset bit F5"),
(0xffd2, 0xffc3, "SAM Display Offset bit F6"),
(0xffd4, 0xffd5, "SAM Page #1 bit - in D64 maps upper 32K Ram to $0000 to $7fff"),
(0xffd6, 0xffd9, "SAM MPU Rate R0-R1"),
(0xffd6, 0xffd7, "SAM MPU Rate bit R0"),
(0xffd8, 0xffd9, "SAM MPU Rate bit R1"),
(0xffda, 0xffdd, "SAM Memory Size select M0-M1"),
(0xffda, 0xffdb, "SAM Memory Size select bit M0"),
(0xffdc, 0xffdd, "SAM Memory Size select bit M1"),
(0xffde, 0xffdf, "SAM Map Type - in D64 switches in upper 32K RAM $8000-$feff"),
(0xffec, 0xffef, "PC-Dragon - Used by Paul Burgin's emulator to provide enhanced services"),
(0xfff0, 0xffff, "6809 interrupt vectors mapped from $bff0-$bfff by SAM"),
(0xfff0, 0xfff1, "Reserved ($0000; D64 64K mode 0x3634 '64')"),
(0xfff2, 0xfff3, "SWI3 ($0100)"),
(0xfff4, 0xfff5, "SWI2 ($0103)"),
(0xfff6, 0xfff7, "FIRQ ($010f)"),
(0xfff8, 0xfff9, "IRQ ($010c)"),
(0xfffa, 0xfffb, "SWI ($0106)"),
(0xfffc, 0xfffd, "NMI ($0109)"),
(0xfffe, 0xffff, "RESET ($b3b4; D64 64K mode $c000 - never accessed)"),
(0x8000, 0x8002, "Hardware Initialisation (JMP $bb40; D64 JMP $bb3c)"),
(0x8003, 0x8005, "Software Initialisation (JMP $bb88)"),
(0x8006, 0x8008, "%POLCAT% Scans keyboard, rets value in A (JMP $bbe5) Called indirectly from [$a000]"),
(0x8009, 0x800b, "%CBLINK% Cursor Blink (JMP $bbb5)"),
(0x800c, 0x800e, "%CHROUT% Write chr in A to screen (JMP $bcab)"),
(0x800f, 0x8011, "%LPOUT% Line printer character output in A reg., forces end-of-line sequences, outputs extra spaces to cause LFs etc. See: $0099-009c, $0148 (JMP $bd1a)"),
(0x8012, 0x8014, "Reads Joystick (JMP $bd52) Called indirectly from [$a00a]"),
(0x8015, 0x8017, "Cassette relay on (JMP $bdcf)"),
(0x8018, 0x801a, "Cassette relay off (JMP $bddc)"),
(0x801b, 0x801d, "Write leader to cassette (JMP $be68) Called indirectly from [$a00c]"),
(0x801e, 0x8020, "Output byte in A to cassette (JMP $be12)"),
(0x8021, 0x8023, "Cassette on, init for reading (JMP $bde7) Called indirectly from [$a004]"),
(0x8024, 0x8026, "Input byte from cassette into A (JMP $bdad)"),
(0x8027, 0x8029, "Get one bit from cassette to CC.C (JMP $bda5)"),
(0x802a, 0x802c, "Reads a byte from serial port (JMP $be7b)"),
(0x802d, 0x802f, "Sends a byte to serial port (D32 JMP $be7c; D64 JMP $be98)"),
(0x8030, 0x8032, "Set serial port baud rate (D32 JMP $be7d; D64 JMP $bea6)"),
(0x8033, 0x8153, "Reserved words table"),
(0x8154, 0x81c9, "Reserved words dispatch table (Tokens 0x80-0xba only)"),
(0x81ca, 0x824f, "Function words table"),
(0x8250, 0x8293, "Function words dispatch table"),
(0x8294, 0x82a8, "Another dispatch table: 0x79, $910e + 0x79, $9105 - 0x7b, $9275 * 0x7b, $933c / 0x7f, $96a0 ^ 0x50, $8a12 AND 0x46, $8a11 OR The related functions come from {2, p.347}"),
(0x82a9, 0x82de, "Error code table"),
(0x82df, 0x82e5, "' ERROR', 0x00"),
(0x82e6, 0x82ea, "' IN ', 0x00"),
(0x82eb, 0x82ef, "0x0d, 'OK', 0x0d, 0x00"),
(0x82f0, 0x82f6, "0x0d, 'BREAK', 0x00"),
(0x8344, 0x8344, "System Error - generates error message according to B (CoCo $ac46)"),
(0x8371, 0x8371, "Prints OK prompt and returns to Command mode (CoCo $ac73)"),
(0x83ed, 0x83ed, "BasVect2 - completes init once BASIC program loaded (CoCo $acef)"),
(0x8415, 0x8415, "NEW token dispatch address"),
(0x8417, 0x8417, "Erases program in memory same as NEW (CoCo $ad19) {1} Called from BASIC init routine ($b3ba)"),
(0x841f, 0x841f, "BasVect1 - sets up various vectors after a BASIC program loaded (CoCo $ad21)"),
(0x8434, 0x8434, "Resets stack - all entries are lost (CoCo $ad33)"),
(0x8448, 0x8448, "FOR token dispatch address"),
(0x849f, 0x849f, "RUN BASIC - runs BASIC program in mem used by Autorun programs (CoCo $ad9e)"),
(0x8514, 0x8514, "RESTORE token dispatch address"),
(0x852b, 0x852b, "Waits for key press, returns key in A (CoCo $adfb)"),
(0x8532, 0x8532, "END token dispatch address"),
(0x8539, 0x8539, "STOP token dispatch address"),
(0x8560, 0x8560, "CONT token dispatch address"),
(0x8571, 0x8571, "CLEAR token dispatch address"),
(0x85a5, 0x85a5, "RUN token dispatch address"),
(0x85b9, 0x85b9, "GO token dispatch address"),
(0x85f3, 0x85f3, "RETURN token dispatch address"),
(0x8613, 0x8613, "DATA token dispatch address"),
(0x8616, 0x8616, "REM, ', ELSE token dispatch address"),
(0x8647, 0x8647, "IF token dispatch address"),
(0x8675, 0x8675, "ON token dispatch address"),
(0x86bc, 0x86bc, "LET token dispatch address"),
(0x8705, 0x870b, "'?REDO', 0x0d, 0x00"),
(0x872b, 0x872b, "INPUT token dispatch address"),
(0x8777, 0x8777, "READ token dispatch address"),
(0x8829, 0x8829, "NEXT token dispatch address"),
(0x8877, 0x8877, "Get expression: evaluates next expression and puts VARPTR addr in $0052:0053 (CoCo $b146)"),
(0x8887, 0x8887, "Get string: compiles a string and puts it in free string space (CoCo $b156)"),
(0x89a4, 0x89a4, "CkClBrak: checks cmd line for closed bracket (CoCo $b267)"),
(0x89a7, 0x89a7, "CkOpBrak: checks cmd line for open bracket (CoCo $b26a)"),
(0x89aa, 0x89aa, "CkComa: checks next cmd line chr for a comma, if not a Syntax error is generated (CoCo $b26d)"),
(0x89ac, 0x89ac, "CkChar: as for CkComa but checks for chr in B (CoCo $b26f)"),
(0x89b4, 0x89b4, "Both reserved word and function dispatch tables of Stub 1 at $012a point here"),
(0x8a11, 0x8a11, "OR operator dispatch address (see $8294)"),
(0x8a12, 0x8a12, "AND operator dispatch address (see $8294)"),
(0x8a8b, 0x8a8b, "DIM token dispatch address"),
(0x8a94, 0x8a94, "%GETVAR% gets VARPTR addr of following variables name (CoCo $b357)"),
(0x8b29, 0x8b29, "%GETUSR% returns value of arg in USR fn in D (CoCo $b3e9)"),
(0x8b2d, 0x8b2d, "%INTCNV%"),
(0x8b30, 0x8b30, "Passes parameters to machine code routine {1}"),
(0x8b39, 0x8b39, "Used to pass back values from m/c to BASIC {1}"),
(0x8b8d, 0x8b91, "Jump to this causes ?FC ERROR"),
(0x8c31, 0x8c31, "MEM function token dispatch address"),
(0x8c35, 0x8c3f, "Assign16Bit: assigns D to numeric variable (CoCo $b4f2) ?? 8c35:8c36 is a BRN"),
(0x8c36, 0x8c3f, "Assign8Bit: assigns B to numeric variable (CoCo $b4f3) clears A, stores D in FAC"),
(0x8c37, 0x8c3f, "%GIVABF% returns D as 16bit val in FAC"),
(0x8c40, 0x8c40, "STR$ function token dispatch address"),
(0x8cd7, 0x8cd7, "Forces String space Garbage collection (CoCo $b591)"),
(0x8d9a, 0x8d9a, "Sub -"),
(0x8d9f, 0x8d9f, "%DELVAR% frees space taken by variable (CoCo $b659)"),
(0x8dc7, 0x8dc7, "LEN function token dispatch address"),
(0x8dd2, 0x8dd2, "CHR$ function token dispatch address"),
(0x8de6, 0x8de6, "ASC function token dispatch address"),
(0x8df1, 0x8df1, "LEFT$ function token dispatch address"),
(0x8e0e, 0x8e0e, "RIGHT$ function token dispatch address"),
(0x8e15, 0x8e15, "MID$ function token dispatch address"),
(0x8e51, 0x8e51, "Get8Bit: returns value of following number in B (CoCo $b70b)"),
(0x8e5c, 0x8e5c, "VAL function token dispatch address"),
(0x8e83, 0x8e83, "Get16Bit: returns value of following number in X (CoCo $b73d)"),
(0x8e96, 0x8e96, "PEEK function token dispatch address"),
(0x8e9d, 0x8e9d, "POKE token dispatch address"),
(0x8ea4, 0x8ea4, "LLIST token dispatch address"),
(0x8eaa, 0x8eaa, "LIST token dispatch address, List Basic to DEVN (CoCo $b764)"),
(0x903d, 0x903d, "PRINT token dispatch address"),
(0x90a1, 0x90a1, "Print CR/LF: moves cursor posn to start of new line (CoCo $b958)"),
(0x90e5, 0x90e5, "Out String: Prints ASCIIZ string ptd to by X to DEVN (CoCo $b99c)"),
(0x9105, 0x9105, "- operator dispatch address (see $8294)"),
(0x910e, 0x910e, "+ operator dispatch address (see $8294)"),
(0x923c, 0x923c, "LOG function token dispatch address"),
(0x9275, 0x9275, "* operator dispatch address (see $8294)"),
(0x933c, 0x933c, "/ operator dispatch address (see $8294)"),
(0x93bf, 0x93d4, "%MOVFM% Converts a 5-byte BASIC Real variable structure pointed to by X to FAC at $004f {2}"),
(0x9425, 0x9425, "SGN function token dispatch address"),
(0x942d, 0x942d, "Jumped to from GIVABF routine at 8c37-8c3f - returns 16 bit value in FAC to BASIC ??"),
(0x943e, 0x943e, "ABS function token dispatch address"),
(0x9499, 0x9499, "INT function token dispatch address"),
(0x9564, 0x9568, "5 byte floating point number"),
(0x9569, 0x956d, "5 byte floating point number"),
(0x956e, 0x9572, "5 byte floating point number"),
(0x957a, 0x957a, "Print Number: outputs D as number to DEVN (CoCo $bdcc)"),
(0x9697, 0x9697, "SQR function token dispatch address"),
(0x96a0, 0x96a0, "^ operator dispatch address (see $8294)"),
(0x9713, 0x9713, "EXP function token dispatch address"),
(0x9772, 0x9772, "RND function token dispatch address"),
(0x978e, 0x978e, "Random Number: generates 8bit random number in $0116"),
(0x97cb, 0x97cb, "COS function token dispatch address"),
(0x97d1, 0x97d1, "SIN function token dispatch address"),
(0x9816, 0x9816, "TAN function token dispatch address"),
(0x9877, 0x9877, "ATN function token dispatch address"),
(0x98e3, 0x98e3, "Called from BASIC init routine ($b3ba-)"),
(0x9956, 0x9956, "FIX function token dispatch address"),
(0x9965, 0x9965, "EDIT token dispatch address"),
(0x9ad9, 0x9ad9, "TRON token dispatch address"),
(0x9ada, 0x9ada, "TROFF token dispatch address"),
(0x9ade, 0x9ade, "POS function token dispatch address"),
(0x9af4, 0x9af4, "VARPTR function token dispatch address"),
(0x9b84, 0x9b84, "STRING$ function token dispatch address"),
(0x9bb4, 0x9bb4, "INSTR function token dispatch address"),
(0x9c3e, 0x9c3e, "Assign16BitB: assigns value in $0052:0053 to a variable (CoCo $880e)"),
(0x9c81, 0x9c81, "DEF token dispatch address"),
(0x9d00, 0x9d0c, "Sub"),
(0x9d0d, 0x9d1c, "Sub which returns a ptr in X to the address in the USR table (ref'd by $00b0:00b1) of the USR function to be called"),
(0x9d1d, 0x9d1d, "USR function token dispatch address"),
(0x9d35, 0x9d3c, "Sub which checks for '=' token, then gets value of next expression by JMPing to $8e83"),
(0x9d3d, 0x9d3d, "IRQ interrupt service routine"),
(0x9d59, 0x9d59, "TIMER function token dispatch address"),
(0x9d61, 0x9d61, "DEL token dispatch address"),
(0x9dfa, 0x9dfa, "RENUM token dispatch address"),
(0x9fca, 0x9fcd, "3 bytes Unused ? 'UL '"),
(0x9fce, 0x9fff, "D32 - Unused 0x00"),
(0x9fd0, 0x9fd8, "D64 - Patch to support VARPTRs >32K"),
(0x9fd9, 0x9fff, "D64 - Unused 0x00"),
(0xa000, 0xa00d, "Indirect jump table"),
(0xa000, 0xa001, "Keyboard input ($8006)"),
(0xa002, 0xa003, "Character output in A to DEVNUM ($b54a)"),
(0xa004, 0xa005, "Cassette on for reading ($8021)"),
(0xa006, 0xa007, "Block input from tape ($b93e)"),
(0xa008, 0xa009, "Block output to tape ($b999)"),
(0xa00a, 0xa00b, "Joystick input ($8012)"),
(0xa00c, 0xa00d, "Write leader to cassette ($801b)"),
(0xa00e, 0xa00e, "HEX$ function token dispatch address"),
(0xa049, 0xa049, "DLOAD token dispatch address"),
(0xa0e0, 0xa0e0, "Can be used to wait for 2 keypresses {1}"),
(0xa0ea, 0xa0ea, "Waits for keypress with flashing cursor (CoCo $8cc6)"),
(0xa0f4, 0xa0f4, "Sub: called from DLOAD routine"),
(0xa438, 0xa440, "Sub - returns CC.C set if A is not char '0'-'9'"),
(0xa6ef, 0xa6ef, "PSET token dispatch address"),
(0xa6f3, 0xa6f3, "PRESET token dispatch address"),
(0xa6c7, 0xa6c7, "PPOINT function token dispatch address"),
(0xa749, 0xa749, "LINE token dispatch address"),
(0xa8c0, 0xa8c0, "PCLS token dispatch address"),
(0xa8c7, 0xa8c7, "Clear Graphics: Clears current graphics screen with data in B (CoCo $9539)"),
(0xa8d4, 0xa8d4, "COLOR token dispatch address"),
(0xa928, 0xa928, "Set Colours: sets up locations $00b4, $00b5 (CoCo $959a)"),
(0xa938, 0xa938, "Select Display: Selects Text (CC.Z=1) or Graphics (CC.Z=0) mode (CoCo $95aa)"),
(0xa93a, 0xa93a, "Reset VDU: resets default VDU mode (CoCo $95ac)"),
(0xa989, 0xa989, "Set VDG Mode given in A (CoCo $95fb)"),
(0xa99d, 0xa99d, "Set VDG Offset for graphics mode (CoCo $960f)"),
(0xa9a4, 0xa9a4, "Set VDG Colour set from $00c1 (CoCo $9616)"),
(0xa9af, 0xa9af, "PMODE token dispatch address"),
(0xa9e1, 0xa9e1, "Set Page to B (CoCo $9653)"),
(0xa9fe, 0xa9fe, "SCREEN token dispatch address"),
(0xaa10, 0xaa10, "Select Colour set 0 or 1 from B (CoCo $9682)"),
(0xaa19, 0xaa19, "PCLEAR token dispatch address"),
(0xaa23, 0xaa23, "Reserve HiRes Graphics RAM, moves BASIC if nec. (CoCo $9695)"),
(0xaa81, 0xaa81, "Called from BASIC init routine ($b3ba-)"),
(0xaabe, 0xaabe, "PCOPY token dispatch address"),
(0xaada, 0xaaef, "Sub - reads and checks PCOPY page numbers"),
(0xaaf0, 0xaaf0, "GET token dispatch address"),
(0xaaf3, 0xaaf3, "PUT token dispatch address"),
(0xabd4, 0xabec, "5 entry table of form Word, Word, Token for matching PUT mode"),
(0xac87, 0xac87, "PAINT token dispatch address"),
(0xadbd, 0xadbd, "PLAY token dispatch address"),
(0xae9a, 0xae9a, "Play Note: A contains ASCII code (CoCo $9ad7)"),
(0xaf33, 0xaf33, "Sub - gets next PLAY cmd in A"),
(0xafd9, 0xafd9, "PLAY IRQ routine - branches to $bb02 if $00e3 == 0x0000"),
(0xaff6, 0xaffc, "Table maps PLAY notes A-G to tone number"),
(0xaffd, 0xb014, "Table"),
(0xb015, 0xb050, "Table"),
(0xb051, 0xb051, "DRAW token dispatch address (CoCo $9cb6)"),
(0xb238, 0xb238, "CIRCLE token dispatch address"),
(0xb39b, 0xb3b3, "Called after Hardware init routine, following a RESET Inits stack, checks for Cold/warm start. If $0071 contains 0x55 and $0072:0073 points to NOP then execution is passed to [$0072:0073] otherwise branches to $b3ba"),
(0xb3b4, 0xb3b9, "RESET interrupt service routine (CoCo $a027) Loads Y with $b39b and JMPs $8000"),
(0xb3ba, 0xb3ba, "Cold start routine - clears lo mem, inits BASIC"),
(0xb400, 0xb400, "Boot Basic: Restarts BASIC interpreter (CoCo $a0b6)"),
(0xb432, 0xb43b, "Checks for $c000:c001 = 0x444b ('DK') and branches to $c002 if found"),
(0xb44f, 0xb44f, "Warm start RESET jumps here"),
(0xb469, 0xb46e, "FIRQ interrupt service routine - branches to $b46f if source was cartridge else RTI"),
(0xb46f, 0xb47a, "Calls $b480 twice, then JMPs to $8000 with Y = $b47b"),
(0xb47b, 0xb47f, "CLRs $0071, then JMPs $c000 to start cartridge"),
(0xb480, 0xb486, "Loads X from $008a (0x0000) and decrements to 0x0000 Gives 524,298 cycle, approx. 590ms delay"),
(0xb487, 0xb494, "14 bytes copied to $009d-$00aa at startup"),
(0xb495, 0xb4b2, "30 bytes copied to $010c-$0129 at startup"),
(0xb4b3, 0xb4cc, "'(C) 1982 DRAGON DATA LTD ', 0x0d"),
(0xb4cd, 0xb4ec, "'16K BASIC INTERPRETER 1.0 ', 0x0d"),
(0xb4ed, 0xb504, "'(C) 1982 BY MICROSOFT', 0x0d, 0x0d, 0x00"),
(0xb505, 0xb505, "Waits for key with cursor ? Called from SuperDos E6 ROM"),
(0xb54a, 0xb54a, "%OUTCHR% Sends char in A to DEVN (CoCo $a282) Called indirectly from [$a002]"),
(0xb64c, 0xb64c, "CLOSE token dispatch address"),
(0xb65f, 0xb65f, "Close files: closes an open tape stream (CoCo $a42d)"),
(0xb682, 0xb682, "CSAVE token dispatch address"),
(0xb6d4, 0xb6d4, "CLOAD token dispatch address"),
(0xb6a5, 0xb6a5, "Write BASIC: writes BASIC program to cassette (CoCo $a469)"),
(0xb714, 0xb714, "Loads a headerless program from cassette {10}"),
(0xb748, 0xb748, "Read Binary file from tape (CoCo $a511)"),
(0xb770, 0xb770, "EXEC token dispatch address"),
(0xb796, 0xb796, "INKEY$ function token dispatch address"),
(0xb7cc, 0xb7cc, "Copy B bytes from X to U"),
(0xb800, 0xb800, "EOF function token dispatch address"),
(0xb81e, 0xb81e, "SKIPF token dispatch address"),
(0xb828, 0xb828, "OPEN token dispatch address"),
(0xb8b3, 0xb8b3, "Find File: searches tape for matching filename (CoCo $a681)"),
(0xb933, 0xb933, "Read 1st Block: reads filename block to cas. buf (CoCo $a701)"),
(0xb93e, 0xb93e, "%BLKIN% reads a block of data into cas. buffer (CoCo $a70b) Called indirectly from [$a006]"),
(0xb981, 0xb981, "MOTOR token dispatch address"),
(0xb991, 0xb991, "Write 1st Block (CoCo $a7e5)"),
(0xb999, 0xb9d1, "%BLKOUT% writes a block of data to cassette (CoCo $a7f4) Called indirectly from [$a008]"),
(0xb9cd, 0xb9d1, "Write byte 0x55 to cassette by JMPing to $801e"),
(0xb9cf, 0xb9d1, "JMPs to $801e to write byte in A"),
(0xb9d2, 0xb9d2, "SET token dispatch address"),
(0xb9df, 0xb9df, "Set LoRes Pixel: X contains screen addr, B the colour and $00b8 the OR data (CoCo $a88d)"),
(0xba03, 0xba03, "RESET token dispatch address"),
(0xba07, 0xba07, "Reset LoRes Pixel: X contains screen addr, $00b8 OR data (CoCo $a8b5)"),
(0xba28, 0xba28, "Calc LoRes Pixel Pos: Stack contains vert and horiz coords (CoCo $a8d9)"),
(0xba44, 0xba44, "POINT function token dispatch address"),
(0xba5f, 0xba5f, "CLS token dispatch address"),
(0xba77, 0xba85, "Clears text screen (CoCo $a928)"),
(0xba79, 0xba85, "Clears text screen with value in B (CoCo $a92a)"),
(0xba86, 0xba8d, "Clears screen, prints '(C) 1982 BY MICROSOFT' msg at $b4ec"),
(0xba9a, 0xba9a, "SOUND token dispatch address"),
(0xbaa0, 0xbaa0, "Produces Beep of length B, pitch in $008c (CoCo $a951)"),
(0xbac3, 0xbac3, "Audio off: Disables sound (CoCo $a974)"),
(0xbac5, 0xbad3, "Enables sound (CoCo $a976)"),
(0xbad4, 0xbade, "Reset DAC - writes (D32 0x7e; D64 0x7c) to D/A (CoCo $a985)"),
(0xbad6, 0xbade, "Writes A to DAC - bits 0,1 of A must be 0 (CoCo $a987)"),
(0xbadf, 0xbadf, "AUDIO token dispatch address"),
(0xbaec, 0xbaec, "AUDIO ON: B must be 0x00 on entry (CoCo $a99d)"),
(0xbaf1, 0xbb01, "Sub to init PIA for sound source output specified by the lower 2 bits of B - 00 = DAC, 01 = Tape input, 10 = External Cart source, 11 = none This code duplicates the function of $bd41-bd51, the only dif being an ASRB replacing a RORB"),
(0xbb02, 0xbb0c, "Interrupt service subroutine to decrement $008d:008e, returns with RTI"),
(0xbb0d, 0xbb0d, "JOYSTK function token dispatch address"),
(0xbb26, 0xbb34, "Jumped to from selfmodifying CHRGET routine at $009f"),
(0xbb3c, 0xbb87, "D64 - Hardware init, JMPd to from $8000, Y should contain return address"),
(0xbb40, 0xbb87, "D32 - Hardware init, JMPd to from $8000, Y should contain return address"),
(0xbb80, 0xbb82, "D64 - Boots 64K mode with JMP $bf49"),
(0xbb88, 0xbb9e, "Software init, JMPd to from $8003, inits $008f-009b, $0148-0150 with ROM defaults"),
(0xbb92, 0xbb94, "D64 - patched to JSR $BEFF (CLR $03fd-03ff; LDU #$0148)"),
(0xbb97, 0xbb9e, "CopyXtoU - copies B bytes from X to U"),
(0xbb9f, 0xbbab, "default values for $008f-009b"),
(0xbbac, 0xbbb4, "default values for $0148-0150"),
(0xbbb5, 0xbbcc, "Flashes cursor, JMPd to from $8009 (CoCo $a199)"),
(0xbbc5, 0xbbcc, "Decrements X from 0x045e, gives 1ms delay"),
(0xbbc8, 0xbbcc, "Decrements X until 0 then returns"),
(0xbbcd, 0xbbd9, "subroutine"),
(0xbbe5, 0xbbea, "%INCH% Scans keyboard, returns char in A, JMPd to from $8006 (CoCo $a1c1)"),
(0xbbec, 0xbbec, "Keyboard polling sub, returns key code in A"),
(0xbca0, 0xbca0, "Clear VDU line from cursor posn (CoCo $a323)"),
(0xbcab, 0xbcab, "%OUTCH% Put char in A to screen, JMPd to from $800c (CoCo $a30a)"),
(0xbcf5, 0xbd09, "%TXLPCH% Low level routine to print char in A (CoCo $)"),
(0xbd0a, 0xbd0a, "PCRLF: moves print head to next line"),
(0xbd1a, 0xbd1a, "Send char in A to printer, JMPd to from $800f (CoCo $a2bf) D64 - This routine uses Y as well and is source of a bug in the Clear-J fn of Visitext Word-Pro."),
(0xbd41, 0xbd51, "%SNDSEL% Selects Analogue Mux channel from B. Used to read Joysticks or set sound channel (CoCo $a9a2) 0x00 DAC / Right Joystick, x-axis 0x01 Cassette / Right Joystick, y-axis 0x02 Cartridge / Left Joystick, x-axis 0x03 Unused / Left Joystick, y-axis See also $baf1-bb01"),
(0xbd52, 0xbd52, "%JOYIN% Reads Joysticks updates $015a-015d, JMPd to from $8012 (CoCo $a9de)"),
(0xbd8a, 0xbd90, "Increments $0082, samples Cassette input bit into CC.C"),
(0xbd91, 0xbd9d, "Sub"),
(0xbd97, 0xbd9d, "Sub"),
(0xbd99, 0xbd9d, "Sub"),
(0xbd9e, 0xbd9e, "Sub"),
(0xbda0, 0xbda0, "Sub"),
(0xbda5, 0xbda5, "%BITIN% Get one bit from cassette to CC.C, JMPd to from $8027 (CoCo $a755)"),
(0xbdad, 0xbdad, "%CBIN% Input byte from cassette into A, JMPd to from $8024 (CoCo $a749)"),
(0xbdb9, 0xbdb9, "Sub"),
(0xbdbf, 0xbdbf, "Sub"),
(0xbdcf, 0xbddb, "%CASON% Motor on - Turns on relay, loads X with delay value from $0095:0096 (0xda5c) then LBRAs to $bbc8, JMPd to from $8015 (CoCo $a7ca)"),
(0xbddc, 0xbde6, "%CASOFF% Motor off - turns relay off, re-enables FIRQ, IRQ, JMPd to from $8018 (CoCo $a7eb)"),
(0xbde7, 0xbde7, "%CSRDON% Read Leader - Disables FIRQ, IRQ, Cassette on, init for reading, JMPd to from $8021 (CoCo $a77c)"),
(0xbe12, 0xbe43, "%CBOUT% Output byte in A to cassette, JMPd to from $801e (CoCo $a82a)"),
(0xbe44, 0xbe67, "36 bytes of Sine Wave data in upper 5 bits of each byte."),
(0xbe68, 0xbe7a, "%WRTLDR% disables FIRQ, IRQ, turns on cassette, writes number of leader bytes = 0x55 according to $0090:0091 (d32 0x0080), JMPd to from $801b Pre: B,Y Des: CC,A,X Ret: X=0x0000,A=0x55"),
(0xbe7b, 0xbe7b, "D32 - JMPd to from $802a (RTS)"),
(0xbe7b, 0xbe97, "D64 - Read byte from serial port to A, JMPd to from $802a"),
(0xbe7c, 0xbe7c, "D32 - JMPd to from $802d (RTS)"),
(0xbe7d, 0xbe7e, "D32 - JMPd to from $8030 (COMB; RTS)"),
(0xbe7f, 0xbfef, "D32 - Unused area, all 0x00"),
(0xbe98, 0xbea5, "D64 - Output byte in A to serial port, JMPd to from $802d"),
(0xbea6, 0xbebd, "D64 - Set baud rate in B, JMPd to from $8030"),
(0xbebe, 0xbec4, "D64 - Lookup table to map B to ACIA baud rate constant"),
(0xbec5, 0xbeda, "D64 - Key scan which pauses printer during printing {8}"),
(0xbeff, 0xbf0b, "D64 - Patched into Software init to CLR $03fd-03ff"),
(0xbf0c, 0xbf1f, "D64 - handles serial printer end of line delay"),
(0xbf20, 0xbf48, "D64 - IRQ routine which can be hooked in D32 mode to provide 64 mode style auto-repeat and serial support"),
(0xbf49, 0xbf59, "D64 - Copies 64 mode bootstrap code to $01da and JMPs EXEC points here at startup."),
(0xbf5a, 0xbfe8, "D64 - Bootstrap routine code copied to $01da-0268"),
(0xbf9c, 0xbf9d, "D64 - '64' Can be used to check for D64 32k mode ROM"),
(0xbfe9, 0xbfef, "D64 - Unused 0x00"),
(0xbff0, 0xbfff, "6809 interrupt vectors mapped to $fff0-$ffff by SAM"),
(0xbff0, 0xfff1, "Reserved ($0000)"),
(0xbff2, 0xbff3, "SWI3 vector ($0100)"),
(0xbff4, 0xbff5, "SWI2 vector ($0103)"),
(0xbff6, 0xbff7, "FIRQ vector ($010f)"),
(0xbff8, 0xbff9, "IRQ vector ($010c)"),
(0xbffa, 0xbffb, "SWI vector ($0106)"),
(0xbffc, 0xbffd, "NMI vector ($0109)"),
(0xbffe, 0xbfff, "RESET vector ($b3b4)"),
information from:
* - Dragon 32/64 Memory Map (with CoCo refs)
* - Dragon 32/64 ROM Reference guide
AUTHOR: Graham E. Kinns
txt = """
$0000 BREAK message flag - if negative print BREAK
$0001 String delimiting char (0x22 '"')
$0002 Another delimiting char (0x22 '"')
$0003 General counter byte
$0004 Count of IFs looking for ELSE
$0005 DIM flag
$0006 %VALTYP% Variable type flag (0x00 numeric, Non-0x00 string)
$0007 Garbage collection flag
$0008 Subscript allowed flag
$0009 INPUT/READ flag
$000a Arithmetic use
$000b:000c String ptr first free temporary
$000d:000e String ptr last free temporary
$000f-0018 Temporary results
$0019:001a Start address of BASIC program ($1e01, $2401 with DOS)
$001b:001c Start address of simple variables
$001d:001e Start address of array variables
$001f:0020 End of storage, Start of unused mem after BASIC program
$0021:0022 Top of stack, growing down ($7e36)
$0023:0024 Top of free string space ($7ffe)
$0025:0026 Temp Ptr to string in string space
$0027:0028 Top of Ram available to BASIC - returned by DOS HIMEM ($7ffe)
$0029:002a Last/CONT line number
$002b:002c Temp/Input line number store
$002d:002e Ptr to next statement to be executed
$002f:0030 Direct mode command text pointer
$0031:0032 Current DATA statement line number
$0033:0034 Ptr to next item in current DATA statement
$0035:0036 Ptr to keyboard input buffer
$0037:0038 Ptr to variable last in use
$0037:0038 ASCII codes of last variable used {1}
$0039:003a VARPTR address of last variable used
$003b-004e Evaluation variables
$0041:0042 High end destination addr for block
$0043:0044 High end origin addr
$0045:0046 Low end destination addr for block
$0047:0048 Low end origin addr
$004f-0054 Floating Point Accumulator Num 1
$004f Exponent
$0050-0053 Mantissa
$0050:0051 16 bit values in FAC stored here
$0052:0053 VARPTR of variables is stored here {1}
$0054 Mantissa Sign (0x00 positive, 0xff negative)
$0055 Temp sign of FAC
$0056 String variable length
$0057-005b String Descriptor temporaries
$005c-0061 Floating Point Accumulator Num 2
$0062 Sign comparison
$0062-0067 Misc use
$0063 CoCo - Extended precision byte {1} - also Dragon ?
$0068:0069 Current Line number (0xffff in direct mode)
$006a-006e Device Params used in PRINT
$006a Device Comma field width (VDU - 0x10)
$006b Device Last comma field
$006c Device Current column num (VDU - 0x00-0x1f)
$006d Device Line width - num chars per line (VDU 0x20)
$006e Cassette I/O in progress flag - 0xff on input or output
occurring {9}
$006f %DEVNUM% Current device number
0x00 VDU screen
0x01-0x04 DOS - DosPlus only - drive number.
0xfd serial port (Dragon 64 only)
0xfe printer
0xff tape
$0070 Cassette EOF flag - non-zero if EOF - used by EOF(-1) {9}
$0071 Restart flag - if not 0x55 cold start on reset, see $0072
$0072:0073 Restart vector - Following a reset if $0072 pts to a
NOP opcode and $0071 is 0x55 then a warm start is
performed to this vector else a cold start. (0xb44f)
(DOS SuperDosE6 $c706)
$0074:0075 Physical end of Ram minus 1 (0x7ffe)
$0076:0077 Unused
$0078 Cassette status
0x00 closed
0x01 input
0x02 output
$0079 Cassette I/O - Buffer size - bytes in block
$007a:007b Header buffer addr - ptr to filename block
$007c %BLKTYP% Cassette block type
0x00 filename
0x01 data
0xff EOF block
$007d %DBLEN% Cassette block length, number bytes read/to write
$007e:007f %DBADR% Cassette I/O Buffer address
Contains 1 + End address of last program loaded
$0080 Cassette I/O - block checksum used internally
$0081 Cassette I/O - error code
0x00 none
0x01 CRC (checksum) error
0x02 attempt to load into ROM
$0082 Cassette I/O - Pulse width counter
$0083 Cassette I/O - Sync bits counter
$0084 Cassette I/O - Bit phase flag
$0085 Last sine wave value for output to DAC
$0086 Data for low res SET/RESET, POINT routines
$0087 ASCII code of last key pressed (cleared by Break check)
$0088:0089 Current VDU cursor addr (typ 0x0400-0x05ff)
$008a:008b Gen purpose 16bit scratch pad / 16bit zero (0x0000) {2}
$008a:008b CoCo - Motor on delay
$008c Sound pitch frequency
$008d:008e Gen purpose countdown (?sound timer {2})
$008f Cursor flash counter (0x20)
$0090:0091 Cassette leader byte count - number of 0x55 bytes written
as sync leader (D32 - 0x0080, D64 - 0x0100)
$0092 Minimum cycle width of 1200Hz (0x12)
$0092:0093 CoCo - Cassette leader byte count
$0093 Minimum pulse width of 1200Hz (0x0a)
$0094 Maximum pulse width of 1200Hz (0x12)
$0095:0096 Motor on delay (0xda5c = approx 0.5s)
$0095:0096 CoCo - Serial Baud rate constant (0x0057 = 600 baud)
$0097:0098 Keyboard scan debounce delay constant (0x045e)
$0097:0098 CoCo - Serial Line Printer End of Line delay (0x0001)
$0099 Printer comma field width (0x10 = 16)
$009a Printer last comma field (0x74 = 116) (CoCo 0x70 = 112)
$009b Printer line width dflt (0x84 = 132)
$009c Printer head column posn == POS(-2)
Updated by LPOUT ($800f) routine
$009d:009e EXEC default entry address
(D32 - $8b8d = ?FC ERROR; D64 - $bf49 = Boot 64k mode)
$009f-00aa %CHRGET% Self modifying routine to read next char
$009f:00a0 INC <$A7
$00a1:00a2 BNE $00A5
$00a3:00a4 INC <$A6
$00a5-00a7 LDA >xxxx
$00a6:00a7 Ptr to next character to read
$00a8-00aa JMP $BB26
$00ab-00ae Used by RND
$00af TRON/TROFF trace flag - non zero for TRON
$00b0:00b1 Ptr to start of USR table ($0134; DOS - $0683)
$00b2 Current foreground colour (0x03)
$00b3 Current background colour (0x00)
$00b4 Temp/active colour in use
$00b5 Byte value for current colour - ie bit pattern
$00b6 Graphics PMODE number in use (0x00)
$00b7:00b8 Ptr to last byte+1 of current graphics mode ($0c00 w/o Dos)
$00b9 Number of bytes per line in current PMODE (0x10)
$00ba:00bb Ptr to first byte of current graphics mode ($0600)
$00bc Msb of start of graphics pages (0x06 or 0x0c with Dos)
$00bd:00be Current X cursor position (not user available ?{1})
$00bf:00c0 Current Y cursor position (not user available ?{1})
$00c1 Colour set currently in use (0x08 if colorset 1 {1})
$00c2 Plot/Unplot flag: 0x00 reset, non zero set
$00c3:00c4 Current horizontal pixel number
$00c5:00c6 Current vertical pixel number
$00c7:00c8 Current X cursor coord (0x0080)
$00c9:00ca Current Y cursor coord (0x0060)
$00cb:00cc CIRCLE command X coood as if drawn in PMODE 4
$00cd:00ce CIRCLE command Y coord as if drawn in PMODE 4
$00cf:00d0 CIRCLE radius as if drawn in PMODE 4
$00cf:00d0 RENUM increment value
$00d1:00d2 RENUM start line
$00d3:00d4 CLOADM 2's complement load offset
$00d5:00d6 RENUM new start line
$00d7 EDIT line length (not user available)
$00d7 PLAY -
$00d8 PLAY - bytes left in string
$00d9:00da PLAY - ptr to current char in string
$00d8-00dd Graphics use ? {2}
$00de PLAY: Current octave in use (0-4) (0x02)
$00df:00e0 PLAY: Volume data for volume setting (D32 - 0xba42)
(D64 - 0xb844)
$00e1 PLAY: Current note length (0x04)
$00e2 PLAY: Current tempo (0x02)
$00e3:00e4 PLAY: Music duration count
$00e5 PLAY: Music dotted note flag
$00e6-$00ff D32 - Unused in Dragon 32 w/o DOS
$00e6 CoCo - baud rate constant
$00e7 Coco - Input timeout constant
$00e8 Current angle used in DRAW {1} (??)
$00e9 Current scale used in DRAW {1} (??)
$00ea-00f6 DOS - Used by DragonDos
$00f8 DOS - sector currently seeking {SuperDos Rom}
$0100-0102 SWI3 Secondary vector (Uninitialised)
$0103-0105 SWI2 Secondary vector (Uninitialised)
$0106-0108 SWI Secondary vector (Uninitialised)
$0109-010b NMI Secondary vector (Uninitialised)
(CoCo DOS JMP $d7ae; SuperDos E6 JMP $c71e)
$010c-010e IRQ Secondary vector - JMP $9d3d
(CoCo JMP $a9b3 or $894c (extended); CoCo DOS JMP $d7bc;
SuperDos E6 JMP $c727)
$010f-0111 FIRQ Secondary vector - JMP $b469
(CoCo JMP $a0f6; SuperDos E6 JMP $c7da)
$0112:0113 TIMER value
$0114 Unused
$0115-0119 Random number seeds (0x80, 0x4f, 0xc7, 0x52, 0x59)
$011a-011f D32 - Unused
$011a D64 - %FLAG64% checked on Reset from 64K mode
if 0x55 then checksum at $011b is checked against
current contents of Ram, if the same then a warm start
is performed (64 mode) else a cold start (32 mode)
$011a CoCo - Caps lock, 0x00 lower, non-0x00 upper
$011b:011c D64 - %CSUM64% 16bit sum of words of BASIC Rom-in-ram in
64K mode from $c000 to $feff
$011b:011c CoCo - Keyboard Delay constant
$011d-011f CoCo - JMP $8489 ? {1}
$011d D64 - %LSTKEY% Last key code return by keybd poll routine
$011e D64 - %CNTDWN% Auto repeat countdown
$011f D64 - %REPDLY% Auto repeat inter-repeat delay value (0x05)
$0120 %STUB0% Stub 0 - Number of reserved words (0x4e)
$0121:0122 Stub 0 - Ptr to reserved words table ($8033)
$0123:0124 Stub 0 - Ptr to reserved words dispatch table ($8154)
$0125 Stub 0 - Number of functions (0x22)
$0126:0127 Stub 0 - Ptr to reserved function words table ($81ca)
$0128:0129 Stub 0 - Ptr to function words dispatch table ($8250)
$012a %STUB1% Stub 1 - Number of reserved words (0x00)
(DOS 0x1a)
$012b:012c Stub 1 - Ptr to reserved words table (0x0000)
(DOS $ded4; SuperDosE6 $deda)
$012d:012e Stub 1 - Ptr to reserved words token processing routine
($89b4; DOS $c64c; SuperDosE6 $c670)
$012f Stub 1 - Number of functions (0x00)
(DOS 0x07)
$0130:0131 Stub 1 - Ptr to function table (0x0000)
(DOS $debb; SuperDosE6 $dec1)
$0132:0133 Stub 1 - Ptr to function token processing routine
($89b4; DOS $c667; SuperDosE6 $c68b)
$0134 %STUB2% Stub 2 - acts as a stub terminator under DOS
$0134-0147 USR address table, relocated by DOS (10 x 2 bytes) ($8b8d)
$0148 Auto line feed flag on buffer full - setting this to 0x00
causes a EOL sequence to be sent to printer when buffer
reaches length in $009b (0xff)
$0149 Alpha Lock flag - 0x00 Lower case, 0xff Upper case (0xff)
$014a-0150 Line Printer End of line termination sequence
$014a Number of bytes in EOL sequence 1-6 (0x01)
$014b EOL chr 1 (0x0d CR)
$014c EOL chr 2 (0x0a LF)
$014d EOL chr 3 (D64 - 0x00; D32 - 0x20 ' ')
$014e EOL chr 4 (D64 - 0x00; D32 - 0x44 'D' Duncan)
$014f EOL chr 5 (D64 - 0x00; D32 - 0x4e 'N' N.)
$0150 EOL chr 6 (D64 - 0x00; D32 - 0x4f 'S' Smeed)
$0151-0159 Keyboard matrix state table
$0152-0159 CoCo - Keyboard roll-over table
$015a-015d %POTVAL% Joystick values (0-63)
$015a Right Joystick, x value == JOYSTK(0)
$015b Right Joystick, y value == JOYSTK(1)
$015c Left Joystick, x value == JOYSTK(2)
$015d Left Joystick, y value == JOYSTK(3)
$015e-01a8 Ram hooks - each is called from ROM with a JSR before
carrying out the specified function
$015e-0160 Device Open
(DOS JMP $d902; SuperDosE6 $d8f4)
$0161-0163 Verify Device Number
(DOS SuperDosE6 JMP $d8ec)
$0164-0166 Device Init
(DOS SuperDosE6 JMP $c29c)
$0167-0169 Output char in A to DEVN
(DOS JMP $d8fa; SuperDosE6 $d90b)
$0167 Setting to 0xff disables keyboard ?!? {1}
Setting to 0x39 (RTS) allows use of SCREEN 0,1 etc. ??{1}
$016a-016c Input char from DEVN to A
(DOS SuperDosE6 JMP $c29c)
$016d-016f Input from DEVN using INPUT
(DOS SuperDosE6 JMP $c29c)
$0170-0172 Output to DEVN using PRINT
(DOS SuperDosE6 JMP $c29c)
$0173-0175 Close all files
(DOS SuperDosE6 JMP $c29c)
$0176-0178 Close file
(DOS JMP $d917; SuperDosE6 $d6f5)
$0179-017b Command Interpreter - interpret token in A as command
(DOS SuperDosE6 JMP $c29c)
$017c-017e Re-request input from keyboard
(DOS JMP $d960; SuperDosE6 $d954)
$017f-0181 Check keys - scan for BREAK, SHIFT+'@'
(DOS SuperDosE6 JMP $c29c)
$017f Setting this to 0x9e disables LIST/DIR {1}
$0182-0184 Line input from DEVN using LINE INPUT
(DOS JMP $d720; SuperDosE6 $dac5)
$0185-0187 Close BASIC file read in and goto Command mode
(DOS SuperDosE6 JMP $c29c)
$0188-018a Check EOF on DEVN
(DOS JMP $dd4d; SuperDosE6 $dd54)
$018b-018d Evaluate expression
(DOS SuperDosE6 JMP $c29c)
$018e-0190 User error trap, called from $8344
(DOS SuperDosE6 JMP $c29c)
$0191-0193 System error trap, called from $8344
(DOS JMP $c69e; SuperDosE6 $c6c5)
$0194-0196 Run Link - used by DOS to RUN filename
(DOS JMP $d490; SuperDosE6 $d4b7)
$0197-0199 Reset Basic Memory, editing or entering BASIC lines
$019a-019c Get next command - reading in next command to be executed
$019d-019f Assign string variable
$01a0-01a2 Screen access - CLS, GET, PUT
$01a3-01a5 Tokenise line
$01a6-01a8 De-Tokenise line
$01a9-01d0 String buffer area
$01d1 Cassette filename length in range 0-8
$01d2-01d9 Cassette filename to search for or write out
$01da-02d8 Cassette I/O default data buffer - 255 bytes
$01da-0268 D64 - 64K mode bootstrap routine is copied here to run
$01da-01e1 Cassette buffer - filename of file read
$01e2 Cassette buffer - filetype
0x00 BASIC program
0x01 Data
0x02 Machine code
$01e3 Cassette buffer - ASCII flag
0x00 Binary
0xff ASCII flag
$01e4 Cassette buffer - gap flag
0x00 Continous
0xff Gapped file
$01e5:01e6 Cassette buffer - Entry (Exec) addr of m/c file
$01e7:01e8 Cassette buffer - Load address for ungapped m/c file
$02d9-02dc BASIC line input buffer preamble
$02dd-03d8 BASIC line input buffer - used for de-/tokenising data
$02dd-03dc CoCo - 255 byte keyboard buffer {1}
$02e1-033b CoCo - 90 byte screen buffer {1}
$03d9-03ea Buffer space
$03eb-03fc Unused
$03fd-03ff D32 - Unused in Dragon 32
$03fd:03fe D64 - Printer end of line delay in milliseconds (0x0000)
$03ff D64 - %PRNSEL% selects default printer port
0x00 Parallel, non-0x00 Serial (0x00)
$0400-05ff Default Text screen
$0600-1dff Available graphics pages w/o DOS
$0600-0bff DOS - workspace area see also $00ea-$00f6
$0600-0dff CoCo DOS workspace area (no more info)
$0c00-23ff DOS - Available graphics pages
$8000-bfff BASIC ROM in 32K mode
$8000-9fff CoCo - Extended Color BASIC ROM
$a000-bfff CoCo - Color BASIC ROM
$bff0-bfff These addresses mapped from ROM to $fff0-$ffff by the SAM
$c000-dfff DOS - Dos ROM
$c000-feff DOS - Cumana DOS ROM only
$c000-feff Available address range to cartridge expansion port 32K mode
$c000-feff D64 - 64K mode - copy of BASIC ROM 2 exists in RAM here
$ff00 PIA 0 A side Data reg.
PA7 i/p Comparator input
PA6 i/p Keyboard Matrix Ent Clr Brk N/c N/c N/c N/c Shift
PA5 i/p Keyboard Matrix X Y Z Up Dwn Lft Rgt Space
i/p CoCo - Keyboard 8 9 : ; , - . /
PA4 i/p Keyboard Matrix P Q R S T U V W
i/p CoCo - Keyboard 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
PA3 i/p Keyboard Matrix H I J K L M N O
i/p CoCo - Keyboard X Y Z Up Dwn Lft Rgt Space
PA2 i/p Keyboard Matrix @ A B C D E F G
i/p CoCo - Keyboard P Q R S T U V W
PA1 i/p Keyboard Matrix 8 9 : ; , - . /
i/p CoCo - Keyboard H I J K L M N O
i/p Left Joystick Button
PA0 i/p Keyboard Matrix 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
i/p CoCo - Keyboard @ A B C D E F G
i/p Right Joystick Button
$ff01 PIA 0 A side Control reg.
CA1 i/p Horiz Sync Interrupt from VDG (15625Hz; CoCo 15750Hz)
CA2 o/p Analogue Mux channel select line A
Selects Joystick Axis (0 x-axis, 1 y-axis)
$ff02 PIA 0 B side Data reg.
PB7 o/p Keyboard Matrix 7 / G O W Space Shift
o/p Printer Out bit 7
PB6 o/p Keyboard Matrix 6 . F N V Right N/c
o/p Printer Out bit 6
PB5 o/p Keyboard Matrix 5 - E M U Left N/c
o/p Printer Out bit 5
PB4 o/p Keyboard Matrix 4 , D L T Down N/c
o/p Printer Out bit 4
PB3 o/p Keyboard Matrix 3 ; C K S Up N/c
o/p Printer Out bit 3
PB2 o/p Keyboard Matrix 2 : B J R Z Break
o/p Printer Out bit 2
PB1 o/p Keyboard Matrix 1 9 A I Q Y Clear
o/p Printer Out bit 1
PB0 o/p Keyboard Matrix 0 8 @ H P X Enter
o/p Printer Out bit 0
$ff03 PIA 0 B side Control reg.
CB1 i/p Field Sync Interrupt from VDG (50Hz; CoCo 60Hz)
CB2 o/p Analogue Mux channel select line B
Selects Joystick (0 right, 1 left)
$ff04 D64 - ACIA serial port read/write data reg.
$ff05 D64 - ACIA serial port status (R)/ reset (W) reg.
$ff06 D64 - ACIA serial port command reg.
$ff07 D64 - ACIA serial port control reg.
$ff20 PIA 1 A side Data reg.
PA7 o/p DAC bit 5
PA6 o/p DAC bit 4
PA5 o/p DAC bit 3
PA4 o/p DAC bit 2
PA3 o/p DAC bit 1
PA2 o/p DAC bit 0
PA1 o/p Printer Strobe - Active High (i.e. Lo-Hi-Lo to print)
o/p CoCo - RS232 Tx o/p
PA0 i/p Cassette waveform single bit input
$ff21 PIA 1 A side Control reg.
CA1 i/p Printer Acknowledge
i/p CoCo - CD RS232 Carrier Detect input
CA2 o/p Cassette Relay Motor control
$ff22 PIA 1 B side Data reg.
PB7 o/p *A/G VDG control line
PB6 o/p GM2 VDG control line
PB5 o/p GM1 VDG control line
PB4 o/p GM0 or *INT/EXT VDG control line
PB3 o/p CSS VDG control line
PB2 i/p D32 - RAM size (0 8 x 32K bit; 1 16 x 16K bit) {6}
o/p D64 - ROM select (1 32K mode; 0 64K mode)
PB1 i/p Sample audio source
o/p Single bit sound output
PB0 i/p Printer Busy - Active High
i/p CoCo - RS232 Rx input
$ff23 PIA 1 B side Control reg.
CB1 i/p Cartridge CART FIRQ auto-start signal
CB2 o/p Sound Mux enable (1 enable, 0 single bit sound)
$ff40 DOS - Disk Controller command/status reg.
$ff41 DOS - Disk Controller track reg.
$ff42 DOS - Disk Controller sector reg.
$ff43 DOS - Disk Controller data reg.
$ff48 DOS - Disk Controller hardware control reg.
$ffc0-ffdf SAM (Synchronous Address Multiplexer) register bits - use
even address to clear, odd address to set
$ffc0-ffc5 SAM VDG Mode registers V0-V2
$ffc0/ffc1 SAM VDG Reg V0
$ffc2/ffc3 SAM VDG Reg V1
$ffc3/ffc5 SAM VDG Reg V2
$ffc6-ffd3 SAM Display offset in 512 byte pages F0-F6
$ffc6/ffc7 SAM Display Offset bit F0
$ffc8/ffc9 SAM Display Offset bit F1
$ffca/ffcb SAM Display Offset bit F2
$ffcc/ffcd SAM Display Offset bit F3
$ffce/ffcf SAM Display Offset bit F4
$ffd0/ffc1 SAM Display Offset bit F5
$ffd2/ffc3 SAM Display Offset bit F6
$ffd4/ffd5 SAM Page #1 bit - in D64 maps upper 32K Ram to $0000 to $7fff
$ffd6-ffd9 SAM MPU Rate R0-R1
$ffd6/ffd7 SAM MPU Rate bit R0
$ffd8/ffd9 SAM MPU Rate bit R1
$ffda-ffdd SAM Memory Size select M0-M1
$ffda/ffdb SAM Memory Size select bit M0
$ffdc/ffdd SAM Memory Size select bit M1
$ffde/ffdf SAM Map Type - in D64 switches in upper 32K RAM $8000-$feff
$ffec-ffef PC-Dragon - Used by Paul Burgin's emulator to provide enhanced
$fff0-ffff 6809 interrupt vectors mapped from $bff0-$bfff by SAM
$fff0:fff1 Reserved ($0000; D64 64K mode 0x3634 '64')
$fff2:fff3 SWI3 ($0100)
$fff4:fff5 SWI2 ($0103)
$fff6:fff7 FIRQ ($010f)
$fff8:fff9 IRQ ($010c)
$fffa:fffb SWI ($0106)
$fffc:fffd NMI ($0109)
$fffe:ffff RESET ($b3b4; D64 64K mode $c000 - never accessed)
$8000-8002 Hardware Initialisation (JMP $bb40; D64 JMP $bb3c)
$8003-8005 Software Initialisation (JMP $bb88)
$8006-8008 %POLCAT% Scans keyboard, rets value in A (JMP $bbe5)
Called indirectly from [$a000]
$8009-800b %CBLINK% Cursor Blink (JMP $bbb5)
$800c-800e %CHROUT% Write chr in A to screen (JMP $bcab)
$800f-8011 %LPOUT% Line printer character output in A reg., forces
end-of-line sequences, outputs extra spaces to cause
LFs etc. See: $0099-009c, $0148 (JMP $bd1a)
$8012-8014 Reads Joystick (JMP $bd52)
Called indirectly from [$a00a]
$8015-8017 Cassette relay on (JMP $bdcf)
$8018-801a Cassette relay off (JMP $bddc)
$801b-801d Write leader to cassette (JMP $be68)
Called indirectly from [$a00c]
$801e-8020 Output byte in A to cassette (JMP $be12)
$8021-8023 Cassette on, init for reading (JMP $bde7)
Called indirectly from [$a004]
$8024-8026 Input byte from cassette into A (JMP $bdad)
$8027-8029 Get one bit from cassette to CC.C (JMP $bda5)
$802a-802c Reads a byte from serial port (JMP $be7b)
$802d-802f Sends a byte to serial port (D32 JMP $be7c; D64 JMP $be98)
$8030-8032 Set serial port baud rate (D32 JMP $be7d; D64 JMP $bea6)
$8033-8153 Reserved words table
$8154-81c9 Reserved words dispatch table (Tokens 0x80-0xba only)
$81ca-824f Function words table
$8250-8293 Function words dispatch table
$8294-82a8 Another dispatch table:
0x79, $910e +
0x79, $9105 -
0x7b, $9275 *
0x7b, $933c /
0x7f, $96a0 ^
0x50, $8a12 AND
0x46, $8a11 OR
The related functions come from {2, p.347}
$82a9-82de Error code table
$82df-82e5 ' ERROR', 0x00
$82e6-82ea ' IN ', 0x00
$82eb-82ef 0x0d, 'OK', 0x0d, 0x00
$82f0-82f6 0x0d, 'BREAK', 0x00
$8344 System Error - generates error message according to B
(CoCo $ac46)
$8371 Prints OK prompt and returns to Command mode (CoCo $ac73)
$83ed BasVect2 - completes init once BASIC program loaded
(CoCo $acef)
$8415 NEW token dispatch address
$8417 Erases program in memory same as NEW (CoCo $ad19) {1}
Called from BASIC init routine ($b3ba)
$841f BasVect1 - sets up various vectors after a BASIC program
loaded (CoCo $ad21)
$8434 Resets stack - all entries are lost (CoCo $ad33)
$8448 FOR token dispatch address
$849f RUN BASIC - runs BASIC program in mem used by Autorun
programs (CoCo $ad9e)
$8514 RESTORE token dispatch address
$852b Waits for key press, returns key in A (CoCo $adfb)
$8532 END token dispatch address
$8539 STOP token dispatch address
$8560 CONT token dispatch address
$8571 CLEAR token dispatch address
$85a5 RUN token dispatch address
$85b9 GO token dispatch address
$85f3 RETURN token dispatch address
$8613 DATA token dispatch address
$8616 REM, ', ELSE token dispatch address
$8647 IF token dispatch address
$8675 ON token dispatch address
$86bc LET token dispatch address
$8705-870b '?REDO', 0x0d, 0x00
$872b INPUT token dispatch address
$8777 READ token dispatch address
$8829 NEXT token dispatch address
$8877 Get expression: evaluates next expression and puts VARPTR
addr in $0052:0053 (CoCo $b146)
$8887 Get string: compiles a string and puts it in free string
space (CoCo $b156)
$89a4 CkClBrak: checks cmd line for closed bracket (CoCo $b267)
$89a7 CkOpBrak: checks cmd line for open bracket (CoCo $b26a)
$89aa CkComa: checks next cmd line chr for a comma, if not a Syntax
error is generated (CoCo $b26d)
$89ac CkChar: as for CkComa but checks for chr in B (CoCo $b26f)
$89b4 Both reserved word and function dispatch tables of Stub 1
at $012a point here
$8a11 OR operator dispatch address (see $8294)
$8a12 AND operator dispatch address (see $8294)
$8a8b DIM token dispatch address
$8a94 %GETVAR% gets VARPTR addr of following variables name
(CoCo $b357)
$8b29 %GETUSR% returns value of arg in USR fn in D (CoCo $b3e9)
$8b2d %INTCNV%
$8b30 Passes parameters to machine code routine {1}
$8b39 Used to pass back values from m/c to BASIC {1}
$8b8d-$8b91 Jump to this causes ?FC ERROR
$8c31 MEM function token dispatch address
$8c35-8c3f Assign16Bit: assigns D to numeric variable (CoCo $b4f2)
?? 8c35:8c36 is a BRN
$8c36-8c3f Assign8Bit: assigns B to numeric variable (CoCo $b4f3)
clears A, stores D in FAC
$8c37-8c3f %GIVABF% returns D as 16bit val in FAC
$8c40 STR$ function token dispatch address
$8cd7 Forces String space Garbage collection (CoCo $b591)
$8d9a Sub -
$8d9f %DELVAR% frees space taken by variable (CoCo $b659)
$8dc7 LEN function token dispatch address
$8dd2 CHR$ function token dispatch address
$8de6 ASC function token dispatch address
$8df1 LEFT$ function token dispatch address
$8e0e RIGHT$ function token dispatch address
$8e15 MID$ function token dispatch address
$8e51 Get8Bit: returns value of following number in B (CoCo $b70b)
$8e5c VAL function token dispatch address
$8e83 Get16Bit: returns value of following number in X (CoCo $b73d)
$8e96 PEEK function token dispatch address
$8e9d POKE token dispatch address
$8ea4 LLIST token dispatch address
$8eaa LIST token dispatch address, List Basic to DEVN
(CoCo $b764)
$903d PRINT token dispatch address
$90a1 Print CR/LF: moves cursor posn to start of new line
(CoCo $b958)
$90e5 Out String: Prints ASCIIZ string ptd to by X to DEVN
(CoCo $b99c)
$9105 - operator dispatch address (see $8294)
$910e + operator dispatch address (see $8294)
$923c LOG function token dispatch address
$9275 * operator dispatch address (see $8294)
$933c / operator dispatch address (see $8294)
$93bf-93d4 %MOVFM% Converts a 5-byte BASIC Real variable structure
pointed to by X to FAC at $004f {2}
$9425 SGN function token dispatch address
$942d Jumped to from GIVABF routine at 8c37-8c3f - returns 16
bit value in FAC to BASIC ??
$943e ABS function token dispatch address
$9499 INT function token dispatch address
$9564-9568 5 byte floating point number
$9569-956d 5 byte floating point number
$956e-9572 5 byte floating point number
$957a Print Number: outputs D as number to DEVN (CoCo $bdcc)
$9697 SQR function token dispatch address
$96a0 ^ operator dispatch address (see $8294)
$9713 EXP function token dispatch address
$9772 RND function token dispatch address
$978e Random Number: generates 8bit random number in $0116
$97cb COS function token dispatch address
$97d1 SIN function token dispatch address
$9816 TAN function token dispatch address
$9877 ATN function token dispatch address
$98e3 Called from BASIC init routine ($b3ba-)
$9956 FIX function token dispatch address
$9965 EDIT token dispatch address
$9ad9 TRON token dispatch address
$9ada TROFF token dispatch address
$9ade POS function token dispatch address
$9af4 VARPTR function token dispatch address
$9b84 STRING$ function token dispatch address
$9bb4 INSTR function token dispatch address
$9c3e Assign16BitB: assigns value in $0052:0053 to a variable
(CoCo $880e)
$9c81 DEF token dispatch address
$9d00-9d0c Sub
$9d0d-9d1c Sub which returns a ptr in X to the address in the USR table
(ref'd by $00b0:00b1) of the USR function to be called
$9d1d USR function token dispatch address
$9d35-9d3c Sub which checks for '=' token, then gets value of next expression
by JMPing to $8e83
$9d3d IRQ interrupt service routine
$9d59 TIMER function token dispatch address
$9d61 DEL token dispatch address
$9dfa RENUM token dispatch address
$9fca-9fcd 3 bytes Unused ? 'UL '
$9fce-9fff D32 - Unused 0x00
$9fd0-9fd8 D64 - Patch to support VARPTRs >32K
$9fd9-9fff D64 - Unused 0x00
$a000-a00d Indirect jump table
$a000:a001 Keyboard input ($8006)
$a002:a003 Character output in A to DEVNUM ($b54a)
$a004:a005 Cassette on for reading ($8021)
$a006:a007 Block input from tape ($b93e)
$a008:a009 Block output to tape ($b999)
$a00a:a00b Joystick input ($8012)
$a00c:a00d Write leader to cassette ($801b)
$a00e HEX$ function token dispatch address
$a049 DLOAD token dispatch address
$a0e0 Can be used to wait for 2 keypresses {1}
$a0ea Waits for keypress with flashing cursor (CoCo $8cc6)
$a0f4 Sub: called from DLOAD routine
$a438-a440 Sub - returns CC.C set if A is not char '0'-'9'
$a6ef PSET token dispatch address
$a6f3 PRESET token dispatch address
$a6c7 PPOINT function token dispatch address
$a749 LINE token dispatch address
$a8c0 PCLS token dispatch address
$a8c7 Clear Graphics: Clears current graphics screen with data
in B (CoCo $9539)
$a8d4 COLOR token dispatch address
$a928 Set Colours: sets up locations $00b4, $00b5 (CoCo $959a)
$a938 Select Display: Selects Text (CC.Z=1) or Graphics (CC.Z=0)
mode (CoCo $95aa)
$a93a Reset VDU: resets default VDU mode (CoCo $95ac)
$a989 Set VDG Mode given in A (CoCo $95fb)
$a99d Set VDG Offset for graphics mode (CoCo $960f)
$a9a4 Set VDG Colour set from $00c1 (CoCo $9616)
$a9af PMODE token dispatch address
$a9e1 Set Page to B (CoCo $9653)
$a9fe SCREEN token dispatch address
$aa10 Select Colour set 0 or 1 from B (CoCo $9682)
$aa19 PCLEAR token dispatch address
$aa23 Reserve HiRes Graphics RAM, moves BASIC if nec. (CoCo $9695)
$aa81 Called from BASIC init routine ($b3ba-)
$aabe PCOPY token dispatch address
$aada-aaef Sub - reads and checks PCOPY page numbers
$aaf0 GET token dispatch address
$aaf3 PUT token dispatch address
$abd4-abec 5 entry table of form Word, Word, Token for matching PUT mode
$ac87 PAINT token dispatch address
$adbd PLAY token dispatch address
$ae9a Play Note: A contains ASCII code (CoCo $9ad7)
$af33 Sub - gets next PLAY cmd in A
$afd9 PLAY IRQ routine - branches to $bb02 if $00e3 == 0x0000
$aff6-affc Table maps PLAY notes A-G to tone number
$affd-b014 Table
$b015-b050 Table
$b051 DRAW token dispatch address (CoCo $9cb6)
$b238 CIRCLE token dispatch address
$b39b-b3b3 Called after Hardware init routine, following a RESET
Inits stack, checks for Cold/warm start. If $0071 contains
0x55 and $0072:0073 points to NOP then execution is passed
to [$0072:0073] otherwise branches to $b3ba
$b3b4-b3b9 RESET interrupt service routine (CoCo $a027)
Loads Y with $b39b and JMPs $8000
$b3ba Cold start routine - clears lo mem, inits BASIC
$b400 Boot Basic: Restarts BASIC interpreter (CoCo $a0b6)
$b432-b43b Checks for $c000:c001 = 0x444b ('DK') and branches to $c002 if
$b44f Warm start RESET jumps here
$b469-b46e FIRQ interrupt service routine - branches to $b46f if source
was cartridge else RTI
$b46f-b47a Calls $b480 twice, then JMPs to $8000 with Y = $b47b
$b47b-b47f CLRs $0071, then JMPs $c000 to start cartridge
$b480-b486 Loads X from $008a (0x0000) and decrements to 0x0000
Gives 524,298 cycle, approx. 590ms delay
$b487-b494 14 bytes copied to $009d-$00aa at startup
$b495-b4b2 30 bytes copied to $010c-$0129 at startup
$b4b3-b4cc '(C) 1982 DRAGON DATA LTD ', 0x0d
$b4cd-b4ec '16K BASIC INTERPRETER 1.0 ', 0x0d
$b4ed-b504 '(C) 1982 BY MICROSOFT', 0x0d, 0x0d, 0x00
$b505 Waits for key with cursor ? Called from SuperDos E6 ROM
$b54a %OUTCHR% Sends char in A to DEVN (CoCo $a282)
Called indirectly from [$a002]
$b64c CLOSE token dispatch address
$b65f Close files: closes an open tape stream (CoCo $a42d)
$b682 CSAVE token dispatch address
$b6d4 CLOAD token dispatch address
$b6a5 Write BASIC: writes BASIC program to cassette (CoCo $a469)
$b714 Loads a headerless program from cassette {10}
$b748 Read Binary file from tape (CoCo $a511)
$b770 EXEC token dispatch address
$b796 INKEY$ function token dispatch address
$b7cc Copy B bytes from X to U
$b800 EOF function token dispatch address
$b81e SKIPF token dispatch address
$b828 OPEN token dispatch address
$b8b3 Find File: searches tape for matching filename (CoCo $a681)
$b933 Read 1st Block: reads filename block to cas. buf (CoCo $a701)
$b93e %BLKIN% reads a block of data into cas. buffer (CoCo $a70b)
Called indirectly from [$a006]
$b981 MOTOR token dispatch address
$b991 Write 1st Block (CoCo $a7e5)
$b999-b9d1 %BLKOUT% writes a block of data to cassette (CoCo $a7f4)
Called indirectly from [$a008]
$b9cd-b9d1 Write byte 0x55 to cassette by JMPing to $801e
$b9cf-b9d1 JMPs to $801e to write byte in A
$b9d2 SET token dispatch address
$b9df Set LoRes Pixel: X contains screen addr, B the colour and
$00b8 the OR data (CoCo $a88d)
$ba03 RESET token dispatch address
$ba07 Reset LoRes Pixel: X contains screen addr, $00b8 OR data
(CoCo $a8b5)
$ba28 Calc LoRes Pixel Pos: Stack contains vert and horiz coords
(CoCo $a8d9)
$ba44 POINT function token dispatch address
$ba5f CLS token dispatch address
$ba77-ba85 Clears text screen (CoCo $a928)
$ba79-ba85 Clears text screen with value in B (CoCo $a92a)
$ba86-ba8d Clears screen, prints '(C) 1982 BY MICROSOFT' msg at $b4ec
$ba9a SOUND token dispatch address
$baa0 Produces Beep of length B, pitch in $008c (CoCo $a951)
$bac3 Audio off: Disables sound (CoCo $a974)
$bac5-bad3 Enables sound (CoCo $a976)
$bad4-bade Reset DAC - writes (D32 0x7e; D64 0x7c) to D/A (CoCo $a985)
$bad6-bade Writes A to DAC - bits 0,1 of A must be 0 (CoCo $a987)
$badf AUDIO token dispatch address
$baec AUDIO ON: B must be 0x00 on entry (CoCo $a99d)
$baf1-bb01 Sub to init PIA for sound source output specified by the lower
2 bits of B - 00 = DAC, 01 = Tape input, 10 = External
Cart source, 11 = none
This code duplicates the function of $bd41-bd51, the only
dif being an ASRB replacing a RORB
$bb02-bb0c Interrupt service subroutine to decrement $008d:008e, returns
with RTI
$bb0d JOYSTK function token dispatch address
$bb26-bb34 Jumped to from selfmodifying CHRGET routine at $009f
$bb3c-bb87 D64 - Hardware init, JMPd to from $8000, Y should contain
return address
$bb40-bb87 D32 - Hardware init, JMPd to from $8000, Y should contain
return address
$bb80-bb82 D64 - Boots 64K mode with JMP $bf49
$bb88-bb9e Software init, JMPd to from $8003,
inits $008f-009b, $0148-0150 with ROM defaults
$bb92-bb94 D64 - patched to JSR $BEFF (CLR $03fd-03ff; LDU #$0148)
$bb97-bb9e CopyXtoU - copies B bytes from X to U
$bb9f-bbab default values for $008f-009b
$bbac-bbb4 default values for $0148-0150
$bbb5-bbcc Flashes cursor, JMPd to from $8009 (CoCo $a199)
$bbc5-bbcc Decrements X from 0x045e, gives 1ms delay
$bbc8-bbcc Decrements X until 0 then returns
$bbcd-bbd9 subroutine
$bbe5-bbea %INCH% Scans keyboard, returns char in A, JMPd to from $8006
(CoCo $a1c1)
$bbec Keyboard polling sub, returns key code in A
$bca0 Clear VDU line from cursor posn (CoCo $a323)
$bcab %OUTCH% Put char in A to screen, JMPd to from $800c
(CoCo $a30a)
$bcf5-bd09 %TXLPCH% Low level routine to print char in A (CoCo $)
$bd0a PCRLF: moves print head to next line
$bd1a Send char in A to printer, JMPd to from $800f (CoCo $a2bf)
D64 - This routine uses Y as well and is source of a
bug in the Clear-J fn of Visitext Word-Pro.
$bd41-bd51 %SNDSEL% Selects Analogue Mux channel from B. Used to read
Joysticks or set sound channel (CoCo $a9a2)
0x00 DAC / Right Joystick, x-axis
0x01 Cassette / Right Joystick, y-axis
0x02 Cartridge / Left Joystick, x-axis
0x03 Unused / Left Joystick, y-axis
See also $baf1-bb01
$bd52 %JOYIN% Reads Joysticks updates $015a-015d, JMPd to from $8012
(CoCo $a9de)
$bd8a-bd90 Increments $0082, samples Cassette input bit into CC.C
$bd91-bd9d Sub
$bd97-bd9d Sub
$bd99-bd9d Sub
$bd9e Sub
$bda0 Sub
$bda5 %BITIN% Get one bit from cassette to CC.C, JMPd to from $8027
(CoCo $a755)
$bdad %CBIN% Input byte from cassette into A, JMPd to from $8024
(CoCo $a749)
$bdb9 Sub
$bdbf Sub
$bdcf-bddb %CASON% Motor on - Turns on relay, loads X with delay value
from $0095:0096 (0xda5c) then LBRAs to $bbc8, JMPd to from
$8015 (CoCo $a7ca)
$bddc-bde6 %CASOFF% Motor off - turns relay off, re-enables FIRQ, IRQ,
JMPd to from $8018 (CoCo $a7eb)
$bde7 %CSRDON% Read Leader - Disables FIRQ, IRQ, Cassette on,
init for reading, JMPd to from $8021 (CoCo $a77c)
$be12-be43 %CBOUT% Output byte in A to cassette, JMPd to from $801e
(CoCo $a82a)
$be44-be67 36 bytes of Sine Wave data in upper 5 bits of each byte.
$be68-be7a %WRTLDR% disables FIRQ, IRQ, turns on cassette, writes number
of leader bytes = 0x55 according to $0090:0091 (d32 0x0080),
JMPd to from $801b Pre: B,Y Des: CC,A,X Ret: X=0x0000,A=0x55
$be7b D32 - JMPd to from $802a (RTS)
$be7b-be97 D64 - Read byte from serial port to A, JMPd to from $802a
$be7c D32 - JMPd to from $802d (RTS)
$be7d-be7e D32 - JMPd to from $8030 (COMB; RTS)
$be7f-bfef D32 - Unused area, all 0x00
$be98-bea5 D64 - Output byte in A to serial port, JMPd to from $802d
$bea6-bebd D64 - Set baud rate in B, JMPd to from $8030
$bebe-bec4 D64 - Lookup table to map B to ACIA baud rate constant
$bec5-beda D64 - Key scan which pauses printer during printing {8}
$beff-bf0b D64 - Patched into Software init to CLR $03fd-03ff
$bf0c-bf1f D64 - handles serial printer end of line delay
$bf20-bf48 D64 - IRQ routine which can be hooked in D32 mode to
provide 64 mode style auto-repeat and serial support
$bf49-bf59 D64 - Copies 64 mode bootstrap code to $01da and JMPs
EXEC points here at startup.
$bf5a-bfe8 D64 - Bootstrap routine code copied to $01da-0268
$bf9c:bf9d D64 - '64' Can be used to check for D64 32k mode ROM
$bfe9-bfef D64 - Unused 0x00
$bff0-bfff 6809 interrupt vectors mapped to $fff0-$ffff by SAM
$bff0:fff1 Reserved ($0000)
$bff2:bff3 SWI3 vector ($0100)
$bff4:bff5 SWI2 vector ($0103)
$bff6:bff7 FIRQ vector ($010f)
$bff8:bff9 IRQ vector ($010c)
$bffa:bffb SWI vector ($0106)
$bffc:bffd NMI vector ($0109)
$bffe:bfff RESET vector ($b3b4)
print "MEM_INFO=("
for line in txt.split("\n$"):
line = " ".join([i.strip() for i in line.split("\n")])
if not line.strip():
line = line.replace("\t", " ")
raw_addr, txt = line.split(" ",1)
except ValueError:
print "****", line
raw_addr = raw_addr.strip()
txt = txt.strip()
raw_addr = raw_addr.replace("$", "")
#~ print "| %s | %s |" % (raw_addr, txt)
assert len(raw_addr) in (4,9)
l = len(raw_addr)
if l == 4:
start = raw_addr
end = start
elif l == 9:
start = raw_addr[:4]
end = raw_addr[-4:]
raise ValueError
#~ print start, end, txt
start = int(start,16)
end = int(end,16)
#~ print start, end, txt
print ' (%s, %s, "%s"),' % (hex(start), hex(end), txt)
print ")"
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