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Created October 6, 2021 17:10
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  • Save jedieaston/3b07c5f2fd201bee81fd0a3024d74fdf to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
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$errorActionPreference = "Stop"
$products = @(
manifestId = "JetBrains.PyCharm.Community";
jetbrainsId = "PCC";
manifestId = "JetBrains.PyCharm.Professional";
jetbrainsId = "PCP";
manifestId = "JetBrains.IntelliJIDEA.Community";
jetbrainsId = "IIC";
manifestId = "JetBrains.IntelliJIDEA.Ultimate";
jetbrainsId = "IIU";
manifestId = "JetBrains.GoLand";
jetbrainsId = "GO";
manifestId = "JetBrains.RubyMine";
jetbrainsId = "RM";
manifestId = "JetBrains.PHPStorm";
jetbrainsId = "PS";
manifestId = "JetBrains.DataGrip";
jetbrainsId = "DG";
manifestId = "JetBrains.WebStorm";
jetbrainsId = "WS";
manifestId = "JetBrains.CLion";
jetbrainsId = "CL";
manifestId = "JetBrains.IntelliJIDEA.Edu";
jetbrainsId = "IIE"
manifestId = "JetBrains.Rider";
jetbrainsId = "RD";
manifestId = "JetBrains.ReSharper";
jetbrainsId = "RS"
manifestId = "JetBrains.dotUltimate";
jetbrainsId = "RS"
$repoRoot = "C:\Users\easton\projects\winget-pkgs"
$startingPlace = (Get-Location)
$ProgressPreference = "SilentlyContinue"
$currentReleases = Invoke-WebRequest "" | ConvertFrom-Json
foreach($i in $products) {
Write-Host "Checking " $i["manifestId"] "..." -ForegroundColor Yellow
Set-Location $repoRoot
$splitId = $i["manifestId"].Split(".")
$path = ""
foreach($j in $splitId) {
$path += $j + "\"
Set-Location (".\manifests\j\" + $path)
$jetbrainsProduct = $null
foreach ($j in $currentReleases) {
if ($j.code -eq $i.jetbrainsId) {
$jetbrainsProduct = $j
if ($null -eq $jetbrainsProduct) {
Write-Host "Couldn't find product data for " $i.manifestId ", skipping."
if ($null -eq $jetbrainsProduct.releases[0].build) {
if ($i["jetbrainsId"] -eq "RS") {
$newVersion = $jetbrainsProduct.releases[0].version
$installerUrl = $jetbrainsProduct.releases[0]
else {
Write-Host "Couldn't find product data for " $i.manifestId ", skipping."
else {
$newVersion = $jetbrainsProduct.releases[0].build
$installerUrl = $jetbrainsProduct.releases[0]
$current = (Get-WinGetApplicationCurrentVersion $i["manifestId"])
if (-Not (Test-Path (".\" + $newVersion + "\"))) {
git show-ref --verify --quiet ("refs/heads/" + $i["manifestId"] + "-" + $newVersion) | Out-Null
if ($LASTEXITCODE -eq 0) {
Write-Host $i["manifestId"] "is not up to date, but you already have a branch for it. Skipping..." -ForegroundColor Yellow
Write-Host "Found an update for " $i.manifestId "to build " $newVersion "..." -ForegroundColor Yellow
if(Update-WinGetManifest (".\" + $current + "\") $newVersion -newUrl $installerUrl) {
New-WinGetCommit $newVersion
git push -u origin
Write-Host "Update complete!" -ForegroundColor Green
else {
Write-Host $i.manifestId is up to date! -ForegroundColor Green
# Set-Location $repoRoot
Write-Host "All done!" -ForegroundColor Green
Set-Location $startingPlace
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