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Created January 20, 2021 13:46
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<!-- The planning and execution components of MoveIt! configured to run -->
<!-- using the ROS-Industrial interface. -->
<!-- Non-standard joint names:
- Create a file [robot_moveit_config]/config/joint_names.yaml
controller_joint_names: [joint_1, joint_2, ... joint_N]
- Update with joint names for your robot (in order expected by rbt controller)
- and uncomment the following line: -->
<rosparam command="load" file="$(find fanuc_lrmate200id_support)/config/joint_names_lrmate200id.yaml" />
<!-- the "sim" argument controls whether we connect to a Simulated or Real robot -->
<!-- - if sim=false, a robot_ip argument is required -->
<arg name="sim" default="true" doc="Use industrial robot simulator instead of real robot" />
<arg name="robot_ip" unless="$(arg sim)" doc="IP of controller (only required if not using industrial simulator)" />
<arg name="use_bswap" unless="$(arg sim)" default="true" doc="If true, robot driver will byte-swap all incoming and outgoing data (only required if not using industrial simulator)" />
<!-- By default, we do not start a database (it can be large) -->
<arg name="db" default="false" doc="Start the MoveIt database" />
<!-- Allow user to specify database location -->
<arg name="db_path" default="$(find fanuc_lrmate200id_moveit_config)/default_warehouse_mongo_db" doc="Path to database files" />
<!-- load the robot_description parameter before launching ROS-I nodes -->
<include file="$(find fanuc_lrmate200id_moveit_config)/launch/planning_context.launch" >
<arg name="load_robot_description" value="true" />
<!-- run the robot simulator and action interface nodes -->
<group if="$(arg sim)">
<include file="$(find industrial_robot_simulator)/launch/robot_interface_simulator.launch" />
<!-- run the "real robot" interface nodes -->
<!-- - this typically includes: robot_state, motion_interface, and joint_trajectory_action nodes -->
<!-- - replace these calls with appropriate robot-specific calls or launch files -->
<group unless="$(arg sim)">
<include file="$(find fanuc_lrmate200id_support)/launch/robot_interface_streaming_lrmate200id.launch" >
<arg name="robot_ip" value="$(arg robot_ip)"/>
<arg name="use_bswap" value="$(arg use_bswap)" />
<!-- publish the robot state (tf transforms) -->
<node name="robot_state_publisher" pkg="robot_state_publisher" type="robot_state_publisher" />
<include file="$(find fanuc_lrmate200id_moveit_config)/launch/move_group.launch">
<arg name="publish_monitored_planning_scene" value="true" />
<include file="$(find fanuc_lrmate200id_moveit_config)/launch/moveit_rviz.launch">
<arg name="config" value="true"/>
<!-- If database loading was enabled, start mongodb as well -->
<include file="$(find fanuc_lrmate200id_moveit_config)/launch/default_warehouse_db.launch" if="$(arg db)">
<arg name="moveit_warehouse_database_path" value="$(arg db_path)"/>
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