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Last active November 5, 2015 05:24
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on the client side
/* global window */
var React = require('react/addons');
var ReactRouter = require('react-router');
var Routes = require('./Routes.react');
var MeStore = require('../../stores/Me');
var MeActions = require('../../actions/Me');
var RedirectActions = require('../../actions/Redirect');
var HistoryLocation = ReactRouter.HistoryLocation;
var App = {
blastoff: function () {
if (!MeStore.hasCredentials() ||
!MeStore.canPlayRole('account')) {
window.location.href = '/login';
var self = this;, HistoryLocation, function (Handler) {
self.mainElement = React.render(
<Handler />,
/* global window */
var Dispatcher = require('flux-dispatcher');
var Constants = require('../constants/Me');
var ActionTypes = Constants.ActionTypes;
var dispatch = Dispatcher.handleAction;
var Actions = {
saveMe: function (data) {
dispatch(ActionTypes.SAVE_ME, data);
window.localStorage.setItem('me', JSON.stringify(;
window.localStorage.setItem('authHeader', data.authHeader);
dispatch(ActionTypes.SAVE_ME_RESPONSE, data);
loadMe: function (data) {
dispatch(ActionTypes.LOAD_ME, data);
var me = window.localStorage.getItem('me');
var authHeader = window.localStorage.getItem('authHeader');
var response = {
user: undefined,
session: undefined,
authHeader: undefined
if (me && authHeader) {
try {
me = JSON.parse(me);
response = me;
catch (error) {
// c'est la vi
dispatch(ActionTypes.LOAD_ME_RESPONSE, response);
unloadMe: function (data) {
dispatch(ActionTypes.UNLOAD_ME, data);
dispatch(ActionTypes.UNLOAD_ME_RESPONSE, data);
module.exports = Actions;
var Dispatcher = require('flux-dispatcher');
var FluxStore = require('flux-store');
var CloneDeep = require('lodash/lang/cloneDeep');
var MeConstants = require('../constants/Me');
var ActionTypes = MeConstants.ActionTypes;
var Store = FluxStore.extend({
dispatcher: Dispatcher,
state: {},
defaultState: {
hydrated: false,
user: undefined,
session: undefined,
authHeader: undefined
getState: function () {
return this.state;
reset: function () {
this.state = CloneDeep(this.defaultState);
hasCredentials: function () {
return Boolean(this.state.user && this.state.session);
canPlayRole: function (role) {
if (!this.state.user ||
!this.state.user.roles ||
!this.state.user.roles[role]) {
return false;
return true;
onDispatcherAction: function (payload) {
var action = payload.action;
if (ActionTypes.LOAD_ME_RESPONSE === action.type) {
this.state.hydrated = true;
this.state.user =;
this.state.session =;
this.state.authHeader =;
if (ActionTypes.UNLOAD_ME_RESPONSE === action.type) {
this.state.hydrated = false;
this.state.user = undefined;
this.state.session = undefined;
this.state.authHeader = undefined;
module.exports = Store;
/* global window */
var Xhr = require('xhr');
var Qs = require('qs');
module.exports = function jsonFetch(options, callback) {
var config = {
url: options.url,
method: options.method,
headers: {
'Accept': 'application/json',
'Content-Type': 'application/json'
if (options.query) {
config.url += '?' + Qs.stringify(options.query);
if ( {
config.body = JSON.stringify(;
if (options.useAuth) {
var authHeader = window.localStorage.getItem('authHeader');
config.headers.Authorization = authHeader;
Xhr(config, function (err, response, body) {
if (err) {
else if (response.statusCode >= 200 && response.statusCode < 300) {
callback(null, JSON.parse(body));
else {
var httpErr = new Error(response.rawRequest.statusText);
callback(httpErr, JSON.parse(body));
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