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Created June 18, 2017 16:46
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/// Print a colloquial representation of the difference between two dates.
/// For example "1 year ago", "just now", "3s" etc.
/// - parameter fDate: date a
/// - parameter tDate: date b
/// - throws: throw `.DifferentCalendar` if dates are expressed in a different calendar, `.MissingRsrcBundle` if
/// required localized string are missing from the SwiftDate bundle
/// - returns: a colloquial string representing the difference between two dates
public func colloquial(from fDate: DateInRegion, to tDate: DateInRegion) throws -> (colloquial: String, time: String?) {
guard fDate.region.calendar == tDate.region.calendar else {
throw DateError.DifferentCalendar
let cal = fDate.region.calendar
let cmp = cal.dateComponents(self.allowedComponents, from: fDate.absoluteDate, to: tDate.absoluteDate)
let isFuture = (fDate > tDate)
let diff_in_seconds = abs(fDate.absoluteDate.timeIntervalSince(tDate.absoluteDate))
if cmp.year != nil && (cmp.year != 0 || !hasLowerAllowedComponents(than: .year)) {
let colloquial_time = try self.colloquial_time(forUnit: .year, withValue: cmp.year!, date: fDate)
let colloquial_date = try self.localized(unit: .year, withValue: cmp.year!, asFuture: isFuture, args: abs(fDate.year))
return (colloquial_date,colloquial_time)
if cmp.month != nil && (cmp.month != 0 || !hasLowerAllowedComponents(than: .month)) {
let colloquial_time = try self.colloquial_time(forUnit: .month, withValue: cmp.month!, date: fDate)
let colloquial_date = try self.localized(unit: .month, withValue: cmp.month!, asFuture: isFuture, args: abs(cmp.month!))
return (colloquial_date,colloquial_time)
// This represent the difference, expressed in hours, between our two dates
let diff_in_hours: Int = Int((diff_in_seconds / 60 / 60))
let diff_days: Int! = abs( ?? 0)
if diff_in_hours < 24 && diff_days == 0 {
// Difference between dates is less than 24 hours
// We want to print hour differences in this case
let colloquial_time = try self.colloquial_time(forUnit: .hour, withValue: cmp.hour!, date: fDate)
let colloquial_date = try self.localized(unit: .hour, withValue: diff_in_hours, asFuture: isFuture, args: abs(diff_in_hours))
return (colloquial_date,colloquial_time)
} else if (diff_days > 0 || !hasLowerAllowedComponents(than: .day)) {
// Difference is more than 1 days
if diff_in_hours > 48 {
if diff_days >= DAYS_IN_WEEK {
// More than 7 days, we want to print weeks unit
let colloquial_time = try self.colloquial_time(forUnit: .day, withValue:!, date: fDate)
let weeksNo = (abs(!) / DAYS_IN_WEEK)
let colloquial_date = try self.localized(unit: .weekOfYear, withValue: weeksNo, asFuture: isFuture, args: weeksNo)
return (colloquial_date,colloquial_time)
} else {
// Between 2 days and 6 days, we want to print days
let colloquial_time = try self.colloquial_time(forUnit: .day, withValue:!, date: fDate)
let colloquial_date = try self.localized(unit: .day, withValue:!, asFuture: isFuture, args: abs(!))
return (colloquial_date,colloquial_time)
} else {
// Less than a day, dates may live in two days but the difference maybe few hours
// For example 05/01 23:00 <-> 06/01 01:30 -> differences is 2:30 hours and not one day.
let colloquial_time = try self.colloquial_time(forUnit: .hour, withValue: cmp.hour!, date: fDate)
let colloquial_date = try self.localized(unit: .hour, withValue: diff_in_hours, asFuture: isFuture, args: abs(diff_in_hours))
return (colloquial_date,colloquial_time)
if cmp.hour != nil && (cmp.hour != 0 || !hasLowerAllowedComponents(than: .hour)) {
let colloquial_time = try self.colloquial_time(forUnit: .hour, withValue: cmp.hour!, date: fDate)
let colloquial_date = try self.localized(unit: .hour, withValue: cmp.hour!, asFuture: isFuture, args: abs(cmp.hour!))
return (colloquial_date,colloquial_time)
if cmp.minute != nil && (cmp.minute != 0 || !hasLowerAllowedComponents(than: .minute)) {
if let value = self.imminentInterval, (value > 1 && value < 60), (abs(cmp.minute!) < value) {
// A valid `imminentInterval` should be set. Valid interval must be between 1 and 60 minutes (not inclueded)
let colloquial_date = try self.stringLocalized(identifier: "colloquial_now", arguments: [])
return (colloquial_date,nil)
// otherwise fallback to difference
let colloquial_date = try self.localized(unit: .minute, withValue: cmp.minute!, asFuture: isFuture, args: abs(cmp.minute!))
return (colloquial_date,nil)
if cmp.second != nil && (cmp.second != 0 || cmp.second == 0) { // Seconds difference
let colloquial_date = try self.stringLocalized(identifier: "colloquial_now", arguments: [])
return (colloquial_date,nil)
throw DateError.FailedToCalculate
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