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Created January 14, 2013 19:04
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Save jedp/4532412 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
pretty-print a browserid assertion
import base64
import json
from datetime import datetime
def decodeB64(b64input):
Add padding to b64input if necessary. I think python's base64
implementation is broken and this should not be necessary.
out = b64input.strip()
lastBytesLen = len(out) % 4
if lastBytesLen == 0:
elif lastBytesLen == 3:
out += '='
elif lastBytesLen == 2:
out += '=='
print out, lastBytesLen
raise Exception("Bad base64 input; last group contained weird number of bytes.")
return base64.b64decode(out)
def decode(encoded):
return json.loads(decodeB64(encoded))
def unpackAssertion(assertion):
# ignore signatures; we're not a verifier
header, claim, _, payload, _ = assertion.split('.');
return {"header": decode(header),
"claim": decode(claim),
"payload": decode(payload)}
def printAssertionSummary(data):
email = data['claim']['principal'].get('email', '')
unverified_email = data['claim']['principal'].get('unverified-email', '')
exp = datetime.fromtimestamp(int(data['payload']['exp']) / 1000.0).strftime('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S')
iss = data['claim']['iss']
aud = data['payload']['aud']
print """\
Issuer: %(iss)s
Audience: %(aud)s
Email: %(email)s
Unverified Email: %(unverified_email)s
Expires: %(exp)s
""" % (vars())
# Example:
# printAssertionSummary(unpackAssertion(assertion))
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