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Created September 6, 2011 21:41
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Another conway
package object conway3 {
type Gen = (Int, Int) => Boolean
type Calculator = Gen => Gen
type Size = Int
val nextCell: Boolean => Int => Boolean =
old => mates => if (mates > 3) false else if (mates == 3) true else (old && mates == 2)
val wrapper: Size => Int => Int =
size => i => if (i < 0) size + i else if (i >= size) i % size else i
/** Function for working out the next generation's value for a board */
val next: Size => Calculator = size => {
val wrap = wrapper(size)
old => (a, b) => {
val (x, y) = (wrap(a), wrap(b))
val (l, r, u, d) = (wrap(x - 1), wrap(x + 1), wrap(y - 1), wrap(y + 1))
val mates = List((l, u), (l, y), (l, d), (x, u), (x, d), (r, u), (r, y), (r, d))
nextCell { old(x, y) } { mates filter { old.tupled } size }
implicit def asCoord(as: Array[Array[Boolean]]): Gen = (x, y) => as(x)(y)
val memo: Size => Calculator = s => c => Array.tabulate(s, s) { c }
val stream: Size => Gen => Stream[Gen] = size => init => {
val next1 = next(size) andThen memo(size)
def loop(old: Gen): Stream[Gen] = old #:: loop(next1(old))
val render: Size => Gen => String =
size => c => {
val sb = new StringBuilder((size * size) + size, "")
for (x <- 0 until size) {
for (y <- 0 until size)
sb.append(if (c(x, y)) "•" else " ")
sb toString
def debug(x:Int, y:Int) { println("x: " + x + " y: " + y); ((x + y) & 1) == 0 }
package conway3 {
class Board(size: Size) extends Gen {
val array = Array.ofDim[Boolean](size, size)
def apply(x: Int, y: Int) = array(x)(y)
def set(x: Int, y: Int): this.type = { array(x)(y) = true ; this }
object Board {
def random(s: Size) = asCoord(Array.tabulate(s, s) { (_, _) => util.Random.nextBoolean })
def glider(s: Size) = {
new Board(s).set(3, 3).set(3, 4).set(3, 5).set(2, 5).set(1, 4)
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