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Created January 14, 2012 23:27
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Data Structures - A Persistent Queue
* A simple implementation of a Banker's Queue 3.4.2.
* Note that this implementation differs slightly from the one described in the original
* paper in that the reverse operation is performed only when the out/front list is empty.
* This is done purely to simplify this example implementation.
sealed trait BankersQueue[+A] {
/** The head element of the queue, or an exception if empty. */
def head: A
/** Some(head) element of the queue, or None. */
def headOption: Option[A]
/** The rest of the queue minus the head, an empty queue returns an empty tail. */
def tail: BankersQueue[A]
def isEmpty: Boolean
def size: Int
/** Returns a new queue with the supplied element at the end. */
def add[B >: A](a: B): BankersQueue[B]
object BankersQueue {
private val seed = 23
private val prime = 17
def apply[A](as: A*): BankersQueue[A] = apply(Nil, as.toList)
def apply[A](i: List[A], o: List[A]): BankersQueue[A] = (i, o) match {
case (Nil, Nil) => Empty
case (in, Nil) => apply(Nil, in.reverse)
case (Nil, a :: Nil) => Singleton(a)
case (in, out) => new Multi(in, out)
private case object Empty extends BankersQueue[Nothing] {
def add[B](a: B) = BankersQueue(a)
def head = throw new UnsupportedOperationException("undefined for an Empty BankersQueue")
def headOption = None
def tail = Empty
def isEmpty = true
def size = 0
private case class Singleton[A](a: A) extends BankersQueue[A] {
def add[B >: A](b: B) = BankersQueue(a, b)
def head = a
def headOption = Some(a)
def tail = Empty
def isEmpty = false
def size = 1
private final class Multi[A](in: List[A], out: List[A]) extends BankersQueue[A] {
def add[B >: A](b: B) = BankersQueue(b :: in, out)
def head = out.head
def headOption = out.headOption
def isEmpty = false
lazy val tail = apply(in, out.tail)
lazy val size = in.size + out.size
override def equals(that: Any) = that match {
case b: BankersQueue[_] => BankersQueue.equal(this, b)
case _ => false
override lazy val hashCode = {
def loop(q: BankersQueue[A])(i: Int): Int = q.headOption match {
case Some(h) => loop(q.tail)(h.hashCode * (i + prime))
case _ => i
override def toString = {
def loop(q: BankersQueue[A])(sb: StringBuilder): String = q.headOption match {
case Some(h) => loop(q.tail)(sb.append(", ").append(h))
case _ => sb.append(")").toString
loop(tail)(new StringBuilder("BankersQueue(").append(head))
private def equal(q1: BankersQueue[_], q2: BankersQueue[_]): Boolean = (q1, q2) match {
case (Empty, Empty) => true
case (Empty, _) => false
case (_, Empty) => false
case (Singleton(a), Singleton(b)) => a.equals(b)
case _ if q1.head == q2.head => equal(q1.tail, q2.tail)
case _ => false
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