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Last active June 5, 2018 20:05
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Save jedypod/6968830 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Bake Roto is a python script that will bake an arbitrary control vertex on a Nuke Rotopaint shape or stroke into position data. Baking nearly instantaneous, and takes into account transforms for shapes parented under layers that have animations or expression links. The idea for this was based on Magno Borgo's BakeRotoShapesToTrackers script.
Bake Roto is a python script that will bake an arbitrary control vertex on a Nuke Rotopaint shape or stroke into position data. Baking nearly instantaneous, and takes into account transforms for shapes parented under layers that have animations or expression links. The idea for this was based on <a href="">Magno Borgo</a>'s BakeRotoShapesToTrackers script.
Select a Roto or RotoPaint node and run the script. Don't forget to turn on the "toolbar label points" button to see the cv numbers.
Example Installation:
Add code to your to add the script to a menu.
import bake_roto
nuke.toolbar('Nodes').addMenu('YourMenu').addCommand('Bake Roto', 'bake_roto.init()')
import nuke.rotopaint as rp, _curvelib as cl, nukescripts, nuke, math, time
class ShapePanel(nukescripts.PythonPanel):
def __init__(self, node):
nukescripts.PythonPanel.__init__(self, 'RotoPaint Elements')
self.rp_node = node
self.frame_range = nuke.String_Knob('frame_range', 'Frame Range', '{0}-{1}'.format(nuke.root().firstFrame(), nuke.root().lastFrame()))
self.type_filter_knob = nuke.Enumeration_Knob('element', 'Element Type', ['Shapes', 'Strokes'])
self.element_knob = nuke.Enumeration_Knob('curve', 'Curve', [])
self.cv_knob = nuke.Enumeration_Knob('cv', 'CV', [])
self.cv_knob.clearFlag( nuke.STARTLINE )
for k in (self.frame_range, self.type_filter_knob, self.element_knob, self.cv_knob):
self.elements = {}
def parse_layer(self, layer, elements, parents):
"""Return a list of all Shapes or Strokes in a Roto or Rotopaint node's heirarchy, with a list of all parent Layers for each item."""
for e in layer:
if isinstance(e, rp.Shape):
elements['Shapes'].append([e, parents])
elif isinstance(e, rp.Stroke):
elements['Strokes'].append([e, parents])
elif isinstance(e, rp.Layer):
parents_copy = parents[:]
parents_copy.insert(0, e)
elements = self.parse_layer(e, elements, parents_copy)
return elements
def get_elements(self):
""" Get all Shape Stroke and Layer elements in our Roto/Paint node."""
self.elements = { 'Shapes':[], 'Strokes':[] }
self.curves_knob = self.rp_node['curves']
self.root_layer = self.curves_knob.rootLayer
self.elements = self.parse_layer(self.root_layer, self.elements, [self.root_layer])
def knobChanged(self, knob):
""" Modify contents of element_knob and cv_knob: if Shapes are selected, element_knob shows shapes.
If Strokes are selected, element_knob shows Strokes.
And Whatever element_knob is selected, the number of CVs is displayed in cv_knob"""
if knob is self.type_filter_knob or == 'showPanel':
self.element_knob.setValues( [x[0].name for x in self.elements[self.type_filter_knob.value()]])
# Update the element knob also
if knob is self.element_knob or == 'showPanel':
# To get the name value of an enumKnob, you have to do .enumName(int(knob.getValue())):
selected_element_name = self.element_knob.enumName(int(self.element_knob.getValue()))
# Find the shape or stroke object that matches the selected element name
for e in self.elements[self.type_filter_knob.value()]:
if e[0].name == selected_element_name:
# Variable to access element and associated parent layer objects outside of class
self.selected_element_and_parents = e
parentnames = [ for p in e[1]]
# toElement() function does not include root in path
element_path = '/'.join(parentnames)
# element_path_name is the path to the element, eg: 'Layer1/NestedLayer2/Bezier1'
element_path_name = element_path+'/'+selected_element_name
selected_element = self.curves_knob.toElement( element_path_name )
# This list comprehension generates range of numbers matching CV points
self.cv_knob.setValues([i for i, x in enumerate(selected_element)])
if knob is self.cv_knob:
self.selected_cv = int(self.cv_knob.enumName(int(self.cv_knob.getValue())))
# Set frame_range knob to match first and last keyframes on selected CV if Shape (Strokes have no method to get point keyframes)
if self.type_filter_knob.value() == 'Shapes':
cv_keys = self.selected_element_and_parents[0][self.selected_cv].center.getControlPointKeyTimes()
self.frame_range.setValue('{0}-{1}'.format(int(cv_keys[0]), int(cv_keys[-1])))
self.frame_range.setValue('{0}-{1}'.format(nuke.root().firstFrame(), nuke.root().lastFrame()))
#!TODO - Stroke support is broken, need to initialize cv on start so don't need to change it for it to work
# Also if there is only 1 shape or stroke, the element will not get passed down
def TransformPoint(point, frame, item):
"""Transform a point with a layer or object's transform properties, given a point and a frame. Compatible with > Nuke 6.2 only."""
extramatrix = item.getTransform().evaluate(frame).getMatrix()
vector = nuke.math.Vector4(point[0], point[1], 1, 1)
x = (vector[0] * extramatrix[0]) + (vector[1] * extramatrix[1]) + extramatrix[2] + extramatrix[3]
y = (vector[0] * extramatrix[4]) + (vector[1] * extramatrix[5]) + extramatrix[6] + extramatrix[7]
z = (vector[0] * extramatrix[8]) + (vector[1] * extramatrix[9]) + extramatrix[10] + extramatrix[11]
w = (vector[0] * extramatrix[12]) + (vector[1] * extramatrix[13]) + extramatrix[14] + extramatrix[15]
new_point = nuke.math.Vector4(x, y, z, w) / w
return new_point
def CVPointToTrack(rp_node, element_type, element, parents, cv, framerange):
""" Takes a point of an element and "un-parents" it from its parent transforms,
then generates tracking data for that point.
# Add knob to receive cv point track data, create another tab if it doesn't already exist
if rp_node.knob('user_tracks') == None:
rp_node.addKnob(nuke.Tab_Knob('user_tracks', 'Tracks'))
track_knob = nuke.XY_Knob('{0}_cv{1}'.format(, cv))
track_knob_anim = [track_knob.animation(0), track_knob.animation(1)]
# Create a list of nuke.AnimationKey objects for each unparented cv point value
cv_anim = [[],[]]
for frame in xrange(framerange[0], framerange[1]+1):
#??? Would these be better/faster to do with getAnimationCurve?
if element_type == 'Shapes':
# Get parented position of point on shape
cv_pos = [element[cv].center.getPosition(frame)[0], element[cv].center.getPosition(frame)[1]]
elif element_type == 'Strokes':
cv_pos = [element[cv].getPosition(frame)[0], element[cv].getPosition(frame)[1]]
all_parents = parents[:]
# Include self in parents, in case there are transforms on the object in question
all_parents.insert(0, element)
#print [ for x in all_parents]
# Unparent the cv point from the transforms of all parents
unparented_cv_pos = cv_pos
for parent in all_parents:
unparented_cv_pos = TransformPoint(unparented_cv_pos, frame, parent)
#print, unparented_cv_pos
for i in [0,1]:
cv_anim[i].append(nuke.AnimationKey(frame, unparented_cv_pos[i]))
#print [cv_anim]
for i in [0,1]:
def init():
rp_node = nuke.selectedNode()
p = ShapePanel(rp_node)
element_type = p.type_filter_knob.value()
element = p.selected_element_and_parents[0]
parents = p.selected_element_and_parents[1]
cv = p.selected_cv
framerange = map(int, p.frame_range.value().split('-'))
print "starting cgpoitntotrack function with", element_type,, [ for x in parents], cv, framerange
CVPointToTrack(rp_node, element_type, element, parents, cv, framerange)
if __name__=="__main__":
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