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Last active March 20, 2024 14:52
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  • Save jedypod/798b365ea64e8121999e7036ae7e0217 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save jedypod/798b365ea64e8121999e7036ae7e0217 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Calibrate Macbeth: a Nuke tool to calibrate an image containing a Macbeth ColorChecker chart by calculating a ColorMatrix node that conforms it to a specified colorspace gamut.


A Nuke tool to calibrate an image containing a Macbeth ColorChecker chart by calculating a ColorMatrix node that conforms it to a specified colorspace gamut. CalibrateMacbeth Screenshot


Calibrate an image containing a macbeth colorchecker chart to match the gamut of the given colorspace. Requires the numpy python module. Make sure it is importable in nuke. You can enable "use system python path" if you have it installed in a system directory (currently linux only).


  • Align cornerpin to match patches to macbeth chart
  • Set sample size to get a good sample on source macbeth chart.
  • Choose target colorspace.
  • Disable calibrate chromaticities only if you want to adjust exposure as well.
  • Click calculate
  • Evaluate results: Output in compare mode to get a better view.
  • Toggle bypass matrix to compare before/after.
  • Click Create MTX to create a new colormatrix node
  • Or click Set Selected to set an existing colormatrix node.


Based on Marco Meyer's mmColorTarget tool.


  • Rebuild and simplify.
  • Add option for ColorChecker2014 in addition to ColorChecker2005.
  • calibrate to known gamuts only.
  • Add option to not change exposure when calculating calibration.
  • Created by Jed Smith -
set cut_paste_input [stack 0]
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Group {
name CalibrateMacbeth
tile_color 0x87aee7ff
selected true
xpos 197
ypos -199
addUserKnob {20 CalibrateMacbeth}
addUserKnob {26 macbeth_position_label l "@b;Macbeth Position" T ""}
addUserKnob {7 sample_size l "sample size" R 5 100}
sample_size 50
addUserKnob {12 TL}
TL {820 1070}
addUserKnob {12 TR -STARTLINE}
TR {1155 1105}
addUserKnob {12 BL}
BL {828 756}
addUserKnob {12 BR -STARTLINE}
BR {1174 782}
addUserKnob {6 output_compare l "output in compare mode" t "inverts the cornerpin for a good view of the macbeth chart for comparing src and dst" +STARTLINE}
addUserKnob {6 disable_overlay l "disable overlay" t "Removes the destination colorchecker values overlayed over the source." +STARTLINE}
addUserKnob {26 ""}
addUserKnob {41 gamut T MacbethColorChecker.gamut}
addUserKnob {6 chroma_only l "calibrate chromaticities only" t "Do not change the brightness of the input image after calibration." +STARTLINE}
chroma_only true
addUserKnob {22 calculate l Calculate T "from __future__ import print_function\nimport nuke\n\ndef colorsample(node, pos, size):\n # sample rgb pixel value\n # :param: node - node object to sample\n # :param: pos - list containing x and y position as float values\n # :param: size - box size to average in sample\n return \[node.sample(chan, pos\[0], pos\[1], size, size) for chan in \['red', 'green', 'blue']]\n\n\ndef calc_mtx():\n # calculate colormatrix to match src macbeth chart to dst macbeth chart\n node = nuke.thisNode()\n\n # make sure numpy is importable\n if node\['specify_python_path'].getValue():\n import sys\n sys.path.insert(0, node\['python_path'].getValue())\n try:\n import numpy as np\n except ImportError as e:\n nuke.message('numpy required. make sure it is installed correctly and importable.\\n\{0\}'.format(e))\n return\n\n size = node\['sample_size'].getValue()\n chroma_only = node\['chroma_only'].getValue()\n \n node.begin()\n src = nuke.toNode('Normalize')\n dst = nuke.toNode('macbeth_points')\n norm_node = nuke.toNode('Normalize')\n\n node\['reset'].execute()\n\n # If chroma_only, normalize colorchecker to dst grey before sampling\n if chroma_only:\n src_grey = colorsample(src, dst\['p44'].getValue(), size)\n dst_grey = colorsample(dst, dst\['p44'].getValue(), size)\n \n # with rec709 luminance weighting\n src_lum = (src_grey\[0]*0.2126 + src_grey\[1]*0.7152 + src_grey\[2]*0.0722)\n dst_lum = (dst_grey\[0]*0.2126 + dst_grey\[1]*0.7152 + dst_grey\[2]*0.0722)\n norm_node\['src'].setValue(src_lum)\n norm_node\['dst'].setValue(dst_lum)\n\n print('source grey: \{0\} | \{1\}\\ndst grey: \{2\} | lum: \{3\}'.format(src_grey, src_lum, dst_grey, dst_lum))\n \n src_patches = list()\n dst_patches = list()\n points = \['p11', 'p12', 'p13', 'p14', 'p15', 'p16', 'p21', 'p22', 'p23', 'p24', 'p25', \n 'p26', 'p31', 'p32', 'p33', 'p34', 'p35', 'p36', 'p41', 'p42', 'p43', 'p44', 'p45', 'p46']\n\n for point in points:\n src_value = colorsample(src, dst\[point].getValue(), size)\n dst_value = colorsample(dst, dst\[point].getValue(), size)\n\n src_patches.append(src_value)\n dst_patches.append(dst_value)\n\n print('source: \{0\}'.format(src_value))\n print('destination: \{0\}'.format(dst_value))\n\n # Calculate multivariate Rinear Regression to fit source matrix to target matrix\n #\n #\n # \n #\n # Source chromaticities are based on XRite ColorChecker 2005 values as described here: \n #\n #\n #\n #\n\n np_matrix = np.transpose(np.linalg.lstsq(np.array(src_patches), np.array(dst_patches))\[0])\n matrix = np.ravel(np_matrix).tolist()\n node\['matrix'].setValue(matrix)\n nuke.root().begin()\n\nif __name__=='__main__':\n calc_mtx()" +STARTLINE}
addUserKnob {26 ""}
addUserKnob {26 output_matrix_label l "@b;Output Matrix" T ""}
addUserKnob {41 matrix T ColorMatrix.matrix}
addUserKnob {6 bypass_mtx l "bypass matrix" t "disable the matrix - for comparing before/after" +STARTLINE}
addUserKnob {22 reset l Reset -STARTLINE T "n = nuke.thisNode()\nn\['matrix'].setValue(\[1,0,0,0,1,0,0,0,1])\nn.begin()\nnorm = nuke.toNode('Normalize')\nnorm\['src'].setValue(0.18)\nnorm\['dst'].setValue(0.18)"}
addUserKnob {22 create_mtx l "Create MTX" t "Create a ColorMatrix node." T "import os\nnode = nuke.thisNode()\nnode.begin()\nnorm = nuke.toNode('Normalize')\n\nnuke.root().begin()\n_ = \[n.setSelected(False) for n in nuke.allNodes(recurseGroups=True)]\n\ncolormatrix = nuke.createNode('ColorMatrix')\ncolormatrix.setXYpos(node.xpos()-120, node.ypos())\ncolormatrix\['matrix'].setValue(node\['matrix'].getValue())\ntopnode = nuke.toNode(nuke.tcl('full_name \[topnode \{0\}]'.format(node.fullName())))\nif 'file' in topnode.knobs():\n\tfilename = os.path.basename(topnode\['file'].getValue())\nelse:\n\tfilename =\nif node\['chroma_only'].getValue():\n colormatrix\['label'].setValue('\{0\} \\ncalibrate: \{1\}'.format(filename, node\['colorspace'].value()))\n # Create mult as well for optional exposure adjustment\n exp = nuke.createNode('Multiply')\n exp\['channels'].setValue('rgb')\n exp.setXYpos(colormatrix.xpos(), colormatrix.ypos() + 60)\n exp\['value'].setValue(norm\['value'].getValue())\n colormatrix.setSelected(True)\nelse:\n colormatrix\['label'].setValue('\{0\} \\ncalibrate w/ exposure: \{1\}'.format(filename, node\['colorspace'].value()))" +STARTLINE}
addUserKnob {22 set_selected l "Set Selected" t "Set matrix knob on selected node." -STARTLINE T "node = nuke.thisNode()\nnuke.root().begin()\n\ncolormatrix = nuke.selectedNode()\nif 'matrix' in colormatrix.knobs():\n colormatrix\['matrix'].setValue(node\['matrix'].getValue())\n"}
addUserKnob {20 info l Info}
addUserKnob {26 info_label l "" +STARTLINE T "<b>About</b><br/>\nCalibrate an image containing a macbeth colorchecker chart<br/>\nto match the gamut of the given colorspace.<br/>\nRequires the numpy python module. Make sure it is importable<br/>\nin nuke. You can enter a custom python path to search for numpy.<br/>\nThis is the directory to the site-packages folder that contains the numpy module.<br/><br/>\nNote that this technique is not a magic solution. <br/>\nIn order for the calibration to be accurate, the illuminant in the scene<br/>\nneeds to be CIE Illuminant D65. The more the spectral power distribution <br/>\nof the light varies from this, the more error will be in the result.\n<br/><br/><b>Usage</b><br/>\n- Align cornerpin to match patches to macbeth chart <br/>\n- Set sample size to get a good sample on source macbeth chart. <br/>\n- Choose target colorspace. <br/>\n- Disable calibrate chromaticities only if you want to adjust exposure as well.<br/>\n- Click calculate<br/>\n- Evaluate results: Output in compare mode to get a better view.<br/>\n- Toggle bypass matrix to compare before/after.<br/>\n- Click Create MTX to create a new colormatrix node<br/>\n- Or click Set Selected to set an existing colormatrix node.<br/>\n\n<br/><br/><b>Information</b><br/>\nBased on Marco Meyer's mmColorTarget tool.<br/>\<br/>\n<br/>\nRebuild and simplify. <br/>Calibrate to known gamuts only. <br/>\nAdd option to not change exposure.<br/>\nCreated by Jed Smith - <a href=\"\"></a>"}
addUserKnob {26 ""}
addUserKnob {6 specify_python_path l "" t "search specified python path for numpy module" -STARTLINE}
specify_python_path true
addUserKnob {1 python_path l "python path" t "enter the directory of the site-packages folder that contains the numpy module" -STARTLINE}
python_path /opt/sidefx/hfs19.0.455/python/lib/python3.7/site-packages
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Reformat {
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push $N147ca240
push $N147ca240
push $N147ca240
push $N147ca240
push $N147ca240
push $N147ca240
push $N147ca240
push $N147ca240
push $N147ca240
push $N147ca240
push $N147ca240
push $N147ca240
push $N147ca240
push $N147ca240
push $N147ca240
push $N147ca240
push $N147ca240
push $N147ca240
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addUserKnob {20 MacbethColorChecker_tab l MacbethColorChecker}
addUserKnob {41 gamut T XYZD65ToGamut.gamut}
addUserKnob {3 patch_resolution l "patch resolution"}
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addUserKnob {7 gap R 10 50}
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Group {
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addUserKnob {19 colour_RGBA_Color_Knob l Colour}
colour_RGBA_Color_Knob {0.30451114 0.4143554688 0.344352688 1}
addUserKnob {6 colour_RGBA_Color_Knob_panelDropped l "panel dropped state" -STARTLINE +HIDDEN}
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name Output
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Group {
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name blue_flower
xpos 512
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addUserKnob {20 sample_Tab l Sample}
addUserKnob {19 colour_RGBA_Color_Knob l Colour}
colour_RGBA_Color_Knob {0.2419823988 0.2287175998 0.3282104382 1}
addUserKnob {6 colour_RGBA_Color_Knob_panelDropped l "panel dropped state" -STARTLINE +HIDDEN}
addUserKnob {1 name_Text_Knob l Name}
name_Text_Knob "blue flower"
addUserKnob {1 index_Text_Knob l Index}
index_Text_Knob 5
addUserKnob {3 resolution}
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name Reformat1
Output {
name Output
xpos 262
ypos 173
Group {
inputs 0
name foliage
xpos 402
ypos -321
postage_stamp true
addUserKnob {20 sample_Tab l Sample}
addUserKnob {19 colour_RGBA_Color_Knob l Colour}
colour_RGBA_Color_Knob {0.1114392339 0.1346792679 0.05239320311 1}
addUserKnob {6 colour_RGBA_Color_Knob_panelDropped l "panel dropped state" -STARTLINE +HIDDEN}
addUserKnob {1 name_Text_Knob l Name}
name_Text_Knob foliage
addUserKnob {1 index_Text_Knob l Index}
index_Text_Knob 4
addUserKnob {3 resolution}
resolution {{parent.patch_resolution}}
Constant {
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color {{parent.colour_RGBA_Color_Knob.r} {parent.colour_RGBA_Color_Knob.g} {parent.colour_RGBA_Color_Knob.b} {parent.colour_RGBA_Color_Knob.a}}
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name Constant
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Reformat {
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name Reformat1
Output {
name Output
xpos 262
ypos 173
Group {
inputs 0
name blue_sky
xpos 292
ypos -321
postage_stamp true
addUserKnob {20 sample_Tab l Sample}
addUserKnob {19 colour_RGBA_Color_Knob l Colour}
colour_RGBA_Color_Knob {0.1652470004 0.1785519348 0.2546024121 1}
addUserKnob {6 colour_RGBA_Color_Knob_panelDropped l "panel dropped state" -STARTLINE +HIDDEN}
addUserKnob {1 name_Text_Knob l Name}
name_Text_Knob "blue sky"
addUserKnob {1 index_Text_Knob l Index}
index_Text_Knob 3
addUserKnob {3 resolution}
resolution {{parent.patch_resolution}}
Constant {
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name Constant
xpos 262
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Reformat {
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name Reformat1
Output {
name Output
xpos 262
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Group {
inputs 0
name light_skin
xpos 180
ypos -321
postage_stamp true
addUserKnob {20 sample_Tab l Sample}
addUserKnob {19 colour_RGBA_Color_Knob l Colour}
colour_RGBA_Color_Knob {0.3811104477 0.336202304 0.1852590702 1}
addUserKnob {6 colour_RGBA_Color_Knob_panelDropped l "panel dropped state" -STARTLINE +HIDDEN}
addUserKnob {1 name_Text_Knob l Name}
name_Text_Knob "light skin"
addUserKnob {1 index_Text_Knob l Index}
index_Text_Knob 2
addUserKnob {3 resolution}
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name Output
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xpos 70
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addUserKnob {20 sample_Tab l Sample}
addUserKnob {19 colour_RGBA_Color_Knob l Colour}
colour_RGBA_Color_Knob {0.1136398927 0.09832436105 0.047793811 1}
addUserKnob {6 colour_RGBA_Color_Knob_panelDropped l "panel dropped state" -STARTLINE +HIDDEN}
addUserKnob {1 name_Text_Knob l Name}
name_Text_Knob "dark skin"
addUserKnob {1 index_Text_Knob l Index}
index_Text_Knob 1
addUserKnob {3 resolution}
resolution {{parent.patch_resolution}}
Constant {
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name Constant
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name Reformat1
xpos 290
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Output {
name Output
xpos 290
ypos 230
Group {
inputs 0
name orange_yellow
xpos 622
ypos -201
postage_stamp true
addUserKnob {20 sample_Tab l Sample}
addUserKnob {19 colour_RGBA_Color_Knob l Colour}
colour_RGBA_Color_Knob {0.4769723742 0.4293377578 0.06005041429 1}
addUserKnob {6 colour_RGBA_Color_Knob_panelDropped l "panel dropped state" -STARTLINE +HIDDEN}
addUserKnob {1 name_Text_Knob l Name}
name_Text_Knob "orange yellow"
addUserKnob {1 index_Text_Knob l Index}
index_Text_Knob 12
addUserKnob {3 resolution}
resolution {{parent.patch_resolution}}
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name Constant
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Reformat {
type "to box"
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filter impulse
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name Reformat1
Output {
name Output
xpos 262
ypos 173
Group {
inputs 0
name yellow_green
xpos 512
ypos -201
postage_stamp true
addUserKnob {20 sample_Tab l Sample}
addUserKnob {19 colour_RGBA_Color_Knob l Colour}
colour_RGBA_Color_Knob {0.3427379502 0.4331759409 0.08330791241 1}
addUserKnob {6 colour_RGBA_Color_Knob_panelDropped l "panel dropped state" -STARTLINE +HIDDEN}
addUserKnob {1 name_Text_Knob l Name}
name_Text_Knob "yellow green"
addUserKnob {1 index_Text_Knob l Index}
index_Text_Knob 11
addUserKnob {3 resolution}
resolution {{parent.patch_resolution}}
Constant {
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color {{parent.colour_RGBA_Color_Knob.r} {parent.colour_RGBA_Color_Knob.g} {parent.colour_RGBA_Color_Knob.b} {parent.colour_RGBA_Color_Knob.a}}
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name Constant
xpos 262
ypos 53
Reformat {
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box_height {{parent.resolution}}
box_fixed true
filter impulse
black_outside true
name Reformat1
Output {
name Output
xpos 262
ypos 173
Group {
inputs 0
name purple
xpos 401
ypos -201
postage_stamp true
addUserKnob {20 sample_Tab l Sample}
addUserKnob {19 colour_RGBA_Color_Knob l Colour}
colour_RGBA_Color_Knob {0.08353888545 0.06276662955 0.1042075686 1}
addUserKnob {6 colour_RGBA_Color_Knob_panelDropped l "panel dropped state" -STARTLINE +HIDDEN}
addUserKnob {1 name_Text_Knob l Name}
name_Text_Knob purple
addUserKnob {1 index_Text_Knob l Index}
index_Text_Knob 10
addUserKnob {3 resolution}
resolution {{parent.patch_resolution}}
Constant {
inputs 0
color {{parent.colour_RGBA_Color_Knob.r} {parent.colour_RGBA_Color_Knob.g} {parent.colour_RGBA_Color_Knob.b} {parent.colour_RGBA_Color_Knob.a}}
format "512 512 0 0 512 512 1 square_512"
name Constant
xpos 262
ypos 53
Reformat {
type "to box"
box_width {{parent.resolution}}
box_height {{parent.resolution}}
box_fixed true
filter impulse
black_outside true
name Reformat1
Output {
name Output
xpos 262
ypos 173
Group {
inputs 0
name moderate_red
xpos 290
ypos -201
postage_stamp true
addUserKnob {20 sample_Tab l Sample}
addUserKnob {19 colour_RGBA_Color_Knob l Colour}
colour_RGBA_Color_Knob {0.2915036416 0.188999956 0.09736350318 1}
addUserKnob {6 colour_RGBA_Color_Knob_panelDropped l "panel dropped state" -STARTLINE +HIDDEN}
addUserKnob {1 name_Text_Knob l Name}
name_Text_Knob "moderate red"
addUserKnob {1 index_Text_Knob l Index}
index_Text_Knob 9
addUserKnob {3 resolution}
resolution {{parent.patch_resolution}}
Constant {
inputs 0
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format "512 512 0 0 512 512 1 square_512"
name Constant
xpos 262
ypos 53
Reformat {
type "to box"
box_width {{parent.resolution}}
box_height {{parent.resolution}}
box_fixed true
filter impulse
black_outside true
name Reformat1
Output {
name Output
xpos 262
ypos 173
Group {
inputs 0
name purplish_blue
xpos 180
ypos -201
postage_stamp true
addUserKnob {20 sample_Tab l Sample}
addUserKnob {19 colour_RGBA_Color_Knob l Colour}
colour_RGBA_Color_Knob {0.1200518326 0.1091090233 0.2874447494 1}
addUserKnob {6 colour_RGBA_Color_Knob_panelDropped l "panel dropped state" -STARTLINE +HIDDEN}
addUserKnob {1 name_Text_Knob l Name}
name_Text_Knob "purplish blue"
addUserKnob {1 index_Text_Knob l Index}
index_Text_Knob 8
addUserKnob {3 resolution}
resolution {{parent.patch_resolution}}
Constant {
inputs 0
color {{parent.colour_RGBA_Color_Knob.r} {parent.colour_RGBA_Color_Knob.g} {parent.colour_RGBA_Color_Knob.b} {parent.colour_RGBA_Color_Knob.a}}
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name Constant
xpos 262
ypos 53
Reformat {
type "to box"
box_width {{parent.resolution}}
box_height {{parent.resolution}}
box_fixed true
filter impulse
black_outside true
name Reformat1
Output {
name Output
xpos 262
ypos 173
Group {
inputs 0
name orange
xpos 74
ypos -201
postage_stamp true
addUserKnob {20 sample_Tab l Sample}
addUserKnob {19 colour_RGBA_Color_Knob l Colour}
colour_RGBA_Color_Knob {0.4073691399 0.3126416159 0.05130591012 1}
addUserKnob {6 colour_RGBA_Color_Knob_panelDropped l "panel dropped state" -STARTLINE +HIDDEN}
addUserKnob {1 name_Text_Knob l Name}
name_Text_Knob orange
addUserKnob {1 index_Text_Knob l Index}
index_Text_Knob 7
addUserKnob {3 resolution}
resolution {{parent.patch_resolution}}
Constant {
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name Constant
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name Reformat1
Output {
name Output
xpos 262
ypos 173
Group {
inputs 0
name cyan
xpos 622
ypos -81
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addUserKnob {20 sample_Tab l Sample}
addUserKnob {19 colour_RGBA_Color_Knob l Colour}
colour_RGBA_Color_Knob {0.1247966941 0.180609913 0.2913392383 1}
addUserKnob {6 colour_RGBA_Color_Knob_panelDropped l "panel dropped state" -STARTLINE +HIDDEN}
addUserKnob {1 name_Text_Knob l Name}
name_Text_Knob cyan
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index_Text_Knob 18
addUserKnob {3 resolution}
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name Constant
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name Reformat1
Output {
name Output
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inputs 0
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xpos 512
ypos -81
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addUserKnob {20 sample_Tab l Sample}
addUserKnob {19 colour_RGBA_Color_Knob l Colour}
colour_RGBA_Color_Knob {0.299122798 0.1895114577 0.2213469194 1}
addUserKnob {6 colour_RGBA_Color_Knob_panelDropped l "panel dropped state" -STARTLINE +HIDDEN}
addUserKnob {1 name_Text_Knob l Name}
name_Text_Knob magenta
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index_Text_Knob 17
addUserKnob {3 resolution}
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name Constant
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name Reformat1
Output {
name Output
xpos 262
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name yellow
xpos 399
ypos -81
postage_stamp true
addUserKnob {20 sample_Tab l Sample}
addUserKnob {19 colour_RGBA_Color_Knob l Colour}
colour_RGBA_Color_Knob {0.5888922356 0.5992976803 0.07077420003 1}
addUserKnob {6 colour_RGBA_Color_Knob_panelDropped l "panel dropped state" -STARTLINE +HIDDEN}
addUserKnob {1 name_Text_Knob l Name}
name_Text_Knob yellow
addUserKnob {1 index_Text_Knob l Index}
index_Text_Knob 16
addUserKnob {3 resolution}
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name Constant
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name Reformat1
xpos 262
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Output {
name Output
xpos 262
ypos 182
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inputs 0
name red
xpos 292
ypos -81
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addUserKnob {20 sample_Tab l Sample}
addUserKnob {19 colour_RGBA_Color_Knob l Colour}
colour_RGBA_Color_Knob {0.2143728424 0.127800835 0.03868150726 1}
addUserKnob {6 colour_RGBA_Color_Knob_panelDropped l "panel dropped state" -STARTLINE +HIDDEN}
addUserKnob {1 name_Text_Knob l Name}
name_Text_Knob red
addUserKnob {1 index_Text_Knob l Index}
index_Text_Knob 15
addUserKnob {3 resolution}
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name Constant
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name Reformat1
Output {
name Output
xpos 262
ypos 173
Group {
inputs 0
name green
xpos 182
ypos -81
postage_stamp true
addUserKnob {20 sample_Tab l Sample}
addUserKnob {19 colour_RGBA_Color_Knob l Colour}
colour_RGBA_Color_Knob {0.1413517689 0.2233437582 0.07287461742 1}
addUserKnob {6 colour_RGBA_Color_Knob_panelDropped l "panel dropped state" -STARTLINE +HIDDEN}
addUserKnob {1 name_Text_Knob l Name}
name_Text_Knob green
addUserKnob {1 index_Text_Knob l Index}
index_Text_Knob 14
addUserKnob {3 resolution}
resolution {{parent.patch_resolution}}
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name Constant
xpos 262
ypos 53
Reformat {
type "to box"
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filter impulse
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name Reformat1
Output {
name Output
xpos 262
ypos 173
Group {
inputs 0
name blue
xpos 72
ypos -81
postage_stamp true
addUserKnob {20 sample_Tab l Sample}
addUserKnob {19 colour_RGBA_Color_Knob l Colour}
colour_RGBA_Color_Knob {0.06809095613 0.05596214063 0.2077405936 1}
addUserKnob {6 colour_RGBA_Color_Knob_panelDropped l "panel dropped state" -STARTLINE +HIDDEN}
addUserKnob {1 name_Text_Knob l Name}
name_Text_Knob blue
addUserKnob {1 index_Text_Knob l Index}
index_Text_Knob 13
addUserKnob {3 resolution}
resolution {{parent.patch_resolution}}
Constant {
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name Constant
xpos 262
ypos 53
Reformat {
type "to box"
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name Reformat1
Output {
name Output
xpos 262
ypos 173
Group {
inputs 0
name black_2
xpos 623
ypos 39
postage_stamp true
addUserKnob {20 sample_Tab l Sample}
addUserKnob {19 colour_RGBA_Color_Knob l Colour}
colour_RGBA_Color_Knob {0.03042544265 0.03151319431 0.02656724434 1}
addUserKnob {6 colour_RGBA_Color_Knob_panelDropped l "panel dropped state" -STARTLINE +HIDDEN}
addUserKnob {1 name_Text_Knob l Name}
name_Text_Knob "black 2 (1.5 D)"
addUserKnob {1 index_Text_Knob l Index}
index_Text_Knob 24
addUserKnob {3 resolution}
resolution {{parent.patch_resolution}}
Constant {
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name Constant
xpos 262
ypos 53
Reformat {
type "to box"
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filter impulse
black_outside true
name Reformat1
xpos 262
ypos 125
Output {
name Output
xpos 262
ypos 173
Group {
inputs 0
name neutral_3
xpos 512
ypos 39
postage_stamp true
addUserKnob {20 sample_Tab l Sample}
addUserKnob {19 colour_RGBA_Color_Knob l Colour}
colour_RGBA_Color_Knob {0.08448968042 0.08817234828 0.07391630753 1}
addUserKnob {6 colour_RGBA_Color_Knob_panelDropped l "panel dropped state" -STARTLINE +HIDDEN}
addUserKnob {1 name_Text_Knob l Name}
name_Text_Knob "neutral 3.5 (1.05 D)"
addUserKnob {1 index_Text_Knob l Index}
index_Text_Knob 23
addUserKnob {3 resolution}
resolution {{parent.patch_resolution}}
Constant {
inputs 0
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name Constant
xpos 262
ypos 53
Reformat {
type "to box"
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box_fixed true
filter impulse
black_outside true
name Reformat1
Output {
name Output
xpos 262
ypos 173
Group {
inputs 0
name neutral_5
xpos 403
ypos 39
postage_stamp true
addUserKnob {20 sample_Tab l Sample}
addUserKnob {19 colour_RGBA_Color_Knob l Colour}
colour_RGBA_Color_Knob {0.1835495863 0.1906228754 0.1566717383 1}
addUserKnob {6 colour_RGBA_Color_Knob_panelDropped l "panel dropped state" -STARTLINE +HIDDEN}
addUserKnob {1 name_Text_Knob l Name}
name_Text_Knob "neutral 5 (.70 D)"
addUserKnob {1 index_Text_Knob l Index}
index_Text_Knob 22
addUserKnob {3 resolution}
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Constant {
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name Constant
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type "to box"
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filter impulse
black_outside true
name Reformat1
Output {
name Output
xpos 262
ypos 173
Group {
inputs 0
name neutral_6
xpos 292
ypos 39
postage_stamp true
addUserKnob {20 sample_Tab l Sample}
addUserKnob {19 colour_RGBA_Color_Knob l Colour}
colour_RGBA_Color_Knob {0.3495921991 0.3648652066 0.3013565492 1}
addUserKnob {6 colour_RGBA_Color_Knob_panelDropped l "panel dropped state" -STARTLINE +HIDDEN}
addUserKnob {1 name_Text_Knob l Name}
name_Text_Knob "neutral 6.5 (.44 D)"
addUserKnob {1 index_Text_Knob l Index}
index_Text_Knob 21
addUserKnob {3 resolution}
resolution {{parent.patch_resolution}}
Constant {
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name Constant
xpos 262
ypos 53
Reformat {
type "to box"
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box_fixed true
filter impulse
black_outside true
name Reformat1
Output {
name Output
xpos 262
ypos 173
Group {
inputs 0
name neutral_8
xpos 179
ypos 39
postage_stamp true
addUserKnob {20 sample_Tab l Sample}
addUserKnob {19 colour_RGBA_Color_Knob l Colour}
colour_RGBA_Color_Knob {0.5665335579 0.5899709702 0.4828473821 1}
addUserKnob {6 colour_RGBA_Color_Knob_panelDropped l "panel dropped state" -STARTLINE +HIDDEN}
addUserKnob {1 name_Text_Knob l Name}
name_Text_Knob "neutral 8 (.23 D)"
addUserKnob {1 index_Text_Knob l Index}
index_Text_Knob 20
addUserKnob {3 resolution}
resolution {{parent.patch_resolution}}
Constant {
inputs 0
color {{parent.colour_RGBA_Color_Knob.r} {parent.colour_RGBA_Color_Knob.g} {parent.colour_RGBA_Color_Knob.b} {parent.colour_RGBA_Color_Knob.a}}
format "512 512 0 0 512 512 1 square_512"
name Constant
xpos 262
ypos 53
Reformat {
type "to box"
box_width {{parent.resolution}}
box_height {{parent.resolution}}
box_fixed true
filter impulse
black_outside true
name Reformat1
Output {
name Output
xpos 262
ypos 173
Group {
inputs 0
name white_9
xpos 70
ypos 39
postage_stamp true
addUserKnob {20 sample_Tab l Sample}
addUserKnob {19 colour_RGBA_Color_Knob l Colour}
colour_RGBA_Color_Knob {0.8436985288 0.8806903203 0.6936778752 1}
addUserKnob {6 colour_RGBA_Color_Knob_panelDropped l "panel dropped state" -STARTLINE +HIDDEN}
addUserKnob {1 name_Text_Knob l Name}
name_Text_Knob "white 9.5 (.05 D)"
addUserKnob {1 index_Text_Knob l Index}
index_Text_Knob 19
addUserKnob {3 resolution}
resolution {{parent.patch_resolution}}
Constant {
inputs 0
color {{parent.colour_RGBA_Color_Knob.r} {parent.colour_RGBA_Color_Knob.g} {parent.colour_RGBA_Color_Knob.b} {parent.colour_RGBA_Color_Knob.a}}
format "512 512 0 0 512 512 1 square_512"
name Constant
xpos 262
ypos 53
Reformat {
type "to box"
box_width {{parent.resolution}}
box_height {{parent.resolution}}
box_fixed true
filter impulse
black_outside true
name Reformat1
xpos 262
ypos 134
Output {
name Output
xpos 262
ypos 173
ContactSheet {
inputs 24
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height {{"rint(parent.patch_resolution * 4 + gap * 5)"}}
rows 4
columns 6
startframe 1
endframe 1
name ContactSheet
xpos 620
ypos 206
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name Output
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ypos 326
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name ColorMatrix
label "D50 to D65 - CAT02"
note_font Helvetica
xpos 1170
ypos -327
Group {
name XYZD65ToGamut
tile_color 0x429940ff
xpos 1170
ypos -274
cached true
addUserKnob {20 InputGamut_to_XYZ_tab l InputGamut_to_XYZ}
addUserKnob {4 gamut M {ACES ACEScg P3D65 Rec.2020 Rec.709 "Arri WideGamut 3" "Arri WideGamut 4" "Red WideGamut RGB" "Sony SGamut3" "Sony SGamut3.Cine" "Panasonic V-Gamut" "Blackmagic Wide Gamut" "Filmlight E-Gamut" "DaVinci Wide Gamut"}}
gamut ACEScg
addUserKnob {41 matrix T ColorMatrix.matrix}
addUserKnob {41 invert -STARTLINE T ColorMatrix.invert}
Input {
inputs 0
name Input
xpos 290
ypos -610
Dot {
name Dot1
xpos 324
ypos -546
set N1421d3c0 [stack 0]
ColorMatrix {
matrix {
{{"SwitchGamut.input\[value SwitchGamut.which].matrix"} {"SwitchGamut.input\[value SwitchGamut.which].matrix"} {"SwitchGamut.input\[value SwitchGamut.which].matrix"}}
{{"SwitchGamut.input\[value SwitchGamut.which].matrix"} {"SwitchGamut.input\[value SwitchGamut.which].matrix"} {"SwitchGamut.input\[value SwitchGamut.which].matrix"}}
{{"SwitchGamut.input\[value SwitchGamut.which].matrix"} {"SwitchGamut.input\[value SwitchGamut.which].matrix"} {"SwitchGamut.input\[value SwitchGamut.which].matrix"}}
name ColorMatrix
xpos 290
ypos -370
Output {
name Output
xpos 290
ypos -250
push $N1421d3c0
Dot {
name Dot391
label " XYZ D65 to *RGB -- CAT02"
xpos 434
ypos -546
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name ColorMatrix4
label "XYZ D65 to DaVinci Wide Gamut"
xpos 1830
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name ColorMatrix3
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xpos 1720
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xpos 1610
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name ColorMatrix14
label "XYZ D65 to Panasonic V-Gamut"
xpos 1500
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name ColorMatrix13
label "XYZ D65 to Sony SGamut3.Cine"
xpos 1390
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name ColorMatrix12
label "XYZ D65 to Sony SGamut3"
xpos 1280
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name ColorMatrix11
label "XYZ D65 to RED Wide Gamut RGB"
xpos 1170
ypos -471
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{0 0 0.9182249512}
name ColorMatrix10
label "XYZ D65 to Arri Wide Gamut 4"
xpos 1060
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xpos 950
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{0.0556300797 -0.2039769589 1.056971514}
name ColorMatrix8
label "XYZ D65 to Rec709"
xpos 840
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{0.01763985745 -0.04277061326 0.9421031212}
name ColorMatrix7
label "XYZ D65 to Rec2020"
xpos 730
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ColorMatrix {
matrix {
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{0.03584583024 -0.07617238927 0.956884524}
name ColorMatrix6
label "XYZ D65 to P3D65"
xpos 620
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name ColorMatrix19
label "XYZ D65 to ACES AP1"
xpos 510
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name ColorMatrix5
label "XYZ D65 to ACES AP0"
xpos 400
ypos -471
Switch {
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which {{gamut}}
name SwitchGamut
xpos 400
ypos -372
Grid {
number {6 4}
size {{}}
color 0
name Grid1
xpos 1170
ypos -225
Output {
name Output
xpos 1170
ypos -58
StickyNote {
inputs 0
name StickyNote1
tile_color 0x767676ff
gl_color 0x767676ff
label "<pre>\n<font size=6><b>Macbeth ColorChecker Classic (After 2014)</b><font>\n"
note_font_size 14
xpos 1330
ypos -438
Copy {
inputs 2
from0 rgba.alpha
to0 mask.a
name Copy1
xpos -590
ypos -1096
Dot {
name Dot3
label " "
xpos -556
ypos -1038
set Ne266980 [stack 0]
Shuffle {
in2 mask
alpha red2
name Shuffle1
label "\[value in] -> \[value out]"
xpos -590
ypos -976
Premult {
name Premult1
xpos -590
ypos -922
set Ne27cbc0 [stack 0]
Input {
inputs 0
name Input
selected true
xpos 70
ypos -1330
ColorMatrix {
matrix {
{1 0 0}
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name ColorMatrix
xpos 70
ypos -1282
disable {{parent.bypass_mtx}}
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name Dot1
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xpos 104
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name Dot5
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CornerPin2D {
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shutteroffset centred
from1 {{parent.BL} {parent.BL}}
from2 {{parent.BR} {parent.BR}}
from3 {{parent.TR} {parent.TR}}
from4 {{parent.TL} {parent.TL}}
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xpos -150
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black_outside true
name ReformatBox
xpos -150
ypos -1114
Dot {
name Dot6
label " "
xpos -116
ypos -1038
set Nfb40e40 [stack 0]
Merge2 {
inputs 2
bbox B
name Merge2
xpos -150
ypos -922
disable {{parent.disable_overlay}}
Dot {
name Dot2
label " "
xpos -116
ypos -678
push $Ne27cbc0
CornerPin2D {
to1 {{parent.BL} {parent.BL}}
to2 {{parent.BR} {parent.BR}}
to3 {{parent.TR} {parent.TR}}
to4 {{parent.TL} {parent.TL}}
invert false
shutteroffset centred
from1 {0 0}
from2 {{input.width} 0}
from3 {{input.width} {input.height}}
from4 {0 {input.height}}
name CornerPin2D2
xpos -590
ypos -850
Reformat {
type "to box"
box_width {{parent.Input.width}}
box_height {{parent.Input.height}}
box_fixed true
box_pixel_aspect {{parent.Input.pixel_aspect}}
resize none
center false
name Reformat1
xpos -590
ypos -802
Dot {
name Dot4
label " "
xpos -556
ypos -750
push $Ne296a20
Merge2 {
inputs 2
bbox B
name Merge1
xpos 70
ypos -754
disable {{parent.disable_overlay}}
Switch {
inputs 2
which {{parent.output_compare}}
name Compare
xpos 70
ypos -682
Output {
name Output
xpos 70
ypos -562
push $Nfb40e40
Multiply {
channels rgb
value {{dst/src}}
name Normalize
xpos -260
ypos -1042
addUserKnob {20 Normalize}
addUserKnob {7 src R 0 4}
addUserKnob {7 dst R 0 4}
dst 0.1906265074
push $Ne266980
NoOp {
name macbeth_points
xpos -480
ypos -1042
addUserKnob {20 macbeth_points}
addUserKnob {12 p11}
p11 {{"(input.width / 6) * 1 - (input.width / 12)"} {"(input.height / 4) * 4 - (input.height / 4 / 2)"}}
addUserKnob {12 p12}
p12 {{"(input.width / 6) * 2 - (input.width / 12)"} {"(input.height / 4) * 4 - (input.height / 4 / 2)"}}
addUserKnob {12 p13}
p13 {{"(input.width / 6) * 3 - (input.width / 12)"} {"(input.height / 4) * 4 - (input.height / 4 / 2)"}}
addUserKnob {12 p14}
p14 {{"(input.width / 6) * 4 - (input.width / 12)"} {"(input.height / 4) * 4 - (input.height / 4 / 2)"}}
addUserKnob {12 p15}
p15 {{"(input.width / 6) * 5 - (input.width / 12)"} {"(input.height / 4) * 4 - (input.height / 4 / 2)"}}
addUserKnob {12 p16}
p16 {{"(input.width / 6) * 6 - (input.width / 12)"} {"(input.height / 4) * 4 - (input.height / 4 / 2)"}}
addUserKnob {26 ""}
addUserKnob {12 p21}
p21 {{"(input.width / 6) * 1 - (input.width / 12)"} {"(input.height / 4) * 3 - (input.height / 4 / 2)"}}
addUserKnob {12 p22}
p22 {{"(input.width / 6) * 2 - (input.width / 12)"} {"(input.height / 4) * 3 - (input.height / 4 / 2)"}}
addUserKnob {12 p23}
p23 {{"(input.width / 6) * 3 - (input.width / 12)"} {"(input.height / 4) * 3 - (input.height / 4 / 2)"}}
addUserKnob {12 p24}
p24 {{"(input.width / 6) * 4 - (input.width / 12)"} {"(input.height / 4) * 3 - (input.height / 4 / 2)"}}
addUserKnob {12 p25}
p25 {{"(input.width / 6) * 5 - (input.width / 12)"} {"(input.height / 4) * 3 - (input.height / 4 / 2)"}}
addUserKnob {12 p26}
p26 {{"(input.width / 6) * 6 - (input.width / 12)"} {"(input.height / 4) * 3 - (input.height / 4 / 2)"}}
addUserKnob {26 ""}
addUserKnob {12 p31}
p31 {{"(input.width / 6) * 1 - (input.width / 12)"} {"(input.height / 4) * 2 - (input.height / 4 / 2)"}}
addUserKnob {12 p32}
p32 {{"(input.width / 6) * 2 - (input.width / 12)"} {"(input.height / 4) * 2 - (input.height / 4 / 2)"}}
addUserKnob {12 p33}
p33 {{"(input.width / 6) * 3 - (input.width / 12)"} {"(input.height / 4) * 2 - (input.height / 4 / 2)"}}
addUserKnob {12 p34}
p34 {{"(input.width / 6) * 4 - (input.width / 12)"} {"(input.height / 4) * 2 - (input.height / 4 / 2)"}}
addUserKnob {12 p35}
p35 {{"(input.width / 6) * 5 - (input.width / 12)"} {"(input.height / 4) * 2 - (input.height / 4 / 2)"}}
addUserKnob {12 p36}
p36 {{"(input.width / 6) * 6 - (input.width / 12)"} {"(input.height / 4) * 2 - (input.height / 4 / 2)"}}
addUserKnob {26 ""}
addUserKnob {12 p41}
p41 {{"(input.width / 6) * 1 - (input.width / 12)"} {"(input.height / 4) * 1 - (input.height / 4 / 2)"}}
addUserKnob {12 p42}
p42 {{"(input.width / 6) * 2 - (input.width / 12)"} {"(input.height / 4) * 1 - (input.height / 4 / 2)"}}
addUserKnob {12 p43}
p43 {{"(input.width / 6) * 3 - (input.width / 12)"} {"(input.height / 4) * 1 - (input.height / 4 / 2)"}}
addUserKnob {12 p44}
p44 {{"(input.width / 6) * 4 - (input.width / 12)"} {"(input.height / 4) * 1 - (input.height / 4 / 2)"}}
addUserKnob {12 p45}
p45 {{"(input.width / 6) * 5 - (input.width / 12)"} {"(input.height / 4) * 1 - (input.height / 4 / 2)"}}
addUserKnob {12 p46}
p46 {{"(input.width / 6) * 6 - (input.width / 12)"} {"(input.height / 4) * 1 - (input.height / 4 / 2)"}}
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tiltX commented Apr 1, 2023

Thanks for this great tool, @jedypod! I've just had a show that was using REDWideGamutRGB and noticed that this particular colorspace is missing even though the large stickynote inside makes mention of it. It wasn't a problem to convert everything to a supported gamut but in case you are still developing this tool, REDWideGamutRGB might be a useful addition.

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jedypod commented Apr 1, 2023

@tiltX Thanks, it's been on my list forever to scrap that massive list of useless colorspaces with something more reasonable and modern. (When's the last time you used Ekta Space PS 5?) I just pushed an update which hopefully improves the situation.

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I have nuke 14.0v3 and i am assigning numpy path from Houdini 19.50403-Py3.9 but when i hit calibrate, i get the following error in nuke:

module 'numpy' has no attribute 'transpose'

Can you point me to what i might be doing wrong?

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